The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1573 Crazy Obtaining Inner Alchemy

Chapter 1573 Crazy Obtaining Inner Alchemy
To deal with this sixth-order monster with thick skin and talented spells, Qin Lang's speed of killing monsters was undoubtedly much slower, and it took about half an hour to kill this Thunder Elephant.

After killing Lei Zexiang, Qin Lang first collected its two thick tusks.

The tusks of this Lei Ze elephant are ten times thicker than the tusks of any other elephant on earth. Both tusks are more than three feet long, and each tusk is almost as thick as a bucket.

The ivory of the Thunder Elephant is a very good material for refining tools, and its conductivity is very good. It is a good material for refining lightning magic weapons, so the first material Qin Lang needs to collect is these two ivory.

Then, there is Lei Zexiang's inner alchemy, which is a real sixth-order monster inner alchemy, which can be used to refine some top-grade elixir.

However, except for the ivory and inner alchemy, the other materials on the Leizer elephant's body are very common. Its defense ability is indeed stronger than that of the swamp crocodile, but this defense ability is more reflected in the thick fat layer under the skin. The elephant skin is actually not as good as the scales of the swamp crocodile.

The flesh and blood of the Thunder Elephant is actually a very good food material, and it also has the value of alchemy, but this value is very common, most high-level monsters have this effect, so it is not worth mentioning.

In the end, Qin Lang only took Lei Zexiang's ivory and inner alchemy, but he didn't plan to take any other materials from Lei Zexiang.

After all, the weight on my body is limited, and I need to stay in the Wushuang ruins for a long time. If I encounter more good things in the future, I even have to throw away the corpse of the swamp crocodile that I put in the storage bag before.

It takes more than half an hour to kill a thunder elephant, but it only takes three to five minutes to kill a swamp crocodile. Qin Lang did some calculations and found that it is more cost-effective to kill the swamp crocodile. It is now possible to harvest more than eight Swamp Crocodile Neidan.

Although the value of the sixth-level Thunder Elephant inner alchemy is higher than that of the fifth-level mud crocodile, four or five fifth-level inner alchemy can completely extract a sixth-level inner alchemy.

Although the ivory of the two Lei Ze elephants is the material of the sixth-level monsters, their value is definitely not as good as the three inner pills of the fifth-level monsters, so it is indeed cheaper to kill the swamp crocodile.

Moreover, the distribution of thunder elephants is relatively scattered, and the process of finding thunder elephants is more troublesome than encountering swamp crocodiles. There are enough swamp crocodiles in the edge area of ​​the mire, so Qin Lang only needs to push all the way to get a lot of money. Dan, and Lei Zexiang still needs to be carefully searched in the distribution area, and it takes a little more effort.

Qin Lang looked at the Thunder Elephant area, and then at the Swamp Crocodile area behind him. At this time, he decided not to be so anxious to track down the injured seventh-level ghost.

After all, the entire area of ​​the quagmire is not too big, and encountering the injured seventh-level evil spirit is entirely dependent on luck, and these are actual benefits. If these fifth- and sixth-level inner alchemy are usually purchased in the market, I am afraid it may not be a week. Can collect enough [-] pieces.

But now Qin Lang does not need to pay the cost, and only needs a little time to harvest at least [-] inner alchemy of fifth-order monsters every day. Anyone who calculates this account knows that it is very cost-effective.

However, if you want to get along well in the quagmire area, ordinary monks really can't do it. At least you need a monk like Qin Lang who is strong enough and has the ability to kill the swamp crocodile with one blow.

In this case, among the monks who have entered the entire Wushuang ruins, there are undoubtedly a lot less capable of doing so. At present, Qin Lang can be said to have no competitors in the entire quagmire area. The production of this material is heaven for him, and for others For monks, it was almost like hell.

In a word... Insufficient strength and insufficient experience are not easy to mix!
Moreover, Qin Lang's sword repair method has a great advantage in the process of killing the swamp crocodile. If he did not use the sword repair method, even a monk at the same level as Qin Lang would want to deal with this kind of thick-skinned and thick-skinned crocodile. A Monster Beast will undoubtedly be a lot of trouble, it will slow down the progress of killing monsters.

The progress of killing monsters also represents the progress of income, which is also the main reason why a large number of casual cultivators and family monks did not choose to hang out in the quagmire after entering the ruins.

Qin Lang spent about five days at the edge of the quagmire. During these five days, all the swamp crocodiles suffered, and almost one-third of them were slaughtered by Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang also accumulated more than 200 swamp crocodile inner pills in these five days. The speed of killing monsters in the first two days was really fast. He could harvest about [-] fifth-order inner pills every day, and after killing monsters The speed gradually slowed down, but it was not because Qin Lang felt tired, but because even if the swamp crocodiles in the edge area were relatively dense, there would always be a specific number, so the more the swamp crocodiles were killed, the fewer they would be killed. In this case, Qin Lang would kill The speed of the monster is naturally much slower.

