The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1631 Entering the Finals

Chapter 1631 Entering the Finals

The current behavior of Qin Lang and this guy may be due to the reservedness of the high-level alchemist. After all, the abilities of both of them are far superior to most of the contestants on the scene, so there is really no need to spend all their energy on the preliminary competition.

The refinement competition of Jingqi Pills has already started. The rule of this round is that the more Jingqi Pills refined by the contestants in the end, and the better the appearance, the winner will be the winner. The competition is also divided into groups of ten people, and only The top three from each group advance to the semi-finals.

The competition was only given 10 minutes. Qin Lang started to refine the Jingqi Pill with the inferior pill furnace provided by the organizing committee when half of the time passed.

It is worth mentioning that, in the competition of the Pill King Conference, except that the contestants in the first two rounds must use the inferior pill stoves provided by the organizing committee, in the later semi-finals and finals, the contestants have been allowed to bring their own pill stoves .

In this case, the alchemy furnace used by the contestants is also a very important factor affecting the results of the competition. The contestants who have a little ability, a little wealth, and a good alchemy furnace will undoubtedly order a lot of money later.

However, this is also a very normal thing. Basically all alchemists in the competition know the importance of a good alchemy furnace to alchemists.

Going back to the competition scene, all the contestants are very busy now.

The refinement of Jingqi Pill requires only more than 100 hands, which is a very simple and easy-to-refine basic pill, so at this moment when Qin Lang starts to move, the alchemy process is simply dazzling, and the speed will be like turning on and adding gears.

So skilled!He is so skilled!Not only do you not need to look at your eyes, you don't even need to deliberately inject your spiritual consciousness into the alchemy furnace to control it. All alchemy techniques rely on muscle memory and are completely separated from the brain.

In the end, it took Qin Lang less than 13 minutes to finish refining a batch of pills. At this time, there were still 7 minutes left before the end of the competition, and even many contestants on the scene hadn't finished refining a batch of pills.

When Qin Lang had refined this batch of essence pills, he also looked at his biggest opponent in this competition, the goatee Master Jiuding. This guy probably started to develop essence shortly after Qin Lang started alchemy. The refining of pills, however, this guy's refining technique is different from Qin Lang's. Qin Lang's technique is inherited from the Heavenly Medicine Sect, and has been improved by himself. Every move and step is not redundant, and it is as precise as a machine.

And this goatee Master Jiuding, although his hands are smooth and smooth, but some aspects seem a bit procrastinated. This guy uses a set of refining techniques that shake the alchemy, and uses more hands to slap the alchemy furnace. The strength of the true energy controls the formation of the elixir.

After the end of this round of competition, no surprises, Qin Lang and Jiuding Dahu have successfully advanced, while the other contestants on the scene are the top three in each group. There are more than 4000 people, and a total of 200 people entered the semi-finals. finals.

After entering the semi-finals, the competition system suddenly became stricter. Although they were also divided into groups of ten, each group basically only took No.1 to enter the finals.The reason why the group show will do this is mainly to create a very tense atmosphere on the scene. If the mental quality of the contestants is not good enough, it is basically difficult to pass this round.

Of course, if you want to pass this round, it depends more on the luck of the contestants.

In fact, the same is true for alchemy, why not rely on luck?
In the semi-finals, if the contestants assigned to a group are relatively strong, then this is the death group. If the contestants in this group are generally weak, then this contestant has a chance to take advantage of it.

The group that Qin Lang was assigned to was neither good nor bad. Although the other nine players were basically at the level of alchemists, and there was only one alchemy apprentice who didn't know how to become a dark horse to squeeze into the semi-finals, but this round will undoubtedly be the first One brush down.

Because of the competition in the semi-finals, what was refined was not an ordinary low-grade elixir, but a middle-grade elixir, and it was also a kind of elixir that was very difficult to refine among the middle-grade elixir, the golden elixir.

Golden Spirit Pill is a magical pill that can change the aptitude of a practitioner's spiritual root. This kind of pill is most effective when the practitioner's level is not high, such as the two periods of qi refining and foundation building, but if After these two periods, if you use this elixir again, it will basically have no effect.

Therefore, the Golden Spirit Pill is a magical pill that can change the spiritual root aptitude for low-level practitioners, but it is useless to high-level practitioners, and it is a tasteless medicine.

Speaking of which, the materials for this kind of elixir are still relatively rare, and I don't know where the organizing committee of the Pill King Conference got so many materials for refining the golden elixir. ordered one.

