The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1633 Medical Sage 1 Pulse

Chapter 1633

However, for such a result, the Dongfang family was a little unconvinced, and as a contestant, Master Jiuding was even more unconvinced. He believed that he had refined the top-grade panacea just like Qin Lang within the specified time. First, give yourself another chance for an extra round.

As for the fact that Qin Lang created two kinds of pills within the specified time, Master Jiuding directly ignored it. In fact, this goatee didn't believe that the young man in front of him had such ability at all. He didn't believe that Qin Lang could do it within the specified time. Two Dan formulas have been innovated in a row. After all, such a talent has never been heard of in history.

He thinks that it is very likely that Qin Lang cheated before the competition. It is very likely that the judges leaked the news, allowing Qin Lang to get the content of the final competition in advance, and thus won this competition. Sample.

"I don't agree!"

At this time, Jiuding called out in front of all the judges, but what he got in return was the contemptuous eyes of most of the judges, who is this!Don't you know that all the materials for the finals were prepared in advance by the senior Dan Wang Yu Decheng alone?

In fact, even they, the judges, didn't know what materials Senior Pill had purchased, so how could it be possible to leak the secrets in advance.

Perhaps, the guy in front of him is in a daze. He shouldn't think that the alchemy king leaked the exam questions for personal gain. Unfortunately, this may never be true. Let's not say that senior Yu Decheng is the most respected and respected person in the alchemy world of the western desert. One of the alchemists would not do such self-destructive things. Besides, the old man is not familiar with Qin Lang, and there is no intersection between the two, so how could he leak the exam questions to Qin Lang.

"You don't agree?"

Pill King Yu Decheng glanced at the contestant indifferently at this time, and said: "Jiuding, speaking of it, you can be considered my junior... Although your master Qian Zizi failed to compete with me for the Pill King, he was not angry. , but submerge yourself to continuously hone alchemy skills, and this is how you won the fourth, fifth, and sixth consecutive alchemy championships. How come you don’t even have half the strength of your master? It’s really disappointing ah!"

Unexpectedly, Master Jiuding with a goatee is actually Yu Decheng's junior, which is a big surprise.

In this case, the alchemy king Yu Decheng probably lived at least 900 years old. After all, the goatee master Jiuding is about [-] years old.

"Uncle Master..."

At this time, Jiu Ding was reluctant to talk about the matter, whether the fact that his master Qian Zi was also the alchemy king, and he had a very good relationship with Yu Decheng, in this case, he had to listen to Yu Decheng's words.He looked around the arena, then at Qin Lang, finally snorted, and left the arena without saying a word.

Now Goatee Jiuding is extremely upset, so he can only leave the arena sullenly. This year's alchemy king has completely missed him.

And after the goatee Jiuding left, the fact that Qin Lang won the crown of the alchemy king this year has been settled, and no one raised any objections.At this time, Qin Lang was called to the host stage, Yu Decheng looked at him with a smile, and sighed: "The waves behind the Tianhe River push the waves ahead, and this talent is the same...It's really amazing that Xiaoyou can achieve such results in Dandao at such a young age." Young people are awesome, I am far inferior to you at your age, and I am still stuck in the last step of alchemy master and have not been able to break through, and I don't know if there is any chance to break through again in this life."

"Young man, this year's Dan King has already been won by you... My friend is called Qin Lang, right? This is your competition reward, please accept it."

Yu Decheng chuckled, and handed Qin Lang the rewards of the Dan Furnace Yin Yang Chaos Furnace and Queen Mother Grass, and then patted Qin Lang on the shoulder, saying: "Little friend, let's have a good chat if we have a chance, and discuss our respective alchemy together." experience."

"Well, good senior."

Although they are also alchemy masters, an old alchemy king like Yu Decheng definitely has more experience in alchemy than himself. After all, his age is there, so Qin Lang also seems to respect this old senior.

"Okay, that's it."

Yu Decheng signaled Qin Lang to step down, and then began to announce that the other winners of the Pill King Conference came to the stage to accept the awards.

Of course, compared to the top-grade alchemy furnace and Queen Mother Grass that Qin Lang got, the rewards received by other awards are undoubtedly much inferior, just like the top ten is nothing more than a top-grade magic weapon, Qin Lang is only rewarded with the alchemy furnace It has far exceeded their award-winning value.

This time, Jiuding was swept away under the eyes of everyone at the Alchemy King Conference. In the end, even the Alchemy King was taken away by Qin Lang. Naturally, he was very angry. He returned to the residence of the Dongfang Family. The mood calmed down.

After calming down, Jiuding began to think about Danbi in the final. It was really not easy to create a new alchemy formula and succeed in alchemy in just three hours. He asked himself that he had tried his best, but now Qin Lang's score exceeded No matter how he denies it, it is true, of course, the premise is that if the other party does not resort to cheating.

Recalling the whole process of alchemy, Jiuding suddenly said to the next servant at this time, according to the preparation of the finals of this alchemy conference, arrange a few more such alchemy materials for me, and I want to retreat.

