Chapter 1610

Ten minutes later, Qin Lang finally arrived at the Dongfang Family racecourse outside the city. horse.

Moreover, these horses in the racecourse are not draft horses for pulling goods, but are all tall, strong and handsome horses. There are those who travel thousands of miles a day.

At this moment, a round of intensive horse racing activities is going on in the racecourse. There are healthy horses running on the six tracks, and the riders on the healthy horses have number plates on their backs, ranging from No. [-] to No. [-]. "Come on! Number one" "Come on! Number three!" "Come on! Number five..."

Noisy voices came and went, all the onlookers were screaming and screaming, and everyone seemed very excited.

"These people in front of me should be young talents from Wushuang City. As the future of each family in Wushuang City, it's really worthless to indulge in fun like horse racing!"

Qin Lang muttered, you must know that this is in the world of self-cultivation, not the secular world. Most of the monks in the world of self-cultivation are busy with cultivation, and they don't even have enough time to eat and drink. How can most monks have leisure time to play?Only the children of these families who have no worries about food, clothing and resources will do this.

Generally speaking, most of the family's children here are flowers in the greenhouse. Some of them may cultivate smoothly because of their aptitude, which has reached the late stage of alchemy or even Dzogchen, but they simply cannot stand the toss.

Qin Lang took a closer look, and the four to five hundred people in front of him were not all family members, most of them were servants who accompanied him, and there might be less than 500 to 80 real family members.

However, to find the Dongfang Qing he was looking for among the 80 or [-] people, Qin Lang seemed to have to observe carefully, after all, there were too many people at the scene.

After this round of horse racing, there was loud cheers from the crowd. The No. [-] healthy horse won the horse race, and those guys who made loud cheers all ran to a place to receive their rewards at the same time. It turned out that before the horse race They all made bets. If they win, they will get double the spirit stone rewards. If they lose, of course they will not.

The Ma family of the Ma family is profitable because the more than 30 family members in Wushuang City continue to patronize them every month. Outside of home, the Dongfang family is actually on good terms with more than half of the families in the city.

"Number five! Number five! I won 30 spirit stones! Hahaha, hahaha..."

A young man covered in fat happened to pass by Qin Lang. After receiving the winning bet, he was about to return to his original position. It seemed that the bet he won just now was very enjoyable, and his fat face was about to smile like a chrysanthemum. up.

"Hey, buddy!" Qin Lang pulled him at this moment.

Then the fat boy stopped, looked at Qin Lang in a daze and asked, "Who are you? Do I know you..."

In his impression, it seems that there is no such old friend as Qin Lang.

Of course, Qin Lang is not an old friend of the Fat Boy, and this time he just sneaked into the Dongfang family's racecourse to find someone. At this time, he asked, "Where is Dongfang Qing?"

"Young man? Isn't that the young man? It's strange, how could you not know the young man? Everyone here was invited by the young man..."

After the fat boy pointed, he looked at Qin Lang with some puzzlement.

But Qin Lang didn't explain anything to the fat boy. After seeing the fat boy pointing out Dongfang Qing's head, he walked towards Dongfang Qing directly. It's not easy.

At this moment, Dongfang Qing is sitting at the place where the track starts at the racetrack. There is a gambling table there. He is accepting bets from every old friend on the gaming table. Anyone who bets on Dongfangqing is willing to bet. Anyway, no matter how big the win or loss, the racecourse will take it If the compensation is paid, the big business of the Dongfang family can completely afford to lose.

Moreover, Dongfang Qing seems to have never lost a bet with a group of old friends at the racecourse. After each bet on the horse, he can get a [-]% bonus, which has been accumulated over and over again. Now he is storing bags among the gangsters Definitely the most powerful, a mere cultivator in the late stage of alchemy has a net worth of at least tens of millions, which is also rare among the children of the Wushuangcheng family.

I have to say that Dongfang Qing is quite flexible in making money when he is having fun. All these young masters in front of him are his friends, which means that he has created profits and value for the family, so the family treats him consistently To do wrong is to open one eye and close the other.

"Down! Keep going! The next number will be No. [-], and the next No. [-] will be No. [-]. Who will win the horse racing finals in the afternoon? This young master promises to let the top card of Tianxiang Building in Wushuang City give you a kiss. Can you... ..."

Dongfang Qing is very interested. This is a white and clean young man with single eyelids. His appearance is quite upright. There is a shadow of Dongfang Bai in the outline, but if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all. At least Qin Lang didn't find this kid after a round of observation. It is Dongfangqing.

