The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1572 Slaughtering the Swamp Crocodile

Chapter 1572 Slaughtering the Swamp Crocodile

After Qin Lang thought about it, he didn't continue to go to other areas, but returned to the quagmire area by the same route. That's right, he just wanted to see if he could get a bargain. After all, he saw the seriously injured seventh-order evil spirit. The ghost fled in the direction of the mire.

With the original strength of the seventh-level evil ghost, Qin Lang didn't even dare to think about this cheap evil ghost at all, but now that the seventh-level evil ghost is seriously injured by the fission of the nucleus, his strength has long been inferior to before, and Qin Lang has already taken down this evil ghost alone. Maybe, that's why I thought of trying my luck.

Of course, there are many casual cultivators who have the same idea as Qin Lang along the way, but it is unknown whether these casual cultivators have the strength to pass the quagmire. Anyway, Qin Lang will only care about himself and will not care about the life and death of others.

After all, being stuck in the quagmire is a very dangerous area. Even Qin Lang feels that being able to protect himself is already very good, and other casual cultivators whose cultivation is not as good as Qin Lang, since they have this ambition to break into the dragon's pool and tiger's lair, they have to bear the price of death .

You must know that this is the Peerless Ruins, a secret realm where danger and opportunity coexist. The premise is that you must have the luck and strength to get the corresponding benefits.

A large wave of casual cultivators went to the edge of the quagmire, and the swamp crocodiles trapped in the edge of the quagmire were activated one by one. These swamp crocodiles have a very strong sense of territory. If they find a monk passing by their territory, they will basically fight with them. This monk is dead to the end.

Therefore, the whole battle in the quagmire is now raging. Although there are not many casual cultivators who enter here to look for opportunities, there are still one or two hundred, and most of them form teams of four or five to fight against the quagmire crocodile. The scene is also extremely intense.

As a fifth-order monster, the mire crocodile has environmental factors to fight in the quagmire area, and its strength is even more terrifying than that of ordinary Nascent Soul early stage monks. Therefore, these casual cultivators want to kill every quagmire crocodile in the quagmire area. It's easy, but you need to go all out to deal with it.

If the strength is not enough, it is certain that the whole team is trapped in the quagmire area. Qin Lang saw such a living example after entering the quagmire area. I was lucky, and for some reason, I provoked two swamp crocodiles to attack at the same time. The two swamp crocodiles intermingled one after the other, and none of the monks in the team survived.

The tragedy caused by the attack of the two swamp crocodiles can be clearly seen by many casual cultivators not far away. The mature body of this swamp crocodile in the swamp area is four to five feet long, and the scales on its body are very thick, probably ten times stronger than steel plates. The tail is almost as quick and swift as a whip, and it crackles as it pumps the air.

As a result, the six monks in this team were unavoidable when they were attacked by two swamp crocodiles. All of them were hit by the metal-like thick long tail of the swamp crocodile.

In fact, before the swamp crocodile attacked, this team of monks did not fail to activate some defensive measures in the body, but it was useless at all. Being hit by the tail of the swamp crocodile was more powerful than a magic weapon, so they were only cultivators in the middle and late stages of alchemy. The defensive strength of the self-inflicted magic weapon was simply not enough to look at. A direct blow of the whip smashed the body and the defensive force field to pieces.

The strength of the swamp crocodile also frightened many monks with weaker cultivation bases or insufficient combat experience. These insufficient abilities retreated from the quagmire area one after another. This is actually a very wise choice.

After all, it is very dangerous to be trapped in the quagmire, and it seems that there is no other output except for the inner alchemy of the monster and the materials on the monster. This kind of danger is huge, and the output is relatively simple. It is really not suitable for ordinary monks to take risks.

After a large number of casual cultivators retreated thinking that they were not capable enough, the remaining casual cultivators in the quagmire were less than ten teams, and the total number of casual cultivators was less than 50.

And the combat experience of the rest of these teams is much better. They are obviously veterans who have often fought monsters. Qin Lang even saw a team of monks in the middle of the alchemy fighting against the swamp crocodile, and they were not weak. downwind.

However, this team is full of monks in the middle stage of alchemy, so the ability to kill the swamp crocodile is not flattering. After fighting for a long time, the swamp crocodile only suffered some minor injuries. It seems that they want to kill this swamp crocodile To kill a crocodile, with the ability of this casual cultivator team, it would be impossible in less than a dozen hours.

Seeing this, Qin Lang also shook his head, and began to gradually walk towards the center of the muddy quagmire, carefully avoiding a large number of swamp crocodiles along the way, and trying not to fight the local monsters on the edge of the muddy quagmire.

However, the area around the edge of the muddy quagmire is the territory of the swamp crocodile for dozens of miles. No matter how careful Qin Lang is, he will occasionally trigger the attack of the swamp crocodile, so once Qin Lang triggers the attack of the swamp crocodile, he will stop and fight it. With his current strength in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, he could easily kill one with a flying sword in his hand, without much effort at all.

