The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1632 Evaluation of Alchemy Candidates

Chapter 1632 Evaluation of Alchemy Candidates
So at this moment, Dongfang Yu absolutely does not want any accidents to happen in this competition of the Alchemy King Conference. In his heart, the final Alchemy King can only be Master Jiuding, and definitely cannot be Qin Lang, nor can it be that big eyebrow and beard. The old alchemist Shan Qisun.

Moreover, especially that Qin Lang... now the identity of this kid, Dongfang Yu, has been investigated. He is the guy who made the family lose face in the Wushuang ruins. It is strange that this guy is actually a master of alchemy besides being proficient in formations He really couldn't believe it if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, Dongfang Yu in the audience started to think differently, and after reporting to the family management, the Dongfang family began to be active among the guests and judges. After all, if Master Jiuding wins the Alchemy King, the entire Dongfang family will follow suit , this is a win-win situation.

However, when the Dongfang family operated among the guests and judges, apart from getting votes from a few small families, they couldn't get votes from the Zuo family and the Ma family, and the chief judge Dan Wang Yu Decheng couldn't get votes either.

The votes from these three parties are actually the most important. If the Dongfang family can get them, then no matter how well Master Jiuding does in alchemy, they will surely win the first place.

However, this is absolutely impossible. First of all, the Ma family is the deadly enemy of the Dongfang family, and this party will definitely not be able to get votes from this side; and although the Zuo family usually has a good relationship with the Dongfang family, they do not know what is going crazy today. He didn't even agree to operate in the dark.

As for the alchemy king Yu Decheng, who is a very old-fashioned old guy who pays great attention to reputation, if he is expected to join the black box operation, then it is estimated that the entire alchemy conference will not have to continue in the future.

However, although they only got votes from a few small families, the Ma family has already occupied one-fifth of the advantage in terms of guests and judges. The rest depends on Master Jiuding's strength. If they can't beat their competitors under the advantage, then the Dongfang family can't do anything.

The fourth round of the final round of the Danwu Conference is a test of an alchemist's innovative ability, but he does not pay attention to whether the alchemist who enters the final can refine a top-grade elixir.

This time, the game time is three hours.

In three hours, it is not easy to create a kind of elixir and refine it by hand.

In fact, as long as a monk who has a little knowledge of alchemy will know that it is not much easier for an alchemist to create a new kind of elixir than to refine a top-grade elixir.

It can even be said that it is easy for an alchemist to refine high-grade elixirs, but it is more difficult to innovate new types of elixirs. Maybe he can refine several kinds of high-grade elixirs, but it is very likely that he does not have the ability to innovate elixirs.

Innovation requires talent and talent.

The alchemy materials used in the competition are still provided by the organizing committee. There are more than 100 kinds in total. The contestants only need to select the materials they need, and then refine the elixir to create a new type of elixir.

Qin Lang's knowledge of alchemy is very solid. It is not difficult for him to innovate a kind of elixir with the knowledge of alchemy of the entire Tianyimen. What's more, his brain has a super system to assist in pharmacological calculations, so he has to do it in the limited time of the game. Inventing a kind of elixir actually takes only three to five minutes to come up with an innovative plan, and this kind of plan that has been repeatedly calculated by the super system will definitely succeed at the first time.

Qin Lang looked at the one hundred kinds of materials provided before him, and after some calculations in his brain, two new pills appeared, one was marrow washing liquid, which was a top-grade pill for cultivation, and about 30 elixirs were used Among them, five kinds of high-grade ingredients are used in one hundred kinds of ingredients. The other kind of pill is called Liugan Dan, which is a middle-grade panacea, and about 27 kinds of elixir are used.

And after removing these fifty or sixty kinds of ingredients, the remaining forty kinds of ingredients can no longer be matched with the emperor, ministers and assistants, and it is impossible to balance the elixir, and it is difficult to form a elixir.

Then Qin Lang carried out the process of alchemy, and he brought out his own advantages. There were Bagua pill furnace and Kanli fire outside, and super system auxiliary damage inside. In addition, Qianlitong's perspective function was also used from time to time.

Under such circumstances, even if it was the first alchemy for Qin Lang, it was impossible for him to go astray, and a furnace of marrow washing liquid was quickly refined.

After refining the marrow washing liquid, Qin Lang did not stop, but continued to refine the second pill, Liugan Dan. Anyway, the finals of the Pill King Conference did not say that the contestants could not innovate two kinds of pills at the same time. In this case, Qin Lang Refining two kinds of elixir at the same time may have a certain score bonus.

However, among the contestants on the scene, only Qin Lang has such an innovation speed. It has been almost an hour and a half now, and most of the other contestants are still thinking hard, and they are still carrying out the balanced combination of Dan Fang in their minds!

For them, the time is only three hours, and it is not enough to innovate one kind of elixir in this limited time. Now they are still thinking about inventing one and continuing to invent the second, that is simply a dream.

