Chapter 1588

"The evil core is really not good, Master Qin Lang... Otherwise, this time, the Ma family owes you a big favor. After returning to Wushuang City from the ruins, how about the Ma family come up with corresponding resources to compensate you, Master?"

Ma Gan seemed very determined about the small half of the evil core, which could not be traded under any circumstances, so he made a new promise.

"OK then……"

Qin Lang sighed, since Ma Gan would not give in on this matter, then he would just take a step back, anyway, he was very satisfied with the Qianli Tong that this guy took out, and other compensations It's just an additional payment.

"Ah... ah... Master, you agreed?"

When Ma Gan saw Qin Lang sighing, his heart was already in his throat, and he thought the incident was trivial, but he didn't expect such a big turning point after Qin Lang sighed, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Of course." Qin Lang nodded, he is a man who is determined, and since he agreed, he will not go back on his word.

"Thank you, thank you so much! On behalf of the entire Ma family, I am grateful to you, Master..."

Ma Gan was speechless and danced like a lunatic. In his opinion, if Qin Lang made a move, he would definitely win the bet this time.

Half of Ma Gan's inexplicable confidence came from the recommendation of the formation master Baoer, and the other half came from his own judgment. He had to pay a huge price to make Qin Lang agree to help him break the formation, which made the other party reluctantly agree. After all, it was not easy to convince Qin Lang in this process, but Ma Gan paid a lot of words.

But Ma Gan is willing to do this. After all, if he doesn't pay a huge price and try his best to persuade the other party... then Qin Lang can't be regarded as a master.

After all, in order to achieve the goal, the more tortuous difficulties a person encounters in the process, the more he will cherish this rare fate. This is the human heart.

Next, Ma Gan carefully led the way with great confidence. After walking for about forty or fifty miles, he finally came to the place where he was fighting with the Dongfang family, which was a forbidden secret place in the northern area of ​​the Wushuang ruins.

The members of the Dongfang family still haven't left. Now that the Dongfang family and the Magan people are on the shoulders of the Wushuang Ruins, they naturally regard this gambling contract as more important than the treasure hunt, so they come back when they see Magan gone. , some people immediately ridiculed.

"What's the matter? Crazy Horse is back again. Is there still no way to deal with the restriction of the secret formation? I heard that Bao Er, the famous formation master in the Western Desert, is trapped in it... So I advise you to obediently admit defeat!"

This member of the Dongfang family was extremely rude to Ma Gan, and called Ma Gan the name "Ma Crazy", and this nickname was indeed very accurate. As the leader of the second generation of the Ma family, Ma Gan acted very Bold and crazy, that's why he got the nickname "Ma Crazy".

However, this nickname is very indecent, so usually only people from the Dongfang family who are hostile forces would do this. The elders and peers of the Ma family all call him by his real name, or the juniors in the family call him Boss Ma.

Being called so by the members of the Dongfang family, Ma Gan was not only not angry, but proudly said to that guy: "Dongfang idiot, this time your calculation will fail. Although I, Ma, is not very proficient in formations, my friend But he is a formation master, even better than Master Baoer who is trapped in the secret place, this time the restriction of the secret place has been broken by our Ma family!"

However, hearing Ma Gan's bragging, the so-called Oriental idiot let out a cold snort, and didn't believe it at all.

This is a guy dressed as a scribe with a white face and no beard. He is about the same age as Ma Gan, and he looks like he is in his 40s.

He squinted at Qin Lang, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Qin Lang was a little unreliable, he didn't look like a formation master at all, Qin Lang was really too young.

"Master of Formation? Is this your friend... Well, I want to see your friend's methods well?"

After a sneer, he changed his tone and said casually: "However, Ma Gan, it's not me, Dongfang Bai, who is talking about you. Your friend should be a loose cultivator, right? I think, even the famous Bao Er among our Western Desert loose cultivators Grandmaster can't do anything about the restriction of the secret formation in front of you, your friend...huh, it's probably not possible, seeing how young he is, he won't be stronger than Master Baoer!"

It turned out that this white-faced and beardless scribe dressed as a middle-aged man was named Dongfang Bai, so he was nicknamed Dongfang Idiot by the hostile Ma family. Now the tit-for-tat Ma Gan naturally did not show weakness when Dongfang Bai taunted him, and also called Dongfang Bai. The opponent's nickname.

"Hehe, you don't know something, you idiot from the east... My friend is someone whom even Master Baoer has tried his best to recommend!"

