The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1574 Bind the evil ghost

Chapter 1574 Bind the evil ghost
Qin Lang was soon less than five hundred feet away from the area where the injured ghost was located. At this time, the ghost had completely entered the sensing range of his consciousness, which also made Qin Lang happy. The injury on this ghost was more serious than imagined , should be easier to deal with.

What he didn't know was that just now, the evil spirit had fought a seventh-level monster dragon python. Although the process was short, the evil ghost's talent for strangling in order to break free from the dragon python also exploded, so now the body's injuries have become more serious. Seriously.

After the evil spirit escaped from the territory of the seventh-order monster, it didn't run very far. It stopped at the junction of the sixth-order monster and the seventh-order monster. It had to stop now, after all, the injuries on its body were too serious. Yes, if some key injuries are not dealt with early, it will even damage the original evil core.

If the original evil core is damaged again, it is estimated that this evil ghost will not be able to cry. It is already miserable enough for a dignified seventh-level evil ghost who is about to advance to the ghost king to be in this state. Does it need to be worse? ?Who could be more miserable than the series of encounters it has encountered in the past few days...

What the ghost didn't expect is that its current fate is really miserable, there is no worst, only worse... because next, the person who collected its corpse came!
However, after Qin Lang arrived in this area, he didn't go directly to the evil ghost, but found that there were two sixth-order monster Lei Zexiang in this area. If this is the case, the situation is not good, Qin Lang has no confidence to deal with these three guys at the same time.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to kill the two Thunder Elephants first, and then move the injured ghost. In order to prevent the ghost from breaking through and becoming smarter from slipping away again, Qin Lang planned to lock the opponent with his spiritual sense first, and then follow Lei Zexiang started the fight.

During the battle, Qin Lang will always pay attention to the movement of the evil ghost. If he finds that the evil ghost has signs of slipping away, he will withdraw from the battle at any time to pursue. After all, the injured evil ghost is Qin Lang's biggest target, and the sixth-order The Thunder Elephant... Although the inner alchemy and ivory are also worth some money, it doesn't mean much to him now.

After all, the evil core of the seventh-level evil ghost is what he really wants. If Qin Lang gets this top-quality refining material, even if a part of the evil core is missing, it will be of great value. He can even use it directly to improve himself The level of the Gu formation, and even transformed his intermediate Gu formation into a high-level Gu formation.

If the intermediate-level Gu formation in his hands is transformed into a high-level Gu formation, the benefits are unimaginable. First of all, Qin Lang can use this Gu formation to fight against enemies below the transformation stage. The possibility of breaking the Gu array.

And when the Gu formation is upgraded to a high-level Gu formation, even if Qin Lang encounters a ghost cultivator who owns a magic treasure house, he can persist for a while with this Gu formation, and he will no longer feel a headache after encountering a magic treasure house like before. .

And when the phantom impact of the Gu formation is upgraded to a high-level Gu formation, it can be called a battlefield ultimate move, which can be said to be almost at the same level as the Magic Treasure House.

However, compared to the Magic Treasure House, the Gu formation is still much weaker in terms of hard resistance. After all, Qin Lang's Gu formation has the greatest impact on the fantasy world not in the aspect of hard resistance. , its strength lies in trapping and confusing the enemy.

If the Gu formation is upgraded to a high-level Gu formation, Qin Lang can even use the Gu formation to trap enemies in the late Yuanying stage or even the Great Perfection. It can be said that with the powerful function of this Gu formation, Qin Lang is almost invincible below the transformation stage land.

Of course, this is only in theory, and there will be some deviations in practice. If the powerful opponent Qin Lang meets is holding an equally powerful treasure, the result of the battle will depend on the specific situation.

It has to be said that the evil core of this seventh-order evil ghost is still quite attractive to Qin Lang. The opportunities encountered by this kind of top-quality refining material are simply hard to come by. Usually, even if Qin Lang meets a powerful The seventh-level evil ghost would definitely not be able to beat the opponent. Now this kind of injured and defeated evil spirit is definitely like a target for him. If he encounters it, he should definitely not let it go.

At this moment, Qin Lang began to fight with one of the two Thunder Elephants. The two Thunder Elephants each stayed in their own territory. This kind of sixth-order monster with not very high intelligence roared at its companions in the territory and launched a fight He didn't pay much attention to his voice, so the two thunder elephants didn't mean to unite to meet the enemy at all.

It took about half an hour before Qin Lang picked up the first Lei Ze elephant, and took the ivory and inner alchemy of this monster.

Then, when Qin Lang was preparing to deal with the other Thunder Zelephant, he found that the injured evil ghost had the intention of slipping away. It turned out that this guy had become much smarter after being injured. Human monks who can be easily killed, of course, the first consideration is to escape.

After all, the wounds on its body were left by human monks, so now this wild seventh-level evil spirit sees that human monks have become frightened birds. For those powerful human monks who can no longer bear the idea of ​​fighting, now just want to stay away.

