Chapter 1583 Volcanic Lava
Run away!

Many monks fled in panic, and they were not afraid of individual underground monsters, but the large number of underground monsters gushing out from the depths of each mine made them feel apprehensive.

Moreover, they also tried various methods to deal with these underground monsters, but unfortunately the results were not very good. After these underground monsters were killed, they could quickly regroup and resurrect.

However, there are more monks being hunted down, and some people have tried the correct way to deal with this kind of underground monsters, that is, these underground monsters are more afraid of fire attacks, and only powerful fire spells can completely burn these underground monsters Clean, there is no way to revive again.

And Qin Lang was startled when he saw this scene. It turns out that there is still a way to kill these underground monsters completely, that is, by using fire attack.

Speaking of which, although these underground monsters have extremely powerful recovery abilities, they actually have the same obvious weaknesses as the black-robed demon cultivator disciples and mutant clones. The burning of flames is also a deadly threat to them!

Of course, this kind of flame that can threaten underground monsters is not an ordinary flame, at least it is a magical flame that monks can use their strength to produce. It belongs to the level of real fire. It may be because the melting temperature of ordinary fire is not high enough!

Otherwise, Qin Lang guessed that even Fanhuo should be able to kill these underground monsters in front of him.

Now that they knew the correct way to kill these underground monsters, some casual cultivators also started to fight back, casting some fire-attributed spells, among which the fire-type monks' fire-attributed spells were the most powerful and eliminated the largest number of underground monsters .

It's not that monks from other departments can't cast fire spells. For example, fireball monks and wood monks can cast the spell most smoothly. After all, the five elements are born together... wood can make fire!

Therefore, the power of fire spells cast by monks with fire spirit root attribute or wood spirit root attribute is the greatest.

It is not impossible for other monks who do not have fire roots and wood spirit roots to cast fire spells, but it is definitely half the effort. They need to use their own true energy to indirectly manipulate the aura of heaven and earth to transform it, and then they can cast fire spells, which consume a lot of energy. However, the magic effect produced by the true energy is not [-]% of the original magic power.

The cultivators in the densely packed mine tunnels in the eastern district escaped and counterattacked, and also killed many underground monsters, but this time a large monster flooded out in the depths of the mine, and there were tens of thousands of densely packed underground monsters. Life was rushing out, and they didn't know what the end was, so although many monks used fire spells to kill a lot of monsters, there were still more monsters rushing out of these mines.

Therefore, a large number of monks had to retreat while fighting against the monsters. If they were of a lower cultivation level, or if they did not retreat in time, they would naturally be surrounded by the tide of monsters.

The outbreak of monsters has also turned the entire eastern mine into a dangerous situation. Under this situation, no monks can continue to mine ore, and escape has become the most critical point.And although there are many hidden teleportation connection points from the east area of ​​the Peerless Ruins to other areas, the monks don't know much about it, so now the monks in the mines in the east area can accommodate more and more after the outbreak of monster tide. come smaller.

Qin Lang has three spiritual roots of fire, thunder, and gold, and the fire root has reached the best after the aptitude change of the Golden Spirit Pill, so the power of casting fire spells is strong enough, basically a fireball bounces backwards Throwing, once it explodes in the tide of monsters fifty feet behind, at least three or four monsters can be ignited and blown up.

Qin Lang has been using the fireball technique, and has not cast other more powerful fire-type spells. It is not that he does not know more powerful fire-type spells, but that the fireball technique consumes the least amount of true energy on himself. After escaping from the depths of the mine, he had thrown thousands of fireball spells continuously, and he didn't know how many underground monsters were killed and injured by the explosion, but his own true energy was very little, accounting for only about [-]% of himself. .

If this is replaced by other spells, it is impossible to consume so little. In that case, Qin Lang's true energy may have been exhausted at this moment, and he needs to use a lot of spirit stones and elixirs to supplement the consumption.

And if you use powerful fire spells, the effect of fighting for so long may not be much better than fireball, which is not economical or cost-effective at all, so Qin Lang has always used the best plan to save physical strength and real energy consumption.

A large number of underground monsters spewed out from the depths of the mine, and the living space of the mine monks in the entire eastern area was also squeezed, and some casualties began to occur. At this time, some casual cultivators were lucky enough to find a secret way to other areas. Teleportation point, so they began to teleport away from this ghost place.

