The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1578 Entering the Spirit Realm for Treasure Hunting

Chapter 1578 Entering the Spirit Realm for Treasure Hunting
Now, as long as you wait another half a stick of incense, the restriction on the spiritual domain will disappear automatically, and the entrance will manifest at that time.

And not only all the monks around, but even Master Baoer and Hou Wu, who are strong array masters, have already felt numb. The young casual cultivator in front of him is too heaven-defying. When did such a character appear in the mainland!Could it be that this young man is a formation master...

And after Qin Lang cracked the remaining [-]-handed spirit domain restrictions, he didn't spend much brain power and consciousness at all. He just took a breath at this time, then turned his head and looked at the front with a mocking smile. My own newly promoted formation mage.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with my ability..." Qin Lang teased.

"Big...Master, I'm sorry..."

The newly-promoted formation master lowered his head at this time, wishing he could find a crack in the ground like an ostrich, it was really embarrassing, he didn't expect that he would inspire a person above the formation master.

Everyone present didn't know that Qin Lang only relied on the auxiliary computing power of the super system to quickly solve the problem of insufficient brain computing, and his formation ability was actually at the level of a formation master.

However, Qin Lang cannot be treated completely from the perspective of a formation master. It can be said that the current Qin Lang is an example in the formation circle. In some aspects, even a formation master cannot compare with Qin Lang, such as this logical operation, but in a certain area In some aspects, Qin Lang still has a lot of shortcomings, and has been staying at the level of a formation master.

It's a pity that the only few formation masters and masters present at the scene were almost shocked by Qin Langlu's two hands, and they never thought that Qin Lang was not a formation master at all.

After slapping his face, Qin Lang chuckled and ignored the jumping clown just now. Now that the restriction of the spiritual domain has been lifted with his help, he is naturally eligible to enter the spiritual domain to get a share of the pie.

As soon as the time for half a stick of incense came, the red light at the entrance of the spiritual domain flashed even more dazzlingly, and all the restrictions had disappeared, and an illusory passageway entrance appeared in front of everyone.

The entrance of this passage seems real and unreal. In fact, it is completely condensed with the power of the realm after the death of the cultivator of the transformation stage. To enter the spiritual realm, one must pass through the entrance of the passage.

Seeing the passage entrance of this spiritual realm appear, all the casual practitioners present were in an uproar, their faces were filled with excitement. Now that the spiritual realm is finally opened, everyone has the opportunity to enter and share in it.

However, after Master Baoer and the other formation masters looked around, they smiled coldly. They knew well that this spiritual realm could accommodate up to [-] monks, and then it would be saturated. If you want to get in, you can't get in.

At this time, some casual cultivators and family monks headed by Baoer Continent began to file in, entering the passage of the spiritual realm, and Qin Lang was among them.

When the number of people entering the spiritual domain reached [-], the red light of the entire spiritual domain suddenly disappeared, and the passage at the entrance also disappeared. What's going on here... why is the entrance to the spiritual realm channel gone!"

Now there are more than [-] casual cultivators surrounding the entrance of the spiritual passage in the Wushuang ruins. Except for the [-] lucky ones who entered, the rest are people without fate.

After the [-] casual cultivators cursed and cursed for a while, they had no choice but to disperse. Anyway, the Wushuang ruins are so big, even if they missed this spiritual domain, there are still other places to search. Maybe they can find them again in other places. It's a good thing, so there's no need to waste it here.

After Qin Lang entered the spiritual domain, he found that it was a strange space with a layer of mist. This space was neither big nor small. It is estimated that the entire spiritual domain has a range of ten or twenty miles.

After the [-] monks entered the spiritual domain, they began to scatter to find treasures. Compared with other places in the Wushuang ruins, the probability of encountering good things in this spiritual domain is definitely dozens of times higher, so this is also A large number of monks squeezed their heads and wanted to enter it.

No, many monks have found the elixir and spirit grass in various parts of the spiritual domain, shouting and screaming constantly, it should be that monks are constantly getting good things.

And Qin Lang is also moving in one direction. Along the way, he also picked three or four clusters of high-grade elixir that are rarely seen in ordinary times. Some of them are even worth as much as Queen Mother Grass. There is a chance to open the furnace again to make Huadan.

"Wow! Hall, there is a hall ahead!"

There were casual cultivators yelling, and Qin Lang also discovered an exquisite hall shrouded in mist not far away.

Needless to say, there must be more and better treasures waiting for everyone to discover this kind of hall in the spiritual realm. Immediately, all the monks who discovered the hall rushed to the hall like crazy.

Now whoever runs fast can grab good things, and Qin Lang took a wind escape talisman for himself and rushed to the front row of all the monks. Of course, there are several monks in this group who run faster Yes, even a wind-type cultivator's movement speed surpassed Qin Lang's.

