The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1577 Opening the Restriction

Chapter 1577 Opening the Restriction
All the monks now are very envious of the closed spiritual field in front of them, and the formation master Bao Beifa is currently discussing the method of cracking the closed spiritual field with the formation masters of several families in Wushuang City.

There is no way, the restriction of this closed spiritual domain in front of me is too subtle, even the five formation masters of Baoer and Wushuang City's families together feel a little helpless.

"This cultivator at the transformation stage who left the spiritual domain is definitely a formation master level figure..."

A casual cultivator judged, but this is nonsense, the restriction in the spiritual domain in front of him can even stump the formation master Baoer, and the dead monk at the transformation stage is not a formation master.

At this moment, Bao Er, a well-known scattered formation master in Western Desert, is nervously discussing with three or five formation masters around him about the method of cracking the closed spiritual field in front of him.

"The hidden spiritual domain in front of me looks inconspicuous, but the restrictions on the periphery are interlocking. It is estimated that there are at least more than 1 different restraint methods combined. To find the entrance to the spiritual domain in front of you, It is necessary to crack these 1 different prohibition methods in order, and this difficulty is really not ordinary...Hou Wu, do you have any good solutions?"

Formation Master Baoer is actually a bald little old man, short and thin and inconspicuous, just like an ordinary mortal farmer.

However, Master Baoer is a well-known figure in the cultivation world of the West Desert. Although he is a casual cultivator, he is the guest of honor that all forces in the West Desert want to win over. It is a pity that the old man has been wandering around the West Desert all the time. After opening the Peerless Ruins once, I also came here especially for the name.

Hou Wu, who was called by the formation master Baoer, is also a formation master, about 30 years old, with a white face and beardless, and looks like a scribe. He is a family formation master trained by the Hou family in Wushuang City. Dao's research has reached the peak of formation master, and he is about to be promoted to formation master. This guy also has a certain prestige in the entire Wushuang City.

In fact, apart from Baoer among this group of formation masters, Hou Wu's ability is a bit more outstanding, so when Master Baoer studied the spiritual restraint in front of him, the main object of discussion was Hou Wu.

"Master Baoer, the prohibition formation in front of us is too complicated, and it is impossible to complete it with individual abilities... I wonder if we can operate it in sections. This is equivalent to reducing the difficulty. Each person is only responsible for one section of the restriction. Just crack it..." Hou Wu suggested.

"This method is good. Can everyone guarantee that there will be no mistakes during the operation... You must know that the more than 2000 hand restrictions in Lingyu are intertwined. As long as there is a small link in the middle of the operation, you have to overturn it and start over. " said Baoer, frowning.

The formation of this spiritual domain is a bit abnormal. If it is operated by him personally, the brain calculation ability is not enough. Although he is a master of formation, his brain capacity is limited. He can only calculate more than 2000 hands at most, and then operate while calculating. There will be a stagnation phenomenon, and it is certain that he will make mistakes in his busy schedule. This is why he feels that he cannot overcome the restriction of this spiritual domain by himself.

And if they cooperate in sections, everyone has room to rest their brains, and they can combine work and rest. However, Baoer is really worried about the formation masters in front of him, and he is afraid that everyone will be in a hurry and mess up.

"Master, we can try first." said Hou Wu, the representative of the formation master of the Wushuangcheng family.

"Alright, anyway, there is no other better way at the moment." Bao Er nodded.

So, the six formation masters in front of them united to break the restriction. At the beginning, Baoer took the lead, and everything went smoothly. It took about half an hour to break the 2000-hand prohibition.

Then Hou Wu, the formation master, took over, and when he had cracked more than 300 hands, he couldn't hold on any longer, and hurriedly said, "Substitute."

Next, several other family formation masters took over, and these family formation masters were even more unbearable. Each of them could persist for four or five hundred hands at most.Then the rotation went to Bauer.

After a short rest, Master Baoer's spiritual consciousness also recovered a lot, and started a new round of cracking, but this round only cracked [-] hands and let Hou Wu take turns. Master Baoer's brain computing power in the second round Clearly not enough.

And Hou Wu only lasted more than 400 moves in the second round, and then continued to rotate the formation masters of those other families, basically each of them only lasted more than 100 moves.

At the beginning of the third round, including the five formation masters in front of me, they feel that they are getting worse and worse, and now the cracking of the spiritual barrier has reached the critical point. More than 9000 moves have been broken, and there are still more than 3000 moves left.

However, the array mages in front of them could not last for the fourth round. One of the array mages made a mistake in his busy schedule, and he made a mistake to break the restriction.


