Chapter 1629 Belittled

The agreement between Qin Lang and Lingshi Fang was reached, and both parties are quite satisfied.

These few days, Qin Lang also stayed in the city, living with Zuo Tao.

Four days later, the Zuo family's quarterly review of more than [-] elixir gardens affiliated to Zuo Tao's name officially started. The review team sent by the Zuo family consisted of ten people. Tao's face suddenly changed.

After Qin Lang saw it, he hurriedly asked: "Old fat man, what's going on?"

"I didn't expect this guy to be the leader of the review team sent by the family. You know, I joined the core of the family's management this time, and the place I squeezed out is this guy's younger brother, so this guy also hates me very much."

Zuo Tao smiled bitterly and said, the leader of the monthly review team sent by the Zuo family in front of him is called Zuo Wuxie, and like Zuo Tao, he is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but Zuo Wuxie is different from Zuo Tao in the early stage of Nascent Soul. The guy is already at the peak of Yuanying's early stage and may break through at any time.

Zuo Tao's high-level executives don't know why, but the leader of the audit team sent by the elixir garden is actually an old enemy. Now it seems that this time the Zuo family's audit of the elixir garden under Zuo Tao's name for more than thirty times is absolutely impossible It's easy to pass. As an old enemy, it is absolutely impossible for Zuo Laoxie not to criticize him.

"Hurry up and call Wan Xin, let's remedy some of the elixir that the elixir garden didn't produce properly!"

At this time, Qin Lang quietly told Zuo Tao that he knew that although Zuo Tao filled up the vacancy in the elixir garden in the next month, the growth of those filled elixir was still a bit worse than the original plant.

"That's all it can do..."

Zuo Tao sighed, he thought he could easily pass the review this time, so he didn't care too much about the difference between the finished elixir and the original plant, but now he can only ask Wanxin to be a firefighter.

Afterwards, Qin Lang called Shi Dakai and asked this guy to inform Wanxin to do this job. Every elixir garden gets busy before it's audited.

Fortunately, Zuo Tao had already mastered the walking process of the review team, so Qin Lang was asked to pass it on to Wanxin through Shi Dakai, and asked her to enter each elixir garden in order to remedy the newly planted elixir.

Along the way, he inspected more than [-] elixir gardens, and even Zuo Wuxie, who was extremely picky, couldn't catch Zuo Taowu's negligence of duty, or his greed for ink elixir.But after inspecting more than [-] elixir gardens, Zuo Wuxie began to lead his team members to deviate from the originally planned route, and made a surprise inspection of an elixir garden, which exceeded Zuo Tao and Qin Lang's expectations.

At this moment, the elixir that had just been filled was immediately exposed to the review team, and Zuo Wuxie complacently asked the team members to take notes, and pointed to the elixir that was filled in the elixir garden and asked, "What's the matter?" What's the matter? My Lord Zuo Tao."

"It may be affected by temperature, light, and weather, so this piece of elixir is not growing very well, but don't worry, I will restore them carefully."

Zuo Tao wiped his sweat, his fat face was trembling, and he racked his brains to come up with a plausible explanation.

But next, Zuo Wuxie inspected each plant very carefully as if picking a thorn, and squatted down to observe the soil layer next to the elixir carefully, then slowly got up, approached Zuo Tao with a smile: good guy Ah, I feel that there is something wrong with the growth of these elixir. Why are there some new soils around them? Could it be that you bought and sold the original high-quality elixir and replanted a batch? "

"Where is it possible? Wouldn't it be that you have lifted a rock and hit yourself, it's too pitiful!"

Zuo Tao cried out, he had no choice but to pretend to be innocent now.In fact, a normal person would never do the possibility that Zuo Wuxie said, because there is no benefit in doing so, after all, there is not a big difference in value between the same type of finished elixir.

In fact, even Zuo Wuxie was just talking casually. He actually didn't understand what happened to Zuo Tao's elixir garden. So I'm guessing what the inside story is.

After all, although Zuo Tao is helping the family manage more than 30 elixir gardens, these elixir gardens have long been filled with elixir, and there is not much open space at all, so there is no need to purchase so many original elixir plants.

Because he couldn't figure out what Zuo Tao's previous actions meant, Zuo Wuxie couldn't understand the deeper inside story. Now he just held Zuo Tao's small handle and waited for Zuo Tao's explanation. Let's see Can you be disgusted by this guy who stole the core indicators of his brother's family.

But Zuo Tao firmly insisted that it was caused by the weather and temperature, and did not let go, so even if Zuo Wuxie had a guess, he couldn't prove anything more.At this time, Zuo Wuxie was going to continue to inspect the remaining ten or so elixir gardens, but Zuo Tao stopped him, "Everyone is about to have a hard day, and now we haven't eaten or taken a sip of water. Go to the cold house to eat and drink before continuing! I have already ordered meals from the spiritual food shop in the city, and set up two tables at home to entertain everyone."

