Chapter 1636 Go Crazy
The medicinal power of the magic crystal pill reached its maximum in the bodies of the ten pill testers. After a while, one of the pill testers changed his momentum and broke through.

This person directly became a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy.

And after the pill tester broke through, the true energy in his body was still running, and the medicinal power of that magic crystal pill had only exerted one-third, and the remaining two-thirds of the medicinal power had not been fully absorbed until now. .


The pill tester had a painful expression on his face. Obviously, the process of absorbing the magic crystal pill was not easy, but although he was in pain, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, gradually transferring the medicinal power of the pill in his body into his meridians.

Now, the aura of this pill tester is constantly improving, and his cultivation base is slowly approaching from the Dzogchen stage in the late stage of pill formation to the Nascent Soul stage. The potency of the medicine is not enough for him to break through the Yuanying stage.

Even so, the medicinal power of this magic crystal pill is amazing, which is equivalent to a magic crystal pill that directly allows monks in the late stage of forming a pill to rush to the Dzogchen in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and there is still a lot of medicinal power left after the upgrade, which is equivalent to a whole Promoted by more than one class.

Now, if this pill tester takes another magic crystal pill, it is estimated that he can be promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage properly.

And just after this alchemist was promoted to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, the remaining nine alchemists also improved their cultivation one after another at this time, and each of them reached the Dzogchen in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And after Jiuding verified their bodies, he felt that these guys' bodies could continue to bear the pill, so he distributed the second magic crystal pill to these ten people, and watched them take it.

The ten pill testers took the magic crystal pill again, and this time, without exception, they all directly promoted to the early stage of Yuanying. It broke through smoothly, as if the period from the Dzogchen stage in the alchemy stage to the Nascent Soul stage was not separated by a big realm at all, but an ordinary small realm.

It went so well!

"Did it really go so smoothly?"

Jiuding couldn't believe it went so smoothly this time, and then repeatedly tested various data of the experimenter, but found no problems.So this guy became excited: "This... I developed this cross-age pill, the Magic Crystal Pill, like this? Haha, genius! I am a genius! This kind of pill was born, even if I didn't get this This year's Pill King, this trip was worthwhile, so what happened to the Pill King... Haha, in fact, I am a stronger existence than the Pill King."

The successful development of the magic crystal pill also made Jiuding's self-confidence swell to the peak. In fact, he didn't know that the side effects of this pill had not been completely eliminated. Those who tried the pill might not have obvious side effects after taking one or two pills. However, if you take too much, it will still cause the emotional outburst of the pill tester, and even unpredictable consequences.

Of course, the current Jiuding did not think of this at all. He is now immersed in the ecstasy of inventing an epoch-making elixir. is coming.


One month later, outside Wushuang City, Qin Lang received a letter of war from the Dongfang family.

This gauntlet was sent by Dongfang Qing, the fourth generation child of the Dongfang family. This idiot who had offended Qin Lang at the beginning was beaten so hard by Qin Lang that his face was swollen.Ever since the slap in the face incident at the racecourse, Dongfang Qing has been in seclusion without shame and has vowed to avenge this revenge.

Originally, based on his cultivation in the late stage of alchemy, it is impossible to catch up with Qin Lang in any way. It is estimated that even if he waits for decades, it will be useless. After all, while he is improving, Qin Lang is also improving. The cultivation base between the two sides The gap will only grow wider.

However, Dongfang Qing encountered one thing that changed his fate, that is, he joined the alchemy master Jiuding's alchemy plan of the family Keqing. His cultivation level has been raised from the late stage of alchemy to the middle stage of Yuanying.

This month is too dreamy for Dongfang Qing. He can hardly believe that a monk in the late stage of alchemy can pass several steps in a short period of time, and even reach the stage of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. The huge hurdle between infants can be directly balanced and passed, and the "Magic Crystal Pill" researched by Master Jiuding is also amazing. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first cultivation pill in the history of the cultivation world.

After all, there are all kinds of powerful pills that can improve the realm in the cultivation world, but they are all impossible to mass-produce, and while the magic crystal pill has amazing effects, it can also be mass-produced and mass-produced... This is meaningless Average.

After all, the main material of the Magic Crystal Pill is the crystallization of underground monsters. Now, for monks on Wushuangpo, underground monsters are not difficult to find. Now there is a gap at a certain point connecting the Wushuang ruins with the outside world, and there are a lot of monsters every day. Underground monsters gushed out from inside.

