Chapter 1599

Just when Liao Hua, the ghost hand, wanted to take Qin Lang with more force, Qin Lang speeded up at this time, turned around and fled in another direction.

It turned out that Qin Lang took a picture of the Wind Escape Talisman at this time, and he also used the Phantom Wind Walk. He is not going to entangle with the ghost hand Liao Hua now, but firmly remembers the previous agreement with Baoer and others , ready to lure the enemy.

After all, Ghost Hand Liao Hua is a Nascent Soul in the late Nascent Soul, and his strength is relatively strong in the late Nascent Soul, and he has a complete nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the magic house at hand. This guy is completely hard to chew now. Qin Lang will definitely hurt himself if he gnaws hard, so it is better to leave it to Baoer and others to deal with it.

As for myself, just deal with the opponent of the Thousand Faces Demon Fairy. After all, it is easier to deal with the Thousand Faces Demon Fairy. If Qin Lang is lucky enough, it will be no problem to kill the Thousand Faces Demon Fairy.

However, the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are no better than low-level cultivators. Most of them have first-hand and second-hand means to save their lives, and it is basically difficult to kill them.After all, it is not easy for a cultivator to reach this level. They are all from the test of the battlefield. The cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying is nothing more than a cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying, but the thousand-faced demon girl in the middle stage of Yuanying may have more ways to save her life, so Qin Lang thought It is not easy to kill a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Just look at the limited number of shots Qin Lang and Qianmian Yaoji had before. When Qin Lang made a counterattack, Qianmian Yaoji used Yuanshen as a substitute to escape. Do not know what means.

Seeing Qin Lang and the others speeding up to escape, Ghost Hand Liao Hua smiled grimly at this moment, a burst of black smoke enveloped his body, and then began to accelerate, chasing towards Qin Lang and the others ahead.

Behind the Ghost Hand Liao Hua, Kong Li, the Fairy Fairy with Thousand Faces, and the remaining six or seven ghost cultivator disciples also followed, each urging their evasion methods, and clung to the targets in front of them.

Qin Lang was not in the mood to entangle with the group of ghost cultivators behind him at this time, and his speed also accelerated a lot after the escape method was urged. Although it was still not as good as Baoer who had the acceleration treasure on his body, he was slightly behind the ghost hand Liao Hua. Stronger.

He is a monk who is good at escape and speed. Although the wind escape talisman is a low-level spell, it is equally useful to any type of monk, and can play a small role in speeding up.

The difference is that low-level monks may feel that the acceleration effect is very good. A wind escape talisman may speed up several times when shot, while high-level monks feel that the effect is much weaker. It's less than [-]-[-]%.

And now Qin Lang's use of the Wind Escape Talisman is no better than at the time of Foundation Establishment and Alchemy Formation. Now the acceleration effect of a spell is about [-]%. Originally, he was a monk who took the speed route, so the bonus in this regard seems to be very little.

"Baoer set up an ambush early in a certain place deep in the desert, and the five punches he invited are all in the encirclement of the ambush at the moment, but now the ghost hand Liao Hua seems to have recognized me, and has been chasing me... ...This is a bit different from the expected situation, how should I get rid of this guy and throw this big package to Baoer and the others..."

Qin Lang felt the fierce aura of the ghost hand Liao Hua behind him, and also felt a little distressed. The opponent he assigned was not the difficult bone of the ghost hand Liao Hua, but Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, who had been fighting several times and was already confident. So now Qin Lang doesn't want to fight directly with the ghost hand Liao Hua, but wants to get rid of this guy.

Looking behind him, Qin Lang left a dozen or so puppets behind. These were all made when he was bored these days. Now he has a lot of resources, so Qin Lang also tried to make some puppets. This thing You can also hone Qin Lang's organs and formation techniques.

These dozens of puppets are all at the late stage of alchemy, and the spirit stones installed inside are all top-grade spirit stones. Top-grade spirit stones are no better than top-grade spirit stones. Persisting in this battle will consume all energy, but Qin Lang is not a pity, each of these dozen puppets is worth about 30 million, and the total value is only 300 million.

And the 300 million also has a lot of water, which is the transaction price. In fact, Qin Lang just wasted some time, and the consumption of resources to make the puppet is less than 100 million.

A dozen puppets are certainly not enough to deal with a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, but Qin Lang's current purpose is just to let the puppets hold the ghost hand Liao Hua, so that he can escape the sight of the ghost hand Liao Hua smoothly. Now he has become the target of this powerful ghost cultivator, so he has no choice but to do so.

