The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1580 Appearing Channels

Chapter 1580 Appearing Channels
After the spiritual realm of the monks in the transformation stage collapsed, the area is now chaotic in order to compete for the remnants of the magic treasure house, and Qin Lang also took the opportunity to leave the battlefield in the chaos and fled in one direction.

After running for more than 20 miles, Qin Lang came to a very quiet valley. His spiritual sense sensed some unusual spiritual power fluctuations on a mountain wall of the valley. Out of curiosity, he moved closer to have a look.

It turned out to be the entrance of a cave. Qin Lang stepped into the cave and found that the spiritual fluctuations of this cave came from the depths, so he kept diving into the depths.

There was a strong wind in this cave, which made the clothes flutter, as if there was a large hair dryer inside, which is the legendary wind tunnel.

"There may be a wind vein inside the cave..."

Qin Lang judged.

The wind vein is also a kind of spiritual vein, and the wind attribute aura here is very strong. If a monk of the wind system practices here, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and it is a treasured place for practice.

However, Qin Lang's spiritual root attributes are fire, thunder, and gold, so the addition of this wind tunnel to Qin Lang's cultivation is really limited.

After entering the wind tunnel, he didn't encounter any problems all the way. Qin Lang quickly went four or five miles deep and saw a natural cave. The eye of the wind was the top of the deep cave, and there was a large vent.

The gust of wind with strong wind attribute aura is blowing downward all the time. If a mortal stands in this cave, he will definitely feel unstable and be blown out of the deep cave.

And Qin Lang was carrying a storage bag weighing dozens of tons, so the strong wind could not help him. After entering here, Qin Lang began to count the harvest in the spiritual realm. He was holding the remnant of the magic house. This part should be nine A piece of the base of Linglong Pagoda is a piece of blue-gray metal.

"Although the Magic Treasure House is's a pity that there is only one fragment in my hand, but it can't be assembled into a Magic Treasure House anyway..."

Qin Lang thought that the nine parts of the magic house would be given away by others, so it would be troublesome to get them together later, and I am afraid that no one will have this opportunity.

Putting away the remnants of the magic treasure house, Qin Lang took out the white bone bead obtained in the spiritual domain. This white bone bead was taken out by the eyes of the gods and Buddhas in the spiritual domain hall. It should be a very special item. Qin Lang didn't have time to think about the treasure before, but now that he is free in this cave, he is naturally ready to take a good look.

As soon as this consciousness was poured into the bone bead, he immediately discovered that the white bone bead was different. It was actually an inheritance, and it contained a set of Nascent Soul-level kung fu "Sanyang Gua".

"Sanyang Gua" belongs to Qimen Kungfu, its function is to shield the secrets of heaven. People who practice this kungfu can not only shield their own cultivation base, but also shield other people's induction and divination to themselves. It is a very good concealment method. The exercises of breath in all aspects of oneself.

And Qin Lang immediately prepared to practice after seeing this "Sanyang Gua". ".

This kind of "Sanyang Gua" is a kind of miscellaneous learning of Qimen, and it has something in common with the art of organs and formations, so Qin Lang is not too difficult to learn, and he quickly mastered this "Sanyang Gua" learn.

However, although the "Sanyang Hexagram" belongs to the Qimen Kung Fu of Yuanying level, it has no level to improve. After Qin Lang learned it, he quickly put the kung fu into operation to shield his own secrets.

Afterwards, Qin Lang's cultivation base was completely concealed, and he also used the Dao of Transformation technique to change his appearance. Because of the Sanyang hexagram, the thousand-faced demon girl could not sense Qin Lang this time. Exercising the Dao of Transformation Kung Fu.

"Sure enough... just as I guessed."

Qin Lang nodded, with the help of "Sanyang Gua", now he can use the Dao-changing technique at will, but it will be much more difficult for the ghost hand Liao Hua and Qianmian Yaoji who entered the ruins to find him.

Next, if I want to deal with this gang of ghost cultivators, I can completely turn passive into active and play to death with these guys.

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and when he was about to leave here, he suddenly discovered that the cave was not closed. There was a very inconspicuous crack on the wall of the cave in front that could allow a person to pass through, so out of curiosity, Qin Lang entered this crack.

After entering this crack, it seemed that there was a very special thrust pushing him forward. After walking for a while, Qin Lang suddenly lightened up and appeared in another place after being teleported. It turned out that this was a barrier channel.

Qin Lang now appeared in an environment similar to a mine. He looked around, and he was sure that this was definitely not the northern area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins. Although he appeared in the depths of the mine now, the surrounding light was not bright. It was not dark, the mines on the walls of the mines were shining with crystals, which made the whole passage bright.

