Chapter 1611

After the two slaps, Qin Lang looked extremely calm.

With his personality, if he hits him, he will hit him. There is no need to worry about beating this kind of villain.

Moreover, Qin Lang's own strength is not weak, and he is confident that he will be able to retreat after teaching the other party a lesson. He is not afraid of the Dongfang family continuing to make trouble for him.

"You came to my house and rummaged, tossed and knocked over, and beat someone... Have you forgotten?"

Qin Lang glanced at him blankly at this moment.

"Beat someone? You mean that little female cultivator? It's just a servant..."

Dongfang Qing thought for a while, and finally remembered that the house seemed to be owned by a member of the Zuo family. He had inquired about it before he went. Naturally, he also knew Wanxin's identity. In his opinion, Wanxin was a subordinate. People, he hit a servant, even Zuo Tao, the master of the Zuo family, didn't come to the door these days, but Qin Lang, an outsider, came to seek justice.

Dongfangqing naturally didn't know about Wanxin's previous friendship with Zuo Tao and Qin Lang. In fact, both of them had never treated Wanxin as a real person. It's a pity that Zuo Tao was not at home these days, otherwise, if they knew about this matter, I'm afraid it would be the same. will come to your door.

At this time, Dongfang Qing said again: "That's okay, I just couldn't find anyone before, now that you have come to the door this time, the matter between us can be settled once again! In the Wushuang Ruins, you let my Dongfang family, let me Father made such a big fool, I really need to ask someone to teach you a lesson! Someone, take this kid down!"

Dongfang Qing began to issue orders, and several servants beside him began to surround Qin Lang, and Qin Lang snorted coldly at this time: "I don't know how to die!" The aura on his body exploded directly, a force field air pressure that belongs to the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Immediately suppressed the aura of everyone around him.

And under the pressure of this powerful force field, the faces of the servants around Dongfang Qing changed drastically, no good, this is a mid-Yuanying cultivator, Young Master Qing seems to have been kicked this time.

Under Qin Lang's powerful coercion, these servants who were only in the early stage of alchemy were unable to move.

And Dongfang Qing was also shocked when the aura of Qin Lang's force field came out, and was stunned for a while, while Qin Lang approached with a sneer at this time, picked up the kid like a chicken, and slapped him: "This slap is a lesson for you to take people to rummage through my room!"

After a slap in the face, Qin Lang slapped another backhand: "This second slap is the result of your beating! Do you know, that nun Wan Xin and I and that old fat man Zuo Tao are treated as relatives, what are you talking about? !"

After two slaps, Qin Lang gave another slap: "This third slap, I slapped that fat old man Zuo Tao. He saw you treating Wan Xin like his granddaughter like this, and he probably would trouble you too, so I fought for him."

After three slaps, Qin Lang still felt puzzled, so he said: "It's not easy to find you once, I almost broke my legs to get here! Now one slap is also a slap, two slaps are also a slap, and three slaps are also a slap." Hitting... since it's rare to come once, let's just hit enough!"

So there was a thud, and the slap was like rain, and Dongfang Qing was instantly beaten into a pig's head.

And all the onlookers not far away were dumbfounded, some were frightened by Qin Lang's aura, and some were dumbfounded by Qin Lang's fallacy.However, one very important point is that the young master of the fourth generation of the Dongfang family was beaten, and it was beaten by a loose cultivator.

However, this casual cultivator seems to be very powerful, so there is no need to provoke him, so he should be an ostrich obediently, otherwise it would not be beautiful to be taught a lesson like a young master by this lunatic.

The old friends of Dongfangqing and all the subordinates at the scene had different ideas. Under Qin Lang's strong performance, they all understood the principle of being wise and protecting themselves, and they seemed to be as obedient as possible.Of course, this is also the reason why Dongfang Qing was only taught a lesson and her life was not threatened much.

If Dongfang Qing's life is in danger, first of all, Dongfang Qing's servants can no longer be cowards, even if they die, they must stand in front of Young Master Qing to protect him, otherwise, the family will settle accounts with these servants will end badly.

At this moment, Dongfang Qing was beaten into a pig's head, and she screamed like a pig. Unfortunately, the scene was already overwhelmed by Qin Lang, so apart from Dongfang Qing's screams, there was no other sound.

Oh no, there seemed to be other voices too. On the track not far away, the horses were all ready and snorting, impatiently waiting for the next round to give orders!
"Ouch! Ouch...don't hit me, my face..."

