Chapter 1625
After leaving the blood mist enchantment, the three of Qin Lang finally escaped a catastrophe. After looking at each other, Qin Lang suddenly laughed.

Entering the Green Willow City this time was full of twists and turns. Although the bald Baoer betrayed the three of them outright, he has also tasted the bad results now, and his whole body was swallowed up by the underground Yin Demon.

However, it's a pity that I lent the old bald head the innate thunder pattern cover, this top-level defensive magic weapon is really a pity now that I think about it.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang suffered a heavy loss in the battle of Green Willow City this time. At least a dozen of the magic weapons on his body exploded one after another, and the black bone flywheel of the magic weapon house that had just been sacrificed collapsed again. It needs to be repaired again.

And these losses should be blamed on the old bald Baoer who is not loyal, otherwise, Qin Lang's loss would not be so serious, but now the old bald man is dead, and the whole thing has become an underground The fertilizer in Yinmo's stomach, Qin Lang will not be able to trouble this old bald man again, so let it go.

Speaking of which, this old thing Baoer is too selfish. Now that it’s time to go, it’s all for nothing. Not only did he lose his innate thunder pattern cover, but the nine-story Linglong Pagoda that he just got is gone now. Ridiculous.

Therefore, sometimes people should not be too selfish, and should think more about others.

Qin Lang looked at the two casual cultivators around him at this time. Li Zihong and Shi Dakai were in good condition. Although they were frightened a lot before, their emotions have recovered now. After all, we are all cultivators. The abilities are still pretty strong.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, this time I and Shi Dakai were able to escape due to the help of fellow Daoist. Fellow Daoist is our great benefactor, so if there is any assignment in the future, we will definitely go through fire and water, and we will do it!"

Although Hong Po, a white-haired and childlike female ghost cultivator, is dissolute and slutty by nature, she is also a person of faith, so the promise she made now is also heavy and full of gold.

In fact, compared with the perfidious and bald Baoer, the five casual cultivators that Baoer invited to help appear to be much nobler in character. At least he didn't turn his back on his partner at the time, and the three casual cultivators didn't cheat anyone until their death.

"Hehe, good to say."

Qin Lang also smiled slightly. Although he didn't value the promise of Hongpo Li Zihong very much, it was his consistent aim to have many friends and multiple ways, so he didn't completely reject it.

Since it was confirmed that the underground demons could not come out of the blood fog barrier in Green Willow City, Qin Lang, Li Zihong, and Shi Dakai rested outside the city for a while, used pills to supplement the needs of all aspects of the body, and then prepared to leave here.

But at this time, Qin Lang saw a direction in the distance, and a powerful aura was slowly coming up from the three of them.

In the field of vision, a tall shadow in the yellow sand is slowly walking towards Qin Lang with a long package on his back. This should be a very powerful monk, but it doesn't feel like a ghost cultivator, so Qin Lang also He breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't Ghost Xiu, he had completely lost the intention of entangled with Ghost Xiu now.

The tall shadow is a monk whose age cannot be seen. His attire is a little different from that of most monks in the Western Desert. The monks in the Western Desert are all very simple and compact, but the tall monk in front of him is wearing an incomparably gorgeous embroidered robe. The patterns are also extremely weird fish, insects, dragons and birds. These animals are not the characteristics of the Western Desert at all.

This monk should be an outsider from another region. Seeing this monk, Qin Lang immediately made such a judgment. After all, he has some experience of Xuan Qingzi in his brain, and he knows everything about the environment, culture and customs of various regions in Qinghe Continent. Still have a certain understanding.

This monk should be a monk from the East China Sea, at least this monk's robe and attire style is very common in the East China Sea.

The cultivator stood firmly behind the three of Qin Lang, looked at the three of Qin Lang fixedly, and then said: "My humble sword Chang Fei, members of the Donghai Tiandao Sect, the three of you just came out of the Green Willow City?"

"Exactly, I don't know why you came here?"

Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed it, but he couldn't sense the specific cultivation level of this monk. He only knew that this monk was very powerful, and he was definitely far inferior to him.

"Since it came out of Green Willow City, it must have something to do with these ghost cultivators in the city. If so... look at the knife!"

After hearing the words, Di Dao Chang Fei suddenly changed his face. He didn't give Qin Lang a chance to explain. He just unwrapped the strip behind his back and took out his weapon.

This is a knife, a long but delicate knife.

The knife is 1.5 meters long, and the scabbard is inlaid with pearls and precious stones, but the blade is bright silver and white, and there is a layer of precious light on the surface.

This is naturally not an ordinary knife, but a high-grade weapon like Qin Lang's flying sword.

Seeing this knife, Qin Lang's eyes lit up: "Good weapon!" But now the other party's attitude made him feel frown, this ground knife Chang Fei should put on a fighting posture to him directly: "Take me three swords first ... If you survive three strikes, I can let you go."

