Chapter 1590 Unmoved

Master Baoer is considered the top formation mage in the entire Western Desert. He has never convinced others in the field he is good at in his life, but Qin Lang's talent in the formation method really shocked him.

Although he didn't show it on his face, he had to admit in his heart that he was not as talented as Qin Lang in some aspects of formation.

At this time, the secret land restriction was broken, and Ma Gan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that all the clansmen had returned to him.Suddenly he thought of something, and immediately showed extreme excitement, laughing loudly at the Dongfang family.

"Win! I won, Eastern idiot, this time the bet is won by me, hahaha..."

But the group of people in the Dongfang family was silent, the leader Dongfang Bai's face sank like water, he snorted when he heard Ma Gan's triumphant laughter, then turned his head and stared at Qin Lang with extremely unfriendly eyes .

In Dongfang Bai's view, Qin Lang was the key reason for the failure of the gambling fight this time. If Qin Lang hadn't intervened in the gambling fight between the two families, the Ma family would definitely lose!


This time I lost the bet, it was caused by this kid's meddling, bastard, really bastard, I, Dongfang Bai, swear that I will never let this kid go!

Dongfang Bai, who was extremely angry, blamed Qin Lang for all his faults. He hated Qin Lang very much now, so he didn't hide his hatred in his eyes at all. After snorting, he led his tribe and left here without looking back.

This time, he felt that his face was completely wiped out, so he had no intention of staying here any longer.

What's more, after the arch-rival Ma Gan won this gambling fight, he was only a short shot away from being able to go to heaven with a jumping monkey.

And Qin Lang naturally saw Dongfang Bai's extremely displeased gaze towards him when the members of the Dongfang family were leaving, but he was not afraid. Helping Ma Gan win the gambling fight this time was just a deal for him. He won't get stuck with money, even if he offends the Dongfang Family, a big family in Wushuang City, it doesn't matter, after all, the bargaining chip Ma Gan gave before is too exciting.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang suddenly walked up to Ma Gan, patted Ma Gan on the shoulder and said: "Brother, this time you won the bet, please remember to pay the balance when you go back..."

"It should be, it should be..."

Ma Gan couldn't close his grinning mouth. Although he paid a huge price to ask Qin Lang to take action this time, he still won the bet with the Dongfang family.

This is indeed a great thing. After all, this is a great result in the competition between the Ma family and the Dongfang family. He is now the hero of the entire family, and the family will definitely compensate for some of their losses.

After saying goodbye to Ma Gan, Master Baoer caught up at this moment: "Little brother, go slowly!"

Qin Lang turned his head and looked at Bao Er suspiciously, wondering why Bao Er called him to stop him.

"Is such that……"

Master Baoer rubbed his hands together and said, "Little brother, didn't we all get the remnants of the magic treasure house in Lingyu? Can you transfer that remnant to the old man?"

Looking at Baoer's shiny big bald head, Qin Lang recalled what had happened to Lingyu, and suddenly felt a sense of anger. He clearly remembered that when the restriction on Lingyu collapsed, the nine-story Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House disintegrated, and this guy Baoer At that time, in order to fight for the remnants of the magic treasure house, he had sneaked up on him.

However, it was precisely because of this old guy's shamelessness that he had the upper hand in that battle. Qin Lang saw with his own eyes that this old guy snatched the remnants of four magic treasure houses, and almost defeated nine of them after the magic treasure house disintegrated. Half of the remnants are gone.

After all, Baoer and Qin Lang were the only ones with the highest strength on the scene at that time, and both of them were at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, while the others were monks below the Nascent Soul Stage, so they were obviously at a disadvantage in the battle. Therefore, in the mid-Yuanying period, Baoer had the upper hand in the battle for the remnants of the nine-story Linglong Tower in the Magic Treasure House.

And Qin Lang also snatched a part during the process of fighting for the remaining parts of the Magic Treasure House, so this is the real reason why Master Baoer came to him now.

This old guy probably wants to gather all the parts of the Nine Houses Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House and restore the disintegrated Magic Treasure House, but it seems that the process of getting the nine parts of the Magic Treasure House together is not easy. He got four parts himself, Qin Lang got one part, and four other parts were in the hands of the other four loose repairers.

"Little brother, you see that the parts of the magic house are not very useful, so how about transferring them to the old man?"

Formation master Baoer laughed along, but his small eyes were shrewd: "Fellow Daoist is very talented in formations. I have a compendium of formations from ancient times with me, which contains everything. How about your chips?"

"Think beautifully!"

Qin Lang snorted coldly, although the unknown ancient formation compendium was attractive to him, but for a copy of the ancient formation compendium, he transferred the remnants of the magic house to the guy who had attacked him, which made him feel very uncomfortable , although this single remnant of the magic house is really useless to him, but he still has morals!

