The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1586 general outline of swordsmanship

Chapter 1586 general outline of swordsmanship
After picking the elixir, Qin Lang returned to the stone room, and prepared to practice on the Wannian Wenyu stone bed to try out the effect of the bed. After placing some restrictions around the stone treasure, Qin Lang sat cross-legged on the Wannian Wenyu stone bed Started training.

After this meditation practice, Qin Lang immediately felt the difference in the Wannian Wenyu stone bed. When practicing the Nine-fold Jade Tower Conception, the speed of the consciousness was accelerated by nearly half, and the speed of the body's true energy was also [-]/[-] faster than before. one.

After opening his eyes, Qin Lang laughed, "This Ten Thousand Years Warm Jade Bed is indeed a top-grade auxiliary magic weapon. With this bed in hand, it will be more helpful to my future practice. This is more exciting than getting a combat treasure. Be happy, after all, monks and monks ultimately pursue longevity, don’t they?”

This is indeed the case. The Ten Thousand Years Warm Jade Bed assists in practice and can also speed up the practice, allowing Qin Lang to save more time in the process of practice in the future, so that the success of pursuing longevity may be even greater.

Laughing, Qin Lang put the Wannian Wenyu Bed into his storage ring. Although the Wannian Wenyu Bed is a bed, it is really heavy, probably weighing three to four tons.

When this big bed was put into Qin Lang's storage ring, Qin Lang felt that his entire storage ring was full. Qin Lang's storage ring was a top-grade storage ring with a full fifty square meters. If some valuable things are put into this top-quality ten thousand year warm jade bed, it will not be able to hold other things.

This is also because the top grade ten thousand year warm jade bed is too expensive. Qin Lang has always been very cautious about precious things, otherwise, it would be good to put them in a storage bag.

After the high-grade storage rings are full, Qin Lang still has a few storage rings on his body, but they are all low-grade storage rings of one cubic meter. After all, space magic weapons that can store things are still rare in this world, and ordinary ones are fine. , the top-grade storage rings are basically not sold on the market.

After Qin Lang collected the Ten Thousand Years Warm Jade Stone Bed, he discovered that there were six pictures on the ground where the stone bed was placed. The pictures were very rough and were carved directly on the stone layer on the ground. A set of pictures for practicing swords.

No matter how crude the sword training set that can appear under the Wannian Wenyu stone bed in the cave of the Wushuang ruins, it must be a good thing. Qin Lang got serious at this time, and after scanning carefully, he came to a result... ...Although these six sets of pictures are crude, they are all-inclusive. This is a general outline of swordsmanship.

After using the super system analysis in the mutant's brain, Qin Lang immediately felt the subtlety of this set of general outlines of swordsmanship. This set of general outlines of swordsmanship is easy to understand, and it follows a precise and streamlined swordsmanship route. A one-hit fatal kill.

Unexpectedly, this general outline of swordsmanship follows the precise route, and it is somewhat different from the killing method of Sansheng Jianjue. One is like a technical school, and the other is a brute force school that breaks through ten thousand with one force.

The two swordsmanship ideas are very different, but it is also possible to integrate them, but this needs to be established on the basis of super system auxiliary calculations. If they can be integrated, Qin Lang's swordsmanship will definitely go to a higher level.

However, even if Qin Lang has a super system to assist calculations, it seems theoretically feasible to integrate this general outline of swordsmanship with the original sword art, but there are always deviations in actual operation.

This kind of deviation is not because Qin Lang can't understand the law, nor is what Qin Lang learned from the general outline of swordsmanship not good enough, but because he feels that when he is facing the enemy, he uses this kind of comprehensive sword art to find the enemy's weakness and attack, just like It is not enough for me to hold an iron rod as an embroidery needle.

There is no way, just practice slowly... If I can really practice to this point in the future, then I will truly become a generation of kendo masters.

After Qin Lang thought about it carefully, he knew that if he wanted to practice this set of general principles of swordsmanship, he still had a long way to go before he could achieve his ideal state.

But now I can't be in a hurry, it's impossible to achieve what I want in one step.

After searching the stone room for a round, Qin Lang found nothing else. Although those stone tables and benches were of the highest quality, they were only worth a little money, so he didn't put them in his storage bag. , I don’t want to empty the entire cave before I leave. After all, I have gained enough benefits in the cave this time. The heavenly law has damaged more than enough and made up for it. What is important is to leave a little room.

In fact, he even left some residue in the Wannian Stone Milk Pool outside the stone chamber, and he didn't collect all of it.

At this time, he returned from the cave where he came from, and returned to the original environment from the underground melting rock area. After the Dongfu in the underground melting rock area in the East District was full of harvest, Qin Lang was ready to leave this area, so the next step Look for a teleportation point to leave here.

