The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1626 Qin Lang's Servant

Chapter 1626 Qin Lang's Servant

The two of them got to know each other initially, and Chang Fei said at this time: "Brother Qin Lang, your swordsmanship is very good, but it is still lacking in polishing, and it is a bit rough... This swordsmanship should be created by a fellow Taoist. If we wait for fellow daoists to fully master the sword skills in time, this is definitely a unique skill that is not inferior to the top sword skills of our sect!"

The Heavenly Knife Sect is well-known in the East China Sea. The sect's saber techniques are divided into three realms: heavenly knives, earth knives, and human knives. The top-level saber techniques of the sect are most likely to break through to the realm of the heavenly knives. That's why Chang Fei said so , is also a great compliment to Qin Lang.

"hehe, thanks for your complement."

Qin Lang smiled. The improved version of Sansheng Sword Art was created by himself by combining the ideas of precision-level swordsmanship. It is actually reasonable to say that it is self-created.After chatting for a while, Qin Lang told Chang Fei.

"Brother Chang Fei, I'm afraid you will be disappointed when you go to the Green Willow City for trial this time. Now the Yin Demons trapped underground in the entire Green Willow City have been completely revived. If you enter the city, you have to be careful of the Yin Demons' attack. Luckily, the three of us escaped from the blood mist barrier just now!"


The ground knife Chang Fei looked at the three of them with piercing eyes and said: "To be able to escape from the Yin Demon, it seems that the Qin Lang brothers must have some special means that they have not used just now, otherwise, Chang Fei will not fight well It will be so easy."


Qin Lang smiled, but he didn't say that he owns a magic treasure house. It was by relying on the magic treasure house that he escaped from the city and escaped the attack of the underground demon.

After learning about the resurrection of the underground yin demon, Chang Fei sighed and said: "Since these powerful monsters have been resurrected, it seems that the idea of ​​entering the Green Willow City to challenge the ghost cultivator this time can no longer be realized. Let's go on a trial journey! Farewell."

Chang Fei cupped his fists, wrapped the long knife in leather again and carried it on his shoulders, then left in a chic manner, leaving behind Qin Lang and the other three.

Looking at Chang Fei who was going away, Qin Lang felt very envious. Although the two sides only met once, they both became confidants.Chang Fei's attitude towards practice and life is also what Qin Lang has always pursued, so because they are both of the same kind, they have some feelings of sympathy for each other.

When Di Dao Changfei, the first disciple of Tiandao Sect in the East China Sea, was leaving, he sang a song about the East China Sea, which was a song of great wind: "The sky is blue, the autumn grass is yellow, and under the sea is the hometown of mermaids..."

The singing voice is loud and clear, but it is full of freedom and vicissitudes, and there is a unique personality charm in the psychedelic.

"We will meet again by fate..."

Qin Lang waved his hand, shouted at the background that was gradually going away, then nodded with Li Zihong and Shi Dakai, and they started their journey back to Wushuang City.

After returning to Wushuang City, the red lady Li Zihong said goodbye to Qin Lang. This Shayin and Clan cultivator really kept her promise. Before leaving, she exchanged the communication method with Qin Lang to ensure that once Qin Lang summons her in the future, no matter the ends of the world, even if it is separated by two domains, she will Come to fulfill your promise as soon as possible.

However, Shi Dakai, a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, did not leave. He looked at Qin Lang, hesitant to speak, which made Qin Lang very strange.

So Qin Lang asked: "Shi Dakai, do you have anything else to say to me?"

"Uh..." Shi Dakai touched his scalp, and said a little embarrassedly: "I want to practice with fellow Taoists, even as a servant. I wonder if you can accept me?"

"Ah...servant, fellow Daoist Shi, you are a body cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and you are an existence that cannot be ignored no matter where you are. How could you think of being my servant?"

Qin Lang also felt strange, so he asked.

"Fellow Daoist, you also know that I'm a casual cultivator, and also an individual cultivator... It's not interesting for a person who has no one to rely on, no relatives and no reason, and the advancement of cultivation is so slow that it makes people worry. "

Shi Dakai replied honestly: "It's different with fellow daoist Qin Lang. First of all, fellow daoist is Shi's great benefactor. Shi's servant is first of all to repay his kindness. The second reason is that I think Daoist You seem to have practiced a very powerful body training method, if you can give me a few pointers during the cultivation process, Shi Kai will probably enjoy it endlessly."

"Hehe, your reason is quite interesting, well, I will accept it! However, I can't promise to take you to wander around at any time. Come with me outside Wushuang City for a few days, and I will guide you. At the same time, I will give you some prescriptions for body training."

Qin Lang smiled, and had no objection to Shi Dayong being his servant. He had no roots in the Qinghe Continent. In fact, he needed a few loyal and capable people to help him.

