The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1634 The Influence of the New Pill King

Chapter 1634 The Influence of the New Pill King
"There are three brothers in my generation, and the old man ranks second. The elder brother unfortunately died when he was exploring the remains of the medical saint in the East China Sea a few years ago, so now the entire Danding sect is full of juniors except for my two old guys. gone."

"However, please pay more attention to one thing, my ineffective nephew's alchemy ability is good, but his temperament is very small. He will definitely feel humiliated if he loses the crown at the alchemy conference this time, and I'm afraid he will try to turn around in the future Get back with you." Yu Decheng reminded at this time.

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled, since Jiu Ding is a senior nephew, if he meets this guy again later, he should more or less pay attention to giving Yu Decheng some face, and don't care too much about that guy.After all, if you slap the face too much, it will not only hurt the arrogant goatee, but even the sect behind him will be affected.

"Okay, that's all for this meeting. I have to deal with some business later. I should have given some gifts as a commemoration of the first meeting, but since my little friend won the reward of the Dan King at the Pill King Conference, I don't want to After considering this aspect, I will give you a notebook of the old man's experience in alchemy for many years. You can read more when you have time. Anyway, Tianyimen and Dandingmen are both branches and leaves. Giving you the things I have learned about the Danding Sect is not a rumor."

At this time, Yu De handed Qin Lang a yellowed booklet, which should be the experience of the old man's alchemy for many years.

Facing this notebook, Qin Lang was also slightly moved: "This... is too precious."

If Yu Decheng gave him other gifts, he might not be so shocked. You must know that the alchemy notes in front of you are a complete inheritance of medicine from the Danding Sect. After Qin Lang learns from it, his ability in medicine will definitely increase again One leap at a time.

After bidding farewell to Yu Decheng, Qin Lang was ready to return to his residence with a full harvest, but at this time he was stopped by someone, it was Zuo Tao, and the old fat man ran close out of breath: "The ancestors of our family know that this old man has a good relationship with you, I want to persuade you to join the Zuo family and become the guest elder of the Zuo family." Qin Lang frowned when he said it, so he laughed loudly and said, "I knew you would not agree, so I rejected this one too. The task made the ancestor very unhappy."

"Thank you so much."

Qin Lang loosened his brows, this old fat man is really understanding, he is used to freedom, he doesn't want to be tied to the chariot of these family forces, that will lose his freedom.

"Okay, I have something to tell you!"

The old fat man said to Qin Lang: "Although I rejected the invitation for you, I also agreed to the old ancestor. If the family needs any alchemy in the future, I can make a deal with you. If you want, the price is easy to talk about... little friend , you shouldn’t have trouble with money!”

"Well, let's talk about it later!"

Qin Lang nodded, if he didn't join these family forces, he would not object to earning some extra money occasionally, of course the premise is that he must be in Wushuang City.

When Qin Lang was talking with Zuo Tao, someone came to him again at this time, it was Ma Gan, Qin Lang spoke in advance as soon as he saw him: "Ma Gan, I know your purpose, if you are helping the family to lobby If I join your family, then there is no need to talk about it! You see, I even refused the invitation of the Zuo family, and it is even more impossible to agree to the invitation of your family."

"Uh..." Ma Gan showed his scalp. He really helped the family to lobby Qin Lang, but the other party blocked his mouth in advance like a prophet.At this time, he smiled and said, "Well, I won't lobby you for the family, this time I'm actually making a deal with you. Although the family has a lot of blood essence pills and middle-grade healing medicines, there are not enough alchemists. , and ordinary alchemists can't make high-quality products at all, so I want to ask you for help."

Knowing that Qin Lang is not only a formation master, but also an alchemy master, Ma Gan is also surprised now. He decides to have a good relationship with Qin Lang no matter what, and the whole Ma family also supports Ma Gan's decision.

"Oh, how much do you need to refine?" Qin Lang asked.

"1000 pieces of Blood Yuan Pill, [-] copies of medium-grade healing medicine Shengji Huaguao. The materials are provided by our Ma family. Fellow Daoists are only responsible for refining, and the time limit is three months! In addition, the Ma family is willing to help the alchemy this time." Pay [-] million plus [-]% of the finished pill." Ma Gan really gave a big order, if this order is made, Qin Lang's income will also be very exciting.

After Qin Lang thought for a while, he nodded and said: "Okay, I'll take this order. You can send the materials to a big house outside Wushuang City. You can come and pick up the alchemy I made here every seven days. .”

"Okay, thank you so much!"