Ma Gan began to put gold on Qin Lang's body, and he laughed loudly, "Master Baoer personally admitted to me in the forbidden formation in the secret place before, that his ability is not as good as my friend..."

"Oh? Did the master say that?"

Dongfang Bai looked at Ma Gan suspiciously, then turned his head to look at Qin Lang carefully, but still didn't believe it.

"Of course!"

At this moment, Ma Gan's chest was pounding, as if Master Baoer had really said this sentence.

In fact, as a formation master, Bao Er also has dignity. This call was all made up by Ma Ganhu. Many of Bao Bei's compliments Qin Lang heard about him were all added by Ma Gan's good opinion.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Dongfang Bai suddenly smiled, and then made a gesture of invitation, making everyone in his family take a step back. It seemed that he wanted to see how Qin Lang would perform next. After all, real gold is not afraid of fire. The law is right in front of your eyes, if Qin Lang is really capable, then there is nothing to say, if it is false and superficial... then in the future, when the Dongfang family laughs at the Ma family, there will be another joke.

Seeing that the Dongfang family is interested, Ma Gan also seemed a little smug. At this time, he turned his head and nodded to Qin Lang and said: "Master Qin Lang, please make a move. The victory or defeat of the Ma family's honor bet depends entirely on you, master." That's it... But, I have full confidence in Grandmaster, you will win, you will definitely win!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Gan clenched his fist, but the slightly trembling veins in his clenched fist still revealed a little nervousness in his heart.

This gambling fight is very crucial to him, it can even be said that it is his personal battle of honor that decides his life and death.If winning the bet fight is a good thing, it will not only hit the hostile family but also preserve his own status in the family. The status will also plummet.

Although he has blind confidence in Qin Lang, Ma Gan is still unavoidably nervous at this time, and even a small amount of sweat oozes from his forehead. It's hard to imagine.

And Ma Gan's old rival, Dongfang Bai, the leader of the unparalleled relic of the Dongfang family, was a little worried that Qin Lang was really good. Where can I find such a casual cultivator who may understand the dot matrix method? Now even he himself is so nervous. It can be seen that he was completely bragging before. After that, I will definitely humiliate the other party even more."

Qin Lang didn't care much about the open and secret fight between the Ma family and the Dongfang family. Now that he was able to come and promise to help Ma Gan break the secret restriction, he also completely looked at the previous promise. After all, taking people's money means doing things for others, right?
You must know that the thousand-mile pupil and the other rewards that Ma Gan promised to follow are not small sums. Ma Gan also spent a lot of money to win him over this time, so of course he should also contribute.

At this time, Qin Lang turned around and began to carefully observe the prohibition formation in the secret place in front of him.

The prohibition formation in this secret place in front of me is somewhat similar to the spiritual formation restriction that I have cracked before, as if they are in the same line. Two thousand hands.

And the complexity of the restriction formation in front of him is definitely twice that of the restriction in the spiritual domain, that is to say, there are more than [-] restrictions that are interlockingly superimposed.

Moreover, the difference from the spiritual domain is that the whole secret place in front of me seems to be much smaller than the spiritual domain.

Then, the more than 4000 secret ground restrictions are more refined than the spiritual domain restriction. If the previous spiritual domain restriction is at the level of complexity of a master, then the complexity of this secret restriction is definitely a master level. level.

It's no wonder that Master Baoer and other array mages will be trapped in the secret ground, and they have been helpless. After all, the restriction in the spiritual realm may not have the help of Qin Lang. Master Baoer may also work together with several family array mages to crack it. , there is a possibility of cracking it, but the restriction of the secret realm in front of me... It is estimated that even if they work together, there is no possibility of cracking it.

Of course it is impossible. Of course, if Qin Lang did not contribute to cracking the ban on the spiritual domain, it is estimated that Baoer and several formation masters will need to test for a long time before they can cooperate well and have the possibility of breaking the ban on the spiritual domain and opening the door.

Moreover, the test time is estimated to be very long, maybe three to five hours, maybe three to five days.

But now, faced with the more complicated and huge amount of calculations and more sophisticated layout techniques of the secret ground restriction, they all give up!

"It's strange, since we know that the restriction of this secret place is so powerful, it is difficult to break it at all, why do people like Baoer still throw themselves into a trap and be trapped in the secret place..."

Qin Lang couldn't help having an idea at this time, but this idea just flashed and then disappeared. It is still important to break the formation now. Other questions can be asked after the formation is broken.

(End of this chapter)

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