The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1635 Magic Crystal Pill

Chapter 1635 Magic Crystal Pill

"There is a gap between the ruins and the outside world, and even the monsters inside are pouring out of the ground in large numbers? It's so scary..."

After Qin Lang heard it, he was also slightly surprised.

He once encountered monsters erupting in the process of exploring the Wushuang ruins. Although the individual strength of the underground monsters is not very good, and they only have the cultivation base of the early and middle stages of forming alchemy, the number of Shengzai is huge. At that time, it surged like a tide, densely packed I don't know how many there were. In the end, even the entire northern district fell completely, and all the monks who entered the ruins were driven out of this area.

Of course, those monks who failed to escape from the tide of monsters at that time were all directly swallowed up by the monsters like the tide. It is estimated that there will be no bones left in the end. Even items with aura can't escape their gnawing.

"So it is."

It was only then that Qin Lang suddenly realized that if the tide of underground monsters formed a disaster, then... Now the entire Wushuang City is really in a little crisis.

After all, the tide of underground monsters seems to be endless, and it is not known whether the space under the Wushuang ruins is directly connected to an unknown plane, which caused the scene of a large number of special alien creatures invading.

However, it seems impossible for the wave of monsters to affect the entire Qinghe Continent. Now there are quite a few high-level monks in Wushuang City, and everyone will work together to find a way to deal with these monsters.

And then Qin Lang also agreed to make alchemy for the Zuo family. After all, his relationship with Zuo Tao is here. Zuo Tao people have to show face when they come. Since Qin Lang was able to agree to the deal with the Ma family before, he would not refuse Zoe's deal.

What Zuo Tao brought was also a big order, and it was a big order similar to that of the Ma family. Qin Lang could earn 1000 million spirit stones and [-]% of the elixir feedback from this big order.

However, the arrival of this big order also makes Qin Lang busy for four or five months. Basically, he needs to spare three or four hours every day for alchemy. You have to work hard to complete it.


On the other side of the Dongfang family, Master Goatee Jiuding has been busy innovating alchemy recipes these days, using the hundred kinds of ingredients from the previous Pill King Conference. Such a genius with a super system is simply incomparable. Qin Lang innovated two kinds of elixir within three hours at that time, and it took Jiuding three full days to initially conceive the second top-grade elixir.

The main material for this kind of refining is a special kind of magic crystal. It is said that it is the crystal nucleus in the monster body brought out by adventurers from the bottomless ruins when the tide of monsters broke out in the bottomless ruins recently.And the pill he created is called "Magic Crystal Pill".

This special elixir is also used for cultivation, and the deduced elixir is powerful. It seems that taking this elixir can directly improve the cultivator's cultivation level.

Even...according to Jiu Ding's conjecture, if the experiment of Dan Fang is successful this time, he can even cause a shock in the entire Qinghe Continent, causing a major change in the cultivation world for tens of thousands of years.

This time the alchemy formula is very precious, it is so precious, if the experiment of the alchemy formula is successful, Jiuding even feels that the alchemy formulas created by those alchemists at the alchemy conference are absolutely as bad as compared to his own this time. .

Why do you say that?Because this kind of elixir that directly improves the realm does not raise the small realm, but the big realm!If it is successfully researched by him, the entire comprehension world can even mass-produce Nascent Soul stage cultivators relying on this magic crystal pill.

Thinking of this, Jiuding was very excited, so he accelerated the speed of research again, and started the first trial production of alchemy.

Half an hour later... Black smoke rose from the alchemy furnace. Goatee Jiuding opened the alchemy furnace and frowned, all the materials were burnt into charred smoke.

In the following time, he began to stop and think about what kind of mistakes occurred in the trial production of alchemy to cause such a phenomenon. After thinking for about three full hours, he immediately started the second trial. test. ,

Half an hour later... This time there was no black smoke from the alchemy furnace, but when I opened the alchemy furnace, all the materials turned into dan slag, which was more annoying than tofu dregs, and all the materials were lost somehow. Lost.

So, next he thought again.Once, twice, three times...five times, eight times...after more than [-] experiments, he managed to concoct a few pills that were neither yellow nor white. It looks very turbid on the surface, and it should be a semi-waste product with at least [-]% impurities. If it is replaced by monks, it will not only be of no benefit, but will also affect the body.

After concocting this miscellaneous pill, Jiuding did not dare to give it to the monks, but found a first-level water arrow rabbit for experimentation, and gave it this miscellaneous pill, and it turned out that the water arrow rabbit was taking this pill In less than half a minute, the entire body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"This is because the Water Arrow Rabbit is too weak to withstand the potency of the pill. It seems that we need to change to a monster with a stronger physique..."