When Dongfang Qing was slapped in the face, he screamed miserably, not at all as stubborn as before, and seemed to be convinced by Qin Lang, but when Bang Lang threw this guy away, his young master's temper returned When he came up, his face turned cold and he was about to hit Qin Lang with a guy, but Qin Lang kicked him in the lower abdomen in turn, bent down in pain and cried, and continued to cry out in pain.

After clapping his hands and tidying up his clothes, Qin Lang said lightly, "You will teach you a lesson this time! If you come to make trouble again, I won't be polite, and I won't let you off so easily next time!"

After speaking, he shook his clothes and left.

And when Dongfang Qing, who was lying on the ground, was helped up by the servants, he was completely enraged. Looking at Qin Lang's back in the distance, he said bitterly: "You won't let me go! Pooh! Your uncle, I will never let you go!"

At this time, I suddenly thought of Qin Lang's cultivation. This is a great master in the middle stage of Yuanying. There are not many Dongfang family with such strength. If you don't deserve it, where is the opportunity to make trouble for the other party?

At this time, Dongfang Qing was so angry that he clenched his fists tightly, his joints turned white. He was beaten like this. If he could go to the elders of the family to help him out, although it was possible, it was impossible to do so with his proud personality, so This matter is really troublesome.

However, absolutely can not just forget it!

"Cultivation! I want to practice, I want to break through!"

Dongfang Qing said bitterly in his heart, he has been praised all the time since he was a child. In fact, his cultivation talent is really good, but he didn't put his mind on cultivation. After being taught by Qin Lang this time, he decided to continue for a while. They are all ready to devote themselves to cultivation, and strive to improve their cultivation, even at any cost, to raise their cultivation to the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible.

Only when he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he felt that the gap between himself and Qin Lang would be narrowed, and he would be able to fight against Qin Lang with the family's secret method, and he would be able to regain his dignity from Qin Lang.

What Qin Lang didn't know was that his slap actually had such a great effect. It woke up a family member who was not doing business properly. Now Dongfang Qing has made up his mind to become an ascetic monk. This is really a surprising result .

However, the other non-jobless family members in Wushuang City may be sighing. From now on, they will have one less playmate, and he is also a big sponsor who often organizes activities... What a pity.


After Qin Lang taught Dongfang Qing a lesson, he left the racecourse straight away, and when he left the gate of the racecourse, the guard was still greeting Qin Lang: "Hey, brother, haven't you been able to find the young master yet? The young master should be in the direction of the racecourse Engage in activities..."

"Found it." Qin Lang responded lightly.

"Have you found it? If you found it, why don't young masters hang out together? It's really strange that he came out so early."

Guardian is also familiar with himself, he doesn't look outside at all, and is very talkative.

It's a pity that Qin Lang didn't answer him after that. He couldn't say that after he found Dongfang Qing, he beat Dongfang Qing!If this is the case, the guard of the racecourse will have to make a fuss again.

After Qin Lang returned to his residence, this time Baoer finally came back from Wushuang City. Baoer stayed in Wushuang City for four or five days. Apart from running around looking for the elixir, he was dealing with the more than 400 yuan that Qin Lang entrusted to auction last time. A small family in the city held a special auction for this event. In the past few days, all the magic weapons and sundries of Qin Lang have been auctioned off.

After taking a storage bag, Qin Lang counted it, and it looked like a total of 4000 million spirit stones. If the previous net worth is added, Qin Lang is now a rich man with assets of more than [-] million. Infant stage monks, I am afraid that even the transformation stage monks will be jealous.

"Little friend Qin Lang, the number of magic weapons you have to deal with at one time is too much, and the market has not been able to consume them all at once! Therefore, these magic weapons have not been able to capture their due value. Otherwise, they will be limited and wait another month or two. It can also be auctioned for a higher price.”

At this time, Bao Er was embarrassed to say that if Qin Lang hadn't sold them so urgently, these more than 400 magic weapons could at least earn 3000 to [-] million more.

However, Qin Lang looked indifferent. For him, money will become a number when it reaches a certain level. There is no need to care about it deliberately, as long as there are enough spirit stones.

This is why Qin Lang has such an idea now that he has become a local tyrant. If other monks of the same level hear it, they will definitely scold him as a prodigal. No one would think too much of Lingshi. Of course, he is desperately earning, the more he earns the better.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang's resources are indeed enough, which can basically be compared with the resources in the treasure house of those middle-level families in Wushuang City. I have to say it was a miracle.

However, these properties are also earned by Qin Lang, so he will feel at ease when spending them, and there is no burden.

After counting the spirit stones, Qin Lang said, "Old fat man, during the few days you were away, Wanxin was beaten, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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