The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1628 Disturbance at the Spirit Food Workshop

Chapter 1628 Disturbance at the Spirit Food Workshop

Knowing that Qin Lang intends to participate in this year's Pill King Conference, Zuo Tao said with a smile: "Since Qin Lang is interested in participating in Danbi, I will help you apply for this name! In this case, it means that the old man will guarantee the little friend and save money." Unnecessary first round of competition! You must know that if a contestant follows the normal entry procedures, he needs to go through four steps: the preliminary round, the second round of the preliminary round, the semi-finals, and the final. If it is recommended by the meeting staff, it can save the unnecessary first round of the preliminary competition."

"Thank you so much."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, although he is not afraid of the competition, but if he can avoid the first round of the test, he can also save some unnecessary wasted time to do other things.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the city to prepare these, you wait for my news."

Zuo Shou went out of the city this time just to inspect the elixir garden, and now he has finished his work, so he is going to go back to the city immediately.

Three days later, the two met at the largest food shop in Wushuang City, called a remote location by the window, with a beautiful view, and ordered a table of spiritual food.Accompanying them were Wanxin and Qin Lang's new servant Shi Dakai.

It is worth mentioning that it was the first time for Shi Daxing, a casual cultivator in the early Yuanying period, to enter such a high-end food shop. When he heard that the table of spiritual food ordered by Qin Lang was worth 80 million yuan, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. It's the first time in his life that he had such a luxurious meal, and he, the owner who just visited the pier, is really rich.

Yes, this table of spiritual food is really drizzle for the current Qin Lang. After all, he has hundreds of millions of net worth, so it is not a waste to come to the food shop to have a good meal once in a while, let alone this time Qin Lang and Zuo Tao ate here for the purpose of negotiating, and secondly, to let the servant Shi Dakai see the world well, and thirdly, seeing that the audit of Zuo Tao's elixir garden is about to start, now in order to repay Wanxin's hard work during this period, Make up for it with a big meal.

Wanxin has already been to this food shop once, so this time she doesn't have the identity of the first time, she doesn't refuse anyone who comes to the food, and eats it without image.

And Shi Dakai, a big fool, is much more cautious. Although he is also slanderous about the delicious food on the table, his servant is the lowest among the four, so he seems a little reluctant to let go, always paying attention to what his master is going to do next. Do you have any orders?

At this time, Qin Lang was eating while talking with Zuo Tao. Just now, Zuo Tao had handed Qin Lang the jade card that Qin Lang got after successfully enrolling in the Pill King Conference. What he gave Qin Lang was a jade card, but ordinary registration The contestants only get bronze medals, and bronze medals need to participate in each round of alchemy competition completely, while jade medals can save the first round of competition.

"This time, in the second round of the Pill King Conference, there will be a team of ten people in each round of the preliminary round. Only the top three will be selected in each round, and the rest of the contestants will be eliminated."

Zuo Tao took a sip of wine, took another bite of food, and then continued: "After the second round, we will enter the semi-finals. Each team in the semi-finals also has ten players, but this time only the No.1 of each team will participate in the finals!"

"Entering the finals means having a ranking. After entering the finals, the contestant with the worst performance will be assigned a middle-grade magic weapon, and the top ten in the finals will be top-grade magic weapons or even better. Pill King What I got was a high-grade alchemy furnace and queen mother grass... Qin Lang, your alchemy ability is so strong, I am very optimistic about you, maybe you can really win the top ten this time."

Zuo Tao had worked closely with Qin Lang, and knew that Qin Lang's alchemy ability was stronger than most alchemists in Wushuang City, so he said so.

However, he didn't know that Qin Lang actually possessed the ability of an alchemy master. If he knew, he would believe it even if Qin Lang said that he wanted to compete for the alchemy king. After all, every alchemy king in the West Desert Alchemy Conference is basically at the level of an alchemy master Only the best alchemists can get their hands on it.

"Well, I'll try my best."

Qin Lang smiled faintly, and he didn't elaborate on his ability, anyway, everything will become clear after participating in the alchemy competition, why bother to prove himself now.

Winning the Pill King Competition and getting the prize in the bag is the real business.

At this time, the topic of the two turned to the review of the Zuo family's elixir garden four days later. Zuo Tao will send a ten-person audit team to conduct quarterly audits on more than 30 elixir gardens currently affiliated to Zuo Tao's name. Investigate the current growth and reproduction of the elixir in the garden. Of course, this is a routine matter. If there are no major problems, this test will be over.

