The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1593 Claiming Compensation

Chapter 1593 Claiming Compensation
Then, after Wanxin explained her last job, Zuo Tao was ready to go to the market to purchase mature elixir.

At this time, Qin Lang handed him a bunch of magic tools, magic weapons and sundries that he didn't need. They were all harvested from the Wushuang ruins. There were about 400 magic tools and magic weapons, and there were also sundries. It is worth more than 1000 million.

And seeing so many things that Qin Lang took out, Zuo Tao was also surprised from ear to ear, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, do you specialize in robbery in the ruins?"

It's not surprising that he guessed this way. There are too many magical weapons and sundries in front of him. If Qin Lang said that he didn't rob others, the old fat man wouldn't believe it.

However, Qin Lang's situation is actually rather special. Most of the magic weapons and sundries he got came from those black-robed casual cultivator disciples who were killed, while most of the magic weapons and other property obtained by the black-robed casual cultivator disciples were Came here by robbing, so Qin Lang actually accumulated so many magic weapons, magic weapons and sundries through "black eating and black".

"Please help me with these things!"

Qin Lang said at this time, he knows that the old fat man has a wider network than himself in Wushuang City, whether it is to hang these things in the auctions of major families, or to sell them in shops, dealing with these magic weapons, magic weapons and miscellaneous things Things are definitely more convenient than yourself.

"All right!"

Zuo Tao took the instruments, treasures and sundries that Qin Lang took out, and did not continue to ask, but prepared to help Qin Lang get rid of these stolen goods.

This is also because Qin Lang has an iron-like friendship with him. If someone else asks Zuo Tao to help, Zuo Tao will definitely not be so straightforward.

Seeing Zuo Tao carrying these magic tools, magic weapons and sundries to Wushuang City, Qin Lang relaxed, first practiced in his room for a while, and then followed him out.

This time when he went out, he also walked towards the city, but the target of his trip was the Ma family, one of the big families in Wushuang City.

In the Peerless Ruins, Qin Lang helped Ma Gan break the secret formation's forbidden formation, thus allowing the Ma family to win the bet with the Dongfang family. According to the agreement between Qin Lang and Ma Gan, Ma Gan would not only give In addition to the reward of a treasure, Qianli Tong, Qin Lang also owed about 5000 million in supplies.

At that time, Ma Gan promised Qin Lang that the nearly 5000 million supplies would be paid after leaving the Wushuang ruins, so now that the ruins exploration time is over, Qin Lang of course needs to go to the Ma family to ask for the supplies as soon as possible.

Wushuang City is the top-ranked city among the more than 1000 oasis cities in the Western Desert. The city area is several times larger than the Green Willow City that Qin Lang stayed in before. If you walk from one end of the city to the other, it is a full sixty or seventy miles Even if a monk casts his escapism and runs with all his strength, it will take an hour or two.

In such a big city, there are more than [-] family forces, as well as casual cultivator alliances, large and small gang forces, etc., which can be said to be a mixed bag.

And the Ma family, one of the three major powers in Wushuang City that Qin Lang needs to go to, is located in the XC area, covering an area of ​​about several thousand acres, and is considered the top rich family in the entire Wushuang City.

Since the three major families in Wushuang City are very famous, even though Qin Lang didn't know the way, he could find the location of the Ma family compound very accurately after asking some passers-by.

After arriving at the Ma's Courtyard, Qin Lang was immediately shocked by the grandeur of the mansion in front of him. The entire Ma's Courtyard is like a large garden landscape, exquisite and magnificent, even the palace compound on the earth is probably nothing more than that .

If such a super-luxury compound is placed on the earth, it is estimated that it will not be worth 3 to [-] billion, and most of the nearly [-] to [-] people of the entire Ma family live in this compound.

In the cultivation world, a super cultivation family with a large population like the Ma family has little to do with a large sect. After all, a large sect in the cultivation world generally only has a population of 4 to [-].

The Ma family is also well-known in Wushuang City. The Ma family's current cultivation base is naturally the ancestor of the Ma family in the late Nascent Soul stage. In addition, there are three or four monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and a dozen or so monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul. The core of the Ma family.

Except for the Nascent Soul stage monks, there are at least three to four thousand monks in the Ma family's alchemy stage, nearly ten thousand monks in the Foundation Establishment stage, and the rest are in the Qi training stage.

With such a huge family background like the Ma family, only the Dongfang family and the Zuo family, which are also one of the three major powers, can contend in the entire Wushuang city.

However, although the Ma family is powerful, they are at odds with the Dongfang family, which is also one of the three major family forces in the city. The two super giant families have been fighting openly and secretly over the years, and they have been bloodied for the competition for the official alliance seat. Can't help anyone.

And Qin Lang helped Ma Gan win a gambling fight in the Wushuang ruins, which is actually a microcosm of the internal struggle between two super families. Let the Ma family's momentum rise sharply in all aspects.

