The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1595 Slaughter 1 stroke

Chapter 1595 Slaughter ([-])
"It's impossible to exchange one for two...I'm at a loss if I exchange one for one!"

When Bao Er heard such a trick, he jumped up angrily, and almost pointed at Qin Lang and cursed. This is the first time this old man has seen such a treacherous guy after living for so many years. This is completely taking advantage of others.

However, he still maintained his rationality and did not curse out loud. After all, Qin Lang really needed the remnant of the treasure house in Qin Lang's heart. Now, as long as Qin Lang has all the spare parts in his hands, he can reorganize the nine-story exquisite house of magic treasure. tower up.

You know, this is a magic house!

The Magic Treasure House is a more high-end treasure than the top-grade magic weapon with a single attribute. There are not many of this thing in the whole god, and it is usually in the hands of monks in the transformation stage. I was lucky.

Therefore, now that Baoer has assembled the eight components of the Magic Treasure House, he is even more jealous of the component in Qin Lang's hands. If Qin Lang's strength and cultivation base were not similar to his own, he would probably have snatched it directly. This is what he did when he faced those casual cultivators whose cultivation base was not as good as his own.

"No change? If you don't change it, then pull it down."

Qin Lang showed a look of indifference. Anyway, the demand side is the other party. If he doesn't cut the flesh from Baoer this time, he will feel sorry for himself.

"All right!"

Seeing that Qin Lang was about to leave again, Baoer slapped his bald head and gritted his teeth and agreed. Now he can't bear to look directly at this transaction. If anyone knows that Baoer, who has always been extremely shrewd, started to make such a loss-making transaction, he will probably laugh. He lost his teeth, but now he really has no other way when facing Qin Lang.

No way, really no way!Who let Qin Lang hold the last part of the magic house that he urgently needed? For the latest part of the magic house, even the always shrewd Baoer can only pinch his nose and admit that he is at a disadvantage.

Therefore, the two finally reached a consensus that Qin Lang could exchange two important treasures in the other party's hands with a remnant of the magic house that was not needed much.

And Baoer is also staring at Qin Lang's choice nervously at the moment. Even the few treasures he took out just now have different values. Some are very important to him and he is reluctant to give them up, while others are very valuable. .

At this time, Qin Lang chose a bottle of Fortune Pill and that very delicate compass, but Baoer jumped up again when he saw Qin Lang's choice: "No! No... that compass is definitely not good, you can change it! "

He somewhat regretted that he accidentally took out the guy he was eating just now. In fact, this compass is more important than the other top-grade treasures to Baoer, the master of magic. Positioning, it can be said that most of the fame of the formation master Baoer in his life was won by this treasure.

This treasure is called the Dragon Capture Pan. It can be said that before Baoer's Magic Treasure House was assembled, the best treasure on his body was this compass.

"Okay, I don't need this compass, but how about you want to compensate me with an ordinary treasure?"

Qin Lang smiled slightly and said that he didn't really mean that, he just saw that Bao Er was too nervous about this treasure and kept staring at this treasure so he probably chose this way. At this time, he no longer insisted on wanting to capture the dragon plate, but chose A lightning-type ultimate defense magic weapon.

"Okay." Unknowingly, Baoer fell into the trap again. Seeing that Qin Lang no longer insisted on capturing the dragon plate, he hurriedly agreed to Qin Lang's request.

A bottle of good fortune pills packed with ten pills, a top-grade defensive magic weapon innate thunder pattern cover, and a piece of jade talisman are all that Qin Lang got after trading the remnants of the magic weapon house.

It is worth mentioning that the jade talisman is a top-grade charm, and a very powerful restraint formation "Little Zhoutian Twelve Clouds Forbidden" is sealed inside. "Little Zhoutian Twelve Cloud Forbidden" is a very powerful restraint formation. If the talisman can be used multiple times, it is definitely a top-quality treasure, but this jade talisman can only be used once before it is scrapped, so it can only be regarded as an ordinary treasure.

However, even if this jade talisman can only be used once, it will be of great help to Qin Lang. I heard that the special prohibition in this top-grade talisman is said to be omnipotent. will be banned.

Although the jade talisman with the "Small Zhoutian Twelve Clouds Forbidden" overlaps with the function of his newly upgraded advanced Gu formation, this jade talisman is indeed a treasure, and sometimes it is used with some special methods against the enemy. It can also have the effect of Raiders.

Qin Lang seemed very happy after receiving a bottle of fortune pill, an innate thunder pattern, and a top-grade jade talisman. This time, he only lost an unused magic treasure house in exchange for so many things. worth it.

