Chapter 1605
At this moment, Ghost Hand Liao Hua, a burly ghost cultivator who is more than two meters tall and has mastered the powerful barbaric ghost art, appeared a bit crowded after getting into the house of magic weapons.

The control center of the nine-story Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House is actually the most cutting-edge part. I don’t know if this control room was originally designed to compare with dwarves. Such a big body.

However, if a monk is dissatisfied with the magic house he has mastered, he can add some materials to modify it in the future, that is, to refine it again. , Second, there is no time, so I can only make do with it.

"He's here!"

In the Nine Palaces Cross Formation, Pang Yuli, the wife of casual cultivator Li Jun, reminded everyone in the formation, and at the same time cooperated with her husband to promote righteousness and singing. After fighting for so long, Liao Hua, the trapped ghost hand, has not yet shown fatigue. Pang Yuli and others The few casual cultivators were a little out of breath. After all, four of the five of them were in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and only Hong Po Li Zihong was a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and her cultivation was the same as that of Baoer.

At this time, the entire Nine Palaces Cross Formation stagnated for a short time.

But this kind of stagnation is not something wrong with the big formation.

This kind of stagnation was precisely caused by Baoer. It turned out that Baoer suddenly lost his mind at the moment he saw the ghost hand Liao Hua take out the magic house to fight, which caused a slight flaw in the entire formation.

This kind of tiny flaw can't even be regarded as a flaw. If it weren't for people who are very sensitive in the formation study, they would not be able to detect it at all. However, Liao Hua, the ghost hand trapped in the formation, seemed to have known it in advance, and he actually caught it in the formation. A loophole in the magic treasure house was used to break open an eye of the Jiugong cross formation.

The Nine Palaces Cross Formation originally needed nine people to operate, but the five casual practitioners around Bao Erjia only had six people in total, and there were still four people left.

However, when Baoer was arranging this big formation before, he had already prepared for it. He borrowed four puppets from Qin Lang. Liao Hua, the ghost hand who had mastered the house of magic treasures, resisted and suppressed the opponent within the formation.

However, because of Baoer's distraction just now, there was a flaw in the sluggish operation of the formation, and he was caught by the ghost hand Liao Hua. At this time, he directly killed the mechanism puppet at the eye of the formation. The organ puppet in front of the house is just like paper, it will collapse when hit.


"How is this going?"

Just when the casual cultivators were surprised, the ghost hand Liao Hua in the nine-story Linglong Pagoda smiled coldly at this time, and immediately manipulated the magic weapon to hit the other eyes of the formation. Now a guardian organ puppet in the formation was captured Killed, the Jiugong Cross Formation is no longer as perfect as before, so now he has to expand the results of the battle and fight back.

"not good!"

At this time, Baoer cursed secretly, knowing that the failure of the formation was caused by his emotional instability just now, and he tried his best to make up for it at this time.

But it was already half a minute late, and the nine-story Linglong Pagoda directly hit Jin Zhong, a body repairer in the early Yuanying period. Jin Chong, who was holding a mace and looked extremely majestic, also turned pale when he was in the Magic Treasure House. He wanted to avoid the impact of the Magic Treasure House, but found that time was running out.

In a blink of an eye, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House crashed into the formation here, and when the Magic Treasure House passed by, the Jin Zhong in place disappeared completely, and only the magic weapon Spike, which was broken in half, fell on the ground. Great.

At this moment, Liao Hua, the ghost hand sitting in the control room of the Magic Treasure House, also sneered. Although he was tall and forced to squeeze into such a small space, it was uncomfortable, but now the battle has achieved a major reversal in the situation. Can't help but reveal a trace of pride.

As a ruthless high-level ghost cultivator, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, will naturally not give up this good opportunity for a big counterattack. Now that the opportunity has been reversed, the loopholes and gaps in the Nine Palaces Cross Formation are getting bigger and bigger. Favorable, he still drove the Magic Treasure House and directly hit the other two ghost cultivators, Li Jun and Pang Yuli.


Pang Yuli's pretty face turned pale, and the female ghost cultivator uttered a scream and yelled at the same time when the magic house hit her.It's a pity that Li Jun, who was on the other side of the formation, watched the magic treasure house smashing the person he loved, but he couldn't do anything about it. He directly left the eye of his duty and rushed towards the magic house in the air.

The flying sword in his hand was shooting out sword energy at this time. Li Jun seemed to have lost his mind, and he was desperate.

