Chapter 1606
The Jiugong Cross Formation is a shortened version of the four ancient formations in the cultivation world, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. A lot of knowledge of magic is used in the formation, and the countless formation nodes inside are full of variables. With Baoer's current ability, he needs Every second, the brain processes thousands of different variables at the same time to make the entire formation alive.

Of course, this process was not easy, so now the well-known master of the formation in Western Desert has worked hard to maintain the normal operation of the formation. Unfortunately, there is no way. Now that the roles of hunter and prey have been reversed, he must rely on the formation to maintain the normal operation of the formation. He blocked the powerful ghost cultivator Liao Hua, the ghost hand.

"Ghost Dao Mahamudra... Wan me!"

At this time, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, used the Mahamudra of the Ghost Dao again. "Wanwo" is an upgraded version of the Mahamudra of the Ghost Dao, which is equivalent to an advanced move. Once this advanced ultimate move is used, it will be densely packed. Suddenly, it was as if ten thousand black giant palms really slapped the entire formation.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
The Ghost Dao Mahamudra Wanwo collided fiercely with the Nine Palaces Cross Formation, and the fluctuations of the spiritual energy exploded circle after circle. Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was indeed extremely powerful, and almost broke the entire formation from the outside. Baoer directly spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and only then did he control the formation that was about to lose control due to the surge of spiritual energy.

Fortunately, even though Baoer spurted blood, his injuries were not serious. The key was that Liao Hua, the ghost hand, used his powerful Ghost Dao ultimate move to bombard wildly, almost blowing up the entire Nine Palaces Cross Formation!Fortunately, he survived just now. Although the power of this ghostly ultimate move is not as powerful as the Magic Treasure House Clash, the victory lies in the consumption of less evil spirits. That's why the ghost hand Liao Hua was able to move in and out regardless of the consumption of evil spirits just now. An advanced version of Myriad My Mahamudra.

However, the consumption of evil spirits by Wanwo Mahamudra is quite terrifying. This is equivalent to sending out many ghostly Dao Mahamudras together, changing from a single body to a group attack. No matter the power of the moves or the destructive ability, it is not alone. A mahamudra of ghosts can be compared.

This big handprint of the ghost path "Wanwo" consumed about [-]% of Liao Hua's evil energy in the ghost hand, so after using this powerful advanced version of the ultimate move, Liao Hua finally felt tired and swallowed it at this time. A few pills recovered silently, and did not continue to attack the Nine Palaces Cross Formation, which finally let Baoer, who had been on tenterhooks in the formation, finally heave a sigh of relief.

But at this time, when the battle came to a short stop, the remaining two rogue cultivators, Li Zihong and Shi Dakai, were all frowning. They have to leave it here, the ghost cultivator outside the big formation is too powerful, unexpectedly powerful, which makes them regret coming to Wushuang City to help Baoer fight against the enemy.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. They are all trapped here now.

The two were discussing now, Shi Da happily glanced outside the formation with lingering fear, and touched the back of his head, this seemingly simple and honest Nascent Soul Early Body Cultivator felt very pessimistic about the current situation, and whispered: "Hong Po, the situation It’s not good, should we think of a way to piss off…”

Scattering means running away, and the friendship between casual cultivators is more related to money. This time, if Baoer paid a lot of money to invite them to help, the five of them would not have come at all. How would they know that they are here now? Then it was like this.

The red woman, Li Zihong, is a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and she is a little more courageous than Shi Dakai. She looked out of the formation and was also a little worried: "Now we all rely on this large formation to stop the enemy. If we leave the large formation, it is estimated that You will be directly attacked by the guy outside the formation, and I am afraid that there is no way to escape, and you have already been killed by the other party!"

You must know that the ghost cultivator in the formation is unbelievably strong. If it is said that the Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen cultivation base, they all believe that at this moment, playing tricks in front of such a powerful opponent, there is very little hope of escaping.

As the only plan for now, Hong Po Li Zihong felt that she and Shi Dada could only continue to wait for a good opportunity to see if Baoer still had any means to suppress the bottom of the box, and what was another powerful Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivator before? Qin Lang defeated the No. [-] big devil in Ghost Cultivator and came to support this one.

In that case, the three monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, plus a body repair stone Dakai in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and relying on the big formation in front of them to fight with the ghost hand Liao Hua, may not be without strength.


After Qin Lang cleaned up the mess, he rushed directly to the place where the ghost hand Liao Hua was ambushed before. He didn't know the changes in the other side of the battle. However, he felt that the powerful ghost cultivator, the ghost hand Liao Hua, was not easy to deal with, and he had another complete Therefore, even though Baoer and the five casual cultivators had an ambush beforehand, it was only because they couldn't take down each other.

So, now that Qin Lang has resolved the battle on this side, he hurried over to support his allies.