While the two were talking, another guest came to the restaurant. There were more than a dozen guests in this group, all of whom were elegantly dressed, and among them was a middle-aged man with a goatee who was surrounded in the center.

As soon as the group entered the restaurant, they walked up to the luxurious hall on the second floor. A young gentleman in fine clothes shouted: "Shopkeeper, find a big table by the window, and serve all the delicious food in the shop!"

"Okay... But, guest, the table by the window has already been taken. Would you like to change it?"

When the shopkeeper saw that the business was coming, he immediately said enthusiastically.

"There is no seat by the window?"

Young Master Huafu looked around, and suddenly saw Qin Lang's table, so he turned his head to the shopkeeper and said, "Let the people at that table give way, I want that piece of land, and I want to entertain distinguished guests this time!"


The shopkeeper looked at Qin Lang's table, showing a very embarrassed expression, eating first come, first served, and now people only eat half, you ask them to give up the table, I'm afraid it's not good!

However, the shopkeepers in front of this group also know each other. This young man in Huafu is a member of the three major families in Wushuang City, and he is also a big patron who often comes to the restaurant to eat. Brazenly came to Qin Lang's table.

"Everyone, I'm sorry! I interrupted you to continue eating. I have an embarrassing request to tell you... Can you give up your table and eat at another place? It will be a big favor to the shop. If Okay, this time the fee is decided by the old man and I will give you a [-]% discount."

The shopkeeper said with extreme caution.

"Shall we switch tables?"

Qin Lang looked at the shopkeeper with a funny face, and then at the group of people not far away who were arrogant and arrogant, and smiled slightly in his heart, and when he was about to think about whether to give it a convenience, the son of the group Son spoke loudly again.

"I said shopkeeper, hurry up too! This time, the guests I want to entertain are extremely honorable, and you can't afford to neglect this poor shop! First report my name Dongfang Yu, and let that table go away quickly, and the meal fee for that table What a bird, I, Dongfang Yudai, gave it to me!"

The young master urged him impatiently. This guy turned out to be a member of the Dongfang family. He was probably of the same generation as Dongfang Qing who Qin Lang had taught him a lesson, and he was the fourth generation of the family.

"Yes yes yes..." The shopkeeper turned his head and nodded repeatedly.

But when Qin Lang heard this, he immediately became unhappy, and his group came to eat with a good mood. They were calm at first, but now the shopkeeper of Lingshifang came to ask him to do a good deed, even if he gave up a table.But now, if he knew that he was giving up the table to a bastard who was not good at talking, he would not be happy in his heart no matter what.

So Qin Lang immediately shook his head: "I'm sorry, shopkeeper, we won't give up this table!"


The shopkeeper's expression suddenly turned bitter. Originally, Qin Lang had said well, but now he suddenly changed his mind, which also made him very at a loss.

And Qin Lang smiled slightly, and continued to eat and drink with his own people, as if he didn't see the expression on the face of the young man not far away, he completely left that person alone.

But Dongfang Yu saw that the shopkeeper's coordination was fruitless, and Qin Lang continued to eat and drink at the same table, and couldn't bear to give up the table. He suddenly felt that he would be humiliated, and rushed over with anger.

"I said shopkeeper, you are too inconvenient to handle things!"

Dongfang Yu came to Qin Lang's side at this time, spitting at the food and yelling without quality: "Are you deaf? I ask you to move away from this table. I will pay for this table of food. Come on!" Get out of the way!"

"Who are you?" Qin Lang raised his head at this time, looked at Dongfang Yu with disdain, and made a movement of picking his ears.

"I... Dongfang Yu from the Dongfang family, I am going to entertain Master Jiuding in the restaurant now! Do you know Master Jiuding? Master Jiuding is a famous alchemist in the West Desert. You can’t buy pills anywhere.”

Dongfang Yu began to intimidate the people at Qin Lang's table.

And knowing that the proud goatee not far away is actually a master of alchemy, Qin Lang raised his head rarely, and glanced over there, but unfortunately, the goatee stared at the ceiling, and no one took a look.

"Now, knowing that I am entertaining such a distinguished guest, should you step aside?"

