The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1587 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

Chapter 1587 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

"Fellow Daoist! Please wait..."

A familiar voice came, and Qin Lang was stunned to find a familiar face. This guy had met him a few days ago, but he was one of the three major family forces in Wushuang City. The leader of the Ma family's Wushuang ruins this time, Ma Gan.

At this moment, Ma Gan was completely different from his opinion three days ago. He looked embarrassed, and none of the family members behind him followed him, and he didn't know what happened.

"Fellow Daoist! Please wait..."

Ma Gan ran over panting, he was able to make a family monk in the mid-Yuanying period into such a mess, and these few days when Qin Lang was not in the North District, Ma Gan and the others must have faced some unforeseen event.

Qin Lang stopped curiously, wanting to see why the leader of the Ma family, one of the three major family forces in Wushuang City, was in such a mess this time.

After Ma Gan ran close, he cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist, we meet again! I heard that Fellow Daoist is very powerful and proficient in formation techniques. This time, I have to help our Ma family. Pay off."

"Oh, what's going on?" Qin Lang asked suspiciously.

"Is such that……"

Ma Gan recovered a little at this time, and began to tell the story of the matter.

It turned out that during the few days when Qin Lang left the North District, Ma Gan led his people into the North District to search, and naturally got some treasures in the process, and then just yesterday, Ma Gan and the Dongfang family The two sides met.

Originally, the Ma family and the Dongfang clan of the three major families in Wushuang City were deadly rivals. Among the unparalleled ruins.

Then, the matter of betting and fighting was naturally put on the agenda. The Dongfang family unexpectedly discovered a large forbidden secret place somewhere in the northern region, and proposed this place as a place for gambling. Ability to break this large-scale prohibition.

The Ma family is naturally unconvinced, especially when Ma Gan enters the Wushuang Ruins with a semi-finished magic weapon house this time, it is naturally even more arrogant. It is possible to directly attack the members of the Dongfang family, and wipe out these deadly enemies in front of them in the Wushuang ruins.

It is definitely not possible to directly attack, not to mention that the number of Dongfang family is similar to that of our own, and the strength may not be weaker than the Ma family who owns a half-finished magic house. Moreover, there are many people in this ruins, and there are some ambushes nearby. Other casual cultivators are watching a play, if they accidentally leak this place later, it will have a very bad impact on the Ma family.

Therefore, gambling has also officially entered the agenda. The Dongfang family is the attacking side. The gambling horse family has no courage to enter the forbidden secret place, and is unable to break the formation of the forbidden secret place, while the Ma family wants to give the Dongfang family a hard face. , severely humiliated the other party, and naturally readily agreed to the bet.

Ma Ganyi, who owns a semi-finished magic house, is bold, and took his clansmen directly into this forbidden secret place not long after, but was dumbfounded. This forbidden secret place can enter but cannot exit, and many people are trapped inside, including There is a small family in Wushuang City who is proficient in formations, and there is also Baoer, a well-known formation master among casual cultivators.

Even Bao Er was trapped in this forbidden secret place. It can be seen how extraordinary the forbidden secret place in the northern part of the Wushuang Ruins is. This time, Ma Gan was completely dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that he wanted to humiliate his arch-rival, the Dongfang family. After a while, not only did the slap in the face fail, but he smashed his head.

Now how to leave this restricted secret place has become a problem. Next, Ma Gan heard from Baoer, the formation master, that Bald Baoer has been trapped in this forbidden secret place for more than half a day. Although there are no treasures in this forbidden secret place , but the level of the forbidden formation is higher than the level of the forbidden spirit field encountered before, and even Baoer can't break it.

After Ma Gan heard this, he couldn't help but feel very depressed. Could it be that his clansmen have been trapped here for the next few days, waiting for the end of the Wushuang Ruins?
In this case, although they can get out of trouble, the bet with the Dongfang family... the Ma family will definitely lose. This is not just a matter of face for the two teams, but also concerns the reputation of the two largest families in Wushuang City.

You must know that the battle between the Ma family and the Dongfang family in Wushuang City has not been a day or two for the extra seat in the alliance council. He is the sinner of the whole family.

Thinking of this, Ma Gan at that time was also in a cold sweat.

But at this time, the formation master, Master Baoer, was still unable to do anything about the restriction of this secret place. The master sighed: "The restriction of this secret place is too complicated and cumbersome, and it is more troublesome than the restriction of the spiritual realm that I cracked before. It’s because the amount of changing parameters that needs to be calculated is too large...Anyway, I’m getting old and my brain power is not good enough, and I don’t have this ability, and the other array mages present are also not capable, but if there is anyone in this relic who might have a way to crack it For this prohibition, I think of someone..."

Therefore, Master Baoer told Ma Gan about Qin Lang's participation in cracking the ban on the spiritual realm, and let Ma Gan know that there are still existences stronger than Master Baoer in terms of formation in this world, and he couldn't help admiring him.

