The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1584 The cave under the lava

Chapter 1584 The cave under the lava
After sneering, Qin Lang saw the terrified faces of the remaining two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples in the reaction process. He stretched out his hand expressionlessly and pushed them, sending out two strands of true energy to push them towards the lava.

Given the environment of the volcanic molten rock area, even if the few black-robed ghost cultivator disciples in front of them mastered the powerful secret art of connecting life, they would not be able to resist. If they were thrown into the molten rock, they would definitely die. It is these black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, I am afraid that even the ordinary casual cultivators around them will have no way out if they fall into the lava of the volcano.

To resist the high temperature of the magma in the volcanic molten rock is definitely the ability of high-level monks, and at least the monks above the Nascent Soul stage can do it. However, the high temperature of the volcanic molten rock is tens of thousands of degrees. Ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators wouldn't be able to survive for a few minutes if they fell into it.

The two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples are both of the cultivation base of the great perfection of alchemy. They were also struggling halfway through being pushed to the volcanic molten rock by Qin Lang's true energy. The thrust against Qin Lang may be the one Qin Lang sent just now. The thrust was not very strong, and these two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples struggled so hard that they really escaped the control of this thrust.


Qin Lang gasped in surprise when he saw this. Unexpectedly, these two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples were really good at resisting the thrust he sent out. Although he only used about [-]% of his strength just now, he also It is much stronger than a full push of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage.

This is probably also the result of the struggle of the two black-robed ghost disciples. After all, ordinary people are able to exert their full potential under the threat of death, and can even push away dozens of tons of heavy objects with one hand. It is normal for two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples to perform at a high level under the threat of death.

However, when the two black-robed ghost cultivators avoided the thrust delivered by Qin Lang, they each screamed, and flames burst out of their bodies inexplicably.

This flame quickly burned all over the body, and the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples suddenly became two burning men struggling, but to no avail, the flame quickly engulfed them completely and swallowed them up.

In the end, the corpses of the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples were completely scorched, turned into evil spirits and disappeared, leaving two black marks on the entire fiery red rock floor, which disappeared completely after a short time. It was as if the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples never existed at all.

Qin Lang was also baffled. It was not he who shot the flames that appeared on the two black-robed ghost cultivators just now, but these two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples disappeared just like that, and it was unknown who was responsible for them.

However, to be able to shoot under Qin Lang's nose, and let him, a monk in the middle Nascent Soul, not notice, his cultivation must be far beyond the middle Nascent Soul. Qin Lang doubts whether there is such a person in the entire Wushuang ruins.

Therefore, it is impossible for the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples to be killed by other casual cultivators. They should have burned to death by self-immolation in the environment of the volcanic lava area. As for why the self-immolation phenomenon occurred?Qin Lang thought about it, probably because the force field defense on his body was greatly weakened by the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples trying their best to resist his thrust just now, which caused the masculine fire in the surrounding air to erode, and this happened. A phenomenon similar to self-immolation.

After all, the environment here has a natural restraint effect on the evil spirit. When these black-robed ghost cultivators come here, it seems that the liquid oil in the oil pan may be ignited at any time. This is why the three ghost cultivators worked hard just now. The evil spirit is fighting against the environment, but has no time to take into account the real reason for the deadly enemy Qin Lang who is not far away.

The death of the three black-robed ghost cultivators was directly sensed by Liao Hua, the ghostly hand, and Kong Li, the thousand-faced bewitched princess, who were far away in the north of the Wushuang ruins, through the imprint of their spiritual consciousness. They both frowned for a while, wondering if they killed the three black-robed ghosts Who is the person who cultivates disciples?

At this time, the Ghost Hand Liao Hua and the Thousand-faced Fairy Kong Li guessed that this kid Qin Lang might have done a good thing this time, but the target didn't seem to be within the northern area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins, so it seems that the two of them had to move to where Qin Lang was. The East End environment was searched.

However, it was the first time for Liao Hua of the Ghost Hand and Kong Li, the Fairy Girl with Thousand Faces, to enter the Wushuang Ruins, and they were not familiar with the terrain inside the Wushuang Ruins, so it was not very easy to transfer from the northern area to the other major areas in the ruins at this time. things.

However, the Ghost Hand Liao Hua and the Thousand-faced Demon Fairy are now transferred to the Eastern District, and they are likely to be directly transported to the mine environment of the Eastern District, and are swallowed by the torrent of monsters. In addition, the places in it are probably already occupied by the frenzy of monsters.

