Chapter 1589

Next, Qin Lang connected the super system of the S-level mutant, and opened up more than one billion calculations per second to analyze the formation prohibition of the entire secret place and calculate the correct way to crack it.

But now it has become silent, everyone is looking at Qin Lang's expression, and Ma Gan has been clenching his fists to cheer Qin Lang in his heart. There is no progress.

And when Qin Lang was running the super system to perform calculations, he couldn't help admiring the master-level figure who arranged this secret formation prohibition. Although he could break the formation in front of him, he used the super system to assist him to get rid of it. Coincidentally, if he wanted to arrange such an exquisite and complicated formation to restrain it with his current ability, it would definitely be a dream, even with the help of a super system.

However, in the process of using the super system to analyze and calculate, Qin Lang's brain is like a sponge absorbing water, constantly absorbing the same ingenious essence in this formation, and the master-level formation may not be seen in the eyes of formation apprentices. What comes out is too esoteric to play.

But now Qin Lang's formation knowledge has reached the level of a formation master, and he has such a powerful support as a super system, so now he can barely accept some of the essence of this master-level formation, and slowly improve his formation knowledge to some new ones Understand and improve your formation ability level.

It can be said that the current master-level secret formation restriction is a very clever master. While Qin Lang opened his eyes, he also mastered more knowledge and gained more understanding in the way of organs and formations. More upgrades and greater progress.

At this time, Qin Lang's formation experience began to rise slowly, and it rose rapidly. Even if the formation master of the master level wanted to encounter the formation restriction once or twice in his life, it would be difficult. Qin Lang's opportunity this time can be said to be once in a hundred years.

Soon, Qin Lang's formation experience has reached the peak of the formation master, and he is only one step away from breaking through to become a formation master.

At this time, Qin Lang finally moved, instead of standing quietly like before, feeling as still as still water.

Qin Lang started the process of breaking the formation as soon as he moved, and the way of breaking the formation was like flying, complicated but smooth at the same time, it seemed to have an unusual artistic beauty.

"Master finally moved..."

Ma Gan was overjoyed, he couldn't help crying out, but suddenly came to his senses, he quickly covered his mouth for fear that Qin Lang would be broken by scratching himself.

And Dongfang Bai, the leader of the Dongfang family, saw Qin Lang's flowing technique, and his face changed slightly at this time. Unexpectedly, this young casual cultivator, who is not amazing, does have some tricks. However, this guy is really better than the famous casual cultivator in Ximo Is the formation master Bao Er stronger?Dongfang Bai still felt a little disbelieving.

In a word, too young, Qin Lang is really too young.

He doesn't believe that such a young Qin Lang can surpass Master Baoer. After all, Master Baoer can become a formation master, and basically spent more than five or 60 years on the formation. You must know that the way of formation is very complicated, not only It takes talent, but also a lot of hard work and study to be successful.

It's a pity that there are always some freaks in this world, and there may not be one in tens of thousands of years, and Qin Lang is such a freak.

Today, it is destined that glasses will fall and shatter all over the place. ,

Qin Lang started to break the secret prohibition. This formation is composed of more than [-] interlocking prohibitions, which is more subtle than the formation of the spiritual domain. However, after Qin Lang used the super system calculation, the cracking of it The method is also clear at a glance.

"First hand, second hand, third hand, fourth hand... 78, nineteen, ten..."

Qin Lang started from the first method of breaking the ban, and has never stopped.The prohibition formation in this secret realm is as interlocking as the prohibition formed by the spiritual domain, so as long as there is a small link in the middle of the operation, all previous efforts will be wasted, so Qin Lang was also very serious when he officially started breaking the prohibition.

Moreover, the prohibition of more than [-] hands is completely broken by myself. The energy, energy, and spirit that need to be consumed are also very large and terrifying. If it is replaced by an ordinary formation master, there is no hope of breaking it. Qin Lang is confident to crack it, but there are other ways.

Before he started to crack the formation restriction, he poured some Wannian stone milk into his mouth and didn't swallow it, but tried his best to seal it in his mouth, and only swallowed it when his physical strength and other aspects were exhausted.

Wannian stone milk is a very unique natural treasure, and its medicinal properties are relatively mild, so it can be used directly as a pill. Although the effect is not as good as a single-type pill, the comprehensive effect is very strong. In terms of supplementing physical strength, essence, and spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang did not consider using other medicines after he had Wannian stone milk.

The ten-thousand-year stone milk contained in his mouth is Qin Lang's backup force, and it is precisely because of this that Qin Lang has no worries. He dares to challenge this kind of master-level prohibition formation that several formation masters may not be able to break through the joint efforts of himself.

But now Qin Lang only needs to keep his brain calm and sober, to ensure that there are no mistakes in the process of breaking the ban. The powerful computing power of the super system is his background, so the brain can play various corresponding tactics without thinking too much at all. , everything seems natural.

