Chapter 1576 Spirit Domain
Afterwards, Qin Lang obediently descended to the ground, cast the Wind Escape Talisman and left the quagmire. After a week, it is unknown if Zuo Tao and his clansmen are still in the valley where the undead grass grows.

However, Qin Lang was not going to join the Zuo family, he was going in another direction.

After leaving the quagmire, Qin Lang accelerated his speed. Now the entire ruins have been explored by nearly [-] monks for a week. It is estimated that many treasures in known locations have been searched, so Qin Lang wants to get some good ones next. For things, you have to go to some unknown areas that no monks have explored.

Anyway, the entire Wushuang Ruins is big enough, equivalent to a small world. This small world does not know how many tens of thousands of miles. In the five areas of east, west, north, south, and middle, there is no monk in just one area that can complete the task in half a month. finished exploring.

Qin Lang's face suddenly changed while he was running. At this time, he found five ghost cultivators in black robes. These are the enemies. They are the subordinates of Liao Hua, the Ghost Hand, and the Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces. The practice of Dzogchen in the later period.

I don't know how many of these ghost cultivator disciples have come. Now that we have met them, Qin Lang certainly won't let them go. The upgraded Gu array was displayed.

And the five black-robed ghost cultivators had their backs to Qin Lang, and they hadn't been prepared for someone behind them just now, but when they realized something was wrong, Qin Lang's Gu formation had completely enveloped the five of them.

With the strength that they relied on Hei Wan to barely advance to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, they wanted to break free from this high-level Gu formation. In fact, I am afraid that even if their big boss ghost hand Liao Hua was attacked by Qin Lang like this, It will also fall into the trap of the Gu formation.

After falling into the Gu formation, the five black-robed ghost cultivator disciples immediately knew that the situation was not good, and crushed the communication talisman. They also sensed some familiar aura in the Gu formation, and immediately realized that this was theirs. The target, Qin Lang, turned around and killed the five of them!
However, after being surrounded by the Gu formation, although the five black-robed ghost cultivator disciples had a large number of people, they had no chance of resisting at all, and were directly killed by Qin Lang with the flying sword in the Gu formation. Kicked away directly to prevent these ghost cultivators from resurrecting by using the life connection.

But when Qin Lang collected the Gu formation and cleaned the battlefield, he unexpectedly discovered that these five black-robed ghost cultivators were no longer hard-working, each of them was very fat, and the spirit stones were about 200 million. Not much to say, life and death Two plants of grass, ten or twenty copies of miscellaneous elixir materials.

This is a windfall, God is sorry, now after entering the Wushuang ruins for a week, even these ghost cultivator disciples who had been incomparably hard-working have become fat, and they don’t know that these ghost cultivator disciples are exploring the Wushuang ruins for themselves. He came, but still killed the property robbed by other monks passing by.

However, Qin Lang's guess is more inclined to the latter. The ghost hand Liao Hua and this group of black-robed ghost cultivators are obviously not good men and women. While searching for themselves in the ruins, it is normal to occasionally do one or two votes to eat black people.

After harvesting these belongings, Qin Lang was happy and found something unusual. The bodies of the five black-robed disciples who had severed their heads actually had the phenomenon of quietly gathering black energy.

"This is the primordial spirit! The primordial spirit of the five black-robed disciples..."

Qin Lang was a little speechless, he almost forgot this episode, the soul of the alchemy cultivator can survive for a period of time after leaving the body, although the time is not long, but two or three hours is still possible.

Even some monks with strong primordial spirits can survive longer.

The spirit of the ghost cultivator should be stronger than that of ordinary monks. These black-robed disciples have special means. After they leave, they may be able to resurrect from their own corpses without taking others away.

He didn't know if he actually killed the three black-robed disciples in the last round, but now the souls of the five black-robed disciples are obviously still alive. Resurrected from a dead body.

Needless to say, Qin Lang easily wiped out the primordial spirits of the five black-robed disciples as two streams of flame and sword energy swept across.

The primordial spirit is actually very fragile after being separated from the body. The primordial spirit is the essence of the soul, and even the wind may blow them away, so as long as Qin Lang finds out, he can easily get rid of the primordial spirits of these guys.

After completely killing the five black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, Qin Lang immediately left here. What he got from the five black-robed disciples can only be regarded as some small gains. Now there is still the entire Wushuang ruins and more gains waiting for him Go get it.

Not long after Qin Lang left this area, there was a swipe, a black light flashed, and a ghost cultivator came from the ground.

It was Liao Hua, the ghost hand. This guy was a step too late and failed to save his five disciples.Seeing the bloody and embarrassing scene in front of him, his face was heavy, and he slowly wiped a handful of the dirt and blood on the ground, put it to his nose and sniffed it.