It's a pity, can he, a casual cultivator in the early Yuanying stage, beat the Magic Treasure House?Even if the ghost hand Liao Hua came out of the house of magic weapons at this moment, he might not be a match.

"How stupid!"

Seeing this, Liao Hua, the ghost hand in the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House, smiled slyly. A layer of faint multicolored light appeared on the surface of the nine-story Linglong, and then accelerated directly, and then took Li Jun's life directly.

In just a short moment, the situation of the two warring parties was reversed, and because of one of Baoer's mistakes, a puppet on his side was damaged, and three friends died on the spot. At this time, it was too late to regret, and he directly focused on the Jiugong Cross Formation At the same time, he summoned spare puppets and put them in several missing formations, hoping to turn the tide of the battle with his own efforts.

It's a pity that this kind of opportunity is fleeting. Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is naturally very shrewd to be able to cultivate to the late stage of Nascent Soul. He seized the opportunity and escaped from the loopholes in the formation to break away from the Nine Palaces and Cross Formation.

After leaving the big formation, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, came out of the magic house directly. The feeling of curling up in the control room was really uncomfortable, and he only refined the first two floors of this magic house so far, so he wanted to play his due role. In terms of combat power, the consumption of evil spirits is also extremely strong.

In this short period of half a minute, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, felt that he had consumed more evil energy than walking in the formation for such a long time before, so after breaking away from the trapped formation, he naturally left the magic weapon directly. Room.

However, he did not take away the nine-story Linglong Pagoda, but just let it float in the air so quietly.

At this time, Liao Hua turned his head to look at the big formation in front of him, but he sneered in his heart. The idiot in front of him thought that he could be trapped by a part of an ancient formation, but he didn't know the strict meaning of the Jiuqu Yellow River Continent It is said that it has a deep connection with my own lineage of ghost cultivation.

The Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation was once mastered by a powerful ghost cultivator in ancient times. That powerful ghost cultivator was the ancestor of the ghost hand Liao Hua. The descendants of ghost cultivators.

It is this kind of origin relationship that makes Liao Hua, the ghost hand, actually have a certain understanding of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. He can completely crack the Nine Palaces Cross Formation arranged by Baoer, but no one can match him in dealing with the operation of the large formation and grasping the opportunity of the battle.

In this way, just now, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was able to seize the slight delay in the operation of the formation, and exploit the loopholes caused by this delay, finally turning the entire battle situation into a big reversal, directly killing the three opponents and then escaped smoothly.

"Jie Jie Jie... Jie Jie Jie..."

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, laughed. This powerful ghost cultivator had a different laugh. He began to move his bones, especially his neck, which made a series of popping sounds, like fried soybeans, crackling.

Facing the ghostly hand Liao Hua who escaped from the predicament in front of them, Bao Er and the other cultivators were all like eggplants beaten by frost. The extremely powerful Ghost Cultivator lost the three of them instead, and even the roles of hunter and prey changed. Now it's the ghost hand Liao Hua's turn to play with them.

After all, Liao Hua, the current ghost hand, not to mention his own strength, still has a complete magic house at hand. It can be said that he needs money, food and food, and strength and strength. These poor casual cultivators in front of him are basically the same. Can't compare.

"Hold on!"

It was rare for Baoer to calm down at this time, and he shouted loudly, telling the remaining few old friends to guard the formation, and at the same time quickly filled up the missing formation eyes with mechanism puppets. The control of mechanism puppets requires a lot of energy The mind is completely inferior to the eyes of the formation guarded by the monks, so the power of the Nine Palaces Cross Formation is also reduced a lot.

However, after completely controlling the eyes of the Jiugong cross formation, the entire formation finally recovered completely, which also made Baoer wipe off a cold sweat. When the formation was broken just now, even he almost thought that he was going to die , Standing here alive now is completely God's blessing.

Therefore, now Baoer does not dare to appear in the previous state of losing his mind. He is the real core of the entire Nine Palaces Cross Formation. You have the best magic weapon, the innate thunder pattern shield, which is fine for the time being, but the remaining two casual cultivators are really finished.

At this time, Baoer didn't dare to think about other issues anymore, he could only use all his mind to control the operation of the entire formation. In fact, the reason why he lost his mind just now was that the ghost hand Liao Hua took out the nine-story Linglong Pagoda It causes mood swings, and the other is that the calculation volume of the old bald head's brain is not enough. The structure of this large array is complicated, but if it is Qin Lang's calculation, it doesn't matter if it is distracted by the ability of the super system. .

(End of this chapter)

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