Although Jiuding is not a very good person, he is really sincere about the pills. Although he is not convinced by Qin Lang, he still decides to hone his alchemy skills first, so that his skills can be improved again, and then he can use his ability to try again. Beat the opponent by one game.

At the Pill King Conference held this time, Qin Lang created two kinds of elixir within three hours, one high-grade and one medium-grade, so Jiuding decided that if he wanted to surpass Qin Lang within three hours, he had to continue Two kinds of high-grade pills were innovatively refined.

Among the more than 100 kinds of materials, there is a black crystal nucleus, which is very special, although the grade of the material cannot be seen.

Seeing the black crystal nucleus, Jiuding's eyes lit up, he held it in the palm of his hand and felt it, and then said: "The second top-grade panacea I want to innovate seems to fall on this!"


Qin Lang was invited by senior Yu Decheng, the first Dan King, after the end of the Dan King Dayu. The two drank tea and chatted for a while in a secret room.

Holding the teacup, Yu Decheng took a good sip, and said: "Although the beast blood tea brewed in Wushuang City is relatively light, it is rich in aura and has a long aftertaste. I will never forget it every time I come here! After taking a sip comfortably Only then did he close the chatter box: "This old man's alchemy skills come from the Danding School of the Southern School of Western Desert, and my little friend's alchemy skills are superb, and it seems to have a complete inheritance. I don't know where the teacher came from? "

"Southern Region...Heavenly Medicine Sect." Qin Lang answered casually after receiving the tea that the waiter had just made.

"Heavenly doctor?"

Yu Decheng was stunned, and said: "Although the Tianyi Sect has declined, I heard that it is only a second-class sect in the Southern Region, but it was famous in ancient times, and its status in the Southern Region is the same as that of my Danding Sect in the West Desert." , it turns out that Xiaoyou is also a teacher from a famous family!"

"Hehe." Qin Lang chuckled. In fact, his identity as a doctor of the day is a long story. If it wasn't for Xuan Qingzi's descent to the position and Yuanshen's failure to seize the body, he would not have been able to get the memory of Xuan Qingzi and the doctor of the day. Inheritance, and will not have the opportunity to come into contact with cultivation, and thus come to Qinghe Continent to embark on the road of pursuing longevity.

All of this is also a coincidence, but it is the same as destined in the dark, maybe God has arranged all this long ago, and I am destined to be extraordinary.

However, Qin Lang still doesn't believe in fate, he only believes in himself, and everything he has now is the result of his unremitting persistence and hard work.It can be said that if another person had obtained Xuan Qingzi's Primordial Spirit Fragment at the beginning, it might not be able to reach Qin Lang's future step.

"Speaking of which, the Heavenly Medicine Sect and our Danding Sect are in the same lineage in ancient times. It seems that they both came from the lineage of the Medical Sage. I heard that the ancient Medical Sage is an alchemist at the level of the Supreme Grand Master, and even reached the level of creating something out of nothing and making alchemy with one thought. The ability to create things, it is possible that the medical sages have already ascended to the heavens in ancient times, and the inheritance left by the Qinghe continent can only be promoted to the master realm at most, and even if it is the master realm, the entire four major domains of the Qinghe continent for tens of thousands of years. Several people showed up.

"Medical saint?"

Qin Lang was stunned. Although he had the memory of Xuan Qingzi and the inheritance of the Tianyi Sect, even the ancestor of the Tianyi Sect did not leave a record of his origin in the inheritance. This is the first time he heard outsiders say that the inheritance of the Tianyi Sect came from However, as a master of alchemy close to the master level, Yu Decheng's words are quite credible.

Qin Lang feels that he has gained a lot of knowledge. In fact, there are many ancient secrets in this continent, which cannot be fully mastered by one or two sects. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to go out and communicate with others. Totally undesirable.

"The inheritance of the medical sage is distributed in the four major domains of the Qinghe Continent, but the most important distribution area is actually in the eastern domain, which is the end of the East China Sea."

Yu Decheng saw that Qin Lang was interested, so he continued: "There is also a Danding gate in the east, which is actually the source of the Danding gate in the West Desert, but for some reason, that Danding gate has already fallen to the human race and the sea race. During the chaos of the war, our Danding Sect in the West Desert has developed, and although it is not comparable to some big families, it is far more than some middle-level sects in the Southern Region."

"The old man Yu Decheng is the elder of this year's Danding Sect. The Jiuding guy who competed with the little friend at the Dan King Conference before, his master is the current suzerain of the Danding Sect, Qian Zi. Speaking of which, the old man and Qian Zi For so many years, we have been brothers and competitors, and although we have different temperaments, we all love Dan Dao the same."

Recalling his younger brother who grew up with him for many years, Yu Decheng rarely showed a smile. There are such like-minded competitors on the road of life, and this life is not in vain.

"Hehe, that's how it is."

At this moment, Qin Lang understood why Jiuding, the goatee, did not refute the old man Yu Decheng even though he was not convinced at the Pill King Conference, but walked away directly. It turned out that the two really had a deeper relationship before. That's right.

(End of this chapter)

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