Jiuding thought for a while, and asked the Dongfang family to replace it with a third-level monster giant tooth pig. This is a bulky and slow-moving monster. Its personality is relatively docile among monsters, and its delicious meat has always been the food of the restaurant. preferred.

The giant-toothed pig was locked in a thick cast iron cage. After Jiuding fed the giant-toothed pig with this miscellaneous pill, it didn't take long for the giant-toothed pig to become manic, and its whole body doubled as if inflated. Its eyes turned red in an instant, and it roared wildly and began to hit the pig iron cage continuously.

One, two, three...

In just three strokes, the pig iron cage that was as thick as an adult's thigh was smashed to pieces by a gigantic pig with a body size of nearly three tons, and then this docile monster instantly turned into a ferocious beast and tried the alchemy in this room of Jiuding The laboratory was destroyed, and four or five servants in the middle and late stage of alchemy were seriously injured. Fortunately, Jiuding himself was a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, so he turned the tide and saved this crisis.

Under the medicinal power of the miscellaneous pill, the strength of the crazy giant toothed beast has increased by at least ten times. It feels that the impact force is not much different from that of a fifth-order monster, and after taking the pill, not only the impact force becomes, but the speed and The agility has also been greatly improved, and even Jiuding has spent a lot of effort to subdue this third-order giant tooth pig again.

In the end, Jiuding replaced the giant-toothed pig with a stronger stainless steel cage, and placed a lot of restrictions around it, which subdued the violent giant-toothed pig.After subduing the giant-toothed pig, Jiuding continued to study the various data of the mutated giant-toothed pig, and finally concluded that he had some in-depth understanding of the newly researched elixir.

"This kind of elixir...although it can greatly improve a monk's cultivation, but it seems that the side effects are not small! I am afraid that even if the impurities in the elixir are purified, the violent medicinal power will still cause a calm monk to lose control. Crazy with emotions."

Jiuding frowned, thinking about ways to purify and improve the elixir.

Finally, after designing several times, Jiuding finally designed an optimal plan. The side effects of the purified elixir are relatively small. If the monk has good control over his emotions, he should be able to restrain the effects of this elixir. side effect.

Next, Goatee Jiuding made alchemy again, this time the surface of the purified elixir was as lustrous as emerald, and the purity was as high as 90.00%, which was considered to be relatively less impurity even in top-grade elixir.

"Finally, I have refined the Demon Crystal Pill that can be taken by monks... However, after the Demon Crystal Pill has been tested by monsters, I still need to find a human body to try the pill. After all, the pill must be taken by monks in the end, so that I can truly master the pill. Drug data."

Jiuding thought for a while, and then said to himself: "Moreover, this monk must have a cultivation level above the middle stage of the knot, in order to be able to perform the trial pill perfectly. Who should I look for now?"

Soon Jiuding asked the Dongfang family to mobilize personnel to test pills, and knowing that Jiuding had developed a pill that could greatly improve the cultivation level of monks, the entire management of the Dongfang family was overjoyed and directly recruited personnel within the family , and finally raised ten late-stage alchemy monks.

Among the ten monks in the late stage of alchemy, nine are servants, and one is actually the fourth-generation young master Dongfang Qing. This guy came here voluntarily. I heard that the family's new alchemy master Jiuding has already refined He came up with a kind of elixir that could greatly improve the monk's cultivation level, and immediately acted as the vanguard of the elixir without even thinking about it.

He was really afraid of being stuck in the late stage of alchemy during the two months of hard training. Originally, his cultivation talent was good, but recently he has been eager to improve his cultivation level, so that he can find Qin Lang To take revenge for a slap in the face is almost to become a demon.

In this case, the more anxious this guy is, the more he will be unable to practice well, and his progress will naturally be extremely slow.


When all the experimenters came to the experiment site, Jiuding first got to know some of their respective cultivation conditions with these drug testers, and then said some things that should be paid attention to after taking the "Magic Crystal Pill", and gave each of these drug testers A red jade bottle was issued, and the bottle contained the newly refined "Magic Crystal Pill".

This batch of magic crystal pills has been purified by Jiuding for the tenth time, and the purity of the pills has reached 90.00%. big problem.

Afterwards, the ten pill testers took the magic crystal pill according to Jiuding's instructions, and then they all sat cross-legged to refine the power of the medicine. In the secret room, the ten pill testers all had steam rising from their bodies. The potency of the medicine has been maximized after everyone has exercised their skills.

(End of this chapter)

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