Ma Gan is also very happy, not only because the transaction was negotiated, but also because of the closer relationship with Qin Lang through this transaction. If it is just alchemy, he can find other alchemists. The quality of the alchemy may be worse, he knows that it will only be good for the Ma family to deal with a young and promising alchemy master like Qin Lang, and there will be no harm.


When Qin Lang returned to the mansion, Ma Gan really sent someone to send over all the alchemy materials, and the materials for refining [-] blood yuan pills plus [-] middle-grade healing medicine Shengji Huagu paste piled up a whole lot. Luckily, the whole mansion is quite empty now, so after helping Lang randomly find a room to lay down the restriction, he temporarily piled up these materials in it.

Then, in the past few days, I have been cultivating while refining alchemy. Now the Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace obtained from the Pill King Conference has been refined by Qin Lang. If this top-grade alchemy furnace is used for alchemy, the success rate will directly increase by 30.00%. With Qin Lang's Ability plus a high success rate bonus, so the efficiency and income of refining now have directly increased by [-] to [-]%.

Looking at the materials in this room, Qin Lang also sighed. It might not take more than two months to completely digest the materials in this room. However, there is no rush anyway, and he can practice while practicing every day. Alchemy, so that you can earn both spiritual stones and resources through cultivation.

After all, one cannot always sit and eat. Although he still has a net worth of [-] to [-] million yuan, it is normal for him to earn a little bit of net worth for future cultivation and survival.

While Qin Lang was practicing and refining alchemy, he also took out the experience notes given by the alchemy king Yu Decheng, repeatedly pondered, absorbed some of the alchemy experience, and used it to improve his alchemy skills and proficiency.

With this notebook of alchemy king Yu Decheng's experience, Qin Lang is equivalent to an extra book of alchemy experience. The road that originally took four or five years to complete, was almost completed in this short week, and Qin Lang officially promoted At the peak of the alchemy master, he is only a step away from the master.

This result was somewhat beyond Qin Lang's expectations. Originally, he thought it would take at least three or four months for him to fully absorb all the content in this notebook. Now that the time for absorbing knowledge has been shortened, it also means that he has more time to absorb the contents of the notebook. Focus your energy elsewhere.

So, in spare time, Qin Lang collected some materials, and refined a furnace of perfect-quality Good Fortune Pills. Qin Lang refined the Queen Mother Grass obtained from the Pill King Conference as the main material. He bought sixty good fortune pills the size of luminous balls. The perfect quality good luck pills are crystal clear, with extremely exquisite patterns on the surface. It looks like these medicine pills are like works of art.

This batch of pills was carefully stored by Qin Lang in a ruby ​​box, as his own life-saving thing in the future, and then, when Qin Lang was about to continue alchemy, the door of the room rang at this time, and it was the old fat man Zuo Tao.

"Huh? Why is the old fat man free to visit me today?" Qin Lang joked, Zuo Tao has been very busy these days since he entered the city, and he rarely took the initiative to go back outside the city to take a look at Wanxin and thoughts of old friends.

"Hehe, this time I'm on a mission for the family, and I'm looking for you to make a deal."

"You don't want me to practice alchemy, do you?"

Qin Lang asked, "What happened to the big and small families in Wushuang City recently? Why did they all come to me for alchemy all of a sudden? Is it because the Alchemy King Conference completely made my name famous, and then it also brought side effects... This is the reputation. Is it bothering you?"

After Qin Lang took over the alchemy deal from the Ma family, many families in Wushuang City came to him one after another, wanting to establish a relationship with Qin Lang and ask Qin Lang for help in alchemy, but they were all rejected by Qin Lang.

After all, I am too busy with the alchemy task of the Chuma Family now, and it will take me more than two months to finish this deal!Now he is no better than in the past. After the Pill King Conference became famous, the situation of needing to buy materials and set up a stall to make money in the past is no longer possible. Now he is always coming to the door to ask for help in alchemy, and all of them are materials. Prepare yourself, let Qin Lang choose.

After all, Qin Lang is a veritable alchemy king, an alchemy king who comes out every ten years!Moreover, he is young and promising, with an unlimited future, such a character, Wushuang, all the forces in the city, big and small, will rush to curry favor as long as they are not fools.

Moreover, even the Dongfang family sent people to contact Qin Lang. Unfortunately, Qin Lang didn't care about each other at all. After all, there was a little bit of friction between the two parties before. People can only retreat without success.

"Yeah, I'm looking for you to make alchemy! Little friend Qin Lang, you don't need to know... After the end of the Wushuang ruins, there was a gap between the ruins and the outside world for some reason. Now there are a lot of densely packed underground monsters gushing out from the ground. Now that the entire government has blocked that seam grandson, all the major families are working together to find a way to deal with these monsters frenzy!

(End of this chapter)

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