After Dongfang Yu introduced Master Jiuding, she proudly raised her chin and looked at Qin Lang and the others, waiting for Qin Lang to obediently give up the table after being shocked.

However, what was wrong with the expectation was that after listening to Dongfang Yu's introduction, Qin Lang's face was still calm, and he said lightly: "Give way...we will not give up! What is Master Jiuding? The common people are similar, so even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, we will not let him."

"Good, good, good..."

Dongfang Yu pointed at Qin Lang, who was so angry that he was almost speechless, so mad, he dared not look down on the Dongfang family and the distinguished guest of the Dongfang family, Master Jiuding, and he was the first in Wushuang City.

And at this time, the goatee in the distance... that is the alchemy master Jiu Ding heard what Qin Lang said just now, and at this time he also frowned and glanced here, and said softly: "Ignorance."

However, the dignity of the alchemy master prevented him from approaching this table, so after uttering two words, he continued to look at his ceiling.

At this moment, Dongfang Yu was even more annoyed at Qin Lang's group when he heard Master Jiuding's words: "Get out of the way, the master is already angry now! You know, people who offend the Dongfang family have never had good fruit to eat, so be smarter! "

After thinking about it, the young master took out a money bag from his pocket and threw it on the table: "Seeing that you are all strangers, you shouldn't come here very often! It's rare to have a luxurious meal, and I can't bear to part with you." Right, this is 50 spirit stones... take the money and go away!"

"It's really noisy!"

Qin Lang frowned, took out a large storage bag from his bosom, opened it with a rattling sound, and found that there were high-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones and low-grade spirit stones in it. Together, the entire storage bag was filled to the brim. It is full. It is estimated that the whole bag is at least one or two billion. Qin Lang picked out a low-grade spirit stone in it, and then put this low-grade spirit stone into the money bag on the table, and then put the money bag in front of the young master Dongfang Yu a push.

"I reward you with a low-grade spirit stone, please don't make noise here, it will affect people's mood when eating."

Qin Lang was also a little impatient.

"Depend on!"

Seeing that Qin Lang not only didn't give face, but also humiliated himself, the young master reached out and grabbed Qin Lang's shoulder, but halfway through, he was noticed by Shi Dakai who was always watching the movement on the dining table. This very competent servant immediately played a role , directly grabbed Dongfang Yu's hand and held it firmly.

Under the great force of the body cultivation stone in the early stage of Yuanying, Dongfang Yu, the fourth generation member of the Dongfang family whose cultivation is only in the late stage of Dzogchen formation, of course couldn't struggle, and blushed for a while. "Let go! You bastard!"

Dongfang Yu never imagined that Qin Lang would have such a powerful servant and be so loyal to protect the lord.

"Oh, let go."

Shi Dakai let go of his hand suddenly according to his words, and Dongfang Yu was pulling hard, caught off guard, and almost fell over, but fortunately, although this guy is arrogant, he is not a parallel importer, and he is good at playing. After taking a step back, he stabilized his figure.

After Shi Dakai opened this guy, he started talking, still chewing something in his mouth, with a somewhat vague look: "My master said, let you go away! You better go away, and then come and spare my master for dinner , I, Old Shi, will not be polite!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his arms, showing off a muscle lump as thick as a stone bowl.


Dongfang Yu snorted and looked at Shi Dakai. After comparing the strengths of the two sides, he knew that the other party was a Nascent Soul Stage Body Cultivator. Just wait! Offending my Dongfang family, you will feel better!"

At this time, even the food was ordered, and he went downstairs with the people around him and the VIP with the goatee. It seemed that he was going to change to another restaurant and continue to entertain the VIP.

"Grandpa, you offended that gang to death this time!"

The shopkeeper was jumping around, this time his loss was also very big. It is estimated that after Dongfang Yu ate the turtle this time, he would never come to this spiritual food shop for dinner again. This is also a big loss for the shopkeeper.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal! Shopkeeper, I think it's better to have fewer customers like you in this restaurant, so that other diners will feel better when they eat."

Qin Lang said with a faint smile, "Come on wine, and give us three altars of immortal drunkenness!"

"Okay!" The shopkeeper sighed, and knew that the Dongfang family didn't care about this matter, so there was nothing to say, and he went back to get the wine.Speaking of it, Qin Lang is actually considered a big benefactor, with such a big table, the portion for more than twenty people, I am afraid that even Dongfang Yu's group will only order so much when they come to eat this time.

