The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1594 Slaughter 1 stroke

Chapter 1594 Slaughter ([-])

"It's really a pity..."

Ma Gan shook his head, knowing that he could no longer win over Qin Lang, but he was still very polite to a potential stock like Qin Lang. This time, let's take it as a good relationship, maybe he will ask for it again in the future.

At this moment, the juniors at the entrance of the Ma family courtyard were stunned. From the conversation between Ma Gan and Qin Lang just now, they learned that Qin Lang helped his uncle win the Dongfang family's gambling fight in the Wushuang ruins. People, at this time, are all incredulous.

This young casual cultivator in front of him is actually a formation master?Moreover, he is even more powerful than the most famous Master Baoer in Western Desert... This is simply a person who cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured!
It's no wonder that as soon as my uncle heard that the young casual cultivator in front of him was coming, he rushed to the gate of the compound to try to win him over, but unfortunately he failed.

However, if you think about it, the existence of an expert who can become a formation master is not something that can be easily attracted by mere material and money. Qin Lang's seemingly arrogant behavior seems to them to be a matter of course, an expert, naturally there will be If the temperament and character of an expert can be easily wooed, then he is not called an expert.

Although Ma Gan failed to win Qin Lang into the family and became the elder of the family, but this successful transaction also formed a good relationship for both parties. If Ma Gan asks for something next time, Qin Lang will definitely have something consider.

When Qin Lang left, everyone at the gate of the Ma family compound seemed very polite, and the fact that Qin Lang came to the Ma family compound to join the Ma family was also detected by the spies of the Ma family's hostile family, the Dongfang family. The news was notified to the family headquarters.

The Dongfang family also seems to attach great importance to this matter. After all, according to the spies' description, the senior family members immediately knew that Qin Lang was the formation master who helped the Ma family humiliate his family in the Wushuang ruins. Close, that is the enemy of the entire Dongfang family.

Now the entire Dongfang family is probably thinking about how to take revenge on such a formation master who is closely related to the Ma family. Qin Lang made the Dongfang family lose face in the Wushuang ruins, so the Dongfang family will give up their place no matter what. Get it back, otherwise, I am afraid that the Dongfang family will be the object of secret ridicule in Wushuang City recently, and the Ma family, the hostile family, will not let go of such a rare opportunity to suppress their own family. The reputation and image of the city will also be greatly affected.

After leaving Ma's house, there was a guy chasing him: "Little brother! Slow down, little brother..."

Qin Lang turned his head and saw that it was actually Baoer. This guy hurriedly chased him, and he must have come here for the remnant of the magic house in his hand.

After running close, Baoer said in a bit of embarrassment: "Little brother, I have been waiting so hard for you! Fortunately, I have finally waited!"

It turned out that Baoer didn't know how to get together the eight parts of the Nine Houses Linglong Pagoda in the magic treasure house in the ruins. Now only the one in Qin Lang's hand is missing, and the magic treasure house can be reorganized.

However, when he gathered the other parts of the magic treasure house and was about to look back for Qin Lang, he was completely blinded. The trace of the mark he had left on Qin Lang before disappeared, and it was impossible to deduce that Qin Lang was in the Wushuang ruins. s position.

In fact, it only took three days for Bauer to gather the other parts of the magic house in the ruins. In the next four days, he was looking for Qin Lang. Unfortunately, he was not lucky, although he knew that Qin Lang had been in the northern area of ​​the Wushuang ruins. , It's a pity that the North District is so big, he just can't find it.

This is also the result of Qin Lang running the "Sanyang Gua", a Qimen technique at the Yuanying level. The Sanyang Gua can shield his own energy, so it also interferes with Baoer Baishi Bailing's tracking secret technique, making Baoer unable to keep going. It is impossible to deduce the location of Qin Lang.

Tracking Qin Lang Weijie in the Wushuang ruins, Baoer has been waiting near the Ma family compound since then. This old bald man is very shrewd, knowing that Qin Lang will definitely come to the Ma family compound once after he discovers the Wushuang ruins, and ask the Ma family for the relics. The promised material remuneration for that part.

The old bald man's thinking was undoubtedly right, so after losing contact with Qin Lang for a few days, he finally saw Qin Lang again, and this time Baoer made up his mind, saying that he could not let Qin Lang go, unless Qin Lang agreed Transfer the last part of the magic house to him.

"Why, you still want that one of mine?"

Qin Lang was rarely angry this time, but looked at the weasel with a half-smile.

Speaking of it, this weasel is extremely unethical in the Wushuang ruins. When the spiritual realm collapsed, it sneaked up on me in order to grab the remnants of the magic house. The real reason why I didn't agree to spare parts.