After more than a dozen puppets were used by Qin Lang, they cooperated with each other to form a very tight defensive formation, blocking the way of the ghost hand Liao Hua.

With these dozens of puppets blocking, ordinary monks at the Nascent Soul stage, even monks at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul might feel a headache, but Liao Hua, the ghost hand, snorted coldly when he saw this, and his heart was the same as that of these minions The puppet just wants to block himself, this is too underestimating himself!
At this time, Liao Hua of the ghost hand directly displayed his special technique, the big handprint of the ghost way, and saw a big hand of the black hand rising in the wind, becoming half the size of the room, and directly pushed towards the puppets in front, and the ghost hand When colliding with more than a dozen puppets, more than a dozen puppets made the sound of being collided at the same time, and a colorful light burst out from their bodies, but unexpectedly, they were not broken by the blow.

In this situation, even Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was startled. He is well aware of the power of his ghost handprint. Even the vital points may be killed, no matter how strong the body protection magic weapon is, it can't stop his secret ultimate move.

After all, this ghostly big handprint is the famous secret technique of the ghost hand Liao Hua. The power of the ultimate move can be compared with that of the general half-finished magic house. Even the battlefield ultimate move contains very powerful secret skills. Unexpectedly, in his eyes It's really surprising that these minion-like puppets actually blocked the fight.

Taking a closer look, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, discovered that although these puppets are exquisitely made, and the materials used on their bodies are also very strong, there are many fine gold and secret silver materials, but this is not the main reason for being able to resist his own attack. The reason, the main reason, is that the dozen or so puppets formed a formation among themselves, and this formation was able to disperse their ultimate moves. That is to say, the dozen or so puppets fought against their own attack just now. Ghostly ultimate move.

In this case, because of the puppets formation, one of my big ghost handprints is divided into more than a dozen parts, and the power of the ultimate move is naturally weakened a lot. They are not living creatures, so their ability to resist blows is probably stronger than that of Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy, so if they are not completely destroyed, these puppets will be able to fight to the end.

These puppets really delayed the ghost hand Liao Hua for a little while, but it can only be delayed for so long. After all, the ghost hand Liao Hua is a powerful ghost cultivator in the late Nascent Soul. Can't beat him.

He didn't use any other methods, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, didn't even sacrifice the magic house, but continued to take a deep breath, strengthened the power of the ghost way majestic mudra again, and then continued to attack the formation of the puppet people. The array launched an attack.


After the ghost hand Liao Hua became serious, the power of the ghost hand big handprint suddenly increased by three points. After all, the ghost hand Liao Hua just followed up, but now he has seriously used his skills to deal with this puppet formation. After the second ghost path mahamudra was cast, no matter how reluctant the puppet formation was, they were finally blasted away.

Under the powerful attack of the ghostly mudra, a dozen or so puppets couldn't even launch a counterattack, and they were shattered under the impact of the ultimate move, and a large group of material debris exploded all over the sky. Even Qin Lang, who fled far away, could sense the fluctuation of spiritual power.

And because of the obstruction of more than a dozen puppets, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was delayed for more than ten seconds. Qin Lang also took this opportunity to escape further. Nei escaped at least three or four miles away. Although the ghost hand Liao Hua could still see him now, there was already a small black spot in his sight.

"Damn! This kid is cunning..."

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, cursed secretly at this time. He never thought that Qin Lang could have such a strange trick to get out of trouble. Although he successfully solved the dozen or so puppets who were like minions, Qin Lang was about to escape now. With my own sight, it is not as convenient as before if I want to pursue it.

At this time, Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, and six or seven black-robed ghost cultivator disciples had already caught up behind her. After seeing this scene, Kong Li said: "I didn't expect that kid to grow so fast, and he was already unbearable in just half a year." Hit has grown to the point where it is now, and now even the two of us want to take him down without using some special means, it is not easy..."

"Yes! So this kid must die, and he must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise, it will become more and more difficult to deal with later!"

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, also felt quite a headache. When he was in Green Willow City, this kid was still an inconspicuous young man. He was able to escape from his pursuit at the beginning, and it was more due to luck and various factors. Unexpectedly, it took half a year. After time, this kid has really grown up, and even he has to find it difficult to deal with.

This terrifying growth rate also made Liao Hua, the ghost hand, want to kill Qin Lang as soon as possible. If you get it, I am afraid that Master's previous plan will be seriously affected.

(End of this chapter)

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