Chapter 1603 Kill Kong Li
After Qin Lang killed the seven black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, he began to deal with the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li with all his strength.

This female ghost cultivated in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and practiced the Changing Dao Kungfu, and the Changing Dao Kungfu is more demanding on the body than physical training, so the physical strength of the thousand-faced demon girl Kong Li can be compared to the physical strength of the Nascent Soul Middle Stage. And there are many tricks on the body, which are much more difficult to deal with than the same level of physical training.

However, Qin Lang is not an ordinary monk. Before, he was able to make the Thousand Faced Fairy suffer two or three times in a row, and now he can still make this woman continue to suffer.This time Qin Lang's goal was to kill this female ghost cultivator, so even though she was as beautiful as a flower, he would not soften his heart because of this, and made up his mind to destroy Hua.

boom!The Black Bone Flywheel from the Magic Treasure House came crashing into it again. Under the control of the Thousand-Faced Demon Girl, the Black Bone Flywheel had already ignited a black lotus flame on its surface. Erosive effect, especially for baby animals.

The black bone flywheel is spinning in the air, and the black lotus flames are burning more and more vigorously. Although these black lotus flames are in the shape of flames, they look very cold, and even the surrounding air is constantly condensing, turning into ice particles Flop, fall, fall.

However, Qin Lang's Gu array has the same origin as the black bone flywheel of the magic treasure house, and they are all treasures dominated by evil spirits. a nature.

Therefore, the additional attribute of the black lotus in this Gu formation has not been able to exert much, and the thousand-faced demon girl can only rely on the external force of the black bone flywheel to collide. It is a pity that she does not know that this magic house cannot be sacrificed. For some reason, or for some other reason, she entered the interior of the magic treasure house and entered the micro-manipulation, so that she would not be able to exert the maximum power of the magic treasure house.

Before Qin Lang did not add the half evil core of the seventh-level evil spirit to the advanced Gu formation, the rampage of Qianmian Yaoji's manipulation of the magic house still had a certain impact on his Gu formation, but now the Gu formation has been upgraded. After finishing, his own strength and defensive ability have also been greatly increased, and he even has a certain ability to resist against the complete magic house, so there is no need to worry about facing half-finished goods like the Thousand Faced Demon Girl for the time being.

After all, Qianmian Yaoji is just a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying, and the magic house in his hand is only a semi-finished product, which is broken. If Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is fighting Qin Lang with a black bone flywheel, then the battle situation may be another situation up.

The Magic Treasure House is not suitable for cultivators below the stage of transforming spirits. It consumes a lot of true energy, and it is a big eater of true energy. The more true energy is injected, the more powerful the magic treasure house will be Strong, this also limits the time for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to use the Magic Treasure House to fight.

Like Kong Li, the thousand-faced bewitching princess in the mid-Yuanying period, if she urges this black bone flywheel to fight with all her strength, she will probably exhaust her evil spirit cultivation base in less than half an hour. To the enchantress, that is definitely a deadly threat.

This time, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces used the Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House. Qin Lang relied on the Gu formation to absorb most of the attacks. The opponent is fighting, so it can be seen that the high-level Gu array successfully refined by Qin Lang is indeed very powerful, and it is already a treasure that is not inferior to the Magic Treasure House.

When the Thousand-faced Demon Girl was rampaging in the Gu formation, Qin Lang continued to launch the Thunder God Ruler to attack. The fire-bathed black lotus on the surface of the black bone flywheel is very powerful and can corrode most of the magic weapons, but the Thunder God Ruler, which is a top-grade magic weapon, is not here For example, so you are not afraid of contact and impact with the black bone flywheel.

In the Gu formation, the confrontation between the two sides is very fierce, and the respective consumption of the two is also very huge. Now Qin Lang has to manipulate the Gu formation to trap the enemy, and also has to use the magic weapon to fight against the Thousand-faced Demon Fairy. The consumption of true energy and consciousness Intense, now even his face is slightly pale, and his own blood is gradually becoming unstable.

On the other hand, although Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, has the powerful Black Bone Flywheel in her hand, her own evil energy consumption is even more unbearable. The opponent, plus being trapped in this Gu formation, naturally exhausted all his strength to fight, so now he is also delicate and panting, with red and white patches on his face, which looks even more unbearable than Qin Lang.

At this time, Kong Li swallowed a few more evil pills to temporarily increase her combat power, and when she looked at Qin Lang again, the hatred in her eyes became more obvious: "This damn kid, I can't think of it is more difficult than imagined, Now I can't beat him even if I confront myself head-on..."

Because she is in the Gu formation, Kong Li is also being led by the nose everywhere, and the depression in her heart can be imagined.

