Chapter 1581

After a small harvest, Qin Lang continued to move forward, and at this time he found a noise in front of him, probably because many monks gathered somewhere in the mine.

After Qin Lang dispersed his consciousness, he found that at least one or two hundred monks were fighting something in that place, and because Qin Lang was more than five hundred feet away from that place, he was vaguely aware of it.

Out of curiosity, he quickened his pace, and after getting closer, he realized that these monks were besieging and killing a snow-white short monster with a head like a toad. They surrounded at least ten or twenty of them. It should be between Tier [-] and Tier [-], and it should be a special monster of this eastern mine.

Although it was the first time for Qin Lang to see this kind of monster, there were monks surrounding him killing this kind of monster while not communicating with each other, so he also knew the name of this kind of monster.

"This is the Spirit Devourer..."

"Have you heard? The spirit devourer feeds on high-purity spirit stone mines, so there is a spirit core in its body besides the inner alchemy. The value of the spirit core is much higher than that of the demon alchemy!"

"Yeah, yeah, after killing these ghost queens, we can all get a small fortune? It's really lucky..."

"No, no, the spirit calculation of the spirit-eating monster can't calculate the big head's income, it can only be counted as the small head. If the spirit-eating monster appears here, it means that there must be a high-purity spirit stone vein nearby. After killing these monsters, we can get Look for it!"

"What a great idea!"


Due to the large number of casual cultivators, it is very easy to besiege and kill the spirit devouring monster whose strength is equivalent to the late stage of alchemy or even the great completion of alchemy. Just a monster, don't take it too easy.

This group of casual cultivators should have discovered the spirit-eating monsters living in groups not long ago, and now after enclosing this group of spirit-eating monsters, the battle has ended in about three to five minutes.

After the battle, all the spirit-devouring monsters were killed by casual cultivators, and the casual cultivators began to dig out the spirit-devouring monster's inner alchemy, spiritual core, and flesh and blood materials from the whole body.

The two hundred casual cultivators were noisy for a while, because the distribution plan had been agreed before the battle, so although the scene was a bit chaotic, they didn't make a big fuss.

Not much to say about the spirit-eating monster's monster inner alchemy, but the spirit core is actually accompanied by the monster's inner alchemy, near the monster's stomach, is the crystal that the spirit-eating monster has swallowed a large amount of high-purity spirit stone ore.

"Hahaha, this spirit core of the spirit devourer is equivalent to ten high-grade spirit stones!"

When a casual cultivator took out a pure white and flawless transparent crystal from the body of the spirit devourer, he laughed loudly.

Hearing this, even Qin Lang couldn't help being moved. Ten high-grade spirit stones are almost equal to 10 ordinary spirit stones, which means that the spirit core of this spirit-eating monster is almost worth as much as a middle-grade magic weapon.

Knowing that the spirit core is so valuable, Qin Lang also thought of more. Since the spirit core of the spirit devouring monster is transformed from a high-purity spirit stone mine, the energy contained in it is also very pure, and it should be used directly. Practice absorption and transformation.

Then, if you use this kind of spirit core to cultivate, the effect will definitely be better than that of top-grade spirit stones.

However, I don't know how this spirit core will compare with the top-grade spirit stones. However, it is estimated that it should be worse than the top-grade spirit stones. It should be a special substance between the top-grade spirit stones and the top-grade spirit stones.

Immediately, Qin Lang had the urge to take these spiritual cores as his own. Of course, he disdained to rob other people's fruits of labor, so he went up to a group of casual cultivators who dealt with the corpses of monsters and asked: "You monsters? Is the spirit core of the beast going to be sold... Make an offer, and I'm going to buy it."

One of the casual cultivators who led the team looked at Qin Lang. He couldn't figure out Qin Lang's cultivation base with his spiritual sense. It is used for direct cultivation, unless it is used for arranging formations and refining equipment, it is possible to use it.

And is this casual cultivator who can't see through the details in front of him a high-level monk above the Nascent Soul Stage, or is he planning to buy a spiritual core for arranging formations and refining weapons?He really couldn't figure it out.

However, this group of casual cultivators who kill monsters here are actually planning to exchange materials for spirit stones and training materials, so they are actually very welcome to come to the door if the gold master is here. If the spirit core is converted into spirit stones, this group of casual cultivators Now it is easier to distribute the benefits among each other.

"Fellow Daoist, are you going to buy the spirit core... well, if you have 12 spirit stones, you can take it away..."

The monk made a price, which was a slight increase of 20.00% from the estimated price just now.

"All right!"

Qin Lang didn't say much, and directly threw a low-grade storage bag over.

And the monk counted the number of spirit stones in the storage bag, which was exactly 12. He glanced at Qin Lang with a little surprise, then nodded, and threw the spirit core from the spirit devouring monster over, letting Qin Lang pick it up. In hand.

