The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1585 The Remains of the God Transformation Cultivator

Chapter 1585 The Remains of the God Transformation Cultivator

Although the Wannian Wenyu Lingbed is a top-grade magic weapon, it is an auxiliary type. It is only used to assist monks in their cultivation. There will be absolutely no demons in the middle of the world.

In fact, the biggest interference that monks suffered in the process of cultivating breakthroughs was actually the inner demons. Qin Lang was better. Before the Nascent Soul stage, there were several special magic weapons to help fight against inner demons, so basically he never encountered inner demons. But for other cultivators, luck is not so good, because the interference of inner demons often results in twice the result with half the effort, and has always been unfavorable.

After Qin Lang cultivated smoothly to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he will encounter more difficulties when he breaks through to the late stage of the Nascent Soul, the Transformation Stage, and even higher levels, and the originally inconspicuous heart demon will become a gradually stronger one. Opponents who stand up will even hinder Qin Lang's next practice.

In this case, Qin Lang needs more powerful treasures to deal with difficulties in practice, such as inner demons, so the Wannian Wenyu Lingbed in front of him came at the right time.

Looking at this ten-thousand-year Wenyu spiritual bed, Qin Lang suddenly had a golden light in his eyes and had the idea of ​​wanting to keep the treasure as his own. However, he didn't move this spiritual bed for the time being, after all, he hadn't checked carefully when he first arrived. After seeing the situation in the cave, I don't know if there are traps around this coffin, it is really not advisable to take it down rashly.

In other words, Qin Lang felt that it would not be a big deal to take this Wannian Wenyu Lingbed after he had investigated the situation of the entire cave, so he just took it easy for now.

Walking out of this stone room, Qin Lang finally discovered where the sound of dripping water from the cave came from. The milky white liquid was continuously dripping from the mountain wall next to the cave. Judging from the richness of this aura, it is at least ten thousand years of stone milk that has spanned more than a thousand years.

There is a small pool next to the stone room, and a whole pool of ten thousand-year stone milk has accumulated. Qin Lang reckons that he can jump into the pool to take a bath, but the ten thousand-year stone milk in this pool does not know how to accumulate It took tens of thousands of years to have the scale it is today.

"Hey, ordinary monks in the cultivation world might fight for a mere drop of Wannian stone milk. Now that my master has encountered such a big pool, he is really prosperous..."

Qin Lang murmured, Wannian stone milk is a holy medicine that can be taken directly by ordinary monks, and monks of any cultivation level can take it directly, while disciples in the qi training and foundation building stages have the best effect on convincing qi. A drop of ten thousand year stone milk I'm afraid they can directly improve several cultivation realms.

As for the monks in the alchemy stage, if they take a small bowl, they should be able to improve their small realm. Such a holy medicine is simply hard to come by. ...that was a dream!
And the biggest function of this kind of heavenly material and earth treasure, Wannian stone milk, is not to be taken directly, but to be used for alchemy. Qin Lang once used the thousand-year seabed stone milk to combine medicine, and the effect of this ten thousand-year stone milk is better than that of the thousand-year seabed stone. The effect of milk is better, and the attributes are neutral. Basically, any elixir can be used for refining, which can greatly improve the quality of the elixirs and increase the success rate.

Therefore, Wannian stone milk, a treasure of heaven and earth in the realm of comprehension, is also a kind of spiritual material like panacea, and it is a dream treasure for alchemists. The status even surpassed that Wannian warm jade bed that I met just now.

However, seeing such a large pool of Wannian stone milk, Qin Lang had to sigh, adding up all the jade bottles in the storage bag and storage ring on his body, he couldn't take so much with him!The feeling of guarding a treasure mountain but not being able to take it away is not very pleasant.

However, thinking of the monster materials on his body, Qin Lang had a flash of inspiration. He put the bodies of several swamp crocodiles in his storage bag, although the armor of the swamp crocodile is very thick and not suitable for making liquid The skin sac, but the layer of skin under the nail plate can be peeled off in a way to make the skin sac.

If you have a batch of large skins, it will be much more convenient to hold the Wannian stone milk!

For Wannian stone milk, Qin Lang doesn't want to waste a bit of it. He is a master of alchemy, so he cherishes this rare treasure more than ordinary monks. Wannian stone milk is not enough for alchemists. The base liquid of some top-grade panacea is very helpful for improving the quality and success rate of alchemy.

Next, Qin Lang directly threw the corpses of several swamp crocodiles out of the storage bag. It is quite spectacular to pile up thirty tons of swamp crocodile corpses in the cave, and Qin Lang also started to get busy. The body of the swamp crocodile stripped off the leather armor, and then slowly peeled off the tough skin under the leather armor.

