Chapter 1607 Pests
After the bald Baoer rushed out of the big formation at this time, he and Qin Lang launched a pincer attack on the ghost hand Liao Hua.

And Qin Lang slowly opened the Gu formation, seeing that the ghost hand Liao Hua was about to be pulled into the Gu formation, at this time the ghost hand Liao Hua took a few steps back and threw a large amount of gray dust into the air.

At first glance, I thought it was dust, but then the gray dust began to fly in the air, like a living thing, sticking to all the repair soil in this area.

"Jiejiejie, this is a newly refined pestilence from this deity, let you have a good taste... As long as you are touched by my pestilence, even your steel-like body will immediately become soft around your fingers! "

After the ghost hand Liao Hua threw out the handful of gray dust, he smiled sarcastically, "Don't think that you are the only ones with hole cards, mine is also waiting for you!"

Sure enough, Baoer, who was the first to rush out of the big formation, was thrown by the gray dust and his face immediately changed drastically. The big bald head turned pale instantly, as if he had lost all his strength, and he fell directly to the ground. This gray powder called a lunatic actually Being able to ignore the defense of the true energy force field and directly enter the monk's body will make people feel sick and weak instantly.

And Qin Lang next to him was a little delayed in resisting the lunatic because of the barrier of the Gu formation, but then the plague worm got in and was sucked by Qin Lang. Suddenly, Qin Lang was a little dizzy, with the feeling of Venus in his head, he Knowing that it was not good, he quickly held his breath, so that he did not inhale more gray dust.

However, the plague insects are pervasive, even if Qin Lang blocks his breathing, he can't stop the plague insects from penetrating through the pores on the body surface and destroying his body. Qin Lang only feels that his body is becoming more and more sour like dough, knowing that this will not work.

"Damn, what is this plague bug... It can directly attack the body of a monk and make people sick, it feels similar to a Gu insect..."

Qin Lang felt that his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and his eyelids were about to fight. Let alone dealing with the ghost hand Liao Hua like this, I am afraid that he will not be able to stand firmly in the next step.

In an emergency, Qin Lang tried his best to throw a black object in the direction where the ghost hand Liao Hua was attacking, and then fell directly. In the process of falling, the fire of Kanli in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness was directly transferred away by him Come out, turn around and start to fight against the invasion of these pests.

Kanli's fire ranks in the top ten, and it is one of the strange fires between heaven and earth. He believes that this kind of fire should be able to resist these invading pests and get rid of his negative state.

On the side of Liao Hua, the ghost hand, he saw a black thing being thrown by that kid Qin Lang, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but what he didn't expect was that the next thing was still in contact with him, and suddenly something earth-shattering happened. There was a loud noise, and the power of the explosion was comparable to that of a cultivator in the stage of transformation. A huge mushroom cloud of dust appeared on the scene, and the explosion immediately blasted this powerful ghost cultivator into the air.

"This... this is impossible... what the hell is this..."

Although the ghost hand Liao Hua's body had opened up defenses, he couldn't resist the power of the explosion in this frontal explosion that was comparable to a full blown blow by a cultivator in the transformation stage. People were also seriously injured immediately.

At the same time as being blown away, Ghost Hand Liao Hua had to crush a teleportation talisman for his own safety, and teleported himself away from here. He doesn't know how badly he was injured, so he had to do this for his own safety.

This dark thing is actually a god thunder son. The god thunder son is an ancient artifact that Qin Lang obtained from the Wushuang ruins. At that time, one snatched two. Qin Lang has seen how powerful this thing is this time. The Tianleizi imitated by the Tianleizong in the Southern Region based on the god Leizi is completely the same as a child's play in front of it.

The explosion of this thunderbolt seriously injured Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and he ran away, but Qin Lang and Baoer were not able to reap the benefits. Although they were not as close as Liao Hua, the ghost hand, they were still blasted. The aftermath caused serious injuries.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of elixirs for Qin Lang to heal injuries. Compared with the life-and-death elixirs such as the life-and-death elixir, there are also middle-grade healing medicine Shengji Huagu Gao, and the ordinary healing medicine Xiaohuandan, etc. .

Qin Lang swallowed a Creation Pill for himself to heal his injuries. He is really seriously injured now. Not to mention that his body's defensive force field was blown apart, even his hands and feet were directly blown off. Three or four of them were broken directly, and the whole person looked miserable.

And inside, the fire of Kanli in the body has been running all the time, and wiped out all the pests that invaded the body. This is good news. At least now, although Qin Lang is seriously injured, he has indeed recovered some spirits.

After the Good Fortune Pill was swallowed into his body, Qin Lang kept his eyes closed and healed his wounds. He has no time to care about other things in such a serious injury situation. Just now, he even managed to grope for the medicine pill on his body with his broken arm. .

And the other arm is now completely distorted and deformed, which shows how tragic the situation on him is now.

The effect of Good Fortune Pill is indeed very good. Qin Lang closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for more than half an hour, and finally healed the internal injuries of his body to a great extent. He tried his best to reset the external injuries including fractures one by one, and then circulated his true energy again. Try to transfer the power of the good fortune elixir in the body to heal these wounds.