The spirit core of this spirit-eating monster is actually not that big, only the size of a little finger, and it is actually not as big as a low-grade spirit stone, but the current concentration of spirit energy definitely exceeds that of a high-grade spirit stone.

When holding it in his hand, Qin Lang found that the spirit core was icy cold, but the spirit core was actually milky white in color, similar to milk, and looked very comfortable.

After receiving this spiritual core, Qin Lang thought to himself: "Since this spiritual core is better at recovering true energy than top-grade spirit stones, it should be very good for recovery after battle, and it can be used as a battle equipment."

Next, Qin Lang discussed with several teams around him, and collected another four or five spirit cores one after another, but he would not be able to receive any more. After all, not all monk teams are willing to sell spirit cores, and some Prepare for your own use.

After the battle between the rogue cultivators and the spirit-eating monster in the mine was over, all the rogue cultivators began to look for high-quality spirit stone veins that might exist in the nearby area. Now that they have discovered such a community of spirit-devouring monsters, there must be high-quality spirit stone mines in this nearby area.

Qin Lang also had some interest in the high-quality spirit stone mine, so he joined the search team. However, he heard from the surrounding monks that this group of spirit-eating monsters did not appear here directly, but from the mine. It jumped out from a certain direction in the depths, so everyone continued to go deeper into the mine along this direction.

While going deep into the mine, all casual cultivators let go of their spiritual sense as much as possible, and from time to time used miscellaneous mining tools in their hands to knock on the mine wall to judge whether they had found that high-purity spirit stone vein.

However, this mine is too deep, and there are many side roads. In fact, the entire eastern area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins is like this mine environment, so now that you have judged the correct direction of the high-purity spirit stone vein, everyone immediately It is not easy to find the correct position for a while.

In the course of this continuous search, several small veins of spirit stones were also found, and the purity was not very high. About three-tenths of the monks stayed on the way to search for high-purity spirit stone veins. They are more interested in immediate interests. To them, the few small veins of spirit stones in front of them are more attractive than the illusory high-purity spirit stone veins they imagined.

However, for everyone, it is natural that the fewer people searching for high-purity spirit stone veins, the better. In this way, if that high-purity spirit stone vein is found next time, there will be fewer people who will get a share of the pie.

The strength of the two hundred casual cultivators in front of me is basically below Nascent Soul, so Qin Lang's consciousness that can radiate a distance of five hundred feet around him is the most extensive, and it is more effective to detect the environment of the surrounding mines than other casual cultivators. Advantage.

About an hour later, Qin Lang discovered that there was a strong spiritual energy source in front of him, which should be a relatively high-quality spirit stone vein, but unfortunately, there should be 50 or [-] people mining this spirit stone vein on the spot.

"Haha, I found it... This is a large-scale spirit stone mine. Although most of the mine veins are only middle-grade and low-grade spirit stone mines, occasionally high-grade spirit stones can be dug in it. I think the batch of spirit-eating demons should have gathered here..."

After the group of monks who came from afar discovered Xintiandi, they all grinned with joy.

However, the 50 or 200 people who had been mining this vein before were not happy. It was just right for them to occupy this rich ore vein, but now suddenly [-] people came to share a share of the pie, so how could they be happy.

"You get out of here! We discovered this vein first, and now it has no place... Get out of the way! Go dig elsewhere!"

The original forty or fifty casual cultivators began to chase people away.

However, how could the [-] or [-] casual cultivators let go easily? They entered the Wushuang Ruins for spirit stones and resources. Just fight for a round.

As a result, the two sides began to push and shove and fight with each other, gradually began to evolve into a full-scale martial arts, and finally fought. The two sides are casual cultivators. After more than a week of running-in in this unparalleled ruins, now They have already turned into two groups of large forces, not much different from the family teams that entered the ruins.

During the fight, both sides lost about a dozen people each. In the end, it was the 150-odd strong soldiers who broke the deadlock abruptly recently and took root in this rich ore vein of spirit stone.

In the end, the remaining 40 members of the previous casual cultivator group could only sigh helplessly, and merged with this 150-member team, and then everyone began to fall into a crazy mining frenzy.

There is a saying that "husband and wife fight at the head of the bed, and fight at the end of the bed." The fight between the casual cultivators of the Wushuang Ruins is so bizarre, it's almost like a farce, and there is no particularly big conflict between them.

However, the twenty casual cultivators who lost in the previous battle really became futile ghosts.It also corresponds to the saying "man dies for money, bird dies for food".

Qin Lang left here when these monks were fighting fiercely. His spiritual sense sensed that although this ore vein is a rich ore, the essence of this rich ore is not here, but about 400 feet away from here. A hideout.

(End of this chapter)

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