Chapter 1612
"What? Wanxin was beaten?!"

Zuo Tao was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on..."

He has raised Wan Xin for nearly 20 years. Although he himself is an old bachelor, he has always treated this little nun girl as his own granddaughter. Now that he hears such a thing, he naturally has to listen to it.

"Wanxin was beaten. It was the bastard Dongfang Qing of the Dongfang family who did it. However, I have already taught that boy Dongfangqing a lesson."

At this time, Qin Lang told the whole story lightly.

"This kid is hateful! You have taught me a good lesson, little friend Qin Lang, he deserves to be beaten!"

After hearing this, Zuo Tao clapped his hands. If he had been here for a few days, Wanxin might not have been wronged like this. Fortunately, Qin Lang has already sought justice for Wanxin, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Early.

Speaking of it, it is actually not as convenient as Qin Lang if he is in the early stage. After all, Qin Lang is just a casual cultivator, and he has a family. If he is in the early stage and teaches Dongfang Qing to be deliberately rendered by someone with a heart, he will become the assistant of one of the three major families in Wushuang City. The Zuo family intentionally oppressed the juniors of the Dongfang family. If that happened, the Zuo family would lose face.

Therefore, there are some things that family monks need to look forward and backward in their actions. Unlike casual cultivators, they can do whatever they want. Sometimes Zuo Tao thinks about it, and he really envies Qin Lang and these casual cultivators.

Qin Lang handled this matter very well. It not only taught Dongfang Qing that little guy who didn't know what to do, but also didn't cause the whole Dongfang family to rebound. There is no reason to take revenge on Qin Lang, because the reason is not on the side of the Dongfang family.

Wanxin's beating, and Qin Lang's teaching Dongfang Qing was actually just a trivial matter, and it did not rise to the point of killing people, so although this matter will become the talk of the young masters of the entire Wushuang City after dinner, it is not at all exciting. Too big a storm, when this matter is over, it will really be over.

However, Dongfang Qing, the young master of the Dongfang family, will definitely be hurt. During this period of time, his reputation in the entire Wushuang City has almost dropped to the bottom. He has completely turned into a cultivator after practicing retreat at home. It seems that this guy won't be able to leave the seclusion without the great achievement of Nascent Soul.

Next, Zuo Tao followed Qin Lang to the elixir garden to see Wanxin. After the little girl applied the medicine, the scars on her face had completely disappeared. Speaking of which, Qin Lang's Shengji Huagu Gao is a middle-grade elixir. It's really overkill to treat such a small injury and pain.

Seeing that Wan Xin was fine, both Qin Lang and Zuo Tao were very happy, and decided that the three of them would get together now and go to the best restaurant in the city to have a big meal to celebrate the harvest of the recent busy period. At the same time, I would like to reward Wanxin, the greatest hero who took care of Zuo Tao's thirty-odd elixir gardens during their absence.

The three of Zuo Tao came to the food shop that Qin Lang visited last time. This food shop is good at arranging dishes with elixir materials as seasonings. The value of spiritual food in the food shop is also the most expensive in Wushuang City. All of them are local tyrants with huge pockets, so naturally they don't care about a little money.

Yes, the expensive spiritual food for a table of 40 to 5 is nothing in the eyes of the two of them, it is indeed no different from small money.Qin Lang now has a net worth of more than [-] million Guang Lingshi, and Zuo Tao also has two to three hundred million.

Even Xiu Wanxin, a young girl from the wood family who has been working hard to take care of the Spiritual Medicine Garden, now has a net worth of 500 million. She is considered relatively rich in the middle stage of alchemy.

This is also the generosity of the two bosses, Qin Lang and Zuo Tao, who gave Wanxin a sky-high salary of [-] Lingshi a day to take care of the elixir garden. If the little girl keeps doing this, she will be able to be worth tens of millions within a year. .

However, this is also because the little girl's elixir ripening talent is too amazing, and it is worth the investment of the two bosses. Speaking of the work in the elixir garden, everyone is profitable, which feels very good.

"Guest, what do you need?"

The shopkeeper of the food shop is a discerning person. He took the initiative to come to the door as soon as he saw Qin Lang and the three of them, and Qin Lang looked very familiar to him. A fragment appeared in his memory. He pointed at Qin Lang and said: "Hey, the customer is not Is it the last time I went to Xiaoke to buy the raw materials for the ingredients and elixir seasonings? Dare I ask if I just eat and drink this time...or are you going to buy another batch of elixir seasoning raw materials to go back?"

"Hehe, this time I'll just eat and drink. Give me all the high-grade ingredients in your small shop! Like that tiger horse meat, red chicken meat, etc. Come and serve me on the table... In addition, special side dishes are prepared A few, of course, there is no shortage of wine, the Immortal Drunk I drank last time felt very good, let’s come to the second jar, oh no, let’s come to the third jar!” Qin Lang said with a chuckle.

"It seems that the guest has not been seen for a while, and it is prosperous! And it seems that it has made a lot of money. I can see that the guest's face is full of red, and the heaven is much fuller and wider than before."

The shopkeeper chuckled and started to prepare to go.