The level of these underground monsters is not very high, but there is a crystal nucleus in each head, and this crystal nucleus is the main material for refining the "Magic Crystal Pill".

Although the number of underground monsters gushing out from the gaps in the ruins every day is not particularly large, it is still quite a lot. Therefore, the main material of the magic crystal pill, the underground monsters and magic crystals, will accumulate some every day. Others may not know what these magic crystals are. Useful, but now it can definitely come in handy, all can be used for alchemy.

Seeing the letter of war sent by the Dongfang family, Qin Lang didn't take it very seriously. Dongfangqing was only a monk in the late stage of alchemy a few months ago. No matter how he improves now, Qin Lang doesn't think the opponent can beat him.

After all, I can now practice the Dzogchen in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and I can break through at any time to become a real monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Under such circumstances, Dongfang Qing couldn't cheat, and this kind of miraculous case could happen.

It's a pity that he has been busy with his own affairs these days, so he didn't pay much attention to the last thing sent by Wushuang City.However, although Qin Lang didn't pay much attention to this matter, Qin Lang's servant Shi Dakai has been paying attention to this matter.

But on the day when the other party agreed to a duel, Qin Lang broke the appointment, and the other party was also very surprised that he did not show up at the duel scene. This strange situation also surprised some spectators who came early. What's the matter? Today is not a duel between the two sides day?Why now that the time has come, neither of the agreed parties has shown up.

In fact, not only the audience was surprised, but even Qin Lang's servant Shi Dakai was also puzzled. The reason why his master Qin Lang didn't come after receiving the gauntlet was because the master didn't like duels of this level. A few months ago, he was only in the late stage of alchemy, so Qin Lang naturally didn't believe that the opponent had the same combat power as himself after only a few months of cultivation.

It's normal for Qin Lang not to come because of his identity, but logically speaking, Dongfang Qing, who is under the gauntlet, has to rush to the duel scene early no matter whether the other party comes or not. If Qin Lang doesn't come, Dongfang Qing can make a big show of it His own strength, and at the same time demote Qin Lang to nothing in front of the audience, so that he could somewhat regain some face.

However, Dongfang Qing, who was the party who made the appointment, did not appear at the scene of the appointment. From morning to afternoon, this kid never showed up.

Afterwards, the surrounding audience waited impatiently and began to leave the venue one by one. At this time, there was a sudden breaking news: "Dongfang Qing, the young master of the party who made the appointment, has gone crazy! So this time I couldn't keep the appointment. Come."


When Qin Lang received the news, he was also taken aback, shook his head, and said in his heart: "I guess I taught this kid a lesson a few months ago. I taught him too much, so Dongfang Qing practiced too hard and stretched his nerves." It's too tight, isn't it... Now that the string is broken, the whole person will go crazy."

Anyway, Qin Lang guessed this way, he didn't know that there was another reason for Dongfang Qing's madness now, and the truth was known to the world not too long ago.

Because of the next major incident in the Dongfang family, the ten testers of the entire Dongfang family who participated in the trial of the magic crystal pill, except for Dongfang Qing, five people went crazy one after another. Now the entire Dongfang family is about to become a madhouse. Goatee-bearded alchemy master Jiuding tried alchemy experiments. After a month interval, six of the ten alchemists have gone crazy, and the remaining four normal people seem to be unstable, and it is very likely that they will also be insane The disease is contagious.


The Dongfang family, Jiuding, the creator of the magic crystal pill formula, is now in a state of desperation, almost jumping over the wall in a hurry.This time, he may encounter big troubles. The Magic Crystal Pill, which he thought was safe and secure, now has such a big flaw. Now because of the previous research mistakes, everything needs to be reinvented, and he has also been questioned by the entire Dongfang family. .

After all, although this magic crystal monster can greatly improve the realm of cultivation, but this powerful side effect is also a double-edged sword, making this original divine pill suddenly become rubbish, and now the ten pill testers of the Dongfang family are crazy. Six of them have been absorbed, and the remaining four may not have reached the critical point of drug absorption. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be too much later, and the final ending will definitely be the rhythm of everyone going crazy together.

In this case, Jiuding's innovation of Danfang still failed this time, and because of the Dongfang family's doubts, now Jiuding has no face to stay in the Dongfang family anymore, and he was directly kicked out by the Dongfang family.

As for the guest welfare that the Dongfang family promised him before... It's a joke, now that he has caused such a big turmoil in the Dongfang family, the entire Dongfang family is about to become a lunatic asylum. They were all insane, it would have been good if the Dongfang family didn't ask him for medical expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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