The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1600 Innate Thunder Pattern Cover

Chapter 1600 Innate Thunder Pattern Cover

Yao Dongwen, a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage, took care of him before he set off for Green Willow City, and asked Liao Hua, the ghost hand, to finish the matter of resurrecting the underground Yin Demon as soon as possible.

Only when the underground demons are completely revived, will Yao Dongwen's layout in the entire West Desert truly unfold.

But now the two ghost cultivators, Liao Hua of Ghost Hand and Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces, have found that this task is really not easy. It is too difficult to obtain the key to completely revive the underground Yin Demon.

There is no way, the kid to deal with is not slippery, and his luck is also super strong, so that the two of them spent more than half a year unable to take this kid down.

What the ghost hand Liao Hua and the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li didn't know was that Qin Lang was only injured and his strength and cultivation level plummeted. , completely recovered his own cultivation base.

Moreover, in the past half a year, with the increase of his own wealth, Qin Lang has gradually enriched various methods of dealing with the enemy, which made the opponent feel that Qin Lang is becoming more and more difficult to deal with, and even because of this, he continued to lose troops and generals, killing more than 50 third-generation blacks The disciples of Pao Guixiu were all thrown into the constant confrontation with Qin Lang.

At this time, Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, said: "Senior brother, this time, that kid didn't know that he was mixed up with the previous casual cultivator who was targeted by us and robbed the magic house. Hatred is also we have to get rid of these two people as soon as possible, in my opinion, now we should kill the other casual cultivator who seems to be easier to deal with, and then concentrate on dealing with that kid."

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, pondered for a while, then nodded: "That's so fast, anyway, they are all fleeing in one direction, so let's kill the casual cultivator who was robbed of the magic house before, and then deal with this kid later."

"Well, everyone follow!"

Afterwards, Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, said to the six or seven cannon fodder black-robed ghost cultivator disciples behind her that although these black-robed ghost cultivator disciples are not very capable in combat, they are also good eyes and ears and cannon fodder.

Afterwards, Liao Hua of the Ghost Hand and Kong Li, the Bewitched Girl with Thousand Faces, accelerated their pursuit, and the target of this attack was mainly shifted to Baoer's side. Qin Lang and Baoer hurried and walked slowly, and now they were getting closer and closer to the ambush circle. At this time, Baoer also made an agreed secret signal with Qin Lang, and Qin Lang was responsible for dealing with Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, and now he was going to turn around to attract the firepower of the powerful ghost cultivator Liao Hua, the ghost hand.

"this is for you……"

At this time, Qin Lang threw a treasure on his body to Baoer, but it was the innate thunder pattern cover, which was temporarily lent to the bald head according to the previous agreement. After all, although Baoer has many treasures, his defensive ability is particularly outstanding But not, the best defensive magic weapon at hand in the Wushuang ruins is the innate thunder pattern shield traded to Qin Lang.

The innate thunder pattern cover is the best magic weapon, and it is also the best treasure besides the magic weapon house.

And after Qin Lang lent this top-grade defensive magic weapon to Baoer temporarily, Baoer had the ability to fight head-on with the ghost hand Liao Hua, otherwise, with the powerful means of the ghost hand Liao Hua, Baoer wanted to attract the ghost hand Liao Hua The firepower is just a dream. It is estimated that even the magic house does not need to be used. With a few big handprints of ghosts, Baoer has already been blasted to pieces.

Because it is a temporary loan, this top-grade defensive magic weapon also bears the imprint of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness. Qin Lang only needs a thought to recall the magic weapon from the air, or destroy it. It is also impossible to refuse the pattern cover.

Of course, if the divine consciousness imprint inside the top-grade magic weapon is completely refined, Baoer may still have the right to control the innate thunder pattern shield, but the divine consciousness imprint is not easy to clear. It took several years of effort to create the imprint of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and this is the case that Xuan Qingzi has already fallen. If Xuan Qingzi is still alive, Qin Lang can't deal with the damaged imprint of divine consciousness at all.

The imprint of spiritual consciousness is produced by the spiritual thoughts of monks, which is related to the level of the soul. Perhaps the monks who specialize in soul skills have a deeper understanding of the imprint of spiritual consciousness, but it is absolutely impossible for the casual cultivator Baoer in the Nascent Soul stage. The ability in this aspect is not even comparable to that of ghost cultivators of the same level. After all, ghost cultivators are actually this type of monks who are good at spiritual consciousness and soul control.

It is also because Qin Lang temporarily lent Baoer this innate thunder pattern cover, and it contains Qin Lang's divine sense, so Baoer does not need to sacrifice this magic weapon, Qin Lang's divine sense can control the innate thunder pattern The [-]th layer of prohibition that has been fully activated by the hood fights according to Baoer's will, but this mastery of the magic weapon is indirect, so it is not [-]% but [-]% of Baoer's ability to display the innate Thunderweave hood. The look of five.