After all, no one would be calm in the face of a person who attacked him.

Fortunately, after so many days, Qin Lang was rarely in a good mood after coming out of the ruins, so this time he left without turning his head.

"Yeah, yeah...Little brother, it's not very useful to hold the remnants of your magic treasure house in your hand. It's better to transfer it to the old man directly. The old man can buy it with spirit stones, or use other things to buy it." I will exchange my treasures with you."

Master Baoer rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

Looking at the appearance of this reluctant old guy, Qin Lang also felt a little funny, but it is really unusual to think about getting all the parts of a magic house. It is normal for the purpose to be so humble to others.

"All right!"

Qin Lang sighed, and said lightly: "I can exchange with you, but now I have no shortage of spirit stones and supplies, it depends on what treasures you have that make my heart beat!"

"Okay, okay."

Seeing that Qin Lang finally let go, Bao Er was also overjoyed, and quickly took out some treasures that he thought were relatively valuable, and showed Qin Lang one by one.

As a well-known mid-stage Nascent Soul formation master in Ximo, Sanxiu Baoer's wealth is naturally richer than most mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. It can be said that even some monks from families with similar cultivation levels do not have the treasures on him. Many, in the entire Ximo Nascent Soul stage monks, except for Qin Lang, basically no one can compare with him.

In fact, Qin Lang is not surprised that there are so many treasures on Baoer. After all, this guy is estimated to be at least one or two thousand years old. The well-known master of Nascent Soul Formation in the Western Desert casual practice is not only shrewd, but also has extraordinary methods of earning money. , so it is normal to be richer than most Nascent Soul monks.

At this time, Baoer took out a lot of magic tools, magic weapons and various treasures on his body, but those treasures that were not high-grade were naturally ignored by Qin Lang one by one. It's a pity that Qin Lang also has a lot of them, and there are relatively few that match Qin Lang's attributes, so Qin Lang doesn't like them at all.

"Just these things..."

Qin Lang snorted coldly, in fact, although some of the treasures that Baoer showed just now were really good, he was not very interested.

"Oh, oh, and..."

Seeing Qin Lang frowning, Baoer finally panicked. After sighing to himself as a little fox, he had to take out a few treasures from the bottom of the box, a bottle of elixir, two magic weapons, and an extremely delicate compass.

"A bottle of Creation Pill? Two top-grade magic weapons? A strange compass..."

Qin Lang was also very surprised that this old guy still had good things hidden in his body. Good Fortune Pill was the top-quality pill that he had always wanted. There is actually a whole bottle on Er's body. This old ghost in the mid-Yuanying period who has lived for 2000 years is really unusual.

There are about ten pills in this bottle, all of which are the size of marbles, with perfect forbidden patterns on the surface, it should be from the hands of alchemy masters, it is a high-quality pill.

The two top-grade magic weapons, one attack magic weapon and one defense magic weapon, both have a single attribute. It is worth mentioning that the top-quality magic weapon of the defense category is actually a thunder type, called the innate thunder pattern cover, which is more in line with Qin Lang's attributes. "

And the most recent extremely delicate compass should be a strange item of the array. Seeing how tight Baoer's bald head is guarding it, it should be a treasure that he usually uses more often, and it may be more valuable than the other few treasures.

"How about it? You choose one of these treasures, and then compensate me with some supplies, and I will give it to you..."

At this time, Master Baoer said ruthlessly that each of the few treasures at the bottom of the box in his hand is worth more than Qin Lang's magic treasure house, but he is simply reluctant to exchange one with Qin Lang. I am at a loss, after all, Qin Lang only has one-ninth of the remnants of the Magic Treasure House, not the entire Magic Treasure House.

However, there is a saying that "things are rare and expensive", if the things that others need most urgently, then you can sit on the ground and raise the price.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Lang to do what the old fox wants now. If he does not kill the old fox now, he will feel sorry for himself. After all, the old fox in the Wushuang ruins attacked him for the remnants of the magic house, and Qin Lang has always held grudges.

Then, Qin Lang shook his head: "No!"

He turned his head as if to leave.

"Hey, slow down!"

Bao Er was so eager for the last piece of the magic house, but Qin Lang had to give in. "If you have something to talk about, it's not impossible for fellow Taoists to come up with a plan!"

At this time, Qin Lang stretched out two fingers, shook it in front of Baoer, and said in Baoer's doubts: "One for two, I exchange the remnants of my magic treasure house for the two treasures you just took out."

(End of this chapter)

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