At this time, Kong Li transformed herself and used the Dao of Transformation technique to turn herself into a monster, directly hitting Qin Lang!And Qin Lang was amused when he saw it. What Kong Li transformed was nothing but a sixth-order monster like Lei Zexiang.

Qin Lang is already very experienced in dealing with sixth-order monsters like Lei Zexiang. He knows that although this kind of huge monster has thick skin and thick flesh, its body skills are not flexible. It is a good target for being kited. After the house, he took a few steps back and used the improved and upgraded Sansheng Sword Art with precise swordsmanship to face the enemy.

Under the upgraded version of the Three Lives Sword Art, Kong Li was restrained everywhere, and soon her body was covered with scars. Now she has made a wrong move and just hit Qin Lang's muzzle. If she hadn't used the change to become a thunder Ze Xiang's words, I am afraid that the battle with Qin Lang can continue.

These wounds vary in severity. If Kong Li hadn't transformed into a Lei Ze Beast with an extremely powerful defensive ability like a monster, she would have been lying down already. The animal state returns to human form.

Unexpectedly, when she recovered from the state of a monster, her body's injuries suddenly worsened. Kong Li was shocked to find that her body was no longer suitable for continuing to fight, and she was already seriously injured.

"Haha, go to hell!"

Qin Lang sank the boat directly with a mighty breaking axe. The Three Lives Sword was definitely not aimed at the weak point of the opponent's defense, but directly broke into Kong Li's body, splitting Kong Li in half.

However, when Kong Li's body was split in half by Qin Lang, she didn't know what secret method she used. The primordial spirit was split from the body, directly attached to the magic treasure house, and manipulated the magic treasure house to hit it at any cost, and finally gave the Gu array to Hit a gap.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

Qin Lang's eyes turned cold. He made up his mind this time and wanted to win the opponent, so he paid close attention to the details of this battle. Seeing Kong Li's primordial spirit...

That is to say, the Nascent Soul came out of the body, and naturally performed the ultimate move again, swaying more than a dozen sword qi in a row, and then...

Beng, this middle-grade flying sword actually exploded directly, but it was Qin Lang who injected the true energy beyond the limit of the flying sword.

However, Qin Lang didn't care about these things. He could buy the flying sword later when it was gone. After all, it was only a middle-grade flying sword. Now that he had Lingshi and a lot of resources, he didn't have to worry about not being able to get a better flying sword.

The key now is whether these dozens of sword qi can completely kill the opponent, and seeing the magic treasure house hit by these dozens of sword qi, now the magic treasure house makes a loud noise, and it is actually pierced directly by the sword qi. It was clear, and a scream appeared at the same time.

In the air, the magic weapon house's black bone flywheel lost control and disintegrated directly. This dilapidated magic weapon house was already very unstable, so it immediately disintegrated again when it was damaged by external forces.

And Kong Li's Yuanying body in the magic house was directly swept away by a sword energy, and a small half was chopped off. However, Kong Li didn't know what secret method she had used at this time. After a flash, her whole body disappeared completely. What kind of secret method of escape was cast.

The monks above the Nascent Soul stage basically mastered some life-saving means, and the female ghost Xiu Kong Li was no exception, but this time her body was split in half by Qin Lang, and even a part of the Nascent Soul body was chopped off , Even if he escaped, it would be incomplete, and it was impossible to have the same cultivation methods as before.

Fortunately, Kong Li is a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and the Nascent Soul is a Primordial Spirit that has been sacrificed and refined by the Heavenly Tribulation, so it can survive even if it is separated from the body. After that, it can only survive for three to five hours recently before dying out.

Of course, after the soul of a monk is separated from the body, he can also choose to seize other monks, but a good furnace is basically hard to come by, and the soul is usually extremely weak after being separated from the body, and sometimes it can seize the consciousness of the host. It is also possible that the sea fails, but is killed by the object of the seizure.

Just like Qin Lang, Xuan Qingzi's primordial spirit entered Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness. In the end, not only did he not succeed in seizing the house, but he became a tonic for Qin Lang's soul, and became a big gift. All the experience and memory belonged to Qin Lang, and Qin Lang It was gradually refined in the subsequent cultivation process.

Qin Lang basically disabled this female ghost cultivator this time, and even if the Thousand-faced Demon Girl wanted to continue dancing, she probably didn't have much ability to dance. It can be said that this female ghost cultivator has been disabled, basically there is no Don't even think about recovering in ten or eight years.

Moreover, it may not be possible to recover after ten or eight years. Kong Li, who is in the Nascent Soul Body, must first find a suitable physical body to continue to practice. Restore the original strength.

Therefore, in general cultivation, one's own body is very important. Although the body is a skin, it cannot be damaged. Once damaged, it will affect the speed of one's cultivation. And if a monk with a physical body is lucky enough, he will have the opportunity to directly point to the Dao of Immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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