Afterwards, Qin Lang brought Shi Dakai to the mansion outside Wushuang City, and helped Shi Dakai settle down first. Now the mansion outside the city has been transferred to the name of the little girl Xiu Wanxin. The whole mansion is empty, and Qin Lang is not there. Among these people, only Wanxin lives alone.

Therefore, Wan Xin was also very happy to learn that Qin Lang had taken in a new servant who looked naive, and the whole mansion finally became more popular.

In the next few days, Qin Lang first helped Shi Dakai refine some potions for body refinement for bathing and training. Although these potions are not as good as Shilong Huanxue Soup and Python Tendon Pill, they are also very good, yes It is refined from the ancient prescriptions inherited from the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

In addition to Shi Dayong's cultivation, Qin Lang also pointed out how to use these medicines to assist his cultivation and speed up his cultivation progress.After the explanation, I started to get busy with my own affairs.

Qin Lang actually has a lot of things to do now. In fact, it is the repair work of the black bone flywheel in the magic treasure house, and then check how the newly planted elixir that Wan Xin cultivated for himself in the elixir garden is growing. It's time to pick alchemy. The last point is to recall the combat perception of this trip to Green Willow City, ponder over those combat perceptions, and deepen the memory.

By the way, we should keep an eye on the medicinal materials market in Wushuang City at all times, and purchase some necessary raw materials for alchemy, especially the raw materials for alchemy of Python Tendon Pill, which should not be missed.

And after finishing all these tasks, as well as daily practice, it lasts about three hours every day.

Next, Qin Lang searched the medicinal material market in the city several times, and collected many kinds of refining materials for panacea, especially the refining materials for the ten python stretching tendons that he needed most, the ten five-level pythons All the cloud tendons of monsters were bought at high prices.

Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kung Fu has already refined the fifth level of small achievements, and now his body's strength has reached [-]% of its original level, but this is still not enough, far from enough, so Qin Lang will have to search for python tendons vigorously for a while For the refining materials of pills, try to refine [-] python tendon pills as soon as possible, and increase the quality of the body to a hundred times the original level. In this way, the fifth level of the ancient transformation method can be directly refined to the fifth level. degree.

However, the cost of this is not a small amount. Qin Lang needs to spend at least more than [-] million to purchase the resource materials for refining the python pill. This is the case of Qin Lang making alchemy by himself. resources may be doubled.

After searching for resources for a few days, Qin Lang refined more than 1000 python tendon pills, and then began the process of continuing to practice the fifth layer of the ancient transformation path. One hundred thousand Huan Sui Decoction is less than one-tenth of the potency, but it can be regarded as a very powerful body-refining elixir nowadays. Basically, every pill can increase Qin Lang's physical aptitude by one percent.

Qin Lang can fully imagine that when his physical strength and all aspects of aptitude are increased by a hundred times compared to the original, it is definitely a very terrifying fact. Even steel is probably not as strong as his physical body, and he can even do it with his physical body. The degree to which it is against the magic weapon, or even the magic weapon house.

It can be seen from this that the ancient Dao of Transformation Kung Fu in Qin Lang's hands is extraordinary. When Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, got this Dao of Transformation Kung Fu, she failed to carry it forward. Now that Qin Lang has used this technique to the fifth room, the comparison between the two sides is more than one star and a half stronger.

It took Qin Lang a week to take a thousand python tendon pills. At this time, his body was already thirteen times stronger than before. Qin Lang's physical body is now very firm and firm, far exceeding the strength of the Nascent Soul mid-stage physical training body. , even the physical training of some Nascent Souls in the late stage is not as good as Qin Lang.

In the follow-up, Qin Lang was still looking for the cloud tendons of the fifth-order python monster, and in addition to refining some medicines for Shi Dakai's body refining. The reason why he didn't take the python tendon pill for Shi Dakai was because Shi Dakai The current cultivation level is not enough to use such a high-level top-grade spirit pill, and the second is that I can't eat enough python pills now, at least I have to wait until I have eaten [-] pills before thinking about these!
These days when Qin Lang was quietly practicing in closed-door training in the Wuwai mansion, the city of Wushuang was once again in a state of turmoil. A big event was happening. The Pill King Competition held every three years in West Desert happened to be the turn of Wushuang City this time. Just in Peerless City.

Therefore, the entire Wushuang City officials have been busy in the past month. As the organizing committee, in addition to preparing the venue and layout of the event, the officials also sent out invitations to oases of all sizes in the Western Desert, inviting monks above the level of alchemists to come. Come and participate in this Pill King Conference.

Judging from the experience of previous Alchemy Conferences, it is self-defeating for alchemists who have no strength to participate in the Alchemy Conference. Basically, those who can be invited to participate in the Alchemy Conference in Ximo are all powerful people. Moreover, they must be able to innovate. If ordinary alchemy apprentices and ordinary alchemists are not strong enough, they may be directly brushed down in the first one or two rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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