And Qin Lang also made a small fortune by gambling with the Dongfang family with the help of Ma Gan, and now he has appeared at the gate of the Ma family compound, ready to ask for the rest of his reward.

"Stop! Who are you? This is the Ma's compound. Please leave immediately."

There are gatekeepers and guards at the gate of the compound. Seeing Qin Lang wandering around the gate of the compound, suspicion arose, so he questioned Qin Lang.

"Hehe, I'm here to ask for a reward, please inform Ma Gan."

Qin Lang chuckled.

"You know our Uncle Magan?"

One of the [-]-year-old concierge glanced at Qin Lang, then nodded: "You wait, I will inform him."

Then the concierge explained a few words to the other companions, and left here. It seems that this guy should be the leader of a group of concierges and guards.

While Qin Lang was waiting at the gate of the compound, the gatekeepers in front of him peeked at Qin Lang and chatted privately: "Have you heard? Uncle Magan won a bet with the Dongfang family in the Wushuang ruins, but You have slapped our family hard, and now the Dongfang family has to detour when they see our Ma family."

"Yes, yes, those members of the Dongfang family used to look so arrogant that people couldn't get used to it. I didn't expect them to have today."

"I heard that our uncle was superior to the Dongfang family in formations, and that's why he won the bet. Unexpectedly, our uncle is not only highly cultivated, but also proficient in formations."

"...I heard that someone else gave advice to the clan uncle, that's why the Magan clan won the bet with the Dongfang family. It seems that the most famous formation master who entered the Wushuang Ruins this time is the West Desert formation master Bao Er, could it be that this big bald head helped my uncle?"


These gatekeepers and guards are only in the early stage of alchemy, and their status in the family is not high or low. Although they are direct descendants, they have no access to the core of family affairs.

Therefore, the few tribesmen in front of them only have a half-knowledge of what happened to Uncle Magan and his tribe in the Wushuang Ruins, and they did not understand the process of Uncle Magan winning the gambling fight.

If they knew that Qin Lang was the one who really helped Ma Gan, and that Bald Baoer was trapped in the formation of the secret realm of the ruins at that time, they might all open their mouths in surprise.

After all, there are only a few formation masters in West Desert. If the young casual cultivator in front of him is a formation master more powerful than Baoer, I am afraid that the few Ma family members present will not believe it. After all, they have no Experienced the scene of the Peerless Ruins at that time.

After half an hour, Ma Gan finally rushed over from the inside of the Ma family compound. In fact, this guy has always been concerned about Qin Lang's promise. After all, a big family like the Ma family in Wushuang City pays great attention to face. The things promised are absolutely nailed with one spit, and absolutely cannot be faked.

And Ma Gan came over in such a hurry, besides the promised supplies to Qin Lang, he had another purpose.

Seeing Qin Lang at this time, Ma Gan laughed and came over for a big hug. The two looked like very close old friends, which also made the younger generations of the Ma family look dumbfounded. Sanxiu is actually an old friend of Uncle Maganzu. They almost neglected this young casual Xiu just now. I hope Uncle Maganzu will not blame everyone afterwards.

Fortunately, the conversation between the two of them didn't talk about some insignificant details at all, which also made a few juniors who felt that they had made mistakes in their work secretly heave a sigh of relief.

At this time, Ma Gan handed over a storage bag, which was the material worth 5000 to [-] million promised to Qin Lang. Qin Lang took it and glanced at it, then stuffed it into his arms.

"Okay, our business is over, so let's go."

After Qin Lang received the last payment promised by Ma Gan, he was about to leave.

But Ma Gan stopped him: "Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist Qin Lang...or no, Master Qin Lang, Ma Gan has something to talk to the master about."

"What else?"

Qin Lang frowned, he didn't want to continue chatting here, but he still stayed for the sake of the other party's quick payment of the promised material.

"It's like this, Master Qin Lang is proficient in the way of formation... and our Ma family in Wushuang City is also extremely eager for talents like the master. If the master can agree to serve as the elder of the guest in the Ma family, our Ma family will not treat you badly." In addition to your monthly salary of 100 million spirit stones, you also have a lot of family resources available to masters... how about it?"

Seeing Ma Gan looking at him eagerly, Qin Lang laughed. The salary of 100 million spirit stones per month and a lot of family resources are not insignificant, but he has never been a person who likes to be restrained. If he agreed to serve as the elder guest of the Ma family, he would undoubtedly tie himself to the chariot of the Ma family in Wushuang City.

For Qin Lang, who is used to being free and easy, this is absolutely not advisable. In fact, in the past few years since he entered the realm of comprehension, there have been more than one occasion when family forces and sect forces have thrown olive branches at him, but without exception, they have been rejected by him Rejected.

So when facing Ma Gan this time, Qin Lang naturally shook his head without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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