The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1579 9-story Linglong Tower

Chapter 1579 Nine-story Linglong Pagoda (Thank you free04 for the reward)

Qin Lang put this white bone bead in the storage ring instead of the storage bag, which also represented Qin Lang's prudence. After all, others might have a chance to take the things in the storage bag, but the storage In the case of a physical ring, it is basically difficult.

After all, there is no monk's spiritual imprint in the storage bag, anyone can inject real energy to open it, and storage rings generally have the owner's spiritual imprint, it is not easy to decipher other people's storage rings' spiritual imprint, it takes a lot of money. The success rate of the method is less than [-]%.

However, the capacity of the storage ring is not as high as that of the storage bag. Even the top-grade storage ring only has a space of [-] cubic meters, and the quantity is very rare. Infant cultivators also have at least several storage bags on their bodies to store sundries.

And like Qin Lang, there are at least twenty or more storage bags on his body, all of which are trophies obtained from killing the enemy in the past few months. These storage bags are all large-capacity, and the lower-grade ones are basically given by Qin Lang. Dealt with.

After collecting the white bone beads, Qin Lang felt that there was nothing good in the Lingyu Hall, so he stopped lingering here and left the hall directly.

After leaving the main hall, he suddenly saw a radiance in the east direction, as if there were a large number of monks vying for something there, and all the monks who had just left the hall suddenly rushed towards that direction one by one as if they were fighting chicken blood.

"What are they doing? Could it be that there is some heaven-defying treasure appearing in that direction?"

Qin Lang looked around and muttered to himself.

Immediately his curiosity arose, and he followed suit and began to move in that direction.

closer, closer...

Before approaching the distance of a hundred feet, Qin Lang heard the sound of noise, and what the monks fighting in this direction are also shocking... The magic house is actually a complete magic house!
Needless to say the value of the Magic Treasure House, this thing can be said to be the most high-end combat magic weapon in the cultivation world. The average monk may have never seen it in his life, and only monks at the late Yuanying stage and above or even at the stage of transforming gods can have it. .

The Magic Treasure House integrates offense and defense, and has strong combat power. Basically, every high-ranking monk wants to have one, but it is naturally not easy to get one.

There is no such thing for sale in the world. Even a craftsman at the level of a master craftsman can't make it if his cultivation level is not enough. Only a master craftsman with a cultivation level above the stage of transforming gods can make this kind of heaven-defying treasure. .

Therefore, in the past 1 years in the cultivation world, the Magic Treasure House has almost disappeared, rarely appearing in public.

In fact, in the past 1 years, there has never been a master of refining equipment at the level of the gods in the mainland, so no new magic house has appeared.

And some big forces and big families may have magic treasure houses in their hands, but these are accumulated thousands of years ago, but it is impossible for these forces to show the treasures that these forces use to suppress the bottom of the box.

And the magic treasure house owned by the Ma family in Wushuang City is also a treasure from ten thousand years ago, and the magic treasure house called Maji owned by the Ma family is only a semi-finished product, and it cannot be regarded as a complete magic treasure house at all.

If the Magic Treasure House is sent to the auction, I am afraid that it will be no problem to fetch a sky-high price of one billion, but the problem is that no one will be stupid enough to auction such a treasure of the sky-defying level. The one in his hand is definitely a symbol of great strength and heritage, and it cannot be exchanged for money.

The magic treasure house that the monks are fighting for in front of me is suspended in the air of the spiritual domain, and it is integrated with the entire spiritual domain. This magic treasure house is like a huge upside-down nine-story pagoda, section by section, and the whole is glowing with gray-blue light .

It is estimated that this thing is also the treasure at the bottom of the box of the lost cultivator at the stage of transformation. Unexpectedly, after the cultivator of transformation stage died, it remained in the spiritual domain. I'm probably going to cry to death, the ancestor didn't even pass down the treasure at the bottom of the box, which is too hurtful.

As soon as all the monks who entered the spiritual domain saw this magic treasure house, they basically rushed over to fight for the treasure, and Qin Lang came one step ahead of Baoer, who had a large number of formations, and several family members in Wushuang City.

Qin Lang understood at this time, no wonder these people didn't rush to the previous hall, they found such a treasure as the Magic Treasure House, it is estimated that no one will move away again, if in the process of leaving, It would be a big loss if someone else got it.

The nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magical Treasure House in front of me...let's call it the Nine-story Linglong Tower. Although everyone doesn't know the exact name of the Magical Treasure House, the name of the nine-story pagoda floating in the air is still very vivid.