Qin Lang looked at the mine wall carefully, and felt that these ores had a faint aura factor, which seemed to be the spirit stone mine. However, although there are many spirit stone mines around, the quality is not very good. If Qin Lang enters the mining At most, some low-grade spirit stones will be mined out.

Qin Lang is not very interested in the lower stone spirit stone now, so after knowing that the mine produced spirit stones at this moment, he did not stop here to mine, but continued to move forward.

In the process of walking, Qin Lang also found several cross-associated mines of Lingshi Mine, which are rich in some fine gold and mitral silver. The value of quarry, fine gold, and secret silver is indeed much higher.

However, the tools they use to mine ore are not professional. They use flying swords, medicine hoes, and small knives... all kinds of tools. Before they came here, they never thought that they would be teleported to the mine tunnel area. .

And when Qin Lang walked past these loose cultivators who acted as miners, he heard them mining and talking a lot, and then he realized that he had come to the east area of ​​the Wushuang ruins. Good place.

Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed that although the spirit stones, fine gold, and secret silver along the way were produced, they were not rich ore. Since they were not rich ore, he didn't bother to waste his time as a miner like the casual cultivators in front of him.

However, when passing through a side road, he encountered a group of casual cultivators who robbed the road. It was a monk team of about five or six people.

This team is all in the late stage of alchemy, and it can be regarded as a master in this mine. Seeing Qin Lang who has hidden his breath, he thought that this single casual cultivation base was not very good, and the head of a one-eyed dragon So he said to Qin Lang arrogantly: "Boy, if you are sensible, hand over your wealth, and the uncle may consider spare your life."

"Oh." Qin Lang responded lightly, but did not move.

And the one-eyed dragon in front of him seemed to be the leader of a group of casual cultivators who robbed the Dao. Seeing that Qin Lang responded in a nonchalant manner, but did not obediently take out his belongings to honor his group, he became furious: "Grandma's , are you deaf? The uncle asked you to hand over your belongings."

As he said that, the one-eyed dragon rushed over to grab the man, but with a slight flash of Qin Lang's body, the guy was gone.The one-eyed dragon saw that he failed to take down Qin Lang with one move, so he used a very vicious technique, turning one palm completely black and green, and patted Qin Lang again.

"Taste the green poisonous palm of the uncle!"

The one-eyed dragon showed a ruthless expression, this is his unique secret technique, a palm technique refined by the poison of the wood spirit, even a monk of the same rank will burn all internal organs and turn into a puddle of pus if hit by this palm .

However, just when the one-eyed dragon's palm hit Qin Lang's chest, Qin Lang grabbed his wrist, twisted it, and broke the guy's wrist with a snap.


The one-eyed dragon let out a scream, and the green of the wood spirit accumulated in the palm of his hand could not be used, so it began to flow back from the blood and into the heart. After a while, the guy's face also turned blue-gray, and his whole body was swollen stand up.

This is because this guy often practices this palm technique, so his body resistance is relatively strong, and it seems that he can last for three to five minutes. If it is an ordinary person, his body may have already turned into pus.

After Qin Lang let go, this guy fell to the ground and gritted his teeth tightly, which is a symptom of the poisonous attack.He could not succeed in shady people, but instead shady himself, this one-eyed dragon is really unlucky.

As soon as the one-eyed dragon fell down, the other five companions shouted: "No! The one-eyed boss has been recruited, this guy is too cunning, brothers go together."

As soon as the words were finished, the five casual cultivators in the late stage of alchemy took out their magic tools and magic weapons and attacked Qin Lang together.

But the five guys in front of Qin Lang sneered, and didn't see how to move, they had already sent out several fiery red sword auras, killing these casual cultivators in seconds.

"It turns turns are a master..."

The one-eyed dragon who was poisoned and swayed on the ground almost regretted it. It turned out that this kid was hiding his cultivation and pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. I hate myself for treating this person as a humble casual cultivator just now. I really kicked the iron plate.

This kid... is definitely a monk above the Nascent Soul stage, and he is simply not something people like himself can deal with. One wrong move, one wrong step!
It's a pity that Cyclops and his group regret it now and have no chance, because Qin Lang stepped on it with his foot, and then ended his life.

After checking the belongings of the six casual cultivators, Qin Lang accidentally discovered a large amount of fine gold and mithril ore, worth at least four to five million yuan, and there were more than 500 different magic weapons. This number is definitely not six What a casual cultivator can have in the late stage of alchemy should be that this group of casual cultivators have done a lot of bad things before, and the accumulated lives in their hands are definitely more than one or two lives.

Therefore, this time the six of them were planted in Qin Lang's hands, it was definitely not wronged, and Qin Lang's removal of the six of them could be regarded as doing justice for the heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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