It took another half an hour to pass, and Qin Lang barely opened his eyes. He saw that he was already lying in a huge sandpit deep in the ground. This sandpit was at least twenty or thirty feet in diameter. Formed after the thunderbolt exploded, the godly thunderbolt explosion was indeed powerful enough. Because they were too close together, they almost killed themselves this time.

However, it was precisely because the explosive power of the thunderbolt was strong enough that it was able to injure Liao Hua, the ghost cultivator in the late stage of Yuanying, who was so shocked that he crushed the teleportation talisman and left here completely.

The teleportation talisman is fixed-point teleportation. This kind of talisman is expensive, even rarer than the Baili Dunfu talisman, and has a huge value. Now the ghost hand Liao Hua probably has returned to the Green Willow City after teleportation. I heard some rumors in the West Desert. , now the entire Green Willow City has become a dead zone, and it is also a place where a large number of ghost cultivators gather.

Qin Lang looked at the bottom of the pit and found that the bald-headed Baoer was also lying in the bunker, and his injury was similar to his own. But now Qin Lang was reluctant to give the bald-headed man another Good Fortune Pill, and instead gave him a few Xiaohuan Pills Afterwards, it was enough to reset the broken bones of Bald Baoer's body, and then apply some myogenic bone paste to his body.

In this case, although the recovery speed of Bald Baoer, the formation master, is not as fast as that of Qin Lang, it is estimated that he will be able to recover completely after three to five days. After all, the two wound medicines used by Qin Lang are also panacea. Ointments and even middle-grade elixir, although the value is not as good as the fortune pill, but this kind of middle-grade elixir is also a relatively rare wound medicine, very rare.

And Qin Lang's Shengji Huagu Paste was refined by himself. He cultivated a large number of blood-eating worms, which are raw materials for alchemy, so this relatively rare middle-grade elixir is not very precious to him. He only needs more With some time and effort, this middle-grade elixir can be refined in large quantities.

When treating Baoer's wounds, Qin Lang also found that Baoer's pale face and closed eyes did not seem to be caused by injuries, but the root cause was the large number of pests released by the ghost hand Liao Hua before. After the worm's pests infect the monk's body, it will spread the disease like a disease, causing the monk to suddenly fall into a coma.

Qin Lang dragged Bao Er to climb out of this huge trap. At this time, he found that at the end of the formation that Baoer had arranged before, the two casual cultivators, Hongpo Li Zihong and Shi Dakai, were also lying unconscious on the ground at the moment, while the two casual cultivators Xiu's current situation is probably similar to Baoer's. He was forced into a coma after the pests attacked his body.

After all, although plague insects are similar to dust and seem extremely small, they can ignore the monk's force field defense and penetrate directly into the monk's body, causing very special disease damage to the monk's body. The principle of this kind of madness damage is temporary. I can't say why, but I believe that as long as I study it carefully, I can completely crack it.

After all, treating diseases and researching Gu insects is also one of his specialties. Although he has never seen these plague insects before, he believes that if he studies carefully, he will definitely come up with a result.

What Qin Lang currently knows is that the fire of Kanli on his body can purify the pests. However, it is true that the fire of Kanli can purify his own pests, but it cannot be used to help other monks to get rid of the pests in his body. Although this kind of flame has no harm to Qin Lang's body at present, if other monks get a little bit of it, it is no different from the poisonous fire that is the heart of thousands of ants. If you are not careful, you can even expose other monks to this group of flames The part is completely burnt.

Next, Qin Lang managed to take the three of Baoer away from here, and found an inn-like place in Wushuang City to settle down, and then considered the matter of eliminating the pests in the bodies of these three guys. Cleared, these three casual cultivators will not be able to wake up at all. As an ally, Qin Lang feels that it is very necessary for him to treat these three people now.

In the next few days, Qin Lang began to carefully study the weird things like plague insects, and at the same time began to sacrifice his newly obtained top-grade flying sword, sacrifice the remnants of the black bone flywheel in the magic house, and practice the transformation method. process.

In this case, Qin Lang lived a fulfilling and busy life every day. Leaving aside the process of studying the plague insects, it did take up a lot of time to practice the flying sword, the black bone flywheel in the magic house, and the practice of transformation.

Among the several treasures obtained from Kong Li's storage ring, because Kong Li is not good at using flying swords, this high-grade wind-type flying sword does not have the imprint of divine consciousness, and is the easiest to be sacrificed. Qin Lang just spent some money. Resources and time can completely solve all the restrictions of Feijian.

However, the incomplete parts of the Black Bone Flywheel in the house of sacrificial magic treasures are a lot of trouble. This thing has an owner, and the owner is actually the ghost hand Liao Hua, so Qin Lang must continue to lay down restraints to resist thousands of miles away. The ghost hand Liao Hua summoned the parts of the magic weapon, and on the other hand tried to refine the magic weapon house. I felt that this was not something that could be done in a day or two, so Qin Lang could only take his time.

(End of this chapter)

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