The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1598 Trying to Attack

Chapter 1598 Trying to Attack
Sure enough, in the next few days, Baoer got news soon, and informed Qin Lang that he had discovered the temporary stronghold of Guixiu in the city through the messenger talisman.

In this temporary stronghold, apart from Liao Hua, the ghostly hand, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, there are more than a dozen black-robed ghost cultivator disciples under the two men. These are the remaining personnel of Qin Lang after the battle in the Wushuang ruins.

According to the news from Baoer, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House is likely to have been refined by two ghost cultivators, so this is a very headache. Qin Lang and Baoer are already weaker than each other, but Now that the opponent has added a complete magic house, the combat power has increased again, and the chances of the two of them fighting the ghost are very slim.

However, no matter how slim the hope is, Qin Lang and Bao Er have no intention of giving up, after all, this group of ghost cultivators are enemies.

For example, Qin Lang, even if he doesn't want to trouble this group of ghost cultivators, the other party will definitely come to him and harass him in the future. If he can't solve this group of ghost cultivators, it is estimated that this trouble will exist for a long time.

And as for Baoer, let alone, the top-grade treasures and magic treasure houses that he had spent so much hard work to obtain were all taken away by others. The mind is more urgent than Qin Lang.

However, although the desire to kill this group of ghost cultivators is very urgent, Qin Lang and Baoer are not stupid. They know that if they ask for a head-on confrontation, they may not be able to defeat the other party at all, so they still need to wait for some opportunities and opportunities .

Then Baoer contacted Qin Lang, he had already contacted three or five friends to help him, and he was on his way to Wushuang City, and he could arrive in about three to five days.

Next, Bao Er and Qin Lang formulated a plan to attack this group of ghost cultivators. The two acted separately to lure the two powerful ghost cultivators away. Responsible for dealing with the other end.

In the plan made by Baoer, he and his friends are responsible for dealing with Liao Hua, the most powerful ghost hand, while Qin Lang is responsible for dealing with Kong Li, a thousand-faced enchantress. Ignore it.

Because the three or five friends that Baoer invited were basically at the Nascent Soul stage, and even one of them was at the Nascent Soul stage like Baoer. In the eyes of the Nascent Soul stage monks, the ghost cultivators at the Alchemy Stage were naturally not enough.

On the one hand, it was calm for a few days, and the ghost hand Liao Hua and the thousand-faced enchantress stayed in Wushuang City and did not leave. I don't know if they are offering sacrifices to the magic treasure house, or waiting for an opportunity to take Qin Lang and give the psychedelic fog heart to him. Take it into your hand.

It can be said that not only Qin Lang's side, but even Ghost Xiu's side have their own thoughts, which has caused a short period of tranquility in recent days.

However, the ghost-handed Liao Hua and the thousand-faced bewitching princess Kong Li probably never imagined that their casual robbery would lead to disaster. They thought that Sanxiu Baoer, who was heartbroken, had already passed away, but he was rescued by Qin Lang. The hatred index of the two ghost cultivators was full, so they became Qin Lang's most natural allies.

Sanxiu Baoer has been based in Western Desert for 2000 years. As a formation master, he has a wide network of contacts, so when he is determined to deal with this group of ghost cultivators, he naturally spares no effort to do so.

After a few days, all the helpers that Baoer invited had arrived in Wushuang City, three men and two women, except for one who was at the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the rest were at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

This cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period is actually a female cultivator with white hair and a young face. Although she looks well maintained and there are not many signs of age on her face, she is probably older than Baoer.

This female cultivator's name is Li Zihong, nicknamed Hong Po, and her characteristic is that she usually likes to wear red clothes to show off outside. She is a disciple of an ancient sect in Ximo that has been disbanded, and she knows some secrets of collecting yang and nourishing yin. Art, by nature is also relatively free and unrestrained.

The other three men and one woman are also casual cultivators. One of them is a Taoist couple. The man is called Li Jun, and the woman is called Pang Yuli. At the peak of the early stage of Yuanying, it is only a step away from entering the middle stage of Yuanying.

The other two casual cultivators are Shi Dakai and Jin Zhong, both of them are physical cultivators, as if they grew out of the same mold, they are both tall and strong.

These five people have very little friendship with Baoer, so after Baoer contacted, they all used the teleportation array to teleport to Wushuang City. The long-distance teleportation of the teleportation array is naturally expensive. It is estimated that the cost of a teleportation is at least 300 million or more. , but Baoer promised that he would reimburse the cost of the spirit stone.

After the five casual cultivators came to Wushuang City to meet with Baoer and Qin Lang, they were also very surprised at Baoer's big battle, and then Baoer briefly explained to the five friends, and made it clear that the enemy he wanted to deal with was roughly How about the strength, let everyone not take it lightly.