The nine-story Linglong Pagoda is suspended in the air. Because it is integrated with the entire spiritual domain, even if the monks on the scene found it, it is not easy to get it. Now the sky is covered with a lot of restrictions. If a monk wants to obtain the house of magic treasures, he must first break through the densely packed spiritual realm restrictions.

This is a relatively complicated and arduous process. At present, Master Baoer and several family formation masters in Wushuang City are working together to break the spiritual barrier in the air. It can't be solved for a while.

Seeing Qin Lang's arrival at this time, Master Baoer waited for a few formations and was overjoyed: "Fellow Daoist, just wait for you to join... If the spiritual domain restriction in the air of the Dharma house is broken, after it is released, everyone will come back at that time." It's all up to you..."


Qin Lang let out a sigh, looked at the sky, thought for a while and said, "Okay!"

Although he knew that there were so many monks present, he might not have a chance to get this magic house, but the temptation of the magic house was too great, so he was still going to make another effort.

"For the treasure house, I think I have to grab one next..."

Qin Lang now has the idea of ​​changing his position for the sake of the magic house. The temptation of the magic house is too great, like a huge cake hanging in the air waiting for him to take a bite.

And all the cultivators at the scene were also very excited. Many casual cultivators actually directly bombarded the magic weapon to the spiritual barrier in the air, but these formation masters, including Master Baoer, all laughed. If the magic weapon house really It's so easy to be bombarded, they have already succeeded before, should they wait until now?
Qin Lang turned on the mutant super system to accelerate the logic computing ability, and the prohibition in the air was quickly broken one by one with Qin Lang's joining. In about half an hour, Qin Lang completed all the hard work of all the previous formation masters .

Qin Lang's ability to break the ban is shocking. Fortunately, these formation masters have already been shocked once when they entered the spiritual realm, so it doesn't matter if they are shocked again now. Observe Qin Lang's cracking progress.

"With the joining of young fellow Taoists... It is estimated that in two or three hours, the restriction of this spiritual realm can be completely broken..."

All the formation masters were calculating in their hearts, and they all made up their minds to take action as soon as the restriction of the spirit realm collapsed, and snatch the magic house.

Half an hour later, there was a bang in the air, the restriction of the entire spiritual domain collapsed, the sky began to collapse, and the spiritual domain was disappearing bit by bit.

But at this time, all the monks seized the opportunity to make a move, and rushed to the magic house in the air, "Ahhhh..." The screams continued, and many latecomers made ruthless moves and directly launched killing moves In the air, some casual cultivators who were closer to the front were caught off guard and killed directly.

But when the entire spiritual domain collapsed, something unexpected happened. The originally complete nine-story exquisite pagoda in the sky suddenly disintegrated, or the nine-story exquisite pagoda was originally a part of the supporting structure of the spiritual domain, and now the restriction of the spiritual domain collapsed. If it is gone, its supporting function will disappear, and it will directly disintegrate.

After the nine-story exquisite pagoda disintegrated, it turned into nine different bluish-gray light groups flying in the air. These are the components of the magic house. Many monks began to chase these parts of the magic house.

Qin Lang also seized the opportunity to buy a blue-gray light group, but was attacked by five monks with different cultivation bases and strengths at the same time. One of them was actually the old guy Bao Beibao, so Qin Lang had to curse secretly, it was the best Everyone is ugly in front of the treasure!

However, it seems that even if this part is snatched, it will be of little use. It seems that nine parts must be assembled to display the full power of the nine-story Linglong pagoda.

The whole scene was completely crazy. After the collapse of the spiritual domain, all the monks directly appeared inside the Wushuang Ruins, and besides the nearly [-] monks in front of them, a large number of monks from other areas sensed the aura of the aura here. Came here due to strong fluctuations, ready to join in the snatching of the magic weapon house parts.

Qin Lang looked back and saw that the nine components of the Magic Treasure House were snatched by five monks. One of them was the most aggressive and got four pieces, but it was the old guy Bao Er.

"This old guy's hands and feet are pretty fast, I only grabbed one just now..."

Qin Lang shook his head, feeling uncomfortable here and staying too long, decided to leave as soon as possible, at least the idea of ​​getting together the parts of the magic house was a bit unrealistic, so he didn't plan to continue the melee with the 2000 people in front of him.

Heck, Qin Lang slapped the Wind Escape Talisman. During this process, he deftly avoided a few sneak attacks, and at the same time unceremoniously responded with a sword qi, and then didn't check to see if the sword qi hit the sneak attacker. , directly rushed out of the encirclement.

However, at the same time as the conflict was encircling, his sensitive ears still heard a scream coming from that direction, and he couldn't help but secretly feel happy, telling you to sneak attack your young master... now you will be punished!Hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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