After finding a seat by the window and sitting down, Qin Lang said to Zuo Tao and Wan Xin, "This spiritual food workshop uses raw materials of elixir as seasoning, such as hot star, chaoxian pepper, and double delicate grass. , Bai Liancao, Leaf Chrysanthemum, Purple Lingchrysanthemum, Blood Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Tai Sui, Xianxian Ball, Buried Sea Flower, etc., can be added to the ingredients to increase the deliciousness of the ingredients. Of course, this also seems a bit wasteful. But now that we all have money, we don't need to save as much as before. When it's time to enjoy it, we still have to enjoy it. After all, apart from daily cultivation, a monk seems too boring, so he should also have a little bit of his own Interests and hobbies, and appetite is to increase life adjustment.”

Zuo Tao also agrees with this point, and it is obviously the first time for Wan Xin to eat such a high-end meal, and she is very excited.

The food came up quickly. There were more than 50 dishes. The tiger horse meat and the red chili meat were all in large portions. Each plate contained at least four or five catties of ingredients. Only a square table is full, and the value is definitely more than [-] spirit stones. These spirit foods are all dotted with ingredients made of elixir. In addition, the side dishes are water celery and wild yam eggs. Although they are not spirit food, they are from the food workshop. Give it away for free.

Tiger and horse meat is a fifth-grade monster meat that looks like a tiger and a horse. The meat of this monster is very tender and sweet. It is also a popular high-end ingredient in the restaurant, suitable for steaming.

To put it bluntly, the Chichi is a kind of red snake that is about to turn into a dragon. It belongs to the category of sixth-order monsters. The meat is more robust and suitable for stir-frying.

Qin Lang had eaten it once before, and his memory of these two dishes was fresh, so he naturally wanted to taste it again.The steamed tiger horse meat is added with three ingredients: purple chrysanthemum, ganoderma lucidum, and burial sea flower, which also makes this dish more high-end and atmospheric, and at the same time it becomes more fragrant and attractive.

Chichi is a kind of snake-like monster with tender meat and tendons when stir-fried. Chichi is cut into strips as thin as cicada's wings, and some spiritual materials such as chaoxian pepper and blood ginseng are added together. Stir-fried.The most special thing is Chaoxian pepper. Although this kind of spiritual material similar to pepper is a low-grade spiritual material, not even a panacea, it is indeed first-class when used as a seasoning.

Qin Lang has always been very particular about eating and drinking. He is a gourmet expert himself, and he can cook good meals, but he prefers to taste different delicacies from various places, whether it is the earth or the cultivation world.

Gourmet food is actually a release of taste buds. Think about it, how satisfying it is to taste a big mouthful of delicious food and spiritual food while practicing. Even a god would not be willing to give up such an enjoyment!
The wine also came up, there were three jars in total, Qin Lang, Zuo Tao, and Wanxin each had one jar in front of them, but when drinking, Qin Lang said: "This immortal drunk is the strongest wine in the restaurant, and it is better than the other two kinds of wine in the restaurant. Green leaf wine and thyme fragrance are more intoxicating, but also more mellow, so I ordered this!"

"It is said that this wine has an alcohol content of over [-] degrees. It is drunk from Donghai Lingmi as the main raw material. I heard that even a monk Yuanying may drink it down, so everyone drink it leisurely! Wanxin, you have worked hard these past few months, so Drink a little too, but if you feel that you can't drink it, don't insist on it." Qin Lang said kindly.

"En!" Wan Xin saw the food on the table, her eyes glowed now, and she nodded repeatedly.Luxurious meal... Luxurious meal, she felt like her mouth was drooling.

Next, after clinking glasses, the three of them started to eat to the table full of food. The little girl Wanxin ate such a big meal at once, so naturally she didn't care about her image at all. Hands to help wipe out food on the table.

But Qin Lang and Zuo Tao had a lot of leisure time. After clinking glasses, they ate and drank while chatting about some small things. This Immortal Drunk is indeed a good wine, and it is worthy of its price of [-] spirit stones per jar. The two had a great time drinking it .

Qin Lang's alcohol capacity is not bad. I feel that even the immortals who can drink down even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage should be fine after drinking three or four altars. However, the fat old Zuo Tao is actually a rare large amount. , While chatting, eating and drinking, both of them drank three jars before they knew it.

At this time, both of them were a little drunk, Baoer said: "Now I want to talk about two things, the first thing is that there is still about half a month, and the Zuo family has almost reached the audit and acceptance of the elixir garden under my name It's time, there are still some gaps in the elixir, but the problem is not serious, and it is estimated that it will be filled in a few days."

"Not bad! Cheers..."

Cooperating with Zuo Tao to use more than [-] elixir gardens under his name for short-term turnover refining medicine, and then entering into speculation, is also the origin of the two people's first pot of gold. Now this matter is finally coming to an end, and it is indeed worth celebrating .

After the toast, Zuo Tao talked about the second thing: "The second thing is that after the Peerless Ruins came out, I have successfully penetrated into the core layer of the family and let the family recognize my status and strength... In the next period of time I may have to move to live in the city, and this big house outside the city will be given to you."

He was finally able to move from outside the city to the family's residence in the city, which already showed that he was accepted by the family, and his biggest concern was considered complete, and his mind was over.

Therefore, it is useless to keep the house outside the city, it is better to give it to Qin Lang as a favor.

(End of this chapter)

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