Chapter 1604

After Kong Li successfully escaped with the half-disabled Nascent Soul Body, Qin Lang did not directly clean up the battlefield, but directly began to use the prohibition method to quickly collect the parts of the disintegrated Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House. , more than half of the parts remained in the Gu formation and were restrained by the Gu formation, but two parts flew out of the hole in the Gu formation.

At this time, Qin Lang directly left the Gu formation to pursue, spent about a stick of incense and finally found the two parts, then returned to the original way, and put together the other parts of the black bone flywheel in the Gu formation come over.

The black bone flywheel is composed of five large parts, namely the bone wheel, bone tendon, bone shaft, bone ring and bone core. The bone core is the core of the black bone flywheel, but this black bone flywheel is different from other magical treasure houses. Different, there are a lot of parts. Originally, there were six bones, 32 bone rings, and a total of forty large and small parts including bone wheels and bone shafts.

However, as the incomplete version of the Magic Treasure House, the original Black Bone Flywheel lost one tendon and three bone rings. This time, after the Magic Treasure House collapsed, almost all the bones and tendons were broken and needed to be re-forged, and the bone shaft was also damaged. And the bone ball lost three again, which means that Qin Lang only recovered 34 parts in total.

But even so, Qin Lang is also very happy. This part of the magic house is the biggest gain after Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces. The others are all sidelined. Relying on these parts of the magic house, Qin Lang can re-sacrifice and restore the magic weapon House black bone flywheel, although the restored black bone flywheel is still a broken version, and even its power is not as good as before, but it can still be regarded as a top attack treasure.

Of course, if Qin Lang is lucky enough to be able to complete the spare parts of the black bone flywheel in the future, then the complete attack and defense of the Magic Treasure House will play a greater role!

However, it is very difficult to make up for the incomplete parts of the black bone flywheel. Qin Lang not only needs a powerful refining method, but also needs to find those materials that are hard to find, and those special materials for repairing the magic house are not If you have a lot of money, you can buy it. If you can meet it, it is considered luck. Otherwise, this black bone flywheel has been in the hands of the ghost hand Liao Hua for so long, and it is impossible for it to remain unsalted and complete.

After receiving this big gift, Qin Lang was in a very good mood. He was chased and killed by Liao Hua, the ghostly hand, and Kong Li, the witch with thousands of faces, for more than half a year. The guy is chasing after him, and he must kill the psychedelic fog heart he took in his hands. Of course, Qin Lang must rise up and resist.

Now it is basically equivalent to killing most of the lives of Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, and after getting such a rich harvest, the thoughts in Qin Lang's mind suddenly became more comfortable. Evidence of loose threads.

Qin Lang's strength and cultivation base is now at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and now he is only a step away from breaking through and becoming a real Nascent Soul Stage monk. The further you go, the more difficult it is. Many monks still spend a lot of time accumulating, like Qin Lang in just a few years to complete the road that others can take hundreds of years or even 2000 years. It is already a very fast entry .

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind, Qin Lang began to search for the body of Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, and began the process of formally cleaning the battlefield.

Ever since Qianmian Yaoji met Qin Lang, unlucky things have happened one after another. This time, she almost lost her life and even lost her body. It is impossible to say that she is not depressed or angry, but what can she do? Woolen cloth?Who made this group of ghost cultivators meet Qin Lang, a powerful and lucky freak.

Qin Lang searched for Kong Li's body, and used the ghost spell to control Kong Li's body to open the storage ring on her body. This storage ring is a high-grade storage ring, with about 500 square meters of storage space inside, and there are bits and pieces. The broken pieces are all miscellaneous items for ghost cultivation, and there are more than ten magic weapons and [-] spirit stones.

This kind of wealth is not too rich for Qin Lang, but it is also very good. Qin Lang took this opportunity to make a small fortune, and Qin Lang found a handful of high-quality treasures among Kong Li's magic weapons. The flying sword is much better than the flying sword I used before, but it is a pity that this top-grade flying sword has the wind attribute, and it can be said that there is almost no increase in the attribute of Qin Lang.

However, even if this is the case, this flying sword is considered very good. Even if Qin Lang did not get the attribute bonus of the flying sword, but with the powerful material of the flying sword itself, he can definitely fully withstand all the true essence he injected Strength, and will not be tied up in battles with other monks in the future.

This flying sword was basically determined by Qin Lang as a non-sale item. Of course, if Qin Lang can meet a more suitable flying sword again in the future, he can also replace this flying sword to make his fighting power stronger.

