Chapter 1597 Common Enemy

In the next few days, Qin Lang's life became more and more ordinary, and he practiced and practiced every day, and he stayed in the small building and couldn't come out.

While Zuo Fatty was busy with some family affairs, he also began to pay attention to the sale of some elixir medicinal materials in the city, trying to make up the gap in the medicinal materials of more than [-] elixir gardens under his name within three months.

After all, almost two months have passed now, and when the three-month internal family review time comes, the family will send someone to review the operation of the more than [-] elixir gardens under Zuo Tao's name. If any problems are found, It is very unfavorable to both Zuo Tao and Qin Lang.

Zuo Tao is now in charge of filling up the gaps in the elixir garden in the entire elixir garden, so it is estimated that Zuo Tao will be very busy in the past month or so. The elixir was transplanted into more than thirty elixir gardens.

When Qin Lang practiced this day, he always felt a little restless. He counted with his fingers, but he couldn't figure out what troubles he would encounter next.

At this time, he simply stopped his practice and prepared to walk around. When he was wandering outside the city, he also released the function of Qianlitong, adjusted the focus and observed the surrounding situation.

Although the detection distance of this Qianlitong to the surrounding environment is not as good as that of the divine sense, it is only more than 300 feet, but it can directly penetrate any obstacle to see through and zoom in, and then visually visualize the image in the mind, feeling that the observed things are better than the divine sense. Detect more images.

Qin Lang was walking and experimenting at this time, and suddenly his mind moved. When his "eyes" penetrated a wall of more than 200 feet, he accidentally found a figure on the ground, which was very familiar.

"That's not Master Bauer..."

Qin Lang was very strange. Bao Er was lying in the corner of the wall without moving. The breath in his whole body seemed to be very weak. He must have been seriously injured and now fell into a coma.

The appearance of Baoer lying in the corner of the wall also made Qin Lang a little curious. This old fox has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. There should not be many guys who can threaten him in the entire Wushuang City. Be like this.

Before he knew it, Qin Lang had already approached. Looking at Baoer on the ground, Qin Lang hesitated for a moment and was still ready to save this guy. After all, Qin Lang is not hard-hearted. Baoer just made a deal with himself a few days ago. Now that it has become like this, Qin Lang always feels awkward if he pretends not to see it.

"Being able to meet me is really a blessing you cultivated in your previous life!"

After Qin Lang shook his head, he took out a ruby ​​bottle from his bosom, which happened to contain Good Fortune Pill. Baoer looked seriously injured now, and if he wanted to recover, he must use Good Fortune Pill to achieve the best healing. Effect.

A bottle of Good Fortune Pill is packed with ten pills. This perfect level of pill is about the size of a glass bead, milky white in color, and has the effect of life and death.

After taking out one, Qin Lang leaned down and held Baoer up, and then stuffed the elixir into the guy's mouth, the good fortune pill melted in his mouth, even if Baoer was in a coma now, it didn't matter, the elixir could be directly transformed into The immersion liquid entered the body of the bald head.

Bauer's breathing was very shallow, and he only breathed once every three to four minutes, and his pulse seemed to be vague.

After Qin Lang stuffed the elixir into the guy's mouth, he sent a burst of true energy into the guy's body to check the guy's body condition.

Qin Lang was also taken aback by this investigation. The meridians in Baoer's body seemed to have been severely injured, and most of them were broken. Now, this guy has performed a kind of kung fu similar to the turtle's breathing technique, which slows down the loss of life. .

After this good fortune pill entered his stomach, Baoer's body began to burst into vitality again, just like an old tree sprouting new shoots, his body began to shake, and a large amount of medicinal power began to expand the whole body, dispelling everything in Baoer's body. The meridians are regulated.

At this time, Qin Lang also injected a burst of true energy into Baoer's body to speed up the dissolution and operation of the elixir, making the vitality in the bald head explode more intensely.

Originally, with Baoer's injury, even if he took the Fortune Pill, he would not be able to recover within four or five hours. Now with the help of Qin Lang's true energy, Baoer's trauma recovery speed is almost two times faster.

With the help of Qin Lang, Baoer finally recovered from the turtle's breathing state, and his breath gradually became gentle, from a state of shallow breathing every three to four minutes to one or two breaths per minute.

As the internal injuries in his body gradually healed, Baoer finally opened his eyes, and after opening his eyes, he saw Qin Lang, and he also looked a little strange: "Why... why are you here..."

"You were injured, I saved you, and I wasted a good medicine."

Seeing his bewildered look, Qin Lang reminded that Good Fortune Pill has a price but no market. If it wasn't for Baoer's serious injury, Qin Lang would really be reluctant to use this pill to heal this guy.

"I... hurt? When did I get hurt..."

Baoer tried hard to recall, and finally gradually recalled those memory fragments a few days ago.