However, admiration is nonetheless, Ma Gan is still at a loss as to how to break this restriction formation, and now he and his clansmen can't get out, and the gambling fight with the Dongfang family is about to come to an end this time.

After asking Master Baoer several times before and after, he was sure that Master Baoer was really powerless against this restraint formation, and he also sighed deeply. It seems that this time his family is definitely a sinner.

However, after learning about Ma Gan's troubles, Master Baoer smiled and said, "Give me 200 million spirit stones as hard work! Although I can't send you and all the people out, I can get you out of trouble alone." ...Afterwards, whether you want to win this bet, or continue to look for that formation master Qin Lang, is entirely up to you. How about it?"

"Master, please help me."

Ma Gan was refreshed when he heard it, and quickly took out the hard work of 200 million spirit stones without saying a word.

After Baoer received the hard work, he was also very happy, and said leisurely: "Didn't you say that you have a semi-finished magic house? The finished magic house can almost exert the strongest blow of the cultivator at the transformation stage. It is possible to break the formation restriction in the secret place in front of you, I think, I will point you to a place where the restriction is relatively weak, and then with my help, you should be able to get out of the trap with the help of the magic house."

"Okay! That's it." Ma Ganya gritted his head and said.

Before, with the help of Master Baoer, Ma Gan found a relatively weak place restricted by the secret place, and used the power of the magic weapon house Maji to break through a short-term hole and escaped. Unfortunately, this hole only exists It took less than half a second, so he was the only one to get out, and then the broken hole was sealed again, returning to its original appearance.

Moreover, what's even more unlucky is that because the magic treasure house Maji is only a semi-finished product, it can't resist the attack power of colliding with the secret formation prohibition at all, and it is completely damaged, so the price for Ma Gan to escape this time is also very high. disastrous.

And after Ma Gan got out of trouble alone, the members of the Dongfang family were surprised but still sneered at Ma Gan, denying the fact that Ma Gan got out of trouble alone, even if he broke the formation restriction of this secret place, so Ma Gan thought To win this bet, you have to think of another way.

Afterwards, Ma Gan wandered throughout the North District, and recently took root in the place where the spiritual domain that Master Baoer said was at the beginning, waiting for the opportunity to meet Qin Lang. Unexpectedly, this practice of sitting on the tree and waiting for a rabbit was really successful. He really met Qin Lang. Not to mention luck.

However, after listening to what Ma Gan had said, Qin Lang frowned and said, "I'm not interested in this matter." As for the infighting among the major families in Wushuang City, he didn't have the energy to meddle , This is a thankless task, only a fool will agree to Ma Gan's request.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, oh no, Master Qin Lang... As long as you agree to help the Ma family this time, master, the reward promised by the Ma family will definitely exceed your imagination."

Ma Gan rubbed his hands, looked at Qin Lang eagerly and said.


Qin Lang sneered and said, "If you give me the broken magic house in your hand, I can still think about it."

"Hehe... Well, the Magic Treasure House is a family property, and it was also temporarily lent to me by the ancestors, so Ma Gan has not been able to make his own claims. Please change the request, Master!"

Ma Gan stalked, embarrassed to say.

"Then there's nothing to talk about..."

Qin Lang spread his hands and said.

"This..." Ma Gan became distressed. The Magic Treasure House is a treasure of the family, and it was also lent to him by the ancestor Zhan. This treasure must not be used as a bargaining chip in the transaction. It seems that it is not easy to make Qin Lang's heart-wrenching treasure.

"Then, Master, I'll give you the one on me... Do you think it's okay?"

Ma Gan rubbed his hands, thought of something, and took out a treasure he had recently obtained from the ruins, which was a green bead.

"This is a thousand-mile pupil. It is an extremely powerful strange thing. It can be directly fused with the eyeballs in the pupils of the monks, so that the eyes of the monks have the perspective and magnification functions of a telescope. One of the best treasures I have ever encountered..."

"Thousand miles pupil?"

Qin Lang looked at this thing and thought that this is indeed a good treasure. He had obtained the general outline of the precise school of swordsmanship before. If this treasure is paired with Sansheng Jianjue, the essence of the general outline of the precise school of swordsmanship may be much easier to play. Yes, this thing is indeed tailor-made for yourself.

Suddenly, Qin Lang had the idea that he must get this treasure, but he didn't show it on his face, but shook his head and said: "Although this treasure is good, I don't think it's enough... Didn't you bring it with you before?" Did the team get half of the evil core from killing the seventh-level evil ghost? If you add that half of the evil core, I promise to help you."

"Half evil core..."

Ma Gan's face suddenly became bitter. This evil core was originally intended to be used to upgrade the magic house. He had spent a lot of manpower and material resources to obtain this half of the evil core. At least 4000 million.

The seventh-level evil core, this is also his main achievement in entering the Wushuang Ruins, and now it is undoubtedly his life to ask him to take it out!If there is no evil core, the trip he led to the Wushuang ruins will be in vain, and there will be no gain at all.

(End of this chapter)

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