Therefore, at present, only Qin Lang, who has a super system, is at the forefront. After all, the super system is equivalent to Qin Lang's biggest cheater in this game. Compared with the human brain, the computing power of the system is too heaven-defying.

The pill of Liugan Dan is lower than that of marrow washing liquid, and it is only the level of middle-grade panacea, so Qin Lang will spend less time refining this panacea, only an hour.

Now there is still half an hour before the result of the competition, and Qin Lang suddenly found that he has nothing to do, he is full of confidence in the two kinds of elixirs he created, not to mention the middle-grade panacea such as Liugan Dan, He directly refined the quality of the perfect level; and the marrow washing liquid, the quality effect is also a kind of elixir with very good quality, this elixir can not only improve the cultivation level, but also improve the comprehensive qualifications of the practitioner.

"Stop!" As soon as the three hours were up, the judges gave the order to stop the competition.

And Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and ended his idle state.

For half an hour just now, he had been observing the dynamics of his two biggest opponents in this competition. Although Shan Qisun, the quasi-master-level alchemist with a lot of eyebrows and beard, had completed the innovation of the elixir, he only created a new one. A medium-grade elixir of unknown use.

As for his biggest opponent, Master Jiuding with a goatee, this guy is much stronger, and he directly refined a top-grade elixir, but Qin Lang didn't know how to use it.

And the goatee-bearded Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief after refining the elixir, and when he looked up at Qin Lang, he was suddenly stunned... How is it possible?

How did this guy refine two kinds at the same time?With puzzled eyes, this guy repeatedly glanced at the two kinds of elixirs refined by Qin Lang, but he also didn't know the two kinds of elixirs refined by Qin Lang.

In the end, the organizing committee and the guests evaluated all the semi-finalists. Those who failed to create a single formula within the specified time, or failed to refine the finished pill, naturally came to the bottom.

There were a total of more than 30 people who successfully refined the innovative elixir, and the organizing committee selected the ten most outstanding ones for the second evaluation.After repeated discussions between the judges and the guests, the top ten rankings were basically discussed, but there was a little dispute over the No. 1 candidate. The guests and judges who were bought by the Dongfang family insisted on supporting Goatee Jiuding for this The first alchemy king, because the other party refined a very practical top-grade elixir, Baiqiao Pill.

Hundred Aperture Pill, which can directly open up a monk's hundred orifices after use, is also a special kind of foundation-building elixir, which is several times more effective than the foundation-building pills used by cultivators. After opening up a hundred orifices, a monk is at least stronger than the same level of comprehension. Double, so although it can only be used on foundation-building monks, it is also very good.

However, among the judges and guests, Qin Lang, who can refine two kinds of elixirs in a limited time, is more valued. What's more, the elixir refined by Qin Lang also has a kind of Shanglu elixir, marrow washing liquid, and this marrow washing liquid While improving the cultivation level, it can also improve the spiritual roots and cultivation qualifications of the monks, which is no worse than Baiqiao Pill.

If Qin Lang didn't refine the second pill within a limited time, I'm afraid he really has no hope of winning the alchemy king. After all, the goatee Jiuding is really good, and the Dongfang family will participate again A part of the rating, a part of the show, and a part of the guests were bought.

But now, in addition to refining the marrow washing liquid, Qin Lang has also refined Liugan Dan, which can increase the monk's telepathic ability at the door of taking it, that is, the ability to predict danger in advance. This kind of pill is tasteless It's also tasteless, and it's practical and practical, and I don't know how to evaluate it.

After all, no one knows that after taking the elixir, danger will definitely come within the duration of the medicinal power.This is awkward to say, but if you think about it the other way around, if the monk knows that he will be in danger in the next moment, then there is little point in taking the Six Senses Pill.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Qin Lang innovated two kinds of pills within a limited time. The Six Senses Pill has become Qin Lang's biggest bonus weapon. He does not need to cheat at all to win over the judges, as long as he is a normal person Everyone knows that Qin Lang is better than Jiuding with a goatee in this competition.

In fact, Dan Wang Yu Decheng, the chief judge of the competition, is indeed a staid and fair master. After seeing the enchantment of the two, he was also very surprised by Qin Lang, saying: "This contestant innovates the Dan Fang. The speed, as well as the integrity of the alchemy formula are incomparable to the actual alchemy. It has already surpassed the level of ordinary alchemy masters... I am afraid that it is not much different from a master-level alchemist. Even I need to ask this contestants to learn."

After finishing this sentence, it also proves that the No. 17 alchemy king has been named after 200 years, and he did not suddenly reach the level of alchemy master. It is estimated that he is still stuck at the level of alchemy master peak.

But even so, he is still one of the most respected alchemists in the alchemy world of the Western Desert, and his words are definitely authoritative.

Therefore, Qin Lang is undoubtedly the candidate for this year's Pill King.

(End of this chapter)

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