Along the way, I did not meet many monks. After all, one or two hundred monks were scattered, which was equivalent to a drop in the ocean in the entire underground molten rock area, and it was not easy to meet each other.

Half a day later, Qin Lang finally found a teleportation point to leave this underground molten rock area in a hidden place. In fact, before Qin Lang came here, many monks discovered this teleportation point and teleported out. Qin Lang also discovered the teleportation point before. It was only after a little bit of aura fluctuations that he was attracted.

Needless to say, after discovering this teleportation point, Qin Lang entered the teleportation point without hesitation to teleport, and after a flash of light from the formation, Qin Lang was teleported back to the North District.

That's right!It is the North District, this is the area where Qin Lang stayed, and Qin Lang is very familiar with the terrain in front of him. This is the place where the casual cultivator battle took place when the spirit domain collapsed.

When Qin Lang returned to the North District of the Wushuang Ruins, there were still seven days before the end of the Wushuang Ruins, so he was going to continue his treasure hunt. Every area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins is very wide, and even the North District has not been fully explored by him yet. one.

As for the Eastern District, Qin Lang could have continued to explore if the monster tide hadn’t appeared. Unfortunately, the monster tide drove out all the monks in the Eastern District, and those who failed to evacuate in time basically fell into the monster tide.

It is estimated that this time the monk team in the Eastern District is the one with the heaviest casualties. The 6000 monks who originally entered the Wushuang Ruins were evenly distributed. There must be [-] or [-] monks in the Eastern District. It is estimated that at least half of them died in the previous wave of monsters. .

After returning to the northern region, Qin Lang started to head towards a direction that he had not been to before. On the way, he also encountered scattered teams of casual repairs, and it was rare for Qin Lang to be alone.

And there are many dangers in this unparalleled ruins, not only some dangers of the ruins themselves, but also the possibility of jealousy among the monks for the sake of property, so when the monks in the ruins are exploring, everyone tries to find three or five people. Familiar monks walked together.

And there are not no monks who are alone in the ruins, either they are rookies with little experience in the world, or they are powerful guys who are very confident in their skills, but these two types of people are very, very few, most of the casual cultivators It is difficult to encounter one or two every day during the exploration process.

Therefore, when Qin Lang passed by, many casual cultivators showed their attention, and several malicious spirits explored, and Qin Lang snorted coldly at this time, and suddenly leaked some of the Nascent Soul-level aura on his body , Immediately shocked all those with malicious intentions.

Sure enough, he is a lone ranger at the Nascent Soul level!These casual cultivators with malicious intentions quickly lowered their eyebrows and went their own way, no longer daring to be arrogant in front of Qin Lang.

After all, most of the monks entering the Wushuang Ruins are monks below the Nascent Soul level, and there are at most 50 monks above the Nascent Soul level, and most of these Nascent Soul levels are family monks, and the Nascent Soul level among casual cultivators is only one or two. Ten of them, basically all of them are ruthless masters who are not easy to mess with. If something goes wrong, it is absolutely normal to kill yourself directly.

After all, compared with family monks, casual cultivators act more in their own way, but they have a lot less scruples. They are definitely far behind the benevolence advertised by righteous forces. There are good people and bad people in the casual cultivator group. A pot of mishmash.

Therefore, Qin Lang's personality in the casual cultivator is still relatively kind. If he meets a guy with a perverse personality and sufficient cultivation base strength, when these casual cultivators around him sweep over with malicious spirits just now, the two sides may be at odds. Go straight to it.

It's the norm in the world of self-cultivation to have a disagreement with one word, and just to make eye contact.

And the reason why Qin Lang doesn't want to have the same knowledge as these casual cultivators is because he is too lazy to have friction with these minion-like guys. They are all guys whose strength and cultivation base can't even reach the Nascent Soul level. Even if they are killed, the little things on them I can't even look down on myself.

After passing through the Dongfu in the underground melted rock area of ​​the east area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins, Qin Lang is now considered rich and powerful, and he really doesn't like ordinary treasures. Now he wants to hurry up and search in the ruins. The time of staying in the ruins is over. I found one or two more eye-catching treasures before.

After all, if the treasures that Qin Lang can see are placed outside, they can’t be bought even if they want to buy them, and now the Wushuang Ruins is a big treasure house. There are ten thousand possibilities in it. Qin Lang didn't look carefully for the treasure he wanted.

However, when Qin Lang didn't want to cause trouble, sometimes he was so unsatisfactory, and troubled him to take the initiative to come to the door.And this time the source of the trouble was not from casual cultivators, but from the Ma family, one of the three major families in Wushuang City.

To be precise, it is one of the three major family forces in Wushuang City. This time, Ma Gan, the leader of the Wushuang Ruins of the Ma family, found him.

(End of this chapter)

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