It turned out that after Baoer separated from Qin Lang in Wushuang City, he entered the rented cave in the city to retreat, and began to assemble the magic treasure house. When he finished assembling the magic treasure house, he was in the process of sacrifice. Open it knowing why.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, appeared in front of Baoer. The two ghost cultivators broke into the cave and attacked Baoer, and snatched the magic house that had not yet been sacrificed.

And Bao Er was really unlucky, not only the magic treasure house was robbed by two ghost cultivators, but also he was seriously injured in the sneak attack of Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces. The escape talisman, I'm afraid it had already fallen by then.

Baoer also fell into a coma when the talisman transported him. If he hadn't practiced a technique similar to the Turtle's Breathing Technique, which can delay his vitality, he might not be able to survive at all with his heart broken.

Looking at Qin Lang in front of him, Baoer now has mixed feelings. If he hadn't traded the innate thunder shield and a bottle of fortune pill to Qin Lang before, he would not have been attacked by two ghost cultivators. to be so seriously injured.

In exchange for the remnants of the magic treasure house, Bao Er really lost a lot, but in the end, after gathering all the parts of the magic treasure house, he made someone else’s wedding dress. Recalling the two ghost cultivators who robbed his treasures, Bao Er hated it Clenched teeth, creaking.

"Damn... These two powerful ghost cultivators came out of nowhere. Pity the magic house that I have worked so hard to get. I, Baoer, swear that I am incompatible with these two guys!"

Thinking of the treasure that was taken away by Baoer, my heart hurts. This is a house of magic treasures. It is already a lifetime of luck for monks below the transformation stage to come across one. Now that someone has snatched it, Baoer will not Not reconciled.

At this time, Qin Lang chatted with Baoer for a while, and after hearing Baoer's report, he naturally knew who the two powerful ghost cultivators who attacked Baoer were. He also had to lament that Baoer's luck was not very good. All the parts of the magic treasure house suffered such a big loss. Now it is estimated that the treasure is in the hands of the two ghost cultivators and it is difficult to get it back.

It is difficult for Bao Er to calm down now. Thinking of his lost magic house, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he hates the two ghost cultivators.

At this time, he grabbed Qin Lang and said, "Little friend, please do me a favor! Help me get rid of those two ghost cultivators, I can pay you a price that satisfies you..."

"Hehe!" Qin Lang smiled. Baoer didn't know that the two ghost cultivators had long been his enemies. Even if there was no such thing as Baoer, Qin Lang would find a way to deal with these two ghost cultivators.

Now that Baoer decided to form an alliance with himself to deal with those two ghost cultivators, Qin Lang is also willing, and he is worried that there will be no help!After all, the opponent's two ghost cultivators were also very powerful, and he felt that he couldn't deal with it alone.

And Baoer himself, as a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, is proficient in the way of formation, and his combat effectiveness is still very impressive. If it weren't for two ghost cultivators who attacked him in the process of sacrificing the magic treasure house, it is estimated that the two sides encountered each other head-on. However, it is not easy for Liao Hua of the Ghost Hand and the Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces to take down Bao Er in a short time.

"Okay!" Qin Lang pretended to be very embarrassed, nodded, and agreed to Baoer's joint plan. He originally wanted to deal with the two ghost cultivators, but now Baoer's alliance and offer rewards at the same time, really sleepy Send pillows.

However, what makes Qin Lang feel a little embarrassed is that the ghost hand Liao Hua and the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li originally had an incomplete magic house in their hands, and now they have the nine-story Linglong Tower in the hands of Baoer. Even if the two join forces, they can't beat the other two.

This is indeed a difficult problem, but now that Baoer has lost the magic house, he has decided to fight the two ghost cultivators at any cost, and his determination also gave Qin Lang a little confidence. "The boat is naturally straight when it arrives at the bridgehead. Take a step and take a look. In the past few days, let Baoer find out the reality of the other party..."

Now Bao Er is more eager for revenge than Qin Lang, so Qin Lang is not very impatient, and decides to wait for time and opportunity, and see everything before talking.

With regard to dealing with the two ghost cultivators, Qin does not look like he has no chance of winning now. He now has a high-level Gu formation, as well as a sword skill that combines the precision flow sword technique and the Sansheng sword, plus a series of clairvoyance and so on. The hole card may not be much weaker to the opponent.

Now Qin Lang is fully confident that he will head-to-head with such an existence as the ghost hand Liao Hua. Even if he can't fight, he should be able to retreat with the strong defensive ability of the innate thunder pattern cover.

This time, both of them made an oath of blood. Baoer decided to heal his injuries first, and then turned his head to search for the location of the two ghost cultivators. Baoer is very good at tracking. If the two ghost cultivators are still in Wushuang City, I believe It shouldn't be too difficult to find two ghost cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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