After Qin Lang entered the main hall, he heard the casual wind cultivator who was the first to rush into the main hall yell, "Wow... God Thunder!" He jumped towards a certain place in the main hall.

And Qin Lang was not to be outdone, chasing after this cultivator, what is the god thunder son? He thought he had heard the fat man of the Tianlei sect said that the Tianlei son created by the ancestor of the Tianlei sect was evolved from the god thunder son , Shenleizi is an ancient relic, and it is also an extremely powerful one-time explosive treasure. Now the refining method has long been lost.

It is said that the power of the explosion of the god thunder is comparable to that of a cultivator in the transformation stage. That is why the wind cultivator was so crazy after seeing a treasure like the god thunder appeared in the hall.

Qin Lang followed the wind cultivator one after the other to the place where the divine thunderbolts were stored in the main hall. They each swept one. The wind cultivator who ran ahead grabbed five, and Qin Lang snatched two.

However, the number of divine thunders stored in this hall is not large, only seven in total, and after the wind monk and Qin Lang took the lead, there will be no more.

After the other monks chased after them, they began to stare at the wind monk and Qin Lang with unkind eyes, as if they wanted to grab their belongings.

And Qin Lang laughed, bursting out with the force field momentum of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, immediately dispelling everyone's thoughts on Qin Lang. This opponent is too strong to deal with, so he began to focus on the wind cultivator.

This wind cultivator's strength is not as good as the late stage of alchemy, and he looks like a lot of bullying. Seeing the surrounding monks approaching, this guy is also a ruthless character. He directly held a god thunder in his hand, and roared excitedly : "Who dares to come over, come over again and I will crush it!"


This time, all the monks present were dumbfounded. Although the strength of the wind cultivator is not very good, he has the determination to die with everyone. In addition, the god thunder in the hands of the wind cultivator... is really not a friendly thing. Think about it Let's forget it later, there should be other good things waiting to be found in the spiritual domain, and there is no need to make a fuss over a few god thunders.

So, everyone continued to search in the hall. It is said that there are many people and strength, and soon the other treasures in the hall were searched out one by one, and there were even a few treasures that were no worse than the god Leizi.

And Qin Lang is staring at a huge god Buddha in the main hall at the moment. This god Buddha should be realized by monks in the transformation period using the spiritual power of the spiritual realm. It is three feet high and more than half a foot wide. gold.

And what Qin Lang paid attention to was not the body of the god and Buddha, but the two eyes of the god and Buddha. He felt that one of the eyes was different in color from the other, one was white, the other was black, and the white one seemed to be still There is a faint spiritual power coming out.

This spiritual power is very general, and it feels a little incompatible with the gods and Buddhas as a whole, so it has attracted Qin Lang's attention.

Of course, this is because Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that he can notice this. His spiritual consciousness is extremely condensed, and now he is the existence of the peak in the middle stage of Yuanying, so he can observe such detailed places.

Among the casual cultivators and family monks present, the highest level of cultivation was only in the early Yuanying period. Baoer, the master of casual cultivation in the middle period of the Yuanying period, did not enter the hall, so the highest cultivation level in the entire hall is naturally Qin Lang.

Qin Lang soared up at this time, and directly approached the head of the god and Buddha to dig out the white eyeball. This seemed to be disrespectful to the god and Buddha, but it was nothing to the practitioners. What is meant is longevity, and in the eyes of mortals, it is not much different from gods.

After digging out that white eyeball, the gods and Buddhas in the main hall suddenly shattered, and the light that turned into a ball of spiritual power disappeared.

And Qin Lang looked at the white eye in his hand, but found that it was made of a white bone bead. He didn't know what kind of treasure it was, but he was sure that it was definitely a very unusual thing.

And the strange scene created by Qin Lang digging out the eyeballs of the gods and Buddhas in the main hall was also seen by the surrounding monks. However, although they knew that Qin Lang had obtained a great treasure, the surrounding monks did not dare to give birth. It is simply impossible to beat a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

And although Qin Lang knows that many monks in the main hall have obtained some good things, he is not a monk of the magic way. Only when it's so bad that people can't bear to look at it can it be possible for him to take action.

This is also Qin Lang's way of dealing with people. As long as a monk is based on his heart, he will not be disturbed by foreign demons. Otherwise, there will be many difficulties on the road of cultivation, and he will not come over so easily.

You must know that it is not others but yourself that hinders a monk the most on the road of practice. As the saying goes, the devil is born from the heart... So the state of mind of a monk's practice is the most important, and it is also the place where every monk needs to strengthen his training at all times.

(End of this chapter)

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