The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1621 The Power of Soul Suppression

Chapter 1621 The Power of Soul Suppression
Indeed, the magic house in Qin Lang's hands is only the lowest level, but it is also a magic house, which belongs to the category of the best magic weapon. Since it belongs to the best magic weapon, it naturally has the power of the best magic weapon, which is naturally different from ordinary magic weapons. .

Basically, the power of a complete magic house has the power of a casual strike by a cultivator at the stage of transformation. Even if it is a semi-finished product, the power displayed is very close to that of a monk at the stage of transformation.

In this case, the huge impact that appeared now naturally shocked the three people in front of them. The three of them have never seen the power of the magic weapon house, and even the power of the semi-finished magic weapon house is actually just heard, and they have not really seen it. been.

Even Baoer did own the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House in his hands, but not long after the components of this Magic Treasure House were assembled, it was snatched by two ghost cultivators, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, during the sacrifice. Of course, I haven't tried the Magic Treasure House to test its power.

Unexpectedly, the power of the Magic Treasure House is so strong. The previous three rogue cultivators were no match for Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House. This shows the power of this combination of magic weapons.

Bald-headed Baoer also had various thoughts after seeing Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House showing its power. He hated the ghost hand Liao Hua who robbed his Magic Treasure House even more in his heart. If it wasn't for that nasty guy, he would have such a powerful top-grade magic weapon.No!My nine-story Linglong Pagoda should be even stronger, damn it!
The strength of the Magic Treasure House also gave Bao Er a little confidence in Qin Lang. Perhaps with Qin Lang's help, he might still be able to regain his nine-story exquisite pagoda. He said to Qin Lang: "Little friend, can we have a discussion? Now that you have a magic weapon house, can you transfer the top-quality magic weapon innate thunder pattern cover to the old man! If you can't transfer it, you can also rent it! After all, we still have Even more difficult battles, you see, after the old man gave you that ultimate defensive magic weapon, now he doesn't even have a decent defensive magic weapon."

"Of course not transfer, you can consider renting it!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, the last transaction he made with Bald Baoer was indeed a profit in the final analysis, the innate thunder pattern shield is a very practical defensive magic weapon, it can be said that it is the best kind of magic weapon besides the magic weapon house.

At that time, Qin Lang paid a useless magic weapon house parts, and in exchange for this top-quality defense magic weapon plus two extra heads, it was indeed a big profit.It can be said that in terms of defensive ability alone, the innate thunder pattern cover is actually at the same level as the semi-finished magic weapon house.

Afterwards, he readily leased this top-grade defensive magic weapon to Bald Baoer without charging any rental fees. The reason for doing so was not purely out of kindness, but outside the blood fog barrier of Green Willow City, the allies In between, there should be more help, so as to deal with the next battle, and then Baoer can also share more combat tasks with himself.

After all, this Green Willow City has become the base camp of ghost cultivators. There are not many high-level ghost cultivators in it. There should be twenty or thirty of them. Although there are factions, it is not as easy to deal with the ghost hand Liao Hua as imagined. , more powerful allies will be more powerful.

And after Baoer got the innate thunder pattern shield borrowed from Qin Lang, he felt a lot more at ease. Now that he has the innate thunder pattern shield to protect him, he no longer has to worry about falling into the embarrassment of fighting like before. When he was right, he also had the confidence to carry a few records, and even with the help of Qin Lang, he came back to regain his lost treasure.

The nine-story Linglong Pagoda, the magic house that regained him, has now become an obsession in Bald Baoer's heart. If this thought cannot be understood, Baoer will even become a demon with a single thought, acting very irrationally This is the legendary paranoia.

" stop!"

At this time, a large number of ghost cultivator disciples had already surrounded this side. It turned out that the battle between the four of Qin Lang was too loud, and it had already attracted the attention of the nearby ghost cultivators. The disciples will naturally surround this place and investigate the matter clearly.

There are at least 100 ghost cultivator disciples gathered in front of them, all of whom are in the middle and late stages of alchemy, plus some sporadic ghost cultivators waiting to watch the excitement, there are at least more than 200 people gathered here.Surrounded by more than 200 ghost cultivators, even Baoer, Li Zihong, and Shi Dakai were bold enough to feel their hearts tremble at this moment...there are too many ghost cultivators around here!They don't have the confidence to fight so many ghost cultivators!

"Qin... Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, can you do it?"

Baoer also worked hard to stabilize his mood, and asked a question. Now his tone is extremely respectful, and he has unknowingly changed the title of "little friend" into daoist friend. He has completely ignored Qin Lang's youth and regarded him as the most reliable person. partner.

"should be no problem."

Qin Lang nodded, and squinted his eyes to look ahead. Although there are many densely packed heads, they are only some ghost cultivator disciples in the middle and late stages of alchemy formation. Under the powerful power of his magic treasure house, they are actually no different from ants.

