The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1623 Accustomed to treachery?

Chapter 1623 Accustomed to treachery? (seeking subscription and collection)
When Qin Lang recovered, Baoer had already collected the nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the magic house into his storage ring.

The old bald head was flushed with excitement, and after taking away the magic treasure house, he spit on the ground in embarrassment: "Damn! Bastard... there is no end to the old man's treasures, bad luck now!"

Looking at his frightened look, it seems that he should be the one who killed the ghost hand Liao Hua, not Qin Lang, the great hero.

Baoer can be regarded as turning around now. Originally, his sober reason also told him that this time he ventured into the Green Willow City to assassinate the ghost hand Liao Hua. It is very likely that he will die without a problem, and even the four of himself are hanging by a thread. Completely insane, he didn't think about the consequences, even holding his breath, he had the idea of ​​breaking the pot and preparing to fight the ghost hand Liao Hua at that time.

The discovery of the original facts was indeed the case, but the appearance of Qin Lang, an anomaly, turned the battle situation into a turning point, which was unexpected by everyone.

And at the same time that Baoer was enjoying himself, a large number of casual cultivators began to surround this place. Those ghost cultivator disciples saw that Qin Lang had killed their leader, and they all went crazy. They rushed over here, ready to fight Qin Lang and the other four .

But Hong Po, Li Zipo and Shi Dakai, two casual cultivators, were stunned for a while, but they were the first to wake up, and directly attacked these ghost cultivators, and shouted at the same time: "Baoer, we are fighting for the recovery of fellow Daoist Qin Lang. Time, next we have to break through, if not we still have to rely on him.”

This battle has completely exposed the four of Qin Lang. Knowing that there are four casual cultivators in the city, a large number of ghost cultivators rushed over from all over the city. There are ghost cultivator disciples, casual cultivators, and even elders after hearing the news Level ghost repair.

Hongpo Li Zihong and Shi Dakai persisted very hard. Seeing that everyone was surrounded once again, and the encirclement was shrinking, Baoer finally woke up. Knowing that now was not the time for celebration and joy, he held back Continuing the mood of dancing and dancing, he launched a defensive formation, and this formation was actually something he hadn't completed before, and now he has finally successfully portrayed it.

As soon as the formation came out, light lit up on the ground, barely protecting the four of them within the formation.

This is actually a hastily arranged formation, which is not very clever, so Baoer also knows that this unstable formation can only last for three to four minutes at most, and after this time, it will be destroyed by these ghost cultivators from the outside world. To break through.

Looking at Qin Lang, he found that Qin Lang was still recovering. He frowned, his eyeballs rolled for a while, and the old guy thought at this moment: "I have already got the magic house, so I can't stay here any longer! Otherwise, wait Soon there will be more and more ghost cultivators, maybe the one or two elder ghost cultivators in the late Nascent Soul Stage in the city will also come, and it will be very troublesome to escape."

After the bald-headed Baoer completed his task, he actually killed the donkey...or no, it should be said that he crossed the river and demolished the bridge. At this time, he actually gave up the three companions in the formation and shouted: "I'm sorry everyone, I'd better go ahead first! You stay here slowly! Don't worry, if any accident happens to the three of you, I will burn paper for you every year from now on..."

This old fox had another scene of treachery, driving the top-grade magic weapon, the innate thunder pattern cover, and rushed out of the encirclement. Because of the innate thunder pattern cover, this old guy really broke through a bloody road, far away Abandoned Qin Lang three.

This kind of behavior of Baoer also made Li Zihong and Shi Dakai, the red lady, jump their feet in anger. Both of them yelled at this moment, calling Baoer an old man with no loyalty.

However, Qin Lang was much calmer about this. He had already seen Baoer's shamelessness once in the Wushuang Ruins, and now he is no stranger to it. Fortunately, although Baoer escaped this time, he did not really let go of the pain. Kill the donkey to remove the protective formation in front of him, otherwise, the three of Qin Lang will be really dangerous.

After all, besides the ghost cultivators in the middle and late stages of alchemy, the ghost cultivators surrounding this large formation also have a large number of ghost cultivators with at least 300 people, and among them there are many ghost cultivators in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul What's more frightening is that there are two powerful auras in the distance locking towards this side, depending on the situation, this aura is not much weaker than the former ghost hand Liao Hua.

This is where Qin Lang feels scruples. If it is just the [-] ghost cultivators in front of him, he still has a way to lead people out of a bloody road, but the two elder ghost cultivators of the late Yuanying stage are about to arrive, and he feels that he It will be a lot of trouble for these three to break into the siege.

Now Qin Lang is still trying to recover. Fortunately, more than half of the elixir he swallowed just now has melted away. In less than a minute, his cultivation base has recovered to one-fifth.

It seemed that he could fully recover in two minutes at most.

Qin Lang was glad that he was using Shenxue Dan and Zhijing Dan. If he was taking Xueyuan Pill, he probably wouldn't be able to recover in less than half an hour.