"Why don't I add some spirit stones to buy your remnant, how about adding another 1000 million..."

Bao Er's abacus was crackling, seeing that Qin Lang was not interested, so he added more chips.

"1000 million? Hehe, I might not even sell [-] million! Forget it, I'm very busy, so I won't chat with you..."

Qin Lang waved his hand and ran away directly.

And Baoer watched Qin Lang leave, and was also surprised for a while, he felt that the price he offered was not low, but Qin Lang didn't accept it...

This made Bao Er find it difficult to understand, but now the number of pieces of magic house in his hand has increased to five after two days of scrambling and lobbying, and the other three are in the hands of other three loose cultivators, so he For the time being, I decided to put the remnant of the magic house on Qin Lang's body first, and first try to win the remnants of the magic house in the hands of the other three casual cultivators.

After all, compared to Qin Lang, who is not easy to mess with, the other three casual cultivators are not at the Yuanying stage, so they should be much easier to deal with. He decided to fight for the first few days after leaving the Wushuang Ruins. Meet those three casual cultivators, and then get the remnants of the magic house in the hands of these three casual cultivators first.

Back then, when he was scrambling for the parts of the magic treasure house in Lingyu, Baoer memorized everyone's faces. He believed that as long as he met the three casual cultivators who got the parts, he could use various means to take these parts away. Parts are clearly in the running.

Thinking of this, this cunning weasel smiled, touched his bald head, turned around and flew away in the other direction. He is a formation master with special means to lock the target. When he was fighting in the spiritual field before, he actually He used secret means to leave marks on all the casual cultivators, so it is undoubtedly much more convenient to find someone now.

"Wait for the old man to finish those three casual repairs, get together the eight parts of the Nine Houses Linglong Pagoda, the Magic Treasure House, and then go back to this kid to get the last part..."

Master Baoer has made up his mind now, and is going to collect the nine parts of the nine-story Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House first. Qin Lang is not easy to mess with because of his strong cultivation base, so he now ranks this kid at the end Head, I'm going to get rid of the other three casual cultivators first, and then come back to find this kid.

After Qin Lang left that secret place, in the next few days, he began to explore the treasures in the Wushuang Ruins in the North District with all his strength. Each area of ​​the Wushuang Ruins is very large, and Qin Lang can only explore one-tenth of the North District now. Two, so there are many more places waiting for him to explore.

In the remaining few days, Qin Lang encountered the black-robed ghost cultivator disciples of Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces. Without a word, Qin Lang directly killed all the black-robed ghost cultivator disciples he encountered.

And now the ghost hand Liao Hua and the thousand-faced bewitched girl Kong Li in the Wushuang ruins are also furious. In the past few days, the two have gathered all the black-robed ghost cultivators to the North District to encircle and suppress Qin Lang, but unexpectedly not only did they not touch each other's shadow, Instead, he was attacked by the opponent one after another and lost all of his black-robed disciples.

The two powerful ghost cultivators were gnashing their teeth angrily, but they couldn't do anything about Qin Lang. Every time the disciple of the black-robed ghost cultivator was attacked, the two rushed to the phenomenon immediately, but they always couldn't catch each other. Ghost Hand Liao Hua and Thousand Faced Fairy Fairy felt puzzled while being angry, what was going on, could that kid know the invisibility technique?However, even if that kid knows the invisibility technique, he might not be able to escape the ghostly hand Liao Hua's spiritual search!
After all, Guishou Liao Hua is a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, and his cultivation base is a whole level higher than Qin Lang, and among the monks in the late Yuanying period, Guishou Liao Hua is also one of the strongest.

Under such circumstances, it is really not easy for Qin Lang to escape the detection of the ghost hand Liao Hua's divine sense every time.

Of course, Qin Lang doesn't know the invisibility technique, but the set of Nascent Soul-level kung fu "Sanyang Gua" in the white bone ball that he got can shield the secrets of heaven. Qin Lang can not only shield his own cultivation base breath , and can also block other people's feelings and plots against him, so every time at the scene of a crime, Qin Lang can leave calmly after killing those black-robed ghost cultivator disciples.

After all, with the powerful shielding function of the "Sanyang Hexagram", Liao Hua, the ghost hand, could not sense Qin Lang's body energy even if he used his spiritual sense. After the law, no matter whether it was Liao Hua with the ghost hand or the enchantress with thousands of faces, they all became blind in front of him.

Of course, this is not a real face-to-face encounter between the two sides, but within a small range, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, cannot lock him through the sense of consciousness, and the enchantress with thousands of faces cannot lock him through the special sense of changing Tao skills.

(End of this chapter)

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