After nodding, the five rogue cultivators expressed their understanding, and then Li Zihong, the most cultivated woman, giggled, "Baoer, you old boy can't afford to be early, I didn't expect to fall into such a big fall in Wushuang City! If you come to us to help you once, we will not be polite, and we will definitely kill you severely!"

"It should be! It should be! I will give each of you 500 million yuan as an operation fund for this operation. In addition, after the matter is successful, I will give you a big reward!"

Baoer hurriedly said that this time he also threw out in order to regain the magic house, and took out all his belongings.

After hearing Baoer's promise, the rest of the rogue cultivators also smiled at each other. This always shrewd Baoer has really spent all his money in order to regain the magic house.

Afterwards, they got the action plan formulated by Baoer. After seeing the layout in the plan, the five casual cultivators all nodded. It is equivalent to two Nascent Souls in the middle stage and four Nascent Souls in the early stage to deal with one late Nascent Soul. Although it is a bit harder, it is not a big problem.

And Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying stage should have no problem dealing with the ghost and the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li who are also in the mid-Yuanying stage. Even if he can't kill the opponent, he can at least delay the battle.

After all, the difficult thing is that two ghost cultivators have mastered two sets of magic treasure houses. Fortunately, one set of magic treasure houses is a semi-finished product, while the other is a new one, so the power that can be exerted at present should not be very strong.

The five casual practitioners were invited to come, and they had made sufficient preparations for each other, so after Baoer made the plan, the guys didn't say much, and they started to act together.

As a result, the plan to annihilate ghosts in Wushuang City was launched. This time, the main force was Baoer's side, and Qin Lang became the secondary one.

This situation also made Qin Lang feel dumbfounded, but this is also a good thing. Now he only has to deal with Kongli, the demon girl with thousands of faces, and the pressure is naturally greatly reduced. Maybe it is really possible to kill that ghost in one go.

After all, Qin Lang and Kong Li, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces, are both at the same level now, and Qin Lang has recently added a lot of fighting methods, and he is not afraid to fight against enemies below the transformation stage. At least [-]%.

After the battle was set up, Baoer decided to let the five casual cultivators lie in ambush in the desert outside the city first, and he and Qin Lang would lead this group of ghost cultivators out of the city. Small-scale conflicts are not prohibited, but large-scale battles are still not allowed.

So then Baoer and Qin Lang came to the ghost cultivator's stronghold in the city, carried out a sneak attack on the entire stronghold, killed five or six black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, and then fled out of the city regardless of their record.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, were naturally furious. Although they were surprised that Bao Er, who was thought to have been killed before, did not die, how could they unite with Qin Lang now? Put it in my eyes, so I chased after him.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, each have a treasure house. Of course, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, holds the newly acquired nine-story exquisite pagoda, while Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, holds a semi-finished black bone flywheel.

The two ghost cultivators with the Magic Treasure House in their hands are full of confidence, and naturally they will not be afraid of fighting. They are clinging to Qin Lang and Baoer's escape direction all the way, and they are coldly humming in their hearts: "This time lock the breath, let's see how you do it!" escape!"

Before they knew it, everyone had already left Wushuang City and entered the desert. The two ghost cultivators had been chasing after them for so long. Seeing that Qin Lang and Baoer had no intention of fighting, they occasionally had doubts in their hearts, but they I'm not afraid of Qin Lang and Baoer's arrangements outside the city.

"Ghost Dao Mahamudra...Kill!"

After the ghost hand Liao Hua chased him out of the city, he sneered. He still had a little bit of scruples outside Wushuang City and didn't dare to use his special skills.

The Ghost Dao Great Mudra is the famous technique of Guishou Liao, and its power should not be underestimated. Back then, even the ancestor of the Qiao family, who was in the mid-Yuanying period, couldn't hold a single palm, so he knew how powerful this technique was.

After being used by Liao Hua, the big handprint of the ghost path turned into a big black hand, spread out a half-acre area, and rushed towards the rear of Qin Lang and Baoer's buttocks.

At this time, Qin Lang and Baoer each launched their physical defenses, and Baoer even flickered, and his speed increased by three or four points. It seemed that there was a treasure of acceleration on his body.


The big handprint of the ghost way hit Qin Lang's body. At this time, the thunder light on Qin Lang's body flashed, and the big handprint of shaking the ghost way was completely parried. The Ghost Dao Mahamudra easily parried it.

Of course, this is also the power that the best magic weapon should have. Qin Lang can now consecrate to the fifteenth level of Dzogchen. If this magic weapon is placed on Baoer, Baoer will not be so embarrassed when he was attacked by ghost cultivators. .

"Huh?" Seeing that Qin Lang actually supported his own attack, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was also slightly surprised. He knew that Qin Lang had a top-grade defensive treasure, and a hint of greed appeared in his eyes. He was lucky enough to get a new magic house, but There are not too many treasures, and it would be great if he could also get this top-grade defense treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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