Chapter 1609
After Bao Er bid farewell to Qin Lang and the others, he went straight to Luliu City, which is five or six thousand miles away from Wushuang City. The distance contact is equivalent to the mobile phone on the earth.

Thinking of the thousand-mile communication talisman, Qin Lang thought of a special kind of Gu in the earth's seedlings, "Teng Xun Gu". This kind of Gu insect also has the ability to send messages for thousands of miles, but the cost is several times lower than that of the thousand-mile biography talisman.

It costs about [-] spiritual stones to refine a thousand-mile communication talisman, and this kind of talisman is a one-time consumable. It will be gone after you use it, and you need to replace it with a new talisman next time. Unlike the Vine Message Gu, which can be repeatedly injected with spiritual energy, it can be used many times .

Qin Lang still remembers the refining steps of rattan xun Gu. He thinks that if he has time, he can try to refine a few pairs, whether it is for his own use or for giving away.

After saying goodbye, Hongpo Li Zihong and Tixiu Shi Dakai also bid farewell to Qin Lang at this time, Qin Lang looked at the empty inn and smiled at this time, walked to the lobby and went directly to the shopkeeper to settle the accounts for the past few days.

I stayed in this inn in Wushuang City for several days, and now Qin Lang can finally go back to his own residence. He feels that although the inn is clean, he is still not as comfortable as his own.

When Qin Lang returned to the mansion outside Wushuang City, he suddenly saw that his room was open, and the inside was very messy, as if someone had rummaged through it.

He felt very strange, apart from Zuo Tao, there was Wanxin in this mansion, one was the landlord and the other was a neighbor, it was impossible for these two to break into his room to search for something these few days, who broke in?

Qin Lang looked around, although he didn't leave any important items in the room, but the fact that his room was broken into and rummaged by outsiders also made him feel very disturbed, it was no different from finding a thief.

At this time, he decided to ask Zuo Tao or Wan Xin, but Zuo Tao was not seen in the whole room. Could this old fat man be like himself these days, staying in the city to deal with affairs?

After Qin Lang found that the whole mansion was empty, he went to the elixir garden. He knew that the little girl Wan Xin must be there.

Sure enough, Qin Lang found Wanxin in the elixir garden. The wood-type girl Xiuxiu was busy giving birth to the elixir, but when Qin Lang approached, he found something was wrong. There were obvious scars on Wanxin's face and body. It seems that someone was beaten.

"Brother Qin Lang!"

Seeing that Qin Lang, who hadn't shown up for several days, came back, Wanxin smiled when she looked up.However, her smile seemed to have some bitter taste.

"Wanxin, who caused the injury on your body..."

Qin Lang approached at this time, frowned and asked, he has been with Wanxin for such a long time, he has always treated her as a younger sister, and now his younger sister seems to have been wronged, of course he has to ask carefully.


Wanxin's eyes flickered for a moment, then she lowered her head and continued to work.

"Don't do it, let me take a good look!"

Qin Lang pulled her and looked at it. The wound on Wan Xin's face seemed to be whipped, a red mark was very obvious, and there were bruises on her hands.Qin Lang took a look at it, and then made muscle-forming bone paste to smear on her, saying: "How can such an obvious injury be all right, who is bullying you, tell Brother Qin Lang, I will vent your anger on you!"

"It's really nothing, in fact, it will be fine in two days!"

Wanxin said in a low voice, still a little reluctant to speak out.

Then, Qin Lang thought for a while and asked: "By the way, during the few days I was away, who exactly came to the mansion and turned around in my room?"

After hesitating for a while, Wan Xin finally said, "Yes... a member of the Dongfang family..."

It turned out that someone from the Dongfang family broke into and ransacked her room, and the scars on Wanxin's face needless to say, it must have been caused by the people from the Dongfang family.

At this time, Qin Lang felt a little angry. He felt that the Dongfang family came to him probably for himself. After all, he had helped the Dongfang family's rival Ma family in the Wushuang ruins, which was tantamount to indirectly offending the Dongfang family.

"Wanxin, please tell big brother what happened before and after!" Qin Lang took a breath at this time and said in a deep voice.

Then, Wanxin finally stopped hiding, and told Qin Lang a series of things that happened in the mansion during the absence of these few days.

Sure enough, the people from the Dongfang family came here for Qin Lang. A group of collateral clansmen of the Dongfang family came here under the leadership of a young man named Dongfang Qing. They seemed to be looking for trouble for Qin Lang. I don’t know how he found out about Qin Lang. live here.

And the old fat man Zuo Tao happened to have something to do these days, so he stayed in the city all the time, so only Wanxin lived in the whole mansion. Seeing this group of Dongfang family men approaching menacingly, he went straight to Qin Lang's room , Wanxin would naturally stop her, so she was beaten and injured by this group of people.