"The five of my subordinates should have been killed by a flying sword with a fire attribute... The aura of this flying sword is exactly the same as last time, it should be that kid Qin Lang who did it..."

Although the five black-robed ghost cultivators could not fully reveal who killed them before they died, but now the ghost hand Liao Hua only judged that the murderer must be Qin Lang just based on the sword energy attribute of the blood in the soil. boy.

This method of distinguishing objects may be miraculous on Earth, but it is not considered brilliant in the realm of comprehension. Basically, many high-level monks have this special ability, and it is not surprising that Liao Hua, the ghost hand, can use it.

After analyzing for a while with a sullen face, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, waved a large group of will-o'-the-wisps, which covered several corpses on the ground, and then the will-o'-the-wisps burned them all to pieces.

After burning a few corpses, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, also found a direction and left here. Qin Lang was very careful when he left, and didn't leave too many clues, so Liao Hua, the ghost hand, didn't know where Qin Lang went now. He can only follow with his own judgment.

And half a day later, Qin Lang encountered another grand event in the northern area of ​​the Wushuang ruins, surrounded by almost one or two thousand monks.Among these monks are the family monks of Wushuang City, and there are also a large number of casual cultivators, but members of the three major families of Wushuang City did not appear here.

"Spiritual Domain... Do you know... These days, Master Bauer used the array disk to detect repeatedly, and found a small spiritual domain in this area..."

"Spiritual Domain? True or not... If it is really a spiritual domain, then we will have to develop accordingly..."

"Of course it's true. Baoer is the most famous formation master among our loose cultivators in the Western Desert. He is a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator and proficient in formations. He is also well-known in our Western Desert. Xiao, would such a famous person talk nonsense regardless of his reputation?"

"That's right, Master Baoer is mighty. Now that he has discovered the spiritual domain... then we casual practitioners should be able to enter the spiritual domain and drink some soup."

"It's not that easy? Haven't you seen Master Baoer's frowning face these days? The outer restrictions of this spiritual domain are not easy to break. It seems that even the master is stumped..."

"Hey, let's wait slowly! Now we can stay in the ruins for eight days. I hope that the master can crack this spiritual domain as soon as possible within this time. Otherwise, when the time for exploring the ruins comes, we probably won't have a chance and will be killed." Send out the ruins directly..."

"Yes, yes! There were not many people around here two days ago, only four or five hundred, and now nearly 2000 people have gathered, and even three or four families from Wushuang City have rushed here. There are also formation masters in the power, I believe that working together with Master Baoer should be able to crack this spiritual domain soon..."

"Hopefully! However, more and more people are focusing on this place now. After the spiritual domain is cracked, we don't know if we can still share some benefits. After all, the more people there are, the worse it is for everyone!"

"This is something that can't be helped! The person who should be troubled should be the formation master Baoer. After all, the master discovered this spiritual realm first. Now there are too many casual cultivators and family monks who have come to share a piece of the pie. It is equivalent to splitting money from his pocket! Haha..."

There were many discussions among casual cultivators at the scene, and Qin Lang basically heard the cause and effect of the discovery of the matter clearly, and Qin Lang was also very interested in the spiritual domain. A certain small point, so this ability can last for thousands of years.

There are two kinds of spiritual domains: open and closed. The open spiritual domain is not much to say. It is like a free market, allowing people to enter and exit. The closed spiritual domain is the use of some means by the monks in the transformation stage before they die. Imbued with formations and restrictions on his body, so that the spiritual realm formed after his death is very secretive, and it is not easy to be exposed to the public.

Generally speaking, the closed spiritual domain is more valuable, because it is discovered for the first time, and there are basically a large number of treasures, elixir materials, and the inheritance of whole exercises collected by monks in the transformation stage. If you are lucky, monks can still Get some powerful treasures against the sky, such as magic house and so on.

After all, the spiritual domain is a place where monks in the transformation stage of the gods store the remains of death. All the treasures of a monk in the transformation stage may become sacrificial objects after death, and in the spiritual field, the weathering and corrosion of treasures is also faster than It was dozens of times slower outside, so when the explorers of these unparalleled ruins heard that there was a spiritual realm here, their eyes shone brightly, and they were even more excited than discovering the treasure house of the unparalleled ruins.

In fact, a spiritual domain formed by the death of the god-turning period is not much different from a large treasure house in the unparalleled ruins. There is indeed a treasure house in the unparalleled ruins. There were a group of 500 people [-] years ago. of explorers have entered a treasure house, and as a result, every explorer has made a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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