However, the injured seventh-level ghost wanted to escape, but Qin Lang, who came with a powerful purpose, didn't want it to go his way. At this time, he directly cast the Gu formation, trapping the ghost in the Gu formation.

Once Qin Lang's Gu formation was used, it was almost as practical as the formation that the Ma family spent a lot of energy on, and immediately trapped the injured ghost in the Gu formation.

However, while the evil elephant was trapped, Qin Lang also touched the territory of another Thunder Elephant. The huge sixth-order monster was also startled. After roaring, it began to attack Qin Lang angrily. come over.

But at this time, Qin Lang didn't do anything at all, and put this Thunder Elephant into the Gu formation.

And after this huge Lei Zexiang broke into the Gu formation, Qin Lang suddenly found that he was under a lot of pressure. Using the Gu formation to deal with this huge Lei Zexiang was more difficult than dealing with the injured seventh-order evil elephant. This guy In the Gu formation, no matter what illusion or not, it has always been on the rampage. If Qin Lang's Gu formation had not been upgraded once by using the psychedelic fog heart, I am afraid that it would have been crushed by Lei Zexiang.

With Lei Zexiang disrupting the situation in the Gu formation, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for Qin Lang to deal with the wounded ghost, but Lei Ze elephant's thick skin, thick flesh and fat are not the targets that can be killed in half a while, so Qin Lang took After more than half an hour, it seemed very painful, and almost exhausted all his true energy to target the two trapped targets.

Qin Lang's expression is ferocious now. In order to protect the normal operation of the Gu formation, so that the two objects in the Gu formation will not escape, he has almost used [-]% of his energy. This kind of laborious performance is like being trapped in the Gu formation. Among them are not the seventh-level evil spirits and Lei Zexiang, but the same as himself.

This kind of result is very ridiculous, Qin Lang sweated so much that he almost collapsed, but he didn't even have time to take medicine.

"Binding Xiansuo!"

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly used a magic weapon on his body to bind the immortal rope, and bound it to the injured ghost in the Gu formation. Qin Lang was very self-aware. A giant monster with infinite strength must be thankless, and it is not right to use it directly to deal with a powerful ghost that is obviously much smaller in size than the seventh-level evil spirit.

Although the injured seventh-level evil ghost was nearly two feet tall, compared to the larger Lei Zexiang, which weighed more than [-] tons, it was undoubtedly much more "delicate".

Therefore, Immortal Binding Suo, a high-grade magic weapon, immediately exerted its effect, binding the wounded seventh-level evil ghost tightly inside and out. The name Bin Xiansuo... is really worthy of its name. But in the legend, it is a magic weapon that can bind immortals.

Of course, the magic weapon that can bind immortals is definitely at the level of immortal treasures, and it is impossible for the cultivation world to appear, so this is just a one-sided exaggeration.

However, the binding effect of the Immortal Binding Cable is really good, at least the injured evil ghost in the Gu formation has no possibility of moving after being firmly restrained by the Immortal Binding Cable.

In fact, this restrained ghost is also very depressed, it is extremely depressed, if it is not injured before, this special magic weapon with extremely strong binding ability can be broken directly with a little force, but now after being injured The strength has dropped so much that it has completely turned into a soft-legged shrimp.

Tangtang, who was able to advance to become a ghost king and transform into a powerful existence like an underground yin devil, has now fallen into such a situation. I am afraid no one will believe it, but now this injured seventh-level ghost has indeed reached the end of the road. There is no possibility of struggling anymore.

And now that Qin Lang has freed his hand, the main guy to deal with is the Lei Zexiang. This Lei Zexiang has been rampaging in his Gu formation for so long, and has always seemed very arrogant. Qin Lang has long regarded it as displeasing to the eye , not to mention the fact that I was tired for so long just now, and the biggest culprit was Lei Zexiang.

"Get rid of this thunder elephant first, and then start to collect the net... deal with the ghost."

Qin Lang set two battle steps for himself, and then started to execute them immediately.

Because the injured evil ghost was trapped by the binding rope, he was unable to struggle in the Gu formation for a while, so Qin Lang also spared most of his energy, and at this time knocked a Shenyuan pill for himself With the addition of a few Fushen Pills, the powerful power of the elixir immediately filled up his spiritual consciousness and cultivation base.

Speaking of it, manipulating the Gu array consumes a lot of consciousness, so after half an hour of fighting, Qin Lang's consciousness and cultivation have almost fallen to the bottom just now, but fortunately, Shenxue Pill and Fushen Pill are very good The elixir, which is used to supplement and restore oneself during the battle, is very effective.

After replenishing his cultivation base and spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang felt that he was full of vitality again, so he said coldly at Lei Zexi, who was rampaging in the Gu formation. This guy has been arrogant for so long, and now he should fight back The time has come.

(End of this chapter)

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