Hearing what Qin Lang said, Bao Er felt a little less nervous. Now that he has the innate thunder pattern cover, the ultimate defensive magic weapon borrowed by Qin Lang, Bao Er has a lot of confidence, so although he is still a little nervous, This little nervousness is insignificant, he is much stronger than the Hong Po Li Zihong and the body repairer Shi Da Nong next to him, these two casual cultivators are trembling slightly now, probably they have never experienced being surrounded by a large number of ghost cultivators situation.

Next, Qin Lang finally made a move, and directly smashed the black bone flywheel of the Magic Treasure House. The black bone flywheel, which was the size of a small mountain, fell directly with a strong momentum. , under the awe-inspiring power of the house of magic treasures, it is true that these black-robed ghost cultivators and some of the ghost cultivators whose strength has not even reached the Nascent Soul Stage are not all-in-one enemies. In just ten seconds, The situation of encirclement has already come to an end.

In an instant, Qin Lang killed at least a hundred ghost cultivators.

And in just ten seconds, while Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House was making great profits, his own real energy consumption was also very huge. In ten seconds, at least nearly [-]% of his real energy was consumed on the Magic Treasure House, so that he could get Such a huge victory.

Seeing Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House so powerful, the rest of the ghost cultivators, whether they were injured or not, were scared to retreat at this time. Some had already fled the scene, and some had become frightened birds now. Ready to run away.

And there are still about [-] black-robed ghost cultivator disciples who maintain order in the city, and they are all full of bitterness now. Other ghost cultivators who have placed orders can retreat, but they can't, they can only fight Qin Lang to the end, but At this time, they also sent someone to inform the leader, Guishou Liao Hua.

After Qin Lang swallowed a few blood essence pills, he went directly to the foothold of Liao Hua, the ghost hand, under the leadership of Baoer. Just now he used the magic house to fight continuously, and the powerful combat power exerted by the black bone flywheel also gave him a lot Therefore, although he is now in the base camp of ghost cultivators, he feels no different from strolling in the courtyard at home.

This series of victories has brought out his aura, and now his aura is like a rainbow, and he feels that he no longer has to be afraid of fighting.

And with so many tricks in his hole, even if he can't beat him, it shouldn't be a problem to run away when the time comes.After all, I have the Magic Treasure House in my hands. This kind of powerful treasure can directly penetrate the blood mist barrier covering Green Willow City, so I don't have to worry that I won't be able to escape at that time.

Qin Lang's aura seemed to be contagious. At this time, the other three casual cultivators under his aura all recovered one by one, and were no longer affected by the outside world.

Finally, when approaching the ghost hand Liao Hua's foothold, a powerful momentum came from the opposite direction, and at the same time, a cold and arrogant voice appeared: "Why are you again? How dare you come to my base camp to play wild!"

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, appeared. This tall ghost cultivator with a height of nearly two meters still had the same aura as before, and he didn't look injured at all.

Seeing the ghost hand Liao Hua appear, Bao Er was the most excited, his eyes were red... bastard!
It's this guy who has made me completely sleepless recently, I can't eat well, and I don't have the energy to practice. This is about to become a heart disease!

Even if I fight to the death today, I still want to get my treasure back. If I can't get it back, I will die with you!

Qin Lang snorted coldly, and unfolded the Gu formation without talking nonsense, a cloud of gray-black mist directly pierced the scene for fifty meters, covering the cloud and mist, and all the ghost cultivators in the Gu formation were directly caught between the formation and illusion Among them, those with a lower cultivation base were even more unbearable, and their consciousness was even manipulated by the Gu array, and they started a fierce killing and poking with each other.

But Liao Hua, the ghost hand surrounded by the Gu formation, let out a laugh, and said: "You group of ants come here without invitation, you are really overconfident!

Do you really think that if I get hurt a little, you can beat me?Let me show you the true power of my newly refined Magic Treasure House!Pagoda Soul Suppression..."

With a casual move by the ghost hand, an exquisite nine-story tower was directly suspended in the air, and he flicked it with his fingers, and the nine-story exquisite tower burst into golden light in an instant.

In an instant, an invisible soul pressure directly acted on the soul level of Qin Lang's four casual cultivators, directly suppressing the consciousness of the four of them, and the three of Bao Er were the most unbearable. Got to be sluggish.

This is the additional attribute ability of the nine-story Linglong Pagoda. It actually has the effect of directly invading the consciousness and suppressing the soul. The defensive magic weapon of Qin Lang and the others can't resist this kind of soul suppression at all. This is not a form of fighting on one level at all.

Unexpectedly, during the time when Liao Hua retreated and recuperated his injuries, the ghost hand Liao Hua would directly sacrifice this magic house, and it seems that the level of activation is quite high. If you want to activate the additional attribute ability of the nine-story Linglong Pagoda, I am afraid that the magic house has not been opened. The fourth layer of prohibition is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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