However, after arriving in the field, Qin Lang was also taken aback when he saw the battle situation in front of him. On the way here, he actually thought about many situations about the battle situation, but he never thought that the encirclement and annihilation plan carefully arranged by Baoer would fail. Now one by one Instead, he was trapped in the formation by Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and had to rely on the Nine Palaces Cross Formation to save his life.

When he arrived now, three of Baoer and the five casual cultivators had died directly.

This result was a bit unexpected, but it is also reasonable. Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is too powerful, much stronger than Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces he dealt with before, so he can understand any unexpected changes in the battle situation on this side. .

At this time, Qin Lang decided to support his ally and jointly deal with the powerful enemy Liao Hua.

When Baoer, Li Zihong, and Shi Dakai in the Jiugong Cross Formation saw Qin Lang coming, they also knew that Qin Lang had basically solved the battle at the other end, and they were all overjoyed, but then their faces sank again. Ghost Xiu is the real big devil, and I don't know if Qin Lang can repel the opponent after joining.

Now, including the formation master Baoer, basically no one has the confidence to make a decision to take down the ghost hand Liao Hua. This guy fought like he was kicking an iron plate.

When the ghost hand Liao Hua saw Qin Lang coming at this time, a bright light flashed in his gloomy eyes, he suddenly smiled and said: "Boy, what a mess! I didn't expect that my junior sister would fall into your hands and lose very badly." Miserable! However, now that you have come here, the matter of avenging my junior sister will naturally fall on me, my senior brother. After I decide to kill you, I will extract your soul separately to refine the evil soul, so that you I have been suffering from the burning pain for years..."

The ghost hand Liao Hua spoke in a serious manner, but there was an evil spirit in the words, which also made Qin Lang frowned coldly, saying: "It's better not to talk about things with words, let's see the truth under my hands! Now I am not afraid of you!" "

With a wave of Qin Lang's hand, the Gu formation was also displayed. The high-level Gu formation phantom impact in his hand has been fused with the evil core of the psychedelic fog heart and the seventh-level evil ghost, and it is not much worse than the ordinary magic house.

And Qin Lang has a lot of means, in addition to the Gu formation, there are also S-level mutants that can be used to fight, as well as the top-grade magic weapon Thunder God Ruler, and the Wangyou Pill that can greatly increase the combat power, etc.

"Okay, then let me test how capable you are!"

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, yelled. At this time, he directly patted Qin Lang with a big ghost handprint, but he was blocked by the Gu formation when he was five feet away from Qin Lang.

Seeing that the killing move was invisible, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, also let out a surprise. This Gu formation looks as powerful as the Jiugong Cross Formation, no, it can even be said to be more powerful. Formation is a Gu Formation killing move that can be carried around with you and can be used at any time.

Although Qin Lang felt that it was not easy, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, did not immediately use the magic house at this moment, but once again used the big handprint of the ghost way, and continued to play against Qin Lang to test a few times.During the fight, Qin Lang's Gu formation was mainly used for defense, while the Thunder God Ruler above his head was used for offense, constantly casting a lot of thunder light.

However, the top-grade magic weapon Thunder God Ruler hit the ghostly hand Liao Hua's defensive layer of evil energy. Although it caused a shock to the entire defensive layer of evil energy, it failed to harm his body for the time being.

As a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was already stronger than Qin Lang by one realm of cultivation, and Qin Lang wanted to reverse the plot and defeat Liao Hua, the ghost hand, which seemed to be a very difficult thing to do.

The two sides fought for a while, and each had its own consumption. At this time, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, finally found out most of Qin Lang's details. He felt that Qin Lang's fighting methods were not very powerful, but the foundation of defense was indeed very solid. At least he felt that he had It is impossible to break through the high-level Gu formation in front of you.

And when he was thinking this way, Qin Lang finally swallowed a Wangyou Pill at this time, and his combat power immediately exploded to the level of the Great Perfection in the late Yuanying period. Liao Hua, the devil's hand, caught this trick unexpectedly, and was immediately pushed back four or five steps. He let out a muffled grunt, and seemed to have suffered some dark losses.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, I'll help you!"

Bao Er, who was trapped in the big formation, saw that the situation of the battle had changed. At this time, he was also overjoyed, and finally stopped being a coward, and hurried out to help Qin Lang.The reason why this guy is not afraid of death is because he doesn't want to give up the treasure house of the ghost hand Liao Hua, and he also wants to find a chance to get the treasure back, but this idea is a bit unrealistic.

He is now safe and secure, and relying on the innate thunder pattern cover, the ultimate defensive magic weapon lent to him by Qin Lang, he can at least resist the four or five strong attacks of Liao Hua's magic weapon house in a row, so there is nothing to worry about!

(End of this chapter)

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