You must know that whether it is the remnants of the magic house or the top-grade treasures, these things are hard to find in the market, and they can only be circulated in this way when there are special transactions between high-level monks.

When Baoer endured the distress and paid a lot of money and finally got the last piece of magic house that he wanted, the bitterness on his face finally disappeared at this moment. Although the price he paid was high, his wish finally came true. Said it was good.

Afterwards, as long as I regroup the sacrificial exercises, I can get a complete magic house. Baoer who owns the magic house is a qualitative leap compared to before. All the monks in the early stage have the power to fight, even if they can't fight, they can rely on the magic weapon house to retreat calmly.

After all, the Magic Treasure House is extremely powerful both offensively and defensively, and can greatly improve the combat abilities of monks in all aspects. It is also the top combat treasure in the cultivation world.

After the parts of the magic house in Farr's hand are assembled, it is definitely a complete magic house, which is more than a star and a half stronger than the semi-finished black bone flywheel in the hands of the Thousand Faces Fairy and the semi-finished Moji in the hands of Ma Gan. Knowing that there is no comparison between a complete magic house and a semi-finished magic house, they are not at the same level at all.

It can be said that the combat power that a complete magic weapon house can display is definitely more than the sum of seven or eight semi-finished magic weapon houses. In the battle between Qianhuan Yaoji and Qin Lang outside Wushuang City two months ago, if Kong Li had used it If the black bone flywheel is a complete magic house, Qin Lang may have fallen long ago.

After all, if a magic weapon house is manipulated with a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation base, the combat power displayed is definitely at the stage of transformation. Although it can't last for too long, it is still very powerful.

After the transaction was completed, Qin Lang immediately left here, and Baoer also hurriedly prepared to find a quiet place to reassemble the magic treasure house. Although the nine parts of the nine-story Linglong Tower of the magic treasure house have been obtained, but If there is no sacrifice, there is still a risk of being taken away, so Bauer can't help being nervous.

However, there are not many monks in Wushuang City who have cultivated at the middle stage of Nascent Soul or above. That is to say, there are not many people who are qualified to pack this newly acquired treasure. People know that this dead bald head has gathered all the parts of the magic house.

When Qin Lang left, he found that there was a follower behind him. After scanning his consciousness, he found that it was a spy from the Dongfang family. After a little thought, he knew that he was being targeted when he went to the Ma's house. After all, the Dongfang family did not deal with the Ma family. It has been a long time, so it is normal for the two families to set up surveillance at the other's door.

After a cold snort, Qin Lang dashed into an alley, turned left and right, and completely threw off these stalkers. After all, they were all bad guys, so Qin Lang wanted to get rid of them. Still easy.

And after Qin Lang and Baoer left the trading place, when neither of them expected, two not weak ghost cultivators suddenly appeared from a nearby shadow, one was the ghost hand Liao Hua in the late stage of Yuanying, and the other was Yuanying Kong Li, the enchantress with a thousand faces in the mid-term.

The two started discussing as soon as they appeared, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand, said, "Did you see it just now? That kid actually traded a piece of the magic treasure house, and the other bald casual cultivator is so eager for the pieces of the magic treasure house, maybe there is something on his body." There is a whole set of magic treasure house, this magic treasure house should be the one rumored in the northern part of the Wushuang ruins, I never thought that the bald casual cultivator would be so lucky."

"Impossible! Although I heard that the Magic Treasure House appeared in the northern part of the ruins, it seems that the parts have been disassembled and obtained by different casual practitioners. It is estimated that the bald casual cultivator only got a few parts!"

Kong Li frowned. Parts that were not assembled were completely different from a complete magic house. Now she had a deep hatred with that boy, and she wanted to avenge him, so she didn't have the mind to be distracted in other aspects.

"No! Although I also think that the boy should be taken down, a complete magic house cannot be ignored... You may not have noticed just now, but I can clearly see the expression on that bald casual cultivator's face when he traded. It is estimated that even if the parts of the magic house on the bald casual cultivator are not assembled, they are definitely in the same shape, so it is definitely worth a shot."

"OK then!"

Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, thought for a while, if she could get a complete magic house this time, the gain would be no less than the "Psychedelic Fog Heart" from taking down that kid, and it was really worth the two of them.

As for whether they can win a loose cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, the two ghost cultivators seem very confident. Even if the bald Baoer is well-known in the West Desert for his proficiency in formations, he will definitely not be the opponent of the two guys.

After all, the two ghost cultivators are also above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and is one of the strongest monks in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the two ghost cultivators still have the half-finished Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House in their hands. In this case, unless Baoer completely sacrifices the Magic Treasure House, it is impossible to escape the clutches of the two ghost cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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