The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1630 Preliminary Tournament

Chapter 1630 Preliminary Tournament
The huge stage is now full of people from the organizing committee of the Pill King Conference. This time, the organizing committee of the conference is mainly in charge of the official forces composed of more than 30 families in Wushuang City and the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

The guests were more than 30 elixir appraisers from more than 100 families in Wushuang City and the shops of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Among the more than 100 elixir appraisers, nine appraisers who are the most famous and have the highest appraisal level were selected to form a senior judge group together with this time's special guest Pill King Yu Decheng.

The duty of the guests and the judging panel of the Pill King Conference is to score the contestants and carry out the survival of the fittest. The guests are mainly responsible for checking the preliminary competition, and the focus is on the preliminary competition. After all, there are so many contestants in the preliminary competition, and it is impossible without a large guest group; The judges are mainly responsible for checking the semi-finals and finals, and the follow-up alchemy assessment has higher requirements for the judges' eyesight.

A bearded man in a light blue robe appeared in the center of the stage at this time. This guy is the host of this Alchemy King Conference. He is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It is said that he is a member of the Loose Cultivation Alliance of Wushuang City.

As soon as this guy got on the stage, he clasped his fists and said to the surroundings: "Dear friends, alchemists participating in the competition, the alchemy conference in West Desert will be hosted by me, Wang Meng. The alchemy conference is now the most honorable in the eyes of all alchemists in the western desert. This grand event is related to the life of an alchemist, if a lucky person can get a good ranking in the alchemy conference, he will be able to achieve greatness just around the corner..."

"The Alchemy Conference is a great opportunity for alchemists in the entire Western Desert to challenge themselves. If you want to be rich and prosperous, you can challenge the Alchemy Conference. If you want to stand out, you can also challenge the Alchemy Conference... The king conference has gone through 37 sessions, and the system and rules have gradually improved. Maybe everyone knows it in advance. The current challenge system of the Dan King Conference is divided into four rounds, two rounds of preliminary rounds, one round of semi-finals, and then the finals.”

"In each Alchemy Conference, only the alchemists who pass the semi-finals can be ranked in the finals, and the finals... that is a shortcut for an alchemist to reach the top hall of glory. Now the opportunity is here Now, everyone, work hard!"

The host exaggeratedly encouraged the rusticity of the contestants, and then introduced the judges and guest groups of this alchemy conference. When the judges were judged, the contestants on the field suddenly exploded!

"Ah! It's Master Yu Decheng. I heard that he is the No.17 Pill King...I am his loyal fan, and I have always taken him as a role model..."

"Yes, yes, senior Yu Decheng was already a master of alchemy 200 years ago. Now that so many years have passed, I am afraid that the senior has already stepped into the threshold of a master of alchemy. He is definitely highly respected in the alchemy world. Let him come Presiding over the evaluation of this Pill King Conference, there will definitely not be deviations and unfair phenomena."

"Tch, it sounds like you will definitely enter the finals and get a good ranking. You are just an alchemist, not an alchemy master. I haven't heard of any alchemy conference where the final winner will be an ordinary alchemist." division."

"Don't be complacent, how will you know if you don't try! Anyway, even if I don't get the Pill King, the final result will be better than yours!"

"Impossible! How about we make a bet..."

"Bet is a gamble, and whoever loses the Pill King competition will get the reward for the other party! Well, if the loser does not enter the final, we will pay the other party a middle-grade magic weapon!"

"Okay, that's it!"


Seeing the alchemy king Yu Decheng, an old man in the alchemy world appearing here, and also the chief judge of the conference, the contestants were all excited.And two of the referees even bet each other on the results of this game, and the bets seemed to be their rewards after entering the semi-finals.

It can be seen that the two contestants are full of confidence in themselves, and feel that they can both enter the final and get the ranking.

At this time, Wang Meng, the host of the conference, continued to speak, "Okay, this is the end of the introduction of the rules of the Pill King Conference. All contestants in the first round of the preliminaries are invited to take out their identity bronze medals, and then take their places, ready to Let’s play the game. Finally, I wish everyone can show their best state to participate in the game!”

After Wang Meng finished speaking, he stepped aside without any nonsense.Then the guest group and the judging group have already come on stage, and the guest group went on stage for a circle and then left, surrounding the competition venue. All the guests, more than 100 people, are the invigilators for this round.

I heard that there are more than 1 contestants who signed up for Danby this time, but there are only more than 2000 Dan furnaces on site, so the first round of the preliminary round is divided into five times for evaluation.

The contestants began to enter the arena one after another. Before entering the arena, there were cheering people beside them: "Yongfu, no matter whether you can enter the final this time, you have to let go of your hands and feet. Don't have any worries. Even if you lose, you will come back in ten years at worst." .”