The sacrifice of Feijian will take several hours. Qin Lang is now focused on the battle on Baoer's side, so he doesn't have so much thought to deal with it for the time being.

He searched in the storage ring, and then made another unexpected discovery. At this time, he took out a yellowish silk book from the storage ring. The silk book was very thin, and he didn't know what kind of paper it was made of. After thousands of years of immortality, what is described above is the various cultivation steps of Changdao Kung Fu.

And when he got the secrets of the ancient Tao of transformation, Qin Lang's eyes once again showed unexpected surprises. He thought that getting a dilapidated magic house would be enough to satisfy him, but now he has harvested a flying sword and a book of transformation. Dao skills are all unexpected to him, especially the complete practice steps of changing Tao skills. If you practice to the extreme, you may even become a holy body, becoming a powerful existence similar to the ancestor witch of the witch clan.

Therefore, Qin Lang attaches great importance to this silk book. In his heart, this silk book is even more important than the parts of the magic weapon house black bone flywheel that he just got. After all, the cultivation of monks comes second to fighting, and the essence of practice It is still the ultimate goal of cultivation to rely on exercises to continuously improve one's own cultivation and enhance the strength of all aspects.

After all, the ultimate pursuit of practice is longevity. If you can't live forever, you will end up with a pile of dead bones when your lifespan is exhausted. There are many examples in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent.

Therefore, after this silk book was glanced at by Qin Lang, he solemnly put it into another storage ring, and the spirit stones and materials in this storage ring obtained from Qianhuan Yaoji They were also transferred to his storage bag by him, and some magic weapons and other sundries were banned by the forbidden law, and even the storage ring was stuffed into his bosom.

It is not unreasonable for him to do so, after all, the Thousand Faced Demon Girl did not really die, and many treasures in this storage ring probably still bear the imprint of the other party's spiritual consciousness. Sacrificial refining, refining to remove the imprint of divine consciousness inside.

After rushing for a while, Qin Lang finally cleared up these sundries, and then canceled the Gu formation.

It is worth mentioning that after the Gu formation has been upgraded by half of the evil core of the seventh-level evil ghost, even if this high-level Gu formation was smashed by the black bone flywheel of the magic house just now, the damage suffered is not great. Qin Lang just joined A small amount of material is slightly replenished and it is completely restored to its original state.


The screen turned back, and when Qin Lang was in full swing with the Thousand Faced Fairy Fairy, Bao Er and five friends besieged the ghost hand Liao Hua. He and his five friends also had the upper hand, nearly holding back the ghost hand Liao Hua in the formation.

And Baoer is mainly responsible for controlling the big formation, and the other five loose cultivators also used their methods together. Li Jun and Pang Yuli's casual cultivators performed a set of righteous song tactics. The pair of casual cultivators became famous and learned nothing.

And Hongpo Li Zihong, a female ghost cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period, is even more extraordinary. As the descendant of the disillusioned ancient sect, she is best at confusing and bewitching people's hearts. Even the minds of the five casual cultivators in the nearby formations may be affected, and the ghost hand Liao Hua who was trapped in the formation was even more disturbed, and he was almost lost by hallucinations several times.

However, the ghost-handed Liao Hua's spiritual consciousness was also extremely condensed and powerful. At this time, he kept pinching the magic art, and he didn't know what secret method he used, but his mind regained his clarity. When they went back, Li Zihong was forced to use the Fascination Dafa intermittently in order to avoid the opponent's spiritual counterattack.

As for Shi Dakai and Jin Zhong, two Nascent Soul cultivators at the early stage, one wields a mountain hammer and the other wields a mace. However, the effects of these two are the weakest among the crowd. After all, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, has activated the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House, and the person has entered the Magic Treasure House. The ban can't be broken now.

However, the situation seems to be good for the time being. Even if the ghost hand Liao Hua used the ninth floor of the magic house, he still failed to break through the blockade of the Nine Palaces Cross Formation and broke out of the formation. A rogue attack.

When Bao Er saw the ghost hand Liao Hua summoning the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House, he was also agitated for a while, and he shouted in his heart at this moment: "This Magic Treasure House is mine! It should have been mine in the first place. Damn...I want to take it back!"

However, he also knew that it would not be easy to take back the house of magic treasures. Liao Hua, the ghost hand in front of him, was too powerful. Even if he was trapped and suppressed by everyone with formations, he didn't show much defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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