"But..." Zuo Wuxie didn't intend to let Zuo Tao go, and wanted to carry out the surprise inspection to the end.

But the rest of the inspection team were not happy: "Yeah, after a busy day, let's take a break and eat something. Although you are monks, your body is not made of iron."

Except for Zuo Wuxie, the members of the inspection team are all of the Dzogchen cultivation of alchemy, and those below the Nascent Soul stage have a greater need for food and energy, so they have been busy for almost a day now, and they are indeed tired enough.

Zuo Wuxie was outraged by the crowd, so he had to compromise. The surprise inspection plan had to be suspended, and everyone was asked to go to Zuo's mansion to eat and drink before talking.Taking advantage of this spare time, Zuo Tao also sent Wanxin to speed up the work progress, and first finish the rest of the ten or so elixir gardens.

"Poor...that girl must be exhausted this day! It seems that I have to leave a big meal for that girl alone."

Zuo Tao frowned secretly, and immediately smiled like a flower on his fat face, and continued to entertain the review team guests at the dining table in the mansion.

Zuo Tao's performance, if placed on the earth, would definitely be able to win an Oscar. The people eating at the table around him kept chatting and laughing with this guy, getting along well, and they couldn't feel the anxiety in the old fat man's heart at all.

The only exception is Zuo Wuxie, this guy has always been unhappy with Zuo Lao Fatty, so he has always wanted to pick Zuo Tao's thorns, but it is a pity that Zuo Tao has bribed all the members of the audit team with fine wine and food. A single team leader is equivalent to being suspended, and naturally cannot go against the will of most people.

This eating and drinking went on for more than two hours, and then it was almost night, Zuo Tao warmly invited these people to live in the mansion, and wanted the members of the review team to wait until tomorrow to continue reviewing the remaining dozen Chu Ling Medicine Garden.

But this time, no one agreed, and they all decided to go back to the city to rest after finishing the work, instead of spending the night outside the city.So, having no other choice, Zuo Tao had no choice but to set off with these people again to continue the review of the elixir garden.

Since it was night, and Wanxin had been busy for two hours before, the flaws in the remaining dozens of elixir gardens could hardly be seen under the night light, and Zuo Tao finally escaped. This time, the quarterly review of the elixir garden was over. Although Zuo Tao wasn't [-]% perfect, Zuo Wuxie couldn't make him sick with the little dirty information at hand.

Zuo Tao breathed a sigh of relief at this time, this time the general marmot of the elixir garden quarterly audit has been completed.Looking back, seeing Wan Xin who was so exhausted that she almost lost her strength after a busy day, Fatty Zuo was also very annoyed: "This damn Zuo Wuxie is really a tosser!"

At this time, Wanxin was asked to eat and drink first, and then to sleep for a long time. He simply ordered a large table of delicious food for Wanxin.

In front of the delicious food, Wanxin also cheered up and ate a meal, and then went back to the nest without wiping her mouth and fell asleep. Today is too tired, and it is also the most tiring day of the working period in the past few months. This day I only eat After a meal, it is really pitiful to think about it.

However, what happened this time is finally over, and Wanxin's relaxed and happy days will come. Qin Lang and Zuo Tao directly gave her four days off to let her have a good rest.

And Qin Lang followed Zuo Tao to Wushuang City and began to participate in the Pill King Conference held every ten years in Ximo.

On this day, Qin Lang followed Zuo Tao to the center of Wushuang City Square. The square was already crowded with people. There was a huge platform in the middle of the square. There were more than 2000 vacant seats in front of the platform, and there was a pill furnace in front of the first vacant seat.

This alchemy furnace should be the most inferior alchemy furnace in the cultivation world. It is of the magic weapon level and is usually only suitable for alchemy apprentices.

Since Qin Lang was holding the jade card for the first round of exemption from the test, he followed Zuo Tao directly to the Zuo family's camp in the square. For the organizer, the square has arranged a lot of seats for these organizer members to rest.

Seeing Zuo Tao bring Qin Lang into the family rest area, the old acquaintance Zuo Wuxie snorted and said, "How do you bring outsiders into the family rest area? Don't you know the rules?"

"Hehe... This is the alchemist invited by the old man using his quota, Qin Lang, why, are you not convinced?"

Zuo Tao rarely humiliated the other party.

"Oh? Alchemist?"

Zuo Wuxie looked Qin Lang up and down for a while, then shook his head: "Zuo Tao, I don't mean to say nothing about you. Is it worthwhile to use my family's contribution to an outsider in exchange for an exemption from the test? Are you so confident in this kid? Anyway, I don't believe it. This kid can get the ranking."

And at this time, Qin Lang knew that Zuo Tao gave himself an outsider to fight for an exemption from the test. Enough loyalty!

(End of this chapter)

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