It's a pity that he was busy recovering his true energy just now, so he didn't have the time to pay attention to Baoer's movements. If he manipulated his spiritual consciousness to take back the innate thunder pattern cover on Baoer's body, then Baoer, a treacherous guy He may have already died among the ghost cultivators.

For the old fox Baoer... Qin Lang is just hehe now, he has already seen through this old guy, if the ghost hand Liao Hua he is going to deal with is not the common enemy of the two, he will not cooperate with this old guy at all.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom...

The formation drawn on Baoer's ground was finally shattered under the attack of the ghost cultivators, and Qin Lang had almost recovered half of his true energy at this moment, and was able to activate the magic treasure house. He quickly put the black bones in the magic treasure house The flywheel was activated, and the whole person entered the house of magic weapons.

And before entering the house of magic treasures, he waved to Hongpo Li Zihong and Tixiu Shi: "You two, take my hand, and I will take you into the house of magic treasures together to avoid the encirclement of ghost cultivators this time!"

"Thank you, thank you..."

When Li Zihong and Shi Dakai heard it, they were very grateful. Compared with Baoer's treachery, Qin Lang's is a truly great act of kindness!Without much hesitation, the two directly took Qin Lang's hand, and entered the magic house as they shrank.

It is worth mentioning that without the permission of the owner of the magic treasure house, Li Zihong and Shi Dakai cannot enter the magic treasure house, and if Qin Lang wants to bring them into the magic treasure house, he must directly contact them, so he pulls two people.

After entering the Black Bone Flywheel, the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang realized that the control room was quite crowded, after all, there were three people crowded in it.Originally, the control room of the Black Bone Flying Room was relatively large, definitely much more comfortable than the control room of the nine-story Linglong Tower, but no matter how comfortable it was, the designer did not consider that there would be three people crowded inside.

However, although it is relatively crowded, the lives of the three of them are finally saved. Although the black bone flywheel is relatively weak among the top-grade magic weapons, after all, the magic weapon house integrates offense and defense, and its own defense ability is also extremely powerful, at least compared to the magic weapon. The top-rank magic weapon is many times stronger.

After entering the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang decided to fight back while breaking out. The Magic Treasure House consumes a lot of real energy. With his current cultivation base in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, if he attacks with all his strength, the Magic Treasure House will drain him in at most half an hour. Even if there are pills to replenish his cultivation base, it will not be replenished so quickly.

Of course, if he does not attack, Qin Lang will have no problem maintaining it for two or three hours or even four or five hours. After all, maintaining the operation of the magic house still depends on the real energy. The less the consumption of the real energy, the longer the duration of manipulating the magic house long.

rush!Under Qin Lang's control, the size of the Magic Treasure House became a disc the size of a palm, and he began to use the Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House to attack. With such a small size, he received less attacks and saved his true self. Energy consumption.

Qin Lang avoided the direction where the two late Nascent Soul ghost cultivators came, and sprinted in another direction.The twenty or thirty ghost cultivators encountered along the way, no matter whether they were disciples of ghost cultivators or ghost cultivators on the list, were all knocked out by the sprint of the house of magic treasures and lost their arms, legs, tendons and bones.

If it weren't for the smaller size of the Magic Treasure House and Qin Lang's sprinting with the size that had been magnified countless times before, I am afraid that these ghost cultivator disciples and ghost cultivators who hang up orders will not only break their tendons and fracture their bones, but may even be smashed to pieces. throw away.

However, in that case, the consumption of Qin Lang's true energy is also relatively large, which is not conducive to this time's escape plan, so Qin Lang did not use the more lethal method to break through.

After Qin Lang broke through, he was actually running in the same direction as the bald-headed Bauer before. Looking back at this time, he saw that in the densely packed crowd behind him, two groups of powerful evil spirits had appeared at the original position of the formation, that is to say, two yuan The late-stage ghost cultivator finally arrived here.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has broken out now, otherwise he would stay in place for a few more seconds, and while facing a large number of ordinary ghost cultivators, he would also have to face two elder-level ghost cultivators in the late Yuanying stage. With the magic house in hand, there may not be a way to get out of trouble.

After getting out of trouble, Qin Lang manipulated the black bone flywheel of the Magic Treasure House and began to speed up, rushing towards the direction he came from, wanting to return to the secret place he entered Green Willow City a day ago, and then use the Magic Treasure House to directly break through the blood mist barrier. Siege.

However, at this moment, the entire earth began to vibrate violently. This time the vibration was comparable to a magnitude [-] earthquake. Many unsecured houses in the city collapsed one after another, and in the distance, a blood mist suddenly broke through the ground and rushed to the ground. come out.

"what is that……"

Qin Lang looked back and saw a black giant in the blood mist that was more than ten feet high. The two pupils shot out the light like a searchlight like a lantern, and shot directly at Qin Lang's magic house. At this time, Qin Lang found The entire magic house seemed to be fixed in mid-air, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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