And the contestant named Yongfu also nodded again and again: "Master, don't worry! This time I will not embarrass you, I must enter the final and get the ranking!"


All the contestants entered the venue with their ID cards, and then the guests verified their bronze medal numbers to be seated, and then they counted the tickets. After the votes were counted, the presiding stage sounded a cannon, and the whole preliminary competition had already begun.

This time, the contestants in the preliminary round were purifying and merging the materials. The purified materials happened to be the second-order monster inner alchemy. Each contestant was required to collect all the hundred second-level monster inner alchemy in the tray within the specified time. Purification, and finally at the end of the game time, the higher the level of the fused monster inner alchemy, the higher the ranking.


Qin Lang sat in the stands where the Zuo family was, watching the performance of the first round contestants in the preliminary competition.

He glanced at it for a while, and then lost interest. He felt that many of the contestants came here for the competition, and his own strength was really not flattering. He couldn't even purify a mere second-order monster, not to mention clumsy , It almost caused an alchemy accident, the fire could not be controlled, and the materials were burnt, and some scenes of alchemy even affected me, causing a fuss.

The time for the first round of competition is 10 minutes. As soon as the time is up, the sound of the cannon that ended on the host stage appeared again. All the materials rolled down, causing a burst of laughter outside the game.

In the end, the guests selected more than 600 qualified candidates amid frowning, and entered the second round of the preliminary competition.

When more than 1 contestants have participated in the first round of the preliminary competition, more than 3000 qualified candidates will directly enter the second round of the preliminary competition. Shi Shi also joined the competition, and went to the second round of the preliminary competition together.

After eliminating a large number of unqualified alchemy apprentices, the overall quality of the nearly [-] contestants is undoubtedly much higher now. Like the previous purification of the second-level monster inner alchemy, it is impossible for that kind of alchemy and oolong incident to happen again .

After all, for an alchemist, it is actually very simple to purify the inner alchemy of a second-level monster. Even an alchemy apprentice, as long as he has some talent, it is impossible for him to complete it.Of course, it may be more difficult to purify the second-level monster inner alchemy and fuse it into a third-level inner alchemy, but the difficulty is not too great.

After all, this is only the first round of the preliminary competition, and it is only to identify the qualifications of a contestant. Only the qualified contestants in the first round will have the real opportunity to compete in alchemy. In fact, the first round of the preliminary competition is only a test of basic skills, not a real one Alchemy.

And the second round of the trial competition began immediately. This round has officially tested the alchemy skills of the contestants, but what they refined was only the most basic low-grade spirit pill, Jingqi Pill.

Qin Lang, who was holding a jade card, is now off the stage, among the ranks of more than 4000 contestants, his gestures are very relaxed now, others may attach great importance to this round of competition, but for him, it is not difficult at all No, he used to be only in the foundation-building stage, and he had already started to refine a large number of basic pills taken by the Qi-refining stage and the foundation-building disciples.

This kind of elixir can be refined without Qin Lang eating cows, with his eyes closed, and it is guaranteed that all of them are high-quality products, and he does not even need auxiliary means.

So when Qin Lang was on the stage, he mostly waited and looked around to see if there were any outstanding figures among the contestants.After he looked around, he saw a familiar guy not far away, that very proud goatee who was entertained by the Dongfang family's children at the Lingshifang a few days ago, he seemed to be called Master Jiuding.

At this time, the goatee seemed to sense Qin Lang's gaze, turned his head to look this way, noticed Qin Lang's familiar face, and was startled, then cast a disdainful glance, and turned his head again.

I heard that this goatee named Master Jiuding has the level of an alchemy master, so he didn't pay attention to all the contestants at the scene. This guy participated in the alchemy conference this time, and he must have come for the alchemy king.

When Qin Lang saw this goatee, he also laughed. Is this guy a master of alchemy?Then I am an opponent of the same level as myself. It seems that this person is the main opponent I will challenge in this alchemy conference. Although the rest of the people also have good alchemists, they are indeed weaker than this person a lot.

After all, it is a big hurdle to go from an alchemist to an alchemy master. Aptitude, talent, perseverance, and luck are all indispensable, so don't look at the entire competition field with more than 4000 contestants, but those who have truly reached the level of alchemy masters It is estimated that there are only two or three people. After all, the promotion of alchemists is also very difficult, even to an outrageous degree.

Even, it is very likely that among the more than 4000 contestants at the scene, apart from Qin Lang and Jiuding, there is no other contestant who has reached the level of a master in alchemy ability.

The game started, and the materials for refining a hundred pills were provided in front of him, but Qin Lang didn't immediately start refining the essence pills, but continued to look around with interest. The guy didn't start immediately, but closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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