Afterwards, Dongfang Qing revealed his identity. It turned out that this guy was the youngest son of Dongfang Bai, the leader of the Dongfang family who entered the Wushuang ruins. The culprit turned out to be a casual cultivator, so he paid attention to this matter.

In the next few days, Dongfang Qing kept sending people to inquire about the news, and one of his subordinates accidentally saw Qin Lang haunting this house outside the city, so he notified Dongfang Qing, so Dongfang Qing was overjoyed and brought people to look for him. Qin Lang's troubles, what he didn't expect was that the owner was not found, but the little girl Wanxin was beaten.


After Qin Lang heard the cause and effect of the incident, he directly clenched his fists, his joints creaking.This Dongfang Qing is too presumptuous!The gamble between the Dongfang family and the Ma family was fair and just, even Dongfang Bai, the owner of the case, had no face to ask himself to settle accounts, but Dongfang Qing, a junior, jumped out, really owed a lesson.

Qin Lang is full of anger now, his room has been turned upside down, the key is that this little girl Wanxin has suffered such a big grievance, this is something he cannot tolerate, so he decided to come to the door to have a good time Teach that kid who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, although from Wanxin's description, he knows that he is not much older than that kid.

Next, Qin Lang rushed into the city angrily, and ran towards the direction of the Dongfang family. As one of the three largest families in Wushuang City, the Dongfang family has a large family compound, which should be about the same size as the Ma family.

Qin Lang was stopped by the guard at the gate of the gate, "What are you doing? This is the residence of the Dongfang family, and the idlers leave here quickly!"

"I'm looking for someone." Qin Lang said with a cold face but did not retreat.

"Who are you looking for?" The leader of the guard stared at Qin Lang suspiciously. Everyone was surprised by Qin Lang's stinky face as if someone owed him a spirit stone. In fact, Qin Lang did come here this time to find trouble. Of course not putting on a good face.

"Dongfangqing." Qin Lang said directly.

"Dongfangqing? You mean Young Master Qing, right... Are you his friend? He took someone for a walk outside the city today, why didn't he call you?"

The guard leader didn't have very good eyesight, he thought Qin Lang was Dongfang Qing's friend, after all, Qin Lang looked about the same age as Dongfang Qing.

"Where is he outside the city..."

At this time, Qin Lang asked the head of the guard clearly about the location, turned his head and ran out of the city, but the head of the guard behind him shook his head and muttered: "Nowadays young people only care about playing, young master is like this, this The same is true for young people, it seems that the next generation of the Dongfang family is not optimistic!"

Dongfang Qing is the fourth generation of the Dongfang family, not to mention his talent and talent. This guy is likely to take over the power of the family in the future, and the leader of the guard is the third generation of the clan, and above him is the second generation of the Patriarch. , and the older generation of ancestors.

The entire Wushuang City is very large, and the racecourse outside the city where Dongfangqing is located is not in the same direction as Qin Lang's residence. After running for several hours, Qin Lang finally came to the location of this racecourse.This horse is owned by the Dongfang family, but Dongfang Qing is playful and likes to mingle with the children of some small families in Wushuang City, so the guards here in Macheng are not surprised to see Qin Lang, an outsider, breaking into the racecourse. They thought Qin Lang was the young master friend.

"Young master is running horses at the racecourse. My little brother, you can go to the horse stables on the east side to pick a horse and join the horse racing event organized by Young master. I heard that the winner of No.1 can get a kiss from the number one girl in Tianxianglou in the city." Fangze's chance!"

The racecourse guard laughed and said, although their young masters have good cultivation qualifications, they are better at playing. It can be said that alcohol, sex, wealth, and anger can't be restrained, so in the view of the racecourse guards, Qin Lang is also a like-minded person with the young master.

It's a pity that Qin Lang didn't have the heart to talk about these messy things with the horse farm guards at all. He directly asked coldly: "Which direction are they in Macheng now?" This Macheng is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance, so Only Qin Lang asked this question.

"Hey, over there, brother, let's pick a horse..."

As soon as the racecourse guard finished speaking, the figure disappeared in front of his eyes. He wiped his eyes, yes, Qin Lang had disappeared, and the escape speed was really fast, faster than the running of a horse.

"It's strange, when did our Wushuang City have such a young talent, the little brother just now looks like he is only in his 20s, his cultivation has probably already broken through the Nascent Soul stage! Otherwise, the escape speed would not be so fast!"

The racecourse guard murmured, and then looked in the direction where Qin Lang disappeared. Although it was strange why Qin Lang left without picking a horse, he felt that since this little brother is a friend of Young Master Qing, it is better for him to be a servant and not interfere a little. .

After all, young masters can be ranked in the top ten of the fourth generation of the Dongfang family, and they are also the focus of the family. Their status is not comparable to that of a small fish like a racecourse guard.

(End of this chapter)

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