Chapter 1582

It can be said that this rich mine is like an earthworm. The area where the hidden place is fighting with a large number of rogue cultivators is the two ends of the mine vein exposed, while the rest is deeply buried in the soil.

Moreover, the aura of that hidden location is definitely several times stronger than that of the battle of casual cultivators. I believe that if it is mined, the probability of high-quality spiritual stone mines will be much higher.

So, taking advantage of these casual cultivators fighting in front of him, Qin Lang quietly left here and went to the place where the spiritual energy fluctuations were more intense.

After arriving at the hidden ore vein, Qin Lang did not mine immediately, but began to arrange restrictions around it, and circled this hidden ore vein with a formation, so that it would be difficult for others to find the aura here Fluctuation, this hidden vein point is equivalent to Qin Lang's monopoly.

After the layout was completed, Qin Lang began to mine the veins. The mining tools in his hands were transformed by S-level mutants using metal abilities. They were high-strength alloy ore drafts. When they were knocked on the hard mine wall , The stone of the mine wall was dug out layer by layer like bamboo shoot shells.

In just half an hour, Qin Lang dug out a large pit nearly ten feet deep like a groundhog, and in the process he harvested at least more than 1000 middle-grade spirit stones, and about twenty top-grade spirit stones. ,

In half an hour, a wealth worth almost 30 low-grade spirit stones was harvested. This bonanza is indeed very good.

When Qin Lang was digging, the ores that fell from the veins were not only middle-grade and high-grade spirit stone mines, but also more low-grade spirit stone mines, which were almost a hundred times the amount of middle-grade and high-grade spirit stone mines, but they were all taken by Qin Lang. Just ignored it.

In the eyes of high-level cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage, the low-grade spirit stones have no other uses other than being used as currency for transactions.

Qin Lang has been digging deep into the ground along the core of the vein. After digging for about four or five hours, a strong aura leaked from the ground, and Qin Lang stopped digging at this time, his expression slightly stunned.

He found the place where the strong spirit stones leaked at the core of the vein, there were actually top-quality spirit stones, and the amount was quite a lot, at least more than 100 yuan.

Hey, these top-quality spirit stones seem to have disappeared in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent for tens of thousands of years. Qin Lang once obtained some in the cave of Song Zixing, a zombie in the transformation stage, and they were removed from 36 organ puppets. Time is almost up.

The Wushuang ruins are really a good place. Now that the top-quality spiritual stone mines have been found in the rich spiritual stone veins deep in the eastern mine, Qin Lang sighed for luck.

You must know that this top-grade spirit stone is at least equivalent to 100 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, and these more than 100 pieces of top-grade spirit stones... that is directly a wealth of [-] million spirit stones!
Moreover, the top-quality spirit stones in Qinghe Continent are almost extinct now, and they are rare items for most high-level monks, so the value of this 100 yuan top-quality spirit stone mine is definitely far more than [-] million spirit stones.

With the goal of the top-quality spirit stone mine, Qin Lang didn't like other spirit stone mines along the way, and directly accelerated the speed of excavation. In the process, a lot of good mines were damaged. If Sanxiu sees it, he will definitely scold the prodigal son.

However, for Qin Lang, who is eager for the best spirit stone mine, what are these?As long as the 100 yuan top-quality spirit stone is in hand, the biggest benefit of this rich mine has basically been won by himself.

The place where the aura of the mineral vein leaks is actually more than three feet deep from the ground, but under the digging speed of Qin Lang's groundhog, it took less than an hour to dig through, and all the top-quality spirit stones were mined down.

He counted a total of [-] top-quality spirit stones, oh no, no, why is there a piece of ore with a blue luster in the center of this top-quality spirit stone mine, with a restrained aura on the surface, but Qin Lang sensed it with his spiritual sense If so, it is found that this ore is indeed a top-quality spirit stone, but it is somewhat different from ordinary top-quality spirit stones.

Ordinary top-quality spirit stones are all non-attribute spirit stones, but this blue top-quality spirit stone is purely water-attribute, and it seems that this water-attribute top-quality spirit stone is larger than ordinary spirit stones. It also has more energy than non-attribute top grade spirit stones.

"The best spirit stone of the water attribute? It looks so strange..."

Qin Lang held it in the palm of his hand and looked at it for a while, but found that not only did he not know much about the special top-quality spirit stone in front of him, but he also didn't know much about ordinary top-quality spirit stones, so he had no way of verifying how this special mutant spirit stone was formed. .

After collecting the one hundred and six top-grade spirit stones, Qin Lang has already taken away the most valuable part of this vein, and then continued to dig for a while, and successively obtained a large number of middle-grade spirit stones and some top-grade spirit stones.

