Chapter 1622
With this complete magic house, even if the ghost hand Liao Hua is seriously injured, he will not be afraid of people like Qin Lang in front of him. This is the real reason why the ghost hand Liao Hua appears here now.

Just like Qin Lang and Bao Er wanted to kill him, he also wanted to take this opportunity to take down Qin Lang and others in one fell swoop.

Seeing the nine-story exquisite pagoda of his magic house showing its power, shaking the souls of the four casual cultivators in front of him in one fell swoop, Guishouji Lun also laughed. At this time, he directly manipulated the magic house while using the big handprint of the ghost path to Qin Lang and the others If they were photographed by this ghostly big handprint, it is estimated that the four of them would peel off their skins if they did not die.

But at this moment, Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House Black Bone Flywheel also came quietly, and greeted the ghost hand Liao Hua. The ghost hand Liao Hua seemed to have been prepared to directly manipulate the nine-layer Linglong to block Qin Lang's attack, but unexpectedly Yes, the next moment a sword qi penetrated from his back, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand, spurted out a mouthful of old blood and was seriously injured.

"Boy, I expected you not to be suppressed by the soul, but now this sword did you do it..."

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, couldn't believe it. Qin Lang was right in front of him, and he easily blocked the attack, but the sword aura that came from the back was inexplicably strange, and he didn't know how Qin Lang sent it out.

"This is my secret."

Qin Lang gave a cold voice, and approached the Ghost Hand Liao Hua in a flash, and shot out several sword qis directly to attack the weakness of the Ghost Hand Liao Hua, and Liao Hua, who was seriously injured, even burst out of his old injuries. Now the aura of the body has dropped to the mid-Yuanying stage.

He laughed miserably: "Jie Jie, good, good... It seems that I have to release the suppression of my body, you forced me..."

He pulled on his body, and the momentum on his body suddenly rose again: "I should have broken through the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, but I should practice a special secret method and have to suppress my cultivation, but now you have made me work hard for decades. For nothing, once you break your merits..."

There was hatred in the words of the ghost hand Liao Hua, and then the aura on his body returned to the late stage of the Nascent Soul and then stagnated when it was close to the level of the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul.

On the ghost hand Liao Hua's body, those injuries are gradually beginning to heal, which also makes Qin Lang's face change. Originally, the ghost hand Liao Hua didn't know what secret method he had practiced, which has been suppressing his cultivation realm. Now he To let this guy fail, he now has to give up decades of penance, and now it seems that he is ready to fight himself desperately.

"Ghost Dao Mahamudra... Wan me!"

Ghost Hand Liao Hua let out a loud roar, and he took out densely packed ghost handprints. This is a ghostly ultimate move. Now when Ghost Hand Liao Hua casts it, he feels stronger than before he was injured.At this time, Qin Lang gritted his teeth, climbed up on the roof of the magic weapon, and then directly unfolded the Gu formation to stimulate the psychedelic ability of the Gu formation.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, fell into the Gu formation, and the big handprint of the ghost way collided with Qin Lang's black bone flywheel. After that, this guy also used the nine-story Linglong tower of the magic house to smash at Qin Lang's Gu formation. The nine-story Linglong tower was his He is the biggest fighter, so even if he falls into Qin Lang's gu formation, he is not very afraid.

But at this time, another sword qi came suddenly from behind the Ghost Hand Liao Hua. This time, the Ghost Hand Liao Hua was more alert, and this sword qi did not hit him.The ghost hand Liao Hua said in surprise: "What kind of skill is this? The sword energy can turn around. No wonder just now... Phew... No wonder I got hit by your blow just now."

Hehe... Qin Lang smiled, this is the seventh form of the Sansheng Sword Art "Sword Qi Folding" he just comprehended, and it is also the last move of the Sansheng Sword Art. This move requires a lot of skill, but there is a super system Using it with the idea of ​​precision-level swordsmanship, the power has increased by more than 01:30 points. After all, it is a bit unexpected to fold the sword energy to attack the enemy. In addition, the sword energy is aimed at the weak point of the enemy, so it is very annoying.

Qin Lang activated the Gu formation at this time, and under the cover of the Gu formation, several sword qi folds were sent out. Although this sword qi fold is not the most powerful move among all the moves of Sansheng Sword Art, it is definitely the most amazing A tricky move, combined with Qin Lang's own hardware conditions, has formed a unique killer move, just like the ghost hand of Liao Hua's ghost handprint.

No!Qin Lang's Da Yi move may be the most powerful than the Ghost Dao Mahamudra, although the Ghost Dao Mahamudra is extremely fierce, which is incomparable to Qin Lang's sword qi ultimate move, but "Sword Qi Folding" is better in sharpness and speed, and has The weird and unpredictable three links, once issued, are hard to guard against and easy to get tricked.

brush brush...

A row of special sword energy was unleashed by Qin Lang. With the precision-level swordsmanship, Qin Lang once again pierced through the body of the ghost hand Liao Hua. Thick smoke, the blood in his body seems to have been transformed into an incomparably pure evil spirit by using secret techniques.