Now this ghostly place is crowded with more and more underground monsters. The number of monsters must be more than a few thousand, but more than tens of thousands, and this number is still expanding. It seems that there are other monsters deep in the mine. Like a parallel space, a large number of underground monsters are transported out. Otherwise, I really don't know how these underground monsters usually survive underground.

The entire eastern mine of the Wushuang ruins has been completely reduced to a hard-hit area. A small number of monks died in the outbreak of these monster waves, while most of the monks left this place through some hidden teleportation points.

At this time, Qin Lang also entered a hidden teleportation point. After the teleportation light flashed, the place where he appeared was still in the mine, but there were no monsters around.

Here is a piece of volcanic lava, and the surrounding temperature is very high. It should be another area of ​​the eastern mine, and the environment is completely different from the previous mine.

Moreover, because the temperature in the volcanic lava area is very high, it has a natural restraint effect on those underground monsters. Therefore, although a large number of monsters gushing out of the ground have ravaged the entire eastern mine, they only care about breaking into the volcanic lava area. Coming here is purely death. The environment here is surrounded by hot pulp, and the air temperature is at least [-] degrees. As long as there is a spark in the air, it is estimated that it can be burned directly.

When Qin Lang entered the volcanic lava area, he was not alone, and some other monks also teleported here, and most of them were casual cultivators.

The entire volcanic lava area is actually very large. After the hundreds of monks teleported through that hidden teleportation point entered here, it was like a stick of sand flowing into an hourglass, which was not very eye-catching.

At this time, everyone dispersed, and the defensive force fields on their bodies were opened one by one, and they began to search in this volcanic lava area.

This volcanic molten rock area looks very barren. After searching for a while, everyone found nothing new. The surrounding area was surrounded by volcanoes and magma, or volcanoes and magma, and even the path that could pass under their feet was red hot.

Although this place is extremely barren, it is a treasure land for fire cultivators, and the aura of fire attribute in the air is also exceptionally abundant. If a fire cultivator practices here for a day, it is at least as good as practicing outside for half a month, so there are quite a few After the fire monk came to this environment, his eyes lit up. Some of the panic caused by being chased and killed by the tide of monsters disappeared, and he was able to meditate here with peace of mind.

However, most of the monks felt unable to stay in this environment, and wanted to change the environment, so they were trying to find a hidden teleportation point to leave. The former mine teleportation point in the east area is estimated to have been given away by the tide of monsters. Occupied, so they absolutely dare not go back to the old place, and now they can only find a new teleportation point to leave here.

Speaking of which, the various areas in the Wushuang Ruins seem to be closed, but the interior is actually connected in all directions. Before entering the ruins, all the monks have experienced seniors who have told them that each area in the ruins is unique. There are hidden teleportation points in the area, but it is not easy to find them. After all, the entire Wushuang ruins are almost as big as a small world.

And Qin Lang didn't leave the teleportation point immediately at this time, his consciousness swept away, and he found a few familiar auras, which were three black-robed ghost cultivator disciples!There were actually three black-robed ghost cultivator disciples who also teleported to the molten rock area through the hidden teleportation point just now in the mine in the east area. Now that they met these three black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, Qin Lang certainly would not let them go. is the sworn enemy.

After the three black-robed ghost cultivator disciples came to this volcanic molten rock area, they were also horrible. Such a natural environment also restrains ghost cultivators in attributes. After all, the fire attribute energy in the magma area is too abundant. This kind of masculine fire with fire attribute It has a natural erosive effect on Yin evil, so the three black-robed ghost cultivators had to use several times more evil energy to fight against this magma environment, which was harder than other casual cultivators.

In this case, when the teleportation appeared in such an environment just now, they were only busy fighting against the masculine fire around them, and they had no time to take care of their surroundings. They didn't even know that their life and death enemy was staring at them not far away.

Seeing the three disgraced black-robed ghost cultivators struggling against the molten rock environment, Qin Lang stared at it with interest for a while, then walked over and patted one of the black-robed ghost cultivator's shoulders. , grabbed the opponent and threw it directly into a nearby magma pool that was constantly bubbling.

After a long scream of "ah", the black-robed ghost cultivator didn't even have time to struggle in the magma, and when he was touched by the hot magma, he turned into a blue-black evil spirit and disappeared, not even his bones.

That tragic situation also shocked the surrounding casual cultivators. They didn't know the hatred between Qin Lang and the three black-robed ghost cultivator disciples in front of them. They just felt that Qin Lang was very cruel when they met. .

(End of this chapter)

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