After digging for almost ten hours, Qin Lang has obtained 1000 million worth of middle and upper-grade spirit stones, and [-] top-grade spirit stones.

This kind of mining process is extremely boring. If it is not for the continuous harvest of a large number of high-quality spirit stones, Qin Lang really can't persevere.

However, as he was digging, Qin Lang suddenly felt that the entire mine began to shake. At first he thought it was because he was tired and had hallucinations, but then the shaking became more violent, and there were even dust falling on the top of the wall hole. As soon as he sprinkled it, he knew something was wrong.

At this time, he removed the formation restrictions placed around him, and he heard roaring sounds everywhere in the mine, and even vaguely heard shouts and screams from a few places, and some monks made a sudden noise. The screams of death were accompanied by whistling and shouting sounds that did not resemble human beings.

"what happened?"

Qin Lang was even more strange.

At this time, Qin Lang found a series of hurried footsteps in the mine at the front left, and four or five panic-stricken casual cultivators ran over from the other end, shouting, "Quick! Quick! Quickly!" At one point, they will catch up!"

Those...then what are they...

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, and he finally saw clearly what was chasing after these four or five casual cultivators. It was a green-skinned humanoid creature with pointed ears, and they were all very short, almost like a baby. The appearance of running, but the running speed is very fast.

These green-skinned humanoids are holding weapons like sticks in their hands, and they are chasing four or five loose cultivators. While they are chasing, Qin Lang sees the weapons like sticks they are holding are constantly flashing with lightning. It seems that these weapons are not ordinary weapons, but have the power similar to magic weapons.

There are a lot of these green-skinned short humanoids, at least four or five hundred of them, chasing four or five casual cultivators very closely, and each of these green-skinned short humanoids has the cultivation base of the middle stage of alchemy, just Even Qin Lang didn't dare to wipe his head lightly when he saw it, so it's no wonder that the four or five casual cultivators in front of him were so panic-stricken.

When four or five casual cultivators passed by him, Qin Lang grabbed one of them and asked, "Fellow Daoist, what are these green-skinned creatures... that scare you so much?"

"Earth... underground monster, I told you not to drag me, run for your life! This is an underground monster that can't be killed..."

The casual cultivator was crying, tried his best to break free from Qin Lang, and then fled forward.

"Unkillable underground monster?"

Qin Lang looked at a large group of green-skinned humanoid creatures chasing after him, and at this time he took out the flying sword and directly performed a sword attack!
"The fifth form of the three-style swordsmanship is overwhelming!"

With a wave of Qin Lang's flying sword, a huge wave of sword energy formed a continuous half-moon, shooting towards the direction where the humanoid creature was chasing. There were 32 continuous half-moon-shaped sword energy, covering almost the entire mine tunnel .

After the extremely domineering sword energy passed, those humanoid creatures were directly chopped into several sections, and their bodies were split.

However, Qin Lang's eyes widened after that, because he found that these green-skinned humanoids were really unkillable. The next moment, a large number of corpses that were cut off on the ground continued to recombine, and became one by one. green-skinned humanoid.

Such a powerful regenerative ability...

Qin Lang couldn't help but think of the black-robed ghost cultivators who had been beheaded by him before. Those black-robed ghost cultivators with the ability to link life are actually similar to the abilities of these underground monsters in front of them, and they all belong to the type of repeated regeneration.

However, these underground monsters with the ability to regenerate are much more deterrent than those black-robed ghost cultivator disciples. Why, you must know that there are four to five hundred of them densely in front of you!

It's no wonder that the four or five casual cultivators escaped so embarrassingly.

After Qin Lang tried to use his sword energy to kill these underground monsters a few times, he stopped doing futile work, and started to evacuate here like the escaping casual cultivators.

But now this area has begun to slowly change into a Shura field. A large number of monks who had no time to retreat fell into the siege of the underground monsters, and then were swallowed by the monsters. Some of them didn't even have time to scream before dying.

Hurry up, too fast, these underground monsters are not only invincible, but also move as fast as the wind, not much different from Qin Lang who took the Wind Escape Talisman.

This also makes Qin Lang even less interested in fighting these underground monsters in front of him. He is now starting to evacuate this area, and he does not open along the way. In fact, it is not only his mine, but also underground monsters appear in other mines. This time it seems that someone stabbed him Like a hornet's nest, a large number of underground monsters appeared in the depths of the mine to chase and kill the casual cultivators in the mine.

Although the underground monsters are not very strong individually, in addition to being immortal, their group advantage is also obvious.

Now there are underground monsters pouring out of all the passages deep in the mine, and there are tens of thousands of them densely packed, and all the monks are fleeing. One-third of the monks died accidentally during the escape, and the rest He escaped a catastrophe and avoided this mine area far away.

(End of this chapter)

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