Qin Lang walked to Dongfangqing's table at this time, Dongfangqing was still counting spirit stones there, hearing the sound of footsteps, he thought that another old friend had come to place a bet, so he said quickly: "Hurry up, hurry up! Today's game arrangement It’s very tight, there are five or six rounds to wait before!” However, the sound of Lingshi buns falling on the table was not heard for a long time, and at this moment the son was surprised, and finally raised his head.

As soon as he looked up, he was about to ask why he didn't place a bet, but what he saw was an unfamiliar face. This guy in front of him was definitely not the friend he invited.

"You are……"

Dongfang Qing wondered why the person in front of him gave off a familiar feeling even though he was unfamiliar, what was going on.And beside him, a guy who looked like a servant suddenly changed his face after noticing Qin Lang, and hurried to Dongfang Qing's ear, and whispered for a while, so Dongfang Qing finally knew who it was.

After listening to the servant's whisper, Dongfang Qing's expression changed, and he looked at Qin Lang: "Hey! Friend, are you the guy who lost face to our Dongfang family in the Wushuang ruins? I went to you directly before you were not at the residence. I thought we were hiding because we were afraid, but now you are so bold and found my home in Macheng!"

"Yeah, I'm here!"

Qin Lang looked at him and said lightly, "I'm here to seek justice."

"Ask for justice? What kind of justice..."

Dongfang Qing was stunned. He was also on a whim before, and under the instigation of his servants, he went directly to Qin Lang's residence to show his family and vent his anger to his father. Now, after a few days, he has already forgotten about this matter. After all, he The young master is usually very busy, so he doesn't have too much time to take care of too many chores.

And he seems to have already remembered the unreasonable things he did in Qin Lang's residence.

But he forgot, Qin Lang didn't forget, his house was turned over, and even the little girl Xiu Wanxin who wanted to protect him was beaten, how could Qin Lang not take it to heart!After getting along for so long, Wanxin has always regarded him as his younger sister!
So he came, and he wanted to vent his anger on himself, especially Wan Xin!He wants to teach this young man of a family who knows nothing about the sky and the earth a good lesson.

Although Dongfang Qing is a descendant of the three major families in Wushuang City, the family is powerful, the entire family has tens of thousands of people, and the family has more than a dozen monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and there are also ancestors in the late Nascent Soul stage, most people dare not mess with it at all. But Qin Lang is not afraid!Once he decides something, he never changes it.

Moreover, Qin Lang's own strength is not weak, and he is confident that he will be able to retreat after teaching the other party a lesson. He is not afraid of the Dongfang family continuing to make trouble for him.

"You came to my house and rummaged, tossed and knocked over, and beat someone... Have you forgotten?"

Qin Lang glanced at him blankly at this moment.

"Beat someone? You mean that little female cultivator? It's just a servant..."

Dongfang Qing thought for a while, and finally remembered that the house seemed to be owned by a member of the Zuo family. He had inquired about it before he went. Naturally, he also knew Wanxin's identity. In his opinion, Wanxin was a subordinate. People, he hit a servant, even Zuo Tao, the master of the Zuo family, didn't come to the door these days, but Qin Lang, an outsider, came to seek justice.

Dongfangqing naturally didn't know about Wanxin's previous friendship with Zuo Tao and Qin Lang. In fact, both of them had never treated Wanxin as a real person. It's a pity that Zuo Tao was not at home these days, otherwise, if they knew about this matter, I'm afraid it would be the same. will come to your door.

At this time, Dongfang Qing said again: "That's okay, I just couldn't find anyone before, now that you have come to the door this time, the matter between us can be settled once again! In the Wushuang Ruins, you let my Dongfang family, let me Father made such a big fool, I really need to ask someone to teach you a lesson! Someone, take this kid down!"

Dongfang Qing began to issue orders, and several servants beside him began to surround Qin Lang, and Qin Lang snorted coldly at this time: "I don't know how to die!" The aura on his body exploded directly, a force field air pressure that belongs to the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Immediately suppressed the aura of everyone around him.

And under the pressure of this powerful force field, the faces of the servants around Dongfang Qing changed drastically, no good, this is a mid-Yuanying cultivator, Young Master Qing seems to have been kicked this time.

Under Qin Lang's powerful coercion, these servants who were only in the early stage of alchemy were unable to move.

And Dongfang Qing was also shocked when the aura of Qin Lang's force field came out, and was stunned for a while, while Qin Lang approached with a sneer at this time, picked up the kid like a chicken, and slapped him: "This slap is a lesson for you to take people to rummage through my room!"

After a slap in the face, Qin Lang slapped another backhand: "This second slap is the result of your beating! Do you know, that nun Wan Xin and I and that old fat man Zuo Tao are treated as relatives, what are you talking about? !"

(End of this chapter)

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