Being able to exert about 5000% of the magic weapon's defensive power is actually not bad. Qin Lang spent [-] to [-] million resources in order to sacrifice the innate thunder pattern cover to completely refine such a top-quality magic weapon. Baoer handed it over to Qin Lang. At that time, this top-grade magic weapon had only been refined to about the eighth floor. After all, although Bao Er was rich, the money on him was not blown by strong winds. As a casual cultivator, he paid more attention to his own cultivation. It is also very frugal with spirit stones and resources.

When the innate thunder pattern cover was refined to eight rooms, Baoer spent about 500 million resources. At that time, the defense ability of this top-grade magic weapon had already surpassed most top-grade defense magic weapons, and Baoer was in the Western Desert. Walking for 2000 years, although he has experienced battles, big and small, he has not encountered many powerful enemies, and his fighting methods are actually very rich, so the sacrifice of this innate thunder pattern mask was also accepted. He put it on hold for now.

After taking the innate thunder pattern cover back into his hand, Baoer injected a wave of real energy to control it, only to find that Qin Lang had refined this top-grade magic weapon to the full level, and he had to sigh suddenly, unexpectedly, the kid in front of him was actually such a local tyrant ah.

And the full-level innate thunder pattern cover not only needs a lot of resources, but also these resources are very difficult to find. Qin Lang wants to gather so many resources in a short time, but he doesn't know how much energy it will cost.

What Baoer didn't know was that some of these resources on Qin Lang came from fighting in the Wushuang ruins, and the other half was from the rewards promised by the Ma family. Qin Lang could have specifically explained what type of resources he needed, so Ma In order to win over this powerful formation master, Ma Gan spared no effort and spent a lot of thought to gather the resources and items that Qin Lang wanted.

When Bao Er took this innate thunder pattern mask in his hand, he suddenly thought carefully, and had an idea to completely detain this kind of top-quality magic weapon.

After all, his magic house has been lost now, and this top-grade defense magic weapon that has been completely sacrificed is not much inferior to the magic house in his opinion. With the shamelessness of this old guy like Bauer, he has such thoughts It is also excusable.

However, it is not easy to think of detaining this top-grade defensive magic weapon. Let alone Qin Lang's spiritual imprint left on the innate thunder pattern cover is not easy to erase, it takes a lot of energy to do it, and Qin Lang himself is also a very powerful monk , if he wants to destroy the imprint of divine consciousness inside the innate thunder pattern cover, Qin Lang can sense it immediately, and he will definitely find trouble with Bao Er at that time.

What's more, now that both of them have sworn a blood oath to the heart demon, they want to deal with the group of ghost cultivators like Liao Hua, the ghost hand. Facing his demons directly will be very detrimental to his future cultivation.

This is also what Baoer fears the most, so as soon as this bad idea appeared in his heart, he suppressed it and resisted the urge to detain this powerful treasure.

After Baoer took the innate thunder pattern cover in his hand, he dispelled a trace of distracting thoughts in his heart. At this time, he turned around and prepared to attract the firepower of the powerful enemy. The divine sense inside the magic weapon also reacted, urging all the defensive capabilities of the top-grade magic weapon, and a dense mass of lightning began to appear outside Baoer's body, forming a powerful lightning shield.


Baoer let out a loud roar, and started to rush towards the direction where the ghost hand Liao Hua was chasing. It looked as if he was about to fight the chasing ghost cultivators behind him, but unfortunately, even Qin Lang who was beside him shook his head. Smiling secretly, he knew that the old fox cherished his feathers very much, and he would never attack the enemy if he was not sure of the eventuality.

Sure enough, the old bald man was just bluffing. He rushed towards the group of ghost cultivators behind him aggressively. Even the ghost cultivators such as Liao Hua of the Ghost Hand and the Thousand-faced Fairy thought that the old bald man was going to come to die after thinking about it, but Baoer just When he was less than one or two hundred feet away from Liao Hua's front, he stopped suddenly, hooked his fingers behind him to provoke him, and then fled forward again.

"I rely on it!"

After all the ghost cultivators were stunned for a moment, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, immediately became furious. As a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, Liao Hua, a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, was also extremely arrogant. There are many, so naturally there is no resistance to this kind of provocation.

Immediately, the hatred value of the ghost hand Liao Hua was completely attracted by the old fox Baoer, and he directly pulled away his figure and accelerated to chase after the incomparably ugly guy in his eyes. After he came to Wushuang City to join the Thousand Faces Fairy for a while, his luck seemed to be It has not been good all the time, if it hadn't been for grabbing the treasure house in Baoer's hand to make up for the depression in my heart, I am afraid that this time I will have the same expression as Kong Li, the witch with thousands of faces, both sad and painful.

After all, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces has been at the hands of Qin Lang many times in a row, and she has been unable to win the other party. It is really strange to be in a good mood. This temptress is probably very angry for a while. .

(End of this chapter)

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