The whole process is purely handmade, extremely boring and cumbersome, and Qin Lang is also extremely careful, after more than an hour, he took off the skins of three or four swamp crocodiles.

Then, he directly made dozens of large water sacs with these few sheets of skin, and began to collect the Wannian stone milk in the pool. After each large water sac was filled, Qin Lang used the tendons of the mud crocodile as a rope to lift the water sac The opening was tied tightly, and then it was put into the storage bag.

Basically, each large water bag is filled with thirty or forty catties of Wannian stone milk. This time when Qin Lang encountered this cave, it really developed. Stone milk, the value is simply inestimable.

After cleaning up the entire Ten Thousand Years Stone Milk Pool, only a shallow layer of molten liquid was left at the bottom of the pool. At this time, Qin Lang also found a jade bone that had been curled up at the bottom of the pool.The jade bone in front of me is crystal clear, about two meters high when unfolded, like an exquisite handicraft.

Seeing this jade bone, Qin Lang's eyes lit up, he knew that it was naturally not an ordinary bone, but a high-ranking monk's remains... and depending on the situation, it was at least a remains left by a cultivator at the transformation stage .

The relics left by the cultivators of the Transformation Stage!
Qin Lang has only seen monks in the late Yuanying stage at most since he practiced. He doesn't know what a monk in the transformation stage looks like. Of course, Song Zixing, the half-disabled body of a zombie in the transformation stage that he has encountered before, doesn't count. .

The slough left by the cultivator at the stage of transformation in front of him is actually made of jade. The skeleton of the cultivator at the stage of transformation itself is not ordinary. In addition, he has been immersed in the pool of stone milk formed by thousands of years for an unknown number of years. The bones have continuously absorbed the essence formed by the stone milk pond water for thousands of years and gradually turned into jade, and it is estimated that it has become what it is today.

This special pair of jade bones is also a good alchemy and refining material for Qin Lang. It is not even worse than the value of Wannian stone milk. After observing it for a while, Qin Lang carefully collected it and put it in his own storage ring. among.

It is also the first time Qin Lang has obtained such a high-grade material as the jade bone formed by the monks of the transformation stage. Except for the ten thousand-year stone milk, there is really nothing more precious than it on Qin Lang, so it is natural to put it in a higher safety factor. In the storage ring.

If the amount of Wannian stone milk is not too large, I am afraid that Qin Lang would like to put the Wannian stone milk in the storage bag into the storage ring.

After receiving the Wannian stone milk and the sloughs of the monks of the transformation stage, Qin Lang was in a good mood. He got so many top-quality treasures at once, and this trip to the Wushuang ruins was considered a big profit.

At this time, Qin Lang picked up some remaining stone milk liquid from Tandu, took two sips, and felt a cool and warm special breath pouring into his lungs, and the sweat pores of his whole body opened accordingly.Although the direct drinking of Wannian stone milk is not as effective for monks above the Nascent Soul stage as it is for those below the Nascent Soul stage, the effect of replenishing the body's true energy consumption is definitely leveraged, similar to the effect of Shenxue Dan, but But much milder.

Unknowingly, Qin Lang's body spirit has been fully restored to the best state. During this process, Qin Lang can hardly feel the impact of the slightest aura in the meridians, which is simply the representative of moistening things silently.

After recovering his spirit, Qin Lang began to look around in front of him. At this time, he found that in addition to the water pool formed by thousands of years of stone milk, there was also a small nursery in which some elixir was planted. These elixir also I don't know how many years it has been growing in the cave, but it is extraordinarily strong in this environment full of water and wood aura, and several mature elixir branches are covered with seeds.

If Qin Lang found the elixir in this nursery before he discovered the Wannian stone milk and the jade bone in the pool, it would be a great surprise. It's just a long elixir.

Most of the elixir in this nursery are traditional Chinese medicine elixir, of course, there are also some high-grade ones, with a total of more than 20 plants. After Qin Lang discovered it, he naturally used a hoe to dig it down.

After all, monks practice against the sky, and this process is impossible without the help of foreign objects, and the panacea can speed up the monks' practice, allowing monks to get in touch with the Dao of Longevity as much as possible before their lifespan is exhausted , thus increasing the possibility of longevity.

After staying outside Shibao for a while, Qin Lang became more and more satisfied with this closed cave house under the volcanic molten rock. This is simply a blessed place for cultivation. If possible, he would like to move this cave house outside. Become your own cave.

But this idea can only be thought about, in fact, Qin Lang has no way to do it.

Perhaps monks with great supernatural powers above the stage of metamorphosis have the ability to move mountains and seas, and have this special ability to transfer the secrets of heaven and earth, but monks at the stage of Nascent Soul are definitely not able to do it, even monks at the late stage of Nascent Soul with Dzogchen cannot do it.

(End of this chapter)

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