After finishing speaking, Chang Fei, the earth knife, directly chopped out a silver-white light with the knife, with the momentum like a long rainbow.

"What an arrogant guy, I think this guy should be called Crazy Dao, not Earth Dao!"

Qin Lang frowned. At this time, he felt that the opponent should be a late Nascent Soul cultivator, but even if the opponent was a late Nascent Soul, he had no reason why he couldn't take the opponent's three moves.

At this time, Qin Lang was too lazy to explain anything to the warlike ground knife Chang Fei, and directly took out his own flying sword, and entered a duel with this ground knife.When Chang Fei saw Qin Lang take out a flying sword and put on a very strange fighting posture, he couldn't help shouting: "Okay!"

With this sound, Chang Fei's big knife has already fallen down. The Baimang knife is extremely thick and powerful. , Innately suffered a loss.

So Qin Lang directly backed up three or four steps, and then stabbed obliquely, directly attacking a weak point of Chang Fei's effort. Start to reach the pinnacle and even create your own sword tricks.


Chang Fei saw that Qin Lang's sword move was extremely precise, and his eyes were also extremely fanatical. He applauded loudly, and at the same time, he was not idle, and immediately had a new response. Slash, left-block jab, side push and side chop...

Forming a series of routine moves, this set of sword skills is very clever, not much worse than Qin Lang's improved Sansheng Sword Art.

Now the two of them have fought against each other for how many moves, and the words of the three moves of the ground knife Chang Fei have already been discarded.

After fighting for a while, Qin Lang also knew that Chang Fei didn't really want his own life, otherwise, this guy should have used all his strength to fight with him, instead of suppressing his cultivation base and himself like now. Fight, this guy is indeed a monk above the late Nascent Soul, or even a Dzogchen monk in the late Nascent Soul.

Otherwise, Qin Lang fought this guy with so many tricks, and this guy wouldn't be able to deal with it so calmly. After all, Qin Lang now has Qianlitong's support, and the precision sword is definitely not Changlang's Sanshengjianjue. These abilities are superimposed At the time, Qin Lang was equivalent to opening a cheating device, but even so, the opponent has never been weak, which also made Qin Lang admire.

At this time, Qin Lang had the idea of ​​practicing swords. Under the eyes of such a hard-to-find opponent, he once again used his improved Sansheng Sword Art once or twice, and the newly realized sword move "Sword Qi Folding" It must be used repeatedly, otherwise it will be honed. In this case, the proficiency of this new sword move will also increase rapidly. Unknowingly, it has reached the point where practice makes perfect, and it is still a big step away from perfection.

At this time, the two confronted each other, and both sides retreated four or five steps. The ground knife Chang Fei did not continue to attack, but stood up with the knife in his arms and said loudly: "Good! Good! Good" After three consecutive applause , and said: "I come from the East China Sea, and I have met monks all over the world in the Western Desert for more than a year. This is the second time I have met a monk who is proficient in swordsmanship like Fellow Daoist. This journey of penance is really on the right track! "

"Oh?" Qin Lang was very curious about the other monk who was proficient in swordsmanship that this guy met. However, he was not the kind of gossip person who knew strangers as soon as he met him, so he didn't continue to ask.

And the tall sword-wielding monk in front of him smiled at this time, continued to cup his fists, and re-introduced himself: "Earth Saber Chang Fei, the first disciple of Tiandao Sect, one of the three major sects in the East China Sea, this time he will travel the world with martial arts friends, and he is also a disciple of Tiandao Sect." One of the traditional ways of practicing, don’t be surprised by the previous reckless fellow Taoists!”

"'s fine!"

Qin Lang smiled bitterly at this time, and said in his heart, he was really surprised by this guy before, and he came to fight with him as soon as he came to the door. He had just chased and killed the underground demon and ghost cultivators of Green Willow City, so he really thought of this guy just now. The guy was an enemy, so I was really worried at that time, probably no cultivator wanted to meet such a strong enemy like Chang Fei who didn't know the details.

Fortunately, Chang Fei didn't really fight Qin Lang to the death. His temptation just now was more to let Qin Lang show his due strength, and let himself get the due combat training from the face. To be honest, the just now Qin Lang also gained a lot of benefits from the field fighting trial, at least now the improved version of the Sansheng Sword Art has become proficient, and the newly realized sword move "Sword Qi Folding" has also made a lot of progress.

The two chatted for a while, and Chang Fei told Qin Lang that he came here this time because he knew that there were a large number of ghost cultivators gathered in Luliu City in the West Desert, so he wanted to find these ghost cultivators to test their knives and hone their sword skills.

After all, although his cultivation is already at the level of great perfection in the late Yuanying period, he has always been dissatisfied with his sword skills, and has not reached the level of creation out of nothing in the legend of the patriarch, so he has his own way of trial. trip.

(End of this chapter)

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