These underground monsters are strange to say, although each one has the strength of the mid-to-late stage of alchemy, but the body does not have aura, and the power comes from a special blood. In this way, after the outbreak of the underground monster frenzy, although they There are a lot of them and they are turbulent, but they cannot enter the teleportation through the teleportation point, so the range of activities is limited to the entire east area of ​​the Peerless Ruins.

And not all the eastern part of the Wushuang Ruins is occupied by underground monsters. At least the special high-temperature environment in the volcanic lava area is beyond the reach of those monsters. Even if they want to come, they cannot resist this special high-temperature environment. If they are not afraid of death , The two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples who set themselves on fire under Qin Lang's nose before are their role models.

And after coming to the volcanic lava area, all the monks also began to look for the hidden teleportation point in this small area at this time, wanting to leave the entire Eastern District.

After all, such a harsh environment in the Eastern District is no longer suitable for treasure hunting, and everyone still needs to stay in the Wushuang Ruins for eight or nine days. Although everyone will be automatically teleported out of the ruins after staying for fifteen days, but now they are wasting time here It's really not worth it.

Qin Lang is also looking for the hidden teleportation point that may exist. Although the environment of this volcanic lava area is small compared to the entire Eastern District, it is actually very large. It can be said that the volcanic lava area is tens of miles away. .

And Qin Lang also let go of his divine sense at this time, and searched all the way. After walking for about four or five miles, his god found something strange under a molten volcanic rock. Not only is there strong aura fluctuations, but there seems to be an aura of formations and restraints.

Qin Lang looked around, there are few people around here, even if there are monks passing by occasionally, it is estimated that they are not as careful as Qin Lang, and most of the monks are not as strong as Qin Lang, so it is impossible to find this place. An anomaly beneath volcanic lava.

What the hell is down here?Could it be that the hidden teleportation point that I was looking for to leave the entire Eastern District is below here?

After Qin Lang thought about it, he began to use his spiritual consciousness to investigate more carefully. After some investigation, he found that the magma layer below the volcanic molten rock was only shallow on the surface, and the bottom was actually hollow, surrounded by a large number of formations The legal restriction was blocked, forming an environment similar to an enchantment.

Qin Lang decided to enter the enchantment under the volcanic molten rock to find out. At this time, his consciousness began to analyze the enchantment restriction under the volcanic molten rock. Only by mastering the method of breaking the enchantment restriction can he enter Within the enchantment.

With the computing capacity of more than one billion times per second of the super system, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult to break the restriction of the ancient enchantment in front of us, and it is not easy to say that it is easy. It took Qin Lang about a stick of incense to master the entire enchantment context.

This enchantment is actually not that big, so Qin Lang cracked it relatively smoothly now, and then jumped into the magma like a moth to a flame. If a passing casual cultivator saw it at this time, it must be It will explode your eyes.

After all, although fire-type monks are very resistant to the environment of volcanic molten rock, jumping directly into the magma is completely courting death. Even if the monks above the Nascent Soul Stage have all their defenses fully activated, they will not last long in the magma .

However, Qin Lang doesn't care anymore, he has now passed through the formation barrier restriction in the magma, and directly entered a closed cave.

This is indeed a closed cave, with tables, benches and beds, but they are all made of stone.

The inside of this closed cave is not as hot as the environment in the volcanic lava area. Instead, there is a touch of coolness in the air, and the temperature is about ten degrees. The whole cave can be said to be as comfortable as spring.

The aura in the cave is very abundant, different from the hot and manic yang attribute aura in the volcanic molten rock area, the aura here is mainly water and wood aura, which makes Qin Lang have to guess whether the anode generates yin, so it is obviously the fire spirit Such a strange place appeared in the volcanic lava area with strong veins.

The entire cave is about four or five acres in size. There is a small stone room in front of you. If you pass through the stone room, there is a small world behind. There seems to be the sound of running water, dripping, and it is actually running water.

Qin Lang looked around in the stone room, only to find that the stone table and stone bed in the stone room in front of him are not ordinary, they are all made of jade, and they are of the spirit jade level, and the stone bed is even more unusual, this one can The big bed where four or five people lay together was actually Zhang Wenyu's spiritual bed, and the material of Wenyu was definitely the top ten thousand years Wenyu.

The entire Wen Yu Lingbed is exquisitely made, but it is also very atmospheric. Qin Lang can't find a single flaw at all. This kind of exquisiteness has reached the extreme, and it no longer belongs to the category of the world. I am afraid that only immortals are eligible to enjoy it.

That's right!This kind of warm jade bed should be a magic weapon, and it is of the highest level. It is rare to see a single best magic weapon in the cultivation world, and it is even rarer than the combination of magic treasure houses. Now Qin Lang encountered one again.

(End of this chapter)

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