After all, the swamp crocodile is only a fifth-order monster, and it is not too different from the monks who formed the alchemy Dzogchen. The reason why they are powerful is that they have a geographical advantage, so they have the combat ability equivalent to the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, what Qin Lang said is that he is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he is using the method of sword repair to attack them from a long distance. The attack of sword energy is very sharp. Even if the leather armor of the swamp crocodile is thick, it is useless, because Qin Lang specifically picks out their weaknesses. to attack.

The weak points of the swamp crocodile are the eyes, nostrils, and wide open mouth. A casual cultivator with general combat experience who is not very strong would not be able to attack the weak point at all. After all, the swamp crocodile is well protected against its own weaknesses very good.

And every time Qin Lang opened his mouth, opened his eyes, or used his nostrils to breathe, he launched sword energy to kill. Basically, when he attacked the inside of the mouth, he could injure the internal five internal organs, and he would kill with one blow.

If the eyes and nostrils are attacked, the lethality is much smaller, but the eyes are the second most important point of the swamp crocodile. If both eyes are injured, the swamp crocodile will basically be scrapped, just like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered. , and then Qin Lang will kill it without any effort.

Killing these monsters along the way, Qin Lang has harvested [-] or [-] inner pills of the fifth-order swamp crocodile in less than an hour, and the body of the swamp crocodile is also very valuable. Leather armor can be used to refine weapons, and flesh and blood are rare High-grade ingredients, I heard that the meat made is very delicious and very popular with diners in the restaurant.

Therefore, in the process of killing monsters, Qin Lang also collected the corpses of dozens of swamp crocodiles. Each of these swamp crocodiles weighed about one or two tons. There are a lot of bags and plenty of storage space, but it takes a lot of weight to charge too much.

You must know that the storage bag is completely incomparable with the storage ring. The weight of the things in the storage bag is completely applied to the monk's body, so now Qin Lang has directly increased the load by more than 60 tons.

Although Qin Lang's physical body is very strong now, and it is not a problem to carry two or three hundred tons, but considering that he will need to explore the Wushuang ruins for more than ten days in the future, too much weight on his body will affect his actions and battles, so Qin Lang is not greedy Then pick up the enlightenment body of the swamp crocodile, but just take the inner alchemy after killing the monster.

After killing like this for nearly a day, Qin Lang already had more than 200 swamp crocodile inner pills in his storage bag at this time. At this time, he was about to walk out of the edge of the quagmire and enter the depths of the sixth-order monster Lei Zexiang. territory.

Lei Zexiang is a larger monster, weighing more than [-] tons each, and its combat power is far superior to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator at the early stage. It also comes with lightning talent and magic attacks, making it harder to mess with than a swamp crocodile.

Lei Zexiang is also a tyrant in the quagmire. This guy's territory is larger than that of the mud crocodile. Each mud crocodile has an area of ​​one or two acres, and the territory of each Lei Ze elephant is at least ten slopes, so Qin Lang stepped onto the Lei Ze elephant. On the contrary, it is much more relaxed.

After all, there is room to avoid thunder elephants in such a spacious area, but not on the territory of swamp crocodiles. If you encounter a swamp crocodile, you must either retreat or kill the swamp crocodile to move forward.

At this time, Qin Lang stopped, looked behind him, killed more than 300 swamp crocodiles in the territory of the swamp crocodile for a day, and gradually fell in love with this place. In terms of spirit stones and resources, this is simply the production base of blood essence pill materials, and the output is terrifying.

You know, if more than 300 swamp crocodile inner pills are refined into blood yuan pills, more than 1000 can definitely be produced. According to the value of four to five thousand spirit stones per blood yuan pill, this is 500 million spirit stones.

And in this muddy quagmire, I only need to put in some hard work, kill more monsters, and I can have a large number of fifth-order mud crocodile inner pills in my account. Such a good place is not easy to find in other places in the ruins.

For a moment, Qin Lang felt that even if he didn't find the seriously injured seventh-level ghost in the mire, he would still earn back the fare for the return trip. This time it was really worth it.

After coming to Lei Zexiang's territory, Qin Lang tried to challenge a sixth-order monster like Lei Zexiang, but found that this large monster was not as easy to kill as the swamp crocodile. Thick skin and thick flesh are difficult to kill in a few hits.

This Lei Zexiang weighing dozens of tons is estimated to be several meters deep in the solid fat layer under the skin. Although Qin Lang's flying sword sword energy can cut it, it is a small injury that is not painful.

The Thunder Elephant is also very strict in protecting the other vital points exposed on its body. The eyes are covered by a large amount of lightning, forming a protective layer of lightning. The Thunder Elephant's mouth either does not open, or it sprays out a large amount of high-voltage lightning. During lightning, the voltage of this kind of lightning is comparable to [-] volts, and even a monk like Qin Lang who has the spiritual root of the thunder system can't bear a few more strokes.

The battle between Qin Lang and the Thunder Elephant in front of him was relatively long. Although the Thunder Elephant moved very slowly, it spit out lightning very quickly, almost spraying out layers of lightning grids around its body, which acted as a strong barrier. The role of the enemy, but also can play a suppressive effect on the enemy.

As for the weaker enemies, it is estimated that they will be stunned and even turned into charcoal after being touched by this kind of lightning grid wall.

(End of this chapter)

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