One thousand hands breaking the forbidden technique, Qin Lang completed it naturally, and then two thousand, three thousand, four thousand... five thousand!
Qin Lang has been performing high-intensity movements, and his whole hand is faster than a butterfly turning flowers, which is dazzling.

Such skillful movements and strong physical strength and energy are already amazing. Everyone present can be sure that an ordinary formation master will never be able to do what Qin Lang is doing now, so the people present can already be sure...Qin Lang is a formation master undoubtedly.

However, all the monks present are laymen, so they can only judge Qin Lang's ability based on the experience of laymen. If an experienced formation master sees the process of Qin Lang breaking the formation, he may stare round his eyes and shout three times Impossible, because even the formation master is not as perverted as Qin Lang.

Seven thousand... eight thousand... nine thousand... ten thousand... fifteen thousand!

At this time, the entire formation restriction was rippled under Qin Lang's continuous efforts. Even people who did not understand the formation saw it, and knew that the restriction of the secret place was about to be overcome by Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang was also working very hard at this time, his true energy, spiritual consciousness, and physical strength were almost bottomed out. At this time, the mouthful of ten thousand-year stone milk in his mouth had been swallowed, and as this mouthful of spiritual liquid entered his stomach, the powerful The spiritual power spread in his body, and began to quickly and gently nourish the empty spirit.

Under the effect of Wannian stone milk, the spirit, energy and spirit in Qin Lang's body that had been empty and bottomed out began to slowly recover, and it rose by another third.

Although such a large mouthful of Wannian stone milk is more powerful than similar elixirs, it can supplement the three aspects of energy, energy and spirit at the same time, which is much better than single-action elixirs.

However, if such a large mouthful of Wannian stone milk is used to refine elixir, it will have a greater effect. Qin Lang is now also rich and powerful with dozens of skin bags. The casual cultivators will definitely feel distressed when they see it.

After all, if Qin Lang's mouthful of ten thousand-year stone milk was put on the market before, it would definitely be worth 20 spirit stones, and the key is that there may not be such top-quality natural materials and earth treasures as ten thousand-year stone milk on the market!

After recovering a bit, Qin Lang continued to break the ban uninterruptedly. Breaking the [-]-hand ban requires uninterrupted effort, so it is also a very huge project, which consumes a lot of his physical strength, energy and consciousness , and the ability to control the consciousness is very strict. If Qin Lang is not operating, it will be exhausted even if it is replaced by other formation masters without operating mistakes.

Fifteen thousand five hundred... sixteen thousand... seventeen thousand...

At this time, as the progress of breaking the ban is getting higher and higher, the fluctuation of the spiritual energy ripples of the secret ban is getting stronger and stronger. This is a good thing for Ma Gan who is watching the development of the matter eagerly. Now the expression on this guy's face looks like I am getting more and more excited, and it seems that I will win the bet this time!

But the face of everyone in the Dongfang family on the opposite side is getting more and more stinky at this time. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the young man in front of him is really a formation master stronger than Baoer. This time the situation of the Dongfang family is not good. To lose!

And Dongfang Bai is staring at Qin Lang with gritted teeth. If eyes can kill, Qin Lang may have been killed ten thousand times. Now he can't wait for Qin Lang to die of exhaustion in the process of breaking the ban, so that he doesn't have to lose the bet. fight.

After all, if he loses the betting fight, the impact on Dongfang Bai will also be very serious. This is a betting fight between the two big families in Wushuang City at the family level, so it can be said that it is of great importance.

It's a pity that Qin Lang on the opposite side is not affected by the surrounding environment at all, and is still selflessly cracking the forbidden formation of the secret place. At this time, the forbidden formation of the secret place has broken more than [-] hands, and the entire prohibition has become more and more serious. Getting unstable.

Now I am afraid that even the group of monks who are trapped in the restriction of the secret formation know that someone is breaking the formation outside, and the effect is surprisingly good. With the brains of Master Bauer and the group of formation masters, they can also use their buttocks to break through the formation. Guessing that this is Qin Lang breaking the ban, after all, only Qin Lang has the ability to convince them in the entire Wushuang ruins.

Twenty-four thousand five hundred... twenty-four thousand eight hundred... twenty-four thousand nine hundred!
When the secret ground restriction has been cracked to [-] hands, the entire secret ground restriction suddenly appeared with a big aura, and the restriction was finally unlocked by Qin Lang!
At this time, the outer barrier disappeared, and all the cultivators trapped in the restraining formation appeared at the same time, including the tribesmen of Ma Gan, and the formation master Baoer and other casual cultivators, adding up to about 700 people. The appearance of many people.

"Young man, it really is you who are breaking the formation!"

The moment the enchantment disappeared, Master Baoer was startled when he saw Qin Lang, and then he smiled. In the entire Wushuang ruins, only Qin Lang, a freak, can surpass him in the ability to break the formation. If someone else came to break the restriction, he would definitely not Will believe it will work.

(End of this chapter)

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