The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1575 Obtaining the Evil Core

Chapter 1575 Obtaining the Evil Core
Now Qin Lang only has to deal with the monster Lei Zexiang in the Gu formation, and the battle process is undoubtedly much easier. After recovering his cultivation, Qin Lang began to hang and beat this thick-skinned and thick-skinned sixth-order monster. The beast finally grinded the thick-skinned Lei Zexiang to death after spending half an hour.

After killing the Lei Zexiang, Qin Lang had no time to collect the body of the Lei Zexiang, and his eyes were already on the wounded ghost that was bound by the binding rope.

Now is the time to show off your abilities and kill this seventh-level wounded ghost!

The wounded ghost's self-healing ability is actually quite strong. After the Thunder elephant in front of me died, most of the blood flowed out from the corpse, and most of it was absorbed by this guy, so now the wound on the ghost's body actually seems to be healed A lot, after all, the blood of a whole monster is still very strong.

However, no matter how much blood energy it has, it can only heal its superficial creations. The defects in the evil core will not be replenished in a short while, and it will take at least decades of hard work.

Therefore, even if the wounded evil ghost recovers from the physical trauma, it will not be a serious problem to Qin Lang. Its strength still stays in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

However, it is not easy to kill evil spirits. However, Qin Lang knows that the biggest weakness of this evil spirit is that it is afraid of fire and is restrained by thunder spells.

Kanli's fire is the top [-] fire seeds on the earth fire list. At this time, Qin Lang summoned it from his mind to attack this evil spirit.

The fire of Kanli has grown stronger after several years of cultivation by Qin Lang, and the color of the flame has changed from pale to reddish white, just like a round of sun rising to noon, it is extremely hot.

Under such flame intensity, the evil spirit who was the meat target couldn't resist directly, the flesh and blood of the body made up of pure Yin evil was directly melted by the fire of Kanli like candle oil, dripping layer after layer of liquid.


And the trapped injured evil ghost was also suffering from the burning of the flames, struggling with all his strength, but unfortunately, the top-grade attack magic weapon of Binding Xiansuo was not so easy to break free. It was full of elasticity and tenacity, and every time the evil ghost saw It was about to stretch and break free from the shackles, but was bound back by the strong rebounding force of the Xiansuo.

In the end, the wounded evil ghost was roasted by Kanli's fire bit by bit in the torment, unable to even struggle and moan, and gradually the whole body melted until only the evil core in the center remained.

Because the evil ghost split a small half of the evil core when it escaped from the Ma family's formation, so the large half of the evil core in front of him is only two-thirds of the whole. I felt a burst of icy chill, and a thick layer of solid ice instantly formed in my hand.

This is also the characteristic of Yin-type items, and the evil core is the ultimate Yin-type refining material, and the inner temperature of the material is also extremely cold, about forty degrees below zero. This temperature can almost make the surrounding air The water was completely condensed, so this strange phenomenon appeared after Qin Lang's hand touched the evil core.

"Most half of the evil core is estimated to be worth nearly [-] million spirit stones..."

Qin Lang looked at the evil nucleus in the ice layer of his palm and thought lightly.Although his hands were frozen by the evil core, Qin Lang didn't seem to feel the cold at all. This is also the special physique of a cultivator. If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to resist freezing the moment he touched the evil core. Popsicles, frozen to death.

The evil core is said to be the most valuable item on Qin Lang's body. This item is a sought-after item in the entire comprehension world. It is the top-level refining material, and it is a good item that you can't even see at the auction.

After all, this is the core material obtained from a seventh-level evil spirit that can evolve into a ghost king. It is too rare. This special refining material may even make old monsters in the transformation stage feel excited.

After getting half of the evil core of the seventh-level evil ghost, Qin Lang's first consideration was to refine the half of the evil core. It is a good choice to integrate the evil core into the magic house or Gu formation. Maybe Qin Lang has no magic weapon now. In the house, there is only one intermediate-level Gu formation that has room for improvement, so he decided to integrate most of the evil core into the Gu formation to let the Gu formation evolve again.

In fact, Qin Lang still has some magic weapons in his body that can be used as integration objects, but these magic weapons are either too low-grade, or there is not much room for improvement, so it is better to integrate the evil core into the Gu formation to help him more.

And then, Qin Lang placed a layer of restrictions around, blocked this area, and started to upgrade the Gu array again.

This time, the process of upgrading the Gu array is also a process of immersion. The seventh-order evil core is completely melted into a black liquid ball under the roasting of Kanli's fire, and then it is sucked by Qin Lang with his spiritual sense and true energy bit by bit. Li, gradually blending into the Gu formation, interacting with every component in the Gu formation.

Of course, Qin Lang also added some materials in this process, all of which are existing materials on his body.