The reason why Qin Lang ordered so many this time is because he now has an extra servant, Shi Dakai, and he ordered so many meals at this table for the sake of the idiot. Nutritional needs are more important than other types of monks, so the food intake is generally particularly large.

And this time Shi Dakai ate and drank really amazingly, almost half of the food on the table was wiped out by him, this guy is also strange to eat, no matter what kind of food he puts directly into his mouth, chewing is the same Just swallowed it directly.

In this case, although I didn't see how Shi Dakai chewed food, but this guy was the one who ate the most among the four.


Dongfang Yu's group left this spiritual food shop, and then changed to another one, ordering a large table full of food, this time they finally found a table by the window.

When eating and drinking, Dongfang Yu and the people around him frequently toasted the goatee. Master Jiuding is a real master of alchemy, so before going out this time, my father also told me that I must bring the most delicious and fun things to entertain If this master can win Master Jiuding into the camp of the Dongfang family, then Dongfang Yuke will have made a great contribution.

After all, alchemy masters are extremely important to a family. Although there are several alchemists in the entire Dongfang family, there are no alchemy masters. Therefore, Jiuding master deserves the whole family to spend a lot of effort to build a good relationship. .

Dongfang Yu was despised in the spiritual food shop where Qin Lang was before, and he also saw it. He also felt that his face was not bought, his dignity was challenged, and he was secretly angry with Qin Lang.

However, Jiuding's arrogance also made him disdain to argue with others. He can be a person of alchemy master level, so naturally he won't care too much with ordinary people.

After drinking three Gus and eating five flavors, Dongfang Yu said to Jiuding: "This time, I invite you to participate in this alchemy king competition. With my ability, I will definitely win the top prize. The character is worth wooing. I, Dongfang Yu, invite the master on behalf of the family, and ask the master to agree to join the family as a guest. The Dongfang family promises to provide the master with 1000 million spiritual stones for training every month. I don’t know how the master thinks about it.”

"This, let me think about it slowly."

The treatment offered by Jiuding to the Dongfang family is actually quite exciting. 1000 million spiritual stones for a month of training resources, this is definitely the top treatment for a big family and a big sect, and even many core family children can’t enjoy it, but Can't ask for it.As a casual cultivator of alchemy, it is not easy to cultivate to the level of alchemy masters today, so it is safer to take refuge in one side. Although he also intends to join the Dongfang family, he understands the truth of waiting for a price. After the Wang Conference, he will consider whether to join the Dongfang family, and his wealth will definitely increase by then.

The two sides have their own thoughts, but they are constantly pushing cups and changing cups, the atmosphere is very harmonious, and the two of them seem to have forgotten the bitterness they had eaten in Qin Lang's restaurant before, and they chatted all over the world while eating.

And Qin Lang has finished eating and drinking at this time, both he and Zuo Tao are slightly drunk. Immortal drunk is a strong spiritual wine that even monks in the Yuanying period can easily drink, with a degree of more than 90 degrees. It's not that the drinking capacity is so great that it may be poured down in one bowl, instead of everyone being killed to the three big jars like now.

"Treasurer, checkout!"

Qin Lang called the shopkeeper. This time, after checking out, it cost 92 spirit stones in total.Qin Lang paid the bill readily, thought for a while, and said suddenly; "By the way, every time the food workshop slaughters fifth-order python monsters, can those cloud tendons be kept for me? I will pay 50.00 more than the market price." % of the price is all inclusive, I wonder if it is possible?"

"The cloud tendon of the fifth-level monster? The guest is preparing to try alchemy again. Such a high-level material feels like a waste of time to try it out."

Naturally, the shopkeeper had nothing to object to, so the two parties signed an oral agreement.

In the agreement, Qin Lang will contract all the skin and bones of this spirit food workshop from now on, and Qin Lang will send his servants to the spirit food workshop to fetch materials every four or five days, or Lingshi Fang delivered these materials to Qin Lang's mansion outside Wushuang City.

As the largest spiritual food shop in Wushuang City, the food shop may have slaughtered thousands of monsters every day. Among them, the corpses of five monsters and pythons can be encountered every day, but in three to five days, they can always be encountered. Once or twice, when the time comes, just follow Qin Lang's instructions and just leave the cloud tendons.

(End of this chapter)

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