Golden Spirit Pill is a elixir that is difficult to refine among middle-grade elixir, why do you say that... because the alchemy of this kind of elixir consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness and true energy, if a contestant's spiritual consciousness and true energy If the origin power is not up to the standard, there will be no way to sustain the alchemy process, and the lack of stamina will be brushed down directly.

Therefore, Qin Lang can be sure that the apprentice-level alchemist in his participating team will definitely not be able to survive this round. After all, this guy is just a foundation-building monk, and he is not very old, about seventeen or eighteen years old. Breaking through the apprenticeship period, but his cultivation limited his abilities, which made people sigh.

After all, in the second round of the preliminaries, even many official alchemists were inferior to this guy, and he was eliminated in that round!
It seems that this guy, Qin Lang seemed to see himself before, couldn't help smiling, thinking, even though this guy didn't survive this round of competition, but he is so young, he can definitely come back to participate in the competition ten years later, I believe that This guy can definitely make it to the finals.

After the starting cannon sounded on the host stage, the third round of the semi-finals officially began. All the contestants in this round were fighting with all their might, because the time limit for refining the golden panacea was still only 10 minutes, and It is hard to say that it is difficult to refine this relatively difficult middle-grade panacea within four to ten minutes. It requires an alchemist who is very familiar with the combination of ingredients and medicinal properties of this kind of medicine.

Moreover, the evaluation of the enchantment in this round of competition does not only require the contestants to refine the elixir, but also needs to check the quality of the elixir and score according to the quality of the elixir.

In this round of evaluation work, in addition to the more than 100 guests present, ten senior judges also joined in, and this round of evaluation work was carried out by the ten senior judges.

Qin Lang is no stranger to refining the Golden Spirit Pill. He has refined this kind of pill many times in the past two years, so the refining of the Golden Spirit Pill is quite difficult for other alchemists. For him, But it's a pile of side dishes, and it's no different from refining the Jingqi Pill before. It can be completed by muscle memory without going through the brain.

Since the contestants in this round can use the elixir they carry for alchemy, Qin Lang has no arrogance and directly uses the Eight Diagrams elixir.In fact, although the Eight Diagrams Pills are among the top props used by more than 200 contestants, they are only in the top [-]. The other contestants all use the best pill furnaces.

For example, Qin Lang's main opponent in this competition, the goatee alchemy master Jiuding, uses a set of top-grade alchemy furnace, which is the most luxurious top-level preparation in the entire alchemy scene.

But, then again, although the alchemy furnace is important to an alchemist, personal ability is even more important. A good alchemy furnace only affects [-]% of the performance, while an alchemist's performance is stable and unstable. , but undoubtedly more critical.

In this round, it was no surprise that Qin Lang won the first place again and entered the finals. The [-] or [-]-year-old apprentice-level alchemist in his group was indeed the first to be eliminated, and the refining of a golden elixir was less than half The refining process had to be interrupted because the energy and mind were exhausted.

After the semi-finals, there were only 120 contestants left, and they were also the elites of this year's Pill King Conference. The next step was the finals.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Lang and Jiuding with the goatee both entered the finals smoothly, and there was also a guy at the alchemy master level in the finals, named Shan Qisun, who was older than Qin Lang and Jiuding combined. It looks worse than the two. Although this guy is said to be a master of alchemy, in Qin Lang's opinion, he can only be changed to a quasi-master level.

It seems that this year's alchemy finals, the final alchemy will be produced among Qin Lang, Goatee Jiuding, and the old alchemist Shan Qisun. Although Qin Lang's chances of winning should be the greatest, goatee Jiuding is ranked second , the old alchemist Shan Qisun ranked third.

Qin Lang entered the final round, and the goatee-bearded Jiuding finally noticed Qin Lang, an extraordinary guy. His complexion also changed slightly, but he soon returned to normal. This guy is also arrogant, although he knows Qin Lang's true strength. He was not intimidated by Qin Lang's momentum, he still felt confident and capable of winning this year's Pill King.

However, this guy's confidence does not mean that others have confidence. At least the faces of the Dongfang family who supported the goatee Jiuding in the audience all changed slightly. Competitors at the level of alchemy masters, and one of them looks so strong that even amateur alchemists like them can clearly feel it.

"Why... that kid is a master of alchemy..."

Dongfang Yu from the Dongfang family in the audience is also in a very bad mood now. He saw the guy who humiliated him in the restaurant a few days ago. His complexion was even worse.

Although Master Jiuding has not agreed to become the guest alchemist of the Dongfang family, but in Dongfangyu's view, this matter is definitely a certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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