The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1620 The Prestige of the Magic Treasure House

Chapter 1620 The Prestige of the Magic Treasure House (for Subscription Support)
"Haha, the three fellow Taoists are here! You all stand back and let me meet these two ghost cultivators for a while!"

Seeing these two elder-level twin ghost cultivators, Qin Lang's eyes lit up at this time. It is also the first time he has refined the magic house in his hands, and he is worried that he will not have a chance to make a fortune. Now that he encounters such a good opportunity to try his hand, he will naturally not avoid the battle .

Qin Lang shouted, raised his sword and entered the battle group.

He didn't cast the Magic Treasure House right away, but first launched the Precision Flow Sword Technique, and fully displayed the Three Lives Sword Art.

After all, it is not easy to meet a suitable opponent. He is going to use these two ghosts to practice swords first, and then wait for the swords to be almost perfected before launching the ultimate move and using the magic house.

It has been more than a month since the improved version of the Three Lives Sword was finally obtained. However, Qin Lang did not have many opportunities to fight in this month. Either the opponent was too strong, such as the ghost hand Liao Hua, or the opponent was too strong. Weak, such as black-robed ghost cultivator disciples, so two opponents in the mid-Yuanying stage like the twin ghost cultivators are perfect for Qin Lang to test the sword.

After all, Qin Lang had never performed the improved version of the Sansheng Sword against the enemy before using the precision-level swordsmanship idea. The two elder-level ghost cultivator twin brothers in front of him are powerful, but not too strong. Excessive, so Qin Lang can also take the opportunity of trying sword moves to hone this set of sword skills.

After all, this is actual combat, and the improvement and comprehension of swordsmanship is also the fastest during the actual combat process. Of course, Qin Lang will not let this opportunity pass.

Qin Lang asked Baoer and the others to withdraw from the battle group, and then he carried himself to attack the two elder-level ghost cultivators. The two twin ghost cultivators saw that although Qin Lang was stronger than Baoer, they were just like himself. Still haven't broken through the threshold of Nascent Soul mid-stage, so everyone thinks that even if they are strong, they are too strong, and the opponent is too big.

For such a good thing, the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators naturally would not refuse, and immediately used their means to greet Qin Lang, planning to kill Qin Lang first, and then continue to trouble the other three casual cultivators. Killing the four casual cultivators who didn't know how to sneak in was a great achievement for the two of them, so their fighting enthusiasm was also very high.

The two sides began to ping-pong-pong. They didn't know if they didn't fight each other. In this fight, the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators realized that they had underestimated Qin Lang. , used a set of weird swordsmanship that I don’t know, the power is astonishingly great, but the weak points of the two people’s moves are targeted to attack. "Same.

Many times, the trump card used by the two twin brothers has been cracked by the opponent, and every move the opponent makes is directly aimed at the weak point that the two of them have to save themselves. The swordsmanship is surprisingly accurate.

Moreover, this kid's moving speed is also very fast, which is basically the same as the two of them who are good at speed. Therefore, the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators can't force each other in terms of speed, and the battle has become stalemate.

This kind of battle also made the three of Baoer next to him yell, but before their applause appeared, ghost cultivators gradually discovered the fierce fighting here in the distance, and a group of ghost cultivators were rushing here.

The three of Baoer knew that it was not good, so they quickly took a roundabout way to intercept the ghost cultivator who was coming from a distance, and then tried to kill them first, but this was only a temporary solution. I believe that if Qin Lang's fighting scene lasts too long If it lasts longer, more ghost cultivators will come here to investigate.

And when Qin Lang fought the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators to a fever pitch, the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators also performed their ultimate moves at this time, and the ghost cultivator with the sword suddenly forcibly disappeared like an assassin and disappeared in front of his eyes.

And the ghost cultivator with the stick used it as a cover, directly holding the stick and hitting Qin Lang hard on the head: "I'll hit you, kid, kill me!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, avoiding the ghost cultivator holding a stick. At the same time, Qianli Tong's green light flickered, and his eyes locked on the afterimage in the air. It is invalid for him.

After noticing some noisy movements in the distance, Qin Lang didn't need to keep his hand at this time, and directly drew a cross sword aura, then took two steps back, and took out the black bone flywheel that he had successfully refined in the magic house.

If he wanted to solve the battle quickly, Qin Lang was still a bit slow with his sword skills, so now he sacrificed the house of magic treasures... It also showed that he was ready for a quick battle.

And the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators were also surprised when they saw the black bone flywheel offered by Qin Lang: "The black bone flywheel... how is it possible? Could it be that the bastard Liao Hua borrowed this magic house deliberately to deal with us? "

They also felt that this kind of thinking was a bit absurd, but the facts were in front of them. The appearance of this familiar magic weapon house black bone flywheel made the two of them have to think in a bad direction.