After being deflated, the Ghost Hand Liao Hua seemed to be much weaker, but because the blood in his body had already been transformed into evil spirit, his recovery ability was also stronger, just like a zombie's body.

"Zombie body..."

At this time, Qin Lang's eyes suddenly lit up. After fighting for so long, he and the ghost hand Liao Hua had a slight advantage, but... it seems that there is something missing in order to completely kill the other party.But now he finally thought of a good way... What is the nemesis of the evil spirit, it seems to be restrained by the fire of Kanli in his own sea of ​​consciousness!

Give it a try!
Before the ghost hand Liao Hua could react, Qin Lang summoned a mass of Kanli fire, and pushed it directly to the ghost hand Liao Hua. Unexpectedly, the ghost hand Liao Hua's body was covered with gasoline. As soon as he touched his body, he turned into a mass of pale human-shaped fire.


The human-shaped fire ball formed by the ghost hand Liao Hua has been struggling and making a desperate sound. He didn't expect that he died in such a way recently, and he died in the hands of a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul that he didn't like at first.

It's a pity that this monk whose strength was originally comparable to the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul never had a chance to do it again. Liao Hua, the ghost hand, possessed secret skills and mastered a complete magic house, so he shouldn't have died like this , but this time he did die in Qin Lang's hands.

The human-shaped fire ball is struggling stubbornly, but it is useless. The evil spirit in the ghost hand Liao Hua's body is the best combustion accelerant for this special flame. Although it will not be extinguished even if it is burned.

So, it's very sad...a powerful ghost cultivator in Green Willow City fell, and he never expected to die so uselessly, and was directly reduced to ashes under the burning of Qin Lang's Kanli fire. In terms of defense, Qin Lang can't ignite his body even if he has the fire of Kanli.

It seems that all this is due to luck, but this is also good news for Qin Lang. The ghost hand Liao Hua, the big devil who has been chasing him for more than half a year, finally died in his hands.

Under the burning of Kanli's fire, Liao Hua's body was burned, even the storage bag and storage ring were burned. However, his skeleton remained and was burned into a bone. It was directly received by Qin Lang in the storage bag.

For Qin Lang, this bone material is the material for repairing the black bone flywheel in the magic house in the future. The bone material refined by a monk in the late Yuanying period can almost be refined into a bone part of the black bone flywheel. Of course Yes, this is the smallest component.

After killing Liao Hua, the ghost hand, Qin Lang's mind relaxed, and suddenly he felt very tired. He also tried his best in this battle. If he didn't happen to comprehend the last special sword move of Sanshengjianjue, he might still be in danger. I really can't count the ghost hand Liao Hua.

In that case, the battle situation this time will be another situation. It is very likely that the ghost hand Liao Hua will still be alive, and the four casual cultivators may not be able to stand here completely.

To be honest, this ghost hand Liao Hua made him feel like a dog skin plaster, always pestering him, and disgusting him from time to time behind his back. He has been in Qinghe Continent for so long, and he has fought against this person countless times, and now he is finally killed. other side.

If he doesn't kill the other party, he will be bored to death.

"Hahaha...hahaha...killed, really killed..."

There was a burst of ecstasy from Baoer behind him, and he rushed over anxiously, directly copying the nine-story exquisite house that the ghost hand Liao Hua dropped not far away. I'd be so excited.

And Qin Lang is really out of strength at this moment, just now he exhausted his mind to deal with Liao Hua, the ghost hand, not only exhausted his true energy, but also emptied his spiritual consciousness... This battle was really hard, but fortunately he won in the end Victory can be regarded as worthy of oneself.

He tried his best to grope in his bosom, and he took out Zhijingdan, preparing to use Zhijingdan to replenish himself. Zhijingdan can replenish energy and spirit at the same time, which is considered a luxury.Of course, I also took one of the Shenxue Pills, and now the true energy in my body has been exhausted, if I continue to use the Xueyuan Pill, it will probably take at least an hour to replenish it.

Under the action of this powerful elixir, various indicators in Qin Lang's body are recovering quickly. The reason why he did this is because he feels that it is not safe to stay in this city for a long time.Now although I have killed Liao Hua, the ghost hand, this is the Green Willow City, the base camp of ghost cultivators. In the city, there are not only ghost cultivators like Liao Hua, the ghost hand, but there are at least five or six hundred ghost cultivators, large and small, even though the ghost cultivators Liao Jing is dead, but there are still one or two late Nascent Souls in the city.

The one or two ghost cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage should belong to the elder camp. Although they can't deal with the group of ghost cultivators like Liao Hua, the ghost hand, but he was able to kill two elder-level ghost cultivator twin brothers before, so now he is offended at the same time. These two groups of forces.

On the other hand, when the rogue cultivators in the city saw these four solitary cultivators who seemed to be in a state of distress, they might join forces to attack them, which would be even more troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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