This upgrading process is actually a process of completely upgrading every component that makes up the Gu formation, and when the entire Gu formation is upgraded and transformed, Qin Lang's intermediate Gu formation will also completely become a high-level Gu formation.

After the phantom formation of the Gu formation was upgraded to a high-level Gu formation, the original group of colorful clouds has turned into a gray mass, which looks very inconspicuous, but this high-level Gu formation has indeed been transformed successfully.

At this moment, this very inconspicuous gray cloud group is connected with Qin Lang's mind and mind after being sacrificed, and it is more controlled by the heart. When Qin Lang unfolds it, it can be covered by this group of gray fog for a radius of hundreds of feet, and the area is doubled. more than enough.

Of course, compared with the middle-level Gu formation, the high-level Gu formation has a qualitative leap in all aspects of attributes. Now this high-level Gu formation is no longer afraid of the erosion of the evil spirit, because the evil core of the evil spirit itself is made of high-purity The Yin Sha is crystallized. It can be said that ordinary Yin Sha can't help but the purity of the Yin Sha is high, so how can the Gu formation be broken by ordinary Yin Sha.

In this case, even if Liao Hua, the ghost hand of the late Yuanying period, wants to break through this Gu formation in one fell swoop, it will not be easy, unless this powerful ghost cultivator uses some very special secret techniques, or relies on the magic house to smash it. It's possible.

Moreover, now that the Gu formation has been transformed into a high-level Gu formation, the strength of the components has been greatly enhanced. Even after the Gu formation is broken, these parts are not easy to be easily damaged, and can be restored in an instant, forming the entire Gu formation again. Original appearance.

It can be said that the current advanced version of the Gu Array ultimate move, Illusion Impact, is the real battlefield ultimate move, which is very close to the Magic Treasure House, almost a level of treasure.

Even, in terms of the ability to trap and confuse the enemy, the Magic Treasure House is not as good as this kind of high-level Gu formation. Think about it, once Qin Lang unfolds the Gu formation, Hulala will become the domain of Qin Lang alone. The enemies in this field will be controlled by Qin Lang. When the time comes, Qin Lang will definitely kill these enemies if he wants to, and let them go if he wants to. It depends entirely on his mood.

It can be said that after the refinement of Qin Lang's Gu formation, he already has the ability to fight against the monks of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen. If this powerful monk who is close to the stage of transforming gods does not use some special killing moves, Qin Lang will be able to fight against the monks in the Gu formation. It is almost invincible within the range, and even enemies one or two realms higher than oneself can be slowly ground to death by the Gu array.

After refining the high-level Gu array, Qin Lang shrunk the big cloud, and the last gray light returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Lang accepted the Gu formation. Now that he owns a high-level Gu formation, his confidence has greatly increased. In this Wushuang ruins, he no longer needs to be afraid of the ghost hand Liao Hua. However, it must be possible to escape calmly.

It can be said that this newly refined high-level Gu array is similar in some respects to the magic treasure house ghost ship owned by Qin Lang before. They are all treasures of the same grade, and have become one of the most powerful cards in Qin Lang's hands. .

After collecting the Gu formation, Qin Lang is ready to leave this place, and further inside the quagmire is the territory of the seventh-order monsters. The seventh-order monsters are similar to the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen among human monks, or even stronger. Even if Qin Lang has the new alchemy The completed high-level Gu formation will not ask for trouble, and challenge the seventh-order monsters.

Even though the inner alchemy or the materials on the body of the seventh-level monster are valuable, you have to live to get it.

For all the monks who have entered the Wushuang Ruins, the seventh-level monsters in the Wushuang Ruins are basically unsolvable existences. I am afraid that even if they have a complete magic house, they may not be able to defeat them. After all, this ruins restrict the entry. The cultivation base cannot exceed the Nascent Soul middle stage.

And if the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul manipulate the magic house, their strength will be raised to the level of the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul at most. If they fight against the seventh-order monsters with rough skin and thick flesh that also have the strength of the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, they will not have much advantage. The confrontation between the two sides is completely thankless behavior.

It can be said that the entire central area of ​​the quagmire is the forbidden area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins. Although there are not many seventh-order monsters in this central area, there are still about a dozen of them. Monks will die horribly.

Qin Lang stayed in this quagmire area for a week, spent almost half of the time exploring the ruins, and now he is planning to go to other places to see, because he has a flying sword, and the flying sword can be used as a flying magic weapon, so Qin Lang directly drives the sword light to think To get out of the muddy quagmire.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as the sword light rose into the sky, the dark clouds in the sky of the Wushuang ruins rang out thunderously. If Qin Lang hadn't reacted quickly and quickly lowered the sword light, he might have been chased by several arm-thick huge lightning bolts Hit directly.

Unexpectedly, the sky of this unparalleled ruins is actually forbidden to fly, Qin Lang murmured, no wonder he has never seen a monk manipulating a flying treasure to fly in the air, he should have thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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