Ghost cultivators are suspicious by nature, and when the two elder-level twin ghost cultivators saw Qin Lang take out the black bone flywheel, they immediately mistakenly thought that it was the ghost hand Liao Hua who was borrowing the hand of Qin Lang, a loose cultivator, to deal with another camp in their alliance people.

However, Qin Lang didn't explain anything, and directly manipulated the magic treasure house to smash the two ghost cultivators.

As soon as the black wheel flywheel was released, it continued to grow in the air, and soon turned into a black round hill with a diameter of about twenty or thirty feet.

After the completion of this magic weapon house, the current power has increased by more than ten times compared with before, and it is already a real top grade magic weapon.

As soon as the black bone flywheel came out, it immediately pressed on the top of the two ghost cultivators with the momentum of Mount Tai, the powerful aura and pressure also made the two twin ghost cultivators feel cold all over their bodies, and they instinctively said: "My life is over! "

However, the awareness of survival still made the two ghost cultivators resist before the crisis came. They each used their most powerful defense methods, and then desperately... desperately wanted to get out of this dangerous zone.

However, it was too late. How could the power of a complete magic house be able to be resisted by two mid-Yuanying ghost cultivators? After all, Qin Lang was also a casual cultivator in the mid-Yuanying stage. Now he is using this powerful ghost magic house At the same time, the power exerted is definitely similar to that of a cultivator in the transformation stage.

A casual blow from a cultivator at the Transformation Stage is better than a full blow from a Dzogchen cultivator at the late Nascent Soul Stage!

However, the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would definitely die in the face of this attack, which was several levels behind.

This level of attack, and the distance between the two sides is so close, the two twin ghost cultivators at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul are unavoidable. It was as fragile as an egg shell, and then the ground here shook violently, and the two guys had been smashed directly into the ground.

When the Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House took off again, a deep pit with a diameter of [-] to [-] feet appeared on the ground, and in the center were two piles of indistinct flesh and blood. It's just that they never imagined that they would die like this in their dreams before, it's really miserable.

Indeed, dead enough!He was directly crushed to death by the magic treasure house, which is rare among high-level monks. Generally speaking, there are many ways for high-level monks to escape, and the reason why the twin ghost cultivators in the middle stage of Nascent Soul were smashed to death is because It was also caused by the lack of time to react when he was shocked just now.

After all, when Qin Lang took out the Black Bone Flywheel from the Magic Treasure House just now, the amount of information contained in it was too great, and the two twin ghost cultivators couldn't react, so they died so depressed that they didn't even have the means of escape use.

One thing I have to say is that the magic house in its complete state is really powerful enough. The smash just now is stronger than any method Qin Lang has used in the past. Now he is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and cooperates with this black bone of the magic house. Flywheel, the combat power is absolutely explosive.

And Qin Lang, who has achieved the record now, is also full of confidence. He doesn't know who will have the most powerful magic house when he confronts the injured ghost hand Liao Hua next?At the beginning, the explosion of Tianleizi was very powerful, even if he was affected in the distance, if it wasn't for the Good Fortune Pill, he probably wouldn't be able to recover now.

The ghost hand Liao Hua was at the center of the explosion at that time. This kind of explosion, which is comparable to the full blow of a cultivator of Huashen, is more powerful than the black bone flywheel in the Magic Treasure House. I believe that the ghost hand Liao Hua also suffered a lot at that time. It's a shame, otherwise he wouldn't have crushed the teleportation talisman so decisively and withdrawn it.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, probably didn't have such healing medicines as Good Fortune Pill, so he stayed in the Green Willow City to recuperate his injuries during this period of time, and now he doesn't know how much healed. If he hasn't fully healed, Qin Lang will be more confident in dealing with it .

After all, besides the house of magical treasures, I still have a lot of means to suppress the bottom of the box. For example, I also have a set of high-level Gu formations, the ultimate defensive magic weapon, the innate thunder pattern cover, the Wangyou pill, and a divine thunder... These are treasures that can directly compete with the Magic Treasure House.

Therefore, Qin Lang is confident that if he confronts the ghost hand Liao Hua this time, he will not be as embarrassed as before. I am afraid that if possible...if he is lucky enough, it is not impossible to kill the ghost hand Liao Hua by stealing a chicken. After all, there are many people in the battle. Time is very particular about opportunities and luck, and Qin Lang himself is also a person who is very good at grasping opportunities.

Cleaning up the battlefield, refining the two ghost cultivators in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and getting some bones, Qin Lang looked at Baoer and others who were already stunned.The power of Magic Treasure House's blow just now had completely shocked them, they had no idea that Qin Lang actually had such a high-end treasure as Magic Treasure House in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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