In five days, Qin Lang not only got more than 200 fifth-level monster inner alchemy, but when he got bored of killing the swamp crocodile, he would occasionally go back to the area of ​​the Thunder Elephant to kill one or two Thunder Elephant for a change. He also got eight of the sixth-order monster inner alchemy.

In five days, Qin Lang harvested these monster inner alchemy materials worth more than 2000 million. If this situation was told to another monk of the same level, others would definitely not believe it, but Qin Lang did it.

This is also the reason for a lot of hard work, and the fact that the swamp crocodiles are densely packed at the edge of the mire. If Qin Lang kills another monster in another place, Qin Lang may not be able to get so much harvest.

After killing the swamp crocodile on the edge of the quagmire for five days, Qin Lang is really bored now, and has no intention of continuing to slaughter. In fact, if he kills monsters now, the harvest of the fifth-order inner alchemy may drop to two hundred per day This is also the reason why the number of swamp crocodiles has decreased a lot.

At this time, Qin Lang was going to continue searching for the injured ghost. Although he didn't have much hope for meeting this ghost, Qin Lang still planned to explore this quagmire area a little deeper.

However, I heard that there are even more powerful seventh-order monsters in the deepest part of the quagmire, so Qin Lang is undoubtedly very careful in the next exploration process. After all, the seventh-order monsters exist at the same level as the seventh-order ghosts , which is equivalent to the Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period among human beings. It can be said that he is very difficult to provoke. Even if the current Qin Lang meets him, he will only be defeated.

In the next day or two, Qin Lang explored the entire distribution area of ​​Lei Zexiang, and further down was the territory of the seventh-order monster. When Qin Lang was hesitating whether to go for a look, his consciousness Suddenly sensed the breath of the wounded seventh-level evil spirit.

That's's the wounded seventh-level evil spirit's breath!
Qin Lang's spiritual sense is very sensitive. Basically, the range of [-] zhang can't escape its spiritual detection, and it's hard to say beyond this distance.

But just now, in Qin Lang's spiritual sense induction, the seventh-level evil spirit was far more than five hundred feet away from where Qin Lang was. What kind of nerve breakthrough broke out a momentum, which was locked by Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness.

"Lucky, it looks like the evil core of this evil ghost is going to belong to me..."

Qin Lang's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to actually meet this wounded ghost, it was a windfall for him.

You must know that the evil core of the seventh-level evil spirit is very precious, even three points more expensive than the inner alchemy of the seventh-level monster. It is a very rare high-level refining material, otherwise the Ma family would not have spent tens of millions of souls A bounty was offered for the price of the stone, and a large number of casual cultivators helped to kill this evil spirit.

It is a pity that although the previous battle of the Ma family injured the ghost and killed a split body of the ghost, they could not get a complete core of the ghost. Now it seems that Qin Lang is cheaper.

Now Qin Lang has been in this quagmire area for almost a week, and then he was lucky to meet this injured ghost.

Originally, the quagmire area was so big, and Qin Lang didn't give up hope. He would probably leave this area after he had nothing to gain today, but what he didn't expect was that luck once again patronized him, allowing him to leave the quagmire on the last day. Finally bumped into the injured ghost.

Now that he has encountered this injured ghost, what else can he say? Of course, Qin Lang immediately rushed over to trap it with a Gu formation, and then besieged and killed it.

Now this evil ghost is seriously injured, and after the evil core splits, his strength will be greatly reduced. I believe it will be much easier for him to deal with it. Qin Lang is now fully prepared with magic weapons and pills, so he is still very confident in killing this injured evil ghost alone. sufficient.

After all, according to his estimation, the strength of the currently injured evil ghost is at least around the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, perhaps a little stronger than the avatar that the Ma family killed before, but not much stronger. Qin Lang can now rely on various means Eat it hard.

In the seventh-level monster area deep in the quagmire, the injured ghost was also very unlucky. It was unfortunate enough to be besieged and killed by the Ma family once, but after entering this quagmire, it was very unfortunate that he met a seven-level demon beast. The first-order monster Jiao Mang faced each other, but was chased away by this seventh-order monster.

If it hadn't been for the evil ghost's sudden eruption just now, it might have been directly strangled by the innate ability of the seventh-level dragon python, and it had managed to escape from the dragon dragon's hand with great difficulty.

For the same seventh-order monster beast like Jiao Mang, the evil ghost would not care at all if its strength was not damaged. For the same seventh-level monster, its original strength was even higher than that of a monster like Jiao Mang, but now it is considered a tiger falling. Ping was bullied by dogs the most and was completely in trouble.

It broke into that dragon python's territory just now, but was chased away in a desperate manner. Fortunately, the dragon python failed to strangle it, otherwise the injured ghost would have been completely left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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