Qin Lang could see clearly from the outside just now. He reminded the formation mage when he made a wrong spell. Unfortunately, the formation mage was already confused, and it was too late to correct his mistakes. Instead, he ruthlessly He glared at Qin Lang, as if it was because of Qin Lang's voice that he made a mistake.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lang was almost annoyed, his good intentions were not rewarded, this guy probably got himself.

Sure enough, the array mage who made a mistake in his busy schedule didn't realize his mistake at all, and complained instead: "Who is that guy? If he hadn't made me tremble by making a noise, I wouldn't have made a mistake just now!"

Hehe... In fact, the mistakes of this formation mage and the other colleagues are all in the eyes. They are all sensible people, and they know that Qin Lang should not be blamed for what happened just now.

However, this embarrassed formation master seemed to be on the shoulders with Qin Lang. He turned his head and said angrily at Qin Lang: "You! Get out, this time it's all because of you, don't delay us..."

"This is because you are not capable enough, how can you blame me!"

Qin Lang said helplessly, he began to regret reminding this bastard just now, and now he really bought a watch.

"Are you capable? Then you go..." The mage heard Qin Lang's words, and immediately answered back very unconvinced.

Qin Lang gave him a blank look. He is the most annoying person. He has no ability but wants to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail. He is just a guy who has just stepped into the ranks of formation masters. It can be said that each of the formation masters present is stronger than him.

As for Qin Lang, although he didn't show his ability, he is also a formation mage. With super system support, his ability will definitely beat this guy by dozens of streets. He kindly reminded him before, but now he was provoked by others. He really decided To shake off this guy's prestige, let this bastard completely shut up his stinky mouth.

"Get out of the way, I'll come."

Qin Lang waved his hand and said.

"What... are you really here? Do you think this is a child's play house..."

Seeing that Qin Lang really wanted to do this, the formation master refused to give way.

This is a guy who has no eyesight. Since Qin Lang was able to remind him when he made a mistake just now, it is obvious that his attainments in formation are higher than him.

Qin Lang now decided to slap him in the face, and slapped him hard until the guy completely shut up and was completely convinced.So, he stood still immediately, and said with a faint smile: "What? Now I will take your place... Are you afraid?"

"You..." The mage gritted his teeth angrily, blushed and said, "Okay, let me see what kind of moth you made!"

At this time, Qin Lang took the position of the formation mage shirtless, and Master Baoer and Hou Wu looked at each other. The newly promoted formation master is strong, so he defaulted to Qin Lang's position.

After resting for a while, the second round of cracking the spiritual barrier led by Master Baoer started again. This time, Baoer only cracked [-] hands in the first round. It seems that although the rest has passed, but The state of all aspects of the body is no longer as good as the first time it was cracked.

The same is true for the other formation mages, and their state is more or less worse than when they first cracked it.

And when it was Qin Lang's turn, only [-] hand restraints had been cracked before, and there were [-] hand restraints waiting to be cracked later.

At this time, Qin Lang laughed, and easily accepted the cracking of this round of spiritual barriers. His incomparably skillful operation was as precise as an assembly line, and the feeling he brought to all the monks around him was, how do you feel about this guy in front of him? Breaking the restriction is even easier than Master Baoer.

Of course, this is also where Qin Lang's background lies. With the powerful computing power of the super system, his brain doesn't need to think too much at all, he just needs to focus on what is in front of him, and various different methods of breaking the ban will be displayed naturally.

One thousand hands to break the forbidden technique...Qin Lang completed it naturally.

Two thousand hands... Qin Lang has now reached the height of Master Baoer's first round.

And around, at this time, all the monks were amazed, even Master Baoer and Hou Wu stared round their eyes. They didn't expect that Qin Lang was asked to try just now, but they just thought that Qin Lang's ability was better than that of the newcomer. Master Jin Formation is a little bit stronger, unexpectedly it is so strong.

Could it be that the young casual cultivator in front of him is also a formation master?

Three thousand hands... The surroundings are full of exclamation, and Master Baoer and Hou Wu have opened their mouths wide, feeling that their jaws are about to fall off, this is not a dream!How did the young casual cultivator in front of him get to this point? Even a formation master probably doesn't have such a powerful calculation ability.

However, regardless of the admiration around him, Qin Lang continued with ease, four thousand hands... five thousand hands... six thousand hands... seven thousand hands... seven thousand five!At this moment